
The superior race.

How can ogres and orcs compete?

get your elf on user.

Literally why

Oh shit that slipped my eye in the catalog.

It's the same picture and filename you tard.

Dwarves are far sexier.

4/10, severe lack of sexy ears.

I see you prefer twigs with ugly ears over meat. Perhaps you prefer boys.

Meat and sexy, sexy elf ears aren't mutually exclusive, my homosexual friend.

They are, but what does an anime-tard know about elves.


Remember elves are for human use before they are discarded

Anime-fags are the worst elf-haters.

Well... In Harmonde there are no elves, and ogres are highly civilized tactical geniuses who operate famous mercenary bands after their original military hegemony was destroyed long ago... So... Much better I guess? Or similarly? It's hard to say... At least they exist on the setting.

Situation: You and the party are elves sent to parley with a conquering general of a human country, upon meeting him, you discover that he is evil and corrupted by black magic. Do you:

A) Inform the other humans of his treachery before it spirals out of control, or,
B) Speak cryptically before trying to kill all the humans around without explaining your actions


B of course!

A, what Eldrad did.

>B) Speak cryptically before trying to kill all the humans around without explaining your actions
I thought that's what Elven Parley was?

Not even the best girl in that manga.

That said, I'm surprised by how likable the worldbuilding is in this thing. You don't often see colonial era high fantasy. It's almost possible to forget that it also does stuff like make dwarf women into tall tittymonsters and have powerups attained though breastmilk.

>implying I didn't corrupt him

Name ONE thing that elves can do better that humans can't find a way to overcome through their adaptability.




The sauce for the first two is Shinju no Nectar. No idea where HOW I ELF originally came from.

Not dying of old age

Ah, but humans gain experience faster, so they don't need as much lifetime as those silly elves to accomplish things.

>but humans gain experience faster

Wow, I guess I've been playing D&D completely wrong all these years.

But the thing i named is "Not dying of old age".
It's not the means to gain experience. It's the goal.
Elves win again.

But even Elves are not immortal, so if the goal is to live forever then a human can simply become a lich.

If it's finding immortality with magic, elves have a lot more time to do it before they die, and are also much more likely to find a way to make not just you, but every other elf immortal, and while staying beautiful instead of becoming a skellington.


They're classed as undead for a reason. And anyone can become a lich, it's not a human thing.

Don't Tolkien and Warhammer elves only die from boredom/depression or being killed?

Some were raped to death.

How I Elf is a doujin of Dragons Crown

Tolkien elves yes, I don't think Warhammer elves are true immortal though.

Currently playing an elf, the way I play the racial arrogance is not by being a prick who thinks they're superior, but simply by being smugger than an anime girl in a reaction image and supremely self confident.

So when someone asks my character how they're doing/handling something, the response is "wonderfully, of course". He admits when he makes mistakes but then moves smoothly into

>"You know, every one of your people i've met has been very...confident."


>"Aren't you worried you come off a bit arrogant?"

>"Some may say so, I don't think it's accurate. I feel like that sort of behavior beneath me"

Tolkien elves are immortal no matter what. Warhammer elves seem to vary. They all live a long-ass time, but they need buckets of willpower to live forever.

I made my elves into kinda fantasy versions of them.

>fantasy version of the scifi version of a fantasy race

D Elf-chan needs a name.



Humans, driven by the frail flame of their mortality, devise a way to live forever. Jealous elves disparage them as undead because they cannot conceive of how a "lesser" species could make a breakthrough elves could not.

Option C.


starting elf age is 120 for an adult, so let's break that down:
20 years of potty training
60 years or so of puberty

elfs are only good as ork's sexslaves

Adulthood for elves is more than physical maturity, it's also a time of mental maturity and the oath to take on the responsibilities of adulthood. Elves physically mature at the same rate as humans but then age at a drastically slower rate. Their age will rarely show until the very autumn of their life, when the hair turns white, and crows feet form in the corners of the eyes, and they become more frail than before. An elf on the cusp of natural death seems like they will fade away from the paleness of their complexion and hair, almost translucent. Colour drains from their body.

>Every phrase is a paragraph
Fuck off

>How can ogres and orcs compete?
with rape

But I want to get my elf off, not on.

Depends on the setting.
In Tolkein's work, sure, you go on and on.... but by the end of time, the elves will envy the dead amongst Men, and Eru seems to think Men are better than Elves.
In some of the games I've played, elves age and mature at the same rate as men, and age as they do. But where Men simply die, elves sorta degrade..... into gnomes. Like, past 100, you're a Kiebler Elf or a lawn ornament. That's when you get your 'Second Life' of 600 years of being a mostly-healthy hexagenarian.

You gonna watch which world you're in.

Why the fuck do we have two elf threads on page one?! This shit really needs to stop. Restrict yourselves to one containment general.


This is an exact replica of a thread that autosaged.

>orcs and ogres
Oh what grief, what could someone do do against such threat. Oh yeah, we send a bunch of amateur adventurers and they nearly go extinct

Yes. Your point is?

Stop trashing up the board. This is spam.

It's not even a question. B

I'm sure Sabia would love him...

Then how did arwen die of old age? And why did all the elves have to leave middle earth?

>Then how did arwen die of old age?
She didn't.
Ho got popped by dem niggaz from Bree, yo.

Arwen reject her immortality to live and die with Aragorn

She would love his wolf mount better


I don't see your badge. Go play police officer somewhere else.

>In some of the games I've played, elves age and mature at the same rate as men, and age as they do. But where Men simply die, elves sorta degrade..... into gnomes. Like, past 100, you're a Kiebler Elf or a lawn ornament. That's when you get your 'Second Life' of 600 years of being a mostly-healthy hexagenarian
While I wouldn't use this approach it sounds really interesting

>implying brown Tomo isn’t best girl

B suits xeno autist I am

>tfw you fell in love with the high elf princess in TWWH
How can one generic character be so perfect?
>Ranged DPS
>Perky and excited about saving the world
>thinks humans are cute puppies.

Explain the human attraction to sexy elf ears.

enlarged erogenous zones

Those of the line of Elwing and Earendil can choose between the fate of elves and the fate of men.

ears too thicc, wouldn't bang

They're alien - but not too alien. They're associated with 'cute' features of human preferred animals without being bestial. They're emotionally expressive in many incarnations.

Tips of the ears hold minor chakras which are barely developed and overshadowed by Ajna in humans because of their placement. In elves they belong half-way between Ajna and the highest chakra Sahasrara. They act as conduits of energy, bright lanterns we can't see but to which we are attracted.

Orcs can produce a louder farts. Beat that, longear.


but then their ears will fall off.

>becoming a lich
in which elves have an advantage over humans- not to mention the difficulties in the process and the physical/mental/soul degredation

>it takes 20 years for elves to learn poo in the loo
At least they learn it faster than indians

the real ones or Weeb shit?

The real ones from weeb shit

Honestly, a lot of issues in Warcraft could have been resolved if certain women were given the Big Orc Cock

Elves are literally just Humans that somehow don't do shit even though they are better in every way. When was the last setting where Elves were not a dying race of indecisive tiddlywinks and exposition machines who have a hard time making 100 years of Human progress in 2000.

>Honestly, a lot of issues in Warcraft could have been resolved if orcs were wiped out
Funny how it works


Jesus, is there any race more eternally asshurt than dwarves?


Greetings, fellow elves! What's going on in this thread?

>When was the last setting where Elves were not a dying race of indecisive tiddlywinks and exposition machines who have a hard time making 100 years of Human progress in 2000.
There are certainly other settings but they aren't commercially successful and don't have expensive marketing behind them

Yah, I assumed we were all talking about the stereotypical elf since you can spin races any which way in your own story.

Warhammer. Elves in that have advanced in a different way, but they're still advancing. Humans made guns, elves made crossbows that somehow outperform guns in every way, etc.

Iron Kingdoms. Elves are definitely a dying race, but they've got technology far beyond humans. The most advanced human nation is just now figuring out technology, whereas elves have discarded it for more efficient power sources, and have guns that delete areas of spacetime. They're also willing to take innovations from other races and improve them with their generally better tech. Their main nation appears to be almost post-scarcity and fully automated, which is good because they're running out of elves to do manual labour.

Eberron. Elves are a dynamic people generally on the same level of development as humans, but more scattered and less prone to settling down. They've been around for longer but had the same starting point as humans for civilization due to having to fight a revolutionary war against giants for most of human prehistory. Also, serial historical reenactors for religious reasons.

Artemis Fowl. Yep, those weird young adult books written by a an eccentric Irishman. Elves are rocking plasma guns and anti-gravity tech while humanity is still burning coal.

TOLKIEN. Elves are literally on another level in every art and science compared to humans, to the point where humans believe that their exploits are magic.

>The most advanced human nation is just now figuring out technology

Electricity, I meant to say.

Genocide is generally wrong. However I must admit the case is rather strong in this instance.

>Can't read
But of course

>dwarf jealousy -the post

caledor II was objectively shit- if he had stayed in power for a couple more years malekith would have won for sure

>Humans made guns, elves made crossbows that somehow outperform guns in every way, etc.
fuck of druchiinigger.
Hochland longrifles are better than druchii crossbows any way of the week.

>elves made crossbows
You mean the dwarfs gave everyone their tech which they then modified.

which is why dwarven crossbows are worse then?
