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The Golden Boys Edition

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Best wolves and best legion.

xth for krieg related bleakness

>The city of Ad Mech

I wonder who posted this?

What is the best Vexilla for a normal Praetor riding in a Land Raider with one spear guy, two shield and sword guys and Trajann?

>even the horses have gas masks
Truly best regiment.


*blocks your path*

Tell me about your worst defeat and greatest victory.

would anyone here be interested in buying an assembled but unpainted Tyranid army? Figured I'd ask and give you guys a chance before throwing them up on Ebay. Total MSRP is around $350, but I'd chop 25% or so off of that, so $280 or best offer seems like a fair price. I'm heading out for now and won't be watching the thread, email me if you're interested: [email protected]

I have
1x Swarmlord
1x Carnifex (This one is new in box)
1x Trygon
1x Toxicrene
3x Warriors
3x Zoanthropes
10x Gargoyles
12x Hormagaunts

Why would you ever take lascannons on a Deredeo?

What codex changes are we anticipating for dark lances?

Given they're our best AT I'm imagining a scourge squad with all Dark Lances will still be the way to go, or maybe Heat Lances will become better than them, especially with the deep strike?

Found a recently-opened FLGS near me and I'm getting some more minis for my birthday. Excited to play my first game! Hope they aren't anal about the whole "not pirating every codex and rulebook" thing.

if it's not a GW they probably won't give a shit

nth for Tesseract vaults being used to resurect big E

>Drop Pods now cost 25 points, but don't count when determining where enemies may deepstrike and can not hold objectives

Are Marines now balanced?

So 'zerkers can fight twice in the fight phase right.
If they charge a transport and kill it in their first round of fighting can they target the occupants who disembark in their second round right? If the occupants are within an inch?

I don't mind either way just want to make sure I've got it right before it comes up in a game.

I remember in 7th I managed to get tabled on my first turn
>small infantry heavy IG force with two tanks vs admech
>no cover on my side, deploy on the line to get to ruins
>he also toes the line and then scout moves
>he moves forward and wipes out my whole army, explodes both tanks

>tfw pre-FW krieg with wagnerian operas and noble houses will never ever happen again

My first ironstrider i screwed up and mounted the gun angling upwards, then realized that made no sense since lascannons don't have a trajectory.

The changeling appears before you and gives you a choice. You may have unlimited free models from GW for life. But every time one of your models is killed in a game it is destroyed and you must build and paint any replacement models yourself. Also you may not sell any of the free models or otherwise make profit from your unlimited supply. What is your choice.

Is it amphibious?

my backlogs big enough and it takes me weeks to paint a single figure. I'll pass

40k-Infinity conversion user here, hoping to get a bit more feedback on these questions.

Here's the questions from Saturday
Question 1 (multi-wound weapons)
Question 2 (ARM table preference)
The TL;DR summary for questions 1 & 2.
And the questions from Monday
Question 3 (Flamers)
Questions 4 & 5 (Multiple ranged weapons & combi-weapons)

Strawpolls in one place for convenience:
Question 1: strawpoll.me/15094372 (11 votes, but it's a pretty even split)
Question 2: strawpoll.me/15094645 (3 votes)
Question 3: strawpoll.me/15109687 (1 vote)
Question 4: strawpoll.me/15109968 (1 vote)
Question 5: strawpoll.me/15109975 (1 vote)

You can only fight units which you declared a charge against earlier in the turn. so no.

You can only target squads you charge.

Does anyone use pic related with shotgun scouts? It seems like it would be useful on paper. Maybe overcosted though?

Eh, people might actually use them that way

Do I get unlimited paint, gs, spare bits, brushed and all that as well?

Are you me? How big of a backlog are we talking?


Fuck no, my time is worth way more than the occasional cost of buying new models.

Stop shitting up the general with your bullshit.

Make a new thread so it's easier to ignore you.

about 50 marines
several hundred kriegers
and much much much more non 40k stuff (another 300ish models)

way too cheap. Also does authority of the inquisition work on drop pods? Can you put Karamazov in a dreadnaught drop pod?

Ugh why doesn't Renegades and Heretics include ROUGH RIDERS I WANT CAVALRY ON CAVALRY CHARGES

in my experience scouts are only good for a cheap screen so i'd probably not bother.

Sweet Emperor. R.I.P, user

make a twitter/dakka thread/tumblr/blog/w/e eventually so people can easily find the rules. I'm looking forward to play testing this, but i cant be bothered to dig through archives to find your stuff.

Farsight's eight vs CSM 1500pts, tabled them turn 3, 6-0VP

Farsight's eight vs Crons 1500pts, I got tabled turn 5, 2-9VP

7th ed

Ok, cool. Cheers guys.

>way too cheap
Here's the thing though: what are you going to put in them? Marine Infantry is garbage and they don't transport Dreads any more.
25 points for more flexibility where to deploy that Tactical Squad is not too cheap.

Hope the elite 8 is brought back with the Tau codex, or at least they get their own models with rules in them.

IG+Ministorum vs Krieg, 800 pts
tabled him by turn 3
IG vs IG vs Orks vs CSM, 650 pts
got neuterd by turn 1 as my Chimera exploded inside my very small deployment zone and took half of the army with it. Was tabled by turn 3.

Shoo, shoo. Nobody cares.

>worst defeat

Templars vs Tau in 7th, everyone died in overwatch or after the units they charged fell back due to morale. Helbrecht died to a fire warrior after he got shot up in the shooting phase and overwatch.

>greatest victory.

I dont think I have had one yet but every now and then the conditions align and all my units make a charge at the same time, its just glorious to see a mechanized advance and then 5+ units make the charge and start wrecking ass.

I know you can't give standard infantry jump packs, but strictly-inferior-to jump packs drop pods + total numbers in reserve restrictions + the scouts ability, I'd peg drop pods for tactical squads only at maximum 30 points.

Scouts are bretty gud desu, concealed deployment with shotguns or snipers with a full detachment wearing camo cloaks does the trick, but what would you suggest to fix them or make them less bad?

Fuck off, nobody gives a shit.

If you think scouts with camo cloaks and snipers are a good investment, well, good for you. Bring plenty if you ever fight me.

FW didn't invent their fluff my dude. They had the same attitude and culture back when they were just a WD army.

>Greatest Victory
Eldar Vs IG 1500pts, 7th ed
This was after I finally bought some windriders and jetbike seers. Won solidly, don't remember the score.

>Worst Defeat
Eldar vs. Nids, 5th edition
Footslogging force got telefragged by doom of Malan'tai, half my army dead turn 2, the rest mopped up turn 3.

For the guys I play against it's pretty nice, useful against Ultramarines and Dark Angels that character spam I use only those and the rest are assault terminators with Asterion Moloc

but again, what would you say would be a good fix for SM infantry units? or what at least would be a good tactic to make them less irrelevant?

Accept. Painting is comfy. Also could just have unlimited display pieces sitting in a case.

Worst defeat was in 7th with muh Tau vs Eldar wraithhost. Tabled turn 2 by bullshit waveserpent-wraithgaurd-D scythe shenanigans... Fluffy cheese...

Best victory was muh Tau vs Deldar in 8th. Tabled him turn 3. Turn 1 charge with Farsight into his harmonious, my Y'Varha killed his unit of 10 grotesques, my fire warriors took down the 2 raiders and then flamed all his kabalites and wyches off the table. Awesome game.

Pretty much. Hell, I can understand not wanting transports to be too cheap because those move and block, but with Pods that is easily mitigated.

>Scouts are bretty gud desu
point taken, but you don't put these in Pods

>what would you suggest to fix them or make them less bad?
Make Drop Pods cheap and expendable (maybe they don't even grant VP for kills or something) to give Marines the mobility they need.
Create a Stratagem that for 1 CP allows a Tactical Squad to shoot twice.
The fight twice stratagem costs only 1 CP when targeting an Assault Squad.
Reduce Tactical Marine costs by 1 point.


1750 Admech + friend's 1750 Haemy coven vs. 3500 of Iron Warriors tankspam a Shadowsword and a whole bunch of Devastators, Hellbal and dakka cents wrapped round a Chapter Master with 3++ and that AP on 6+ Wtrait. Our only AT was a Neutronager and a Voidraven, we got wiped out almost completely in two turns and the only real damage we did was wiping ten devastators with my Kastelan twins. I feel that a full 3.5k Admech army would have done a lot better than a slapdash 1750 list and a bunch of Pain Engines and Wracks since I really needed more than 20 Fulgurite priests there. They got shot to hell then Crush Them banebladed before they could get any hits in.


1500 Admech Vs 2250ish cheating bastard Guard with Knight Crusader and Baneblade. Told that story far too many times.

No thanks, happy to convert them up myself (see "my dudes")

Oh greater-good YASS!

We had a group battle FFA at a friend's house, but didn't set specifically who you couldn't attack. It was kind of an honor system that you wouldn't attack the people directly next to you until the board is spread out a bit.

One friend decided to be an asshole and kill 90% of the army of the friend who had never gotten to play before, before they even had their first turn.

I only meant models because GW doesn't do supplements anymore.

I think a WS/BS 4+ unit without the concealed deployment rule, and cheaper would be everything I want in a SM troops unit. We're paying for durability when everyone has marine killers.

Definetly no. It would not be worth the time investment for the vast majority of armies. The only exception would be extremely tough and elite armies, like Custodes.
I play tyranids. I would drown in the paint of a thousand unpainted gaunts.

>worst defeat
4th edition, my third game ever.
My Ultramarines running 4 Tactical Squads, a dreadnought and a Captain against some Eldar bullshit.
Tabled by turn 2.

>greatest victory
Apocalypse game. 2 Objectives securely in our hand, 2 in the enemies. My entire remaining army sits on the 5th, the enemy side has last turn. At the end, my Captain still stood, 2 wounds remaining, after I weathered fire from about 2000 points of Orks and two Baneblades.

This. I'd love to see cheap blobs of "aspirants" or something.

Yeah, I guess. Still, prefer to convert them up. Everyone loves Torchstar but I always preferred Brightstar. Twin-linked fusion that could be used in melee. God damn he was fucking sick!

Worst loss, I suppose?

I almost quit the game from the start, because my friend pulled out and used a list that was blatantly overpowered against me. I was playing a 500 point Guard list with 2 chimeras and some infantry against his Ravenwing list in 7th edition.) He was also a sore winner about it, which made it even worse.

>We're paying for durability when everyone has marine killers
This, but instead of integrating Imperial Guard into the Marine Codex, we could just give Tacticals something that ups their firepower to a decent level (without increasing their cost).

I've seen people using a printed out Battlescribe in a proper GW store, and the manager didn't give a shit.


>Worst defeat

I played a game of Open War called Kill the Courier

A Harlequin Solitaire sprinted the entire field, charged my courier and killed him. Lost before my first turn

I dont really remember any stellar victories. My games usually grind down to a few guys on each side until someone wins on points

40K red flags
>Imperial Soup
>No bases
>No faces
>Gets upset after losing a unit
>Changes army every few months to flavour of the month

I don't use it at all. It's not a bad model, neither visually nor rules-wise, but the fact that Scouts can deploy 9'' away from the opponents deployment zone makes a transport just for them pretty unnecessary.

Since we're speaking of Scouts, I'm planning on running a tiny scout battalion detachment for sniping, consisting of Telion, a Jump-pack Leutenant (for wound re-rolling and fishing for 6es), two sniper squads (1x Sergeant with Storm Bolter, 3x Sniper, 1 Missile Launcher) (1x Sergeant with Storm Bolter, 3x Sniper, Heavy Bolter) and one regular scout squad for screening (1x Sergeant with Storm Bolter, 4 Scout with Boltgun).
Does this sound like a decent sniper list? Should I put all the snipers in one unit, to have Telion buff them all at once, but lose the potential for either the Missile or Heavy Bolter Strategem?

Not even, you butthurt motherfucker.

I agree entirely for the time being. You'd think they'd make a fluffy friendly troop, I think maybe a new troop type that's a straight fresh Neophyte or something would make the most sense, or maybe give the game a fix that allows for actual Small Unit Tactics to be used well

Yo anons, check out this top notch recap batrep! (Okay, it's not that great, but is it okay? My buddies and I are trying to get into the batrep game and could use feedback)

plenty of SM infantry are good. devastators, hellblasters, scouts, inceptors, and intercessors are all decent to very good depending how you like to play. tacticals aren't supposed to be a game changer, they're your rank and file.

don't bother.
Snipers Bolters for a lot more points


I'd like to see the following:
>tacticals 10 point per unit
>heavy weapon only on squads of 10

And then something to make bolters a little better... like an extra wound on rolls of 6

legit or recast krieg?

>over the agreed upon point limit
>won't show rules when asked to

Devastators and Scouts I give you.
The Primaris stuff actually is decent, but having to mix scales kinda sucks.

>tacticals aren't supposed to be a game changer
M8 Tacticals are literally useless. Compare them to Guardsmen or Intercessors, they lose by literally every metric and cost more.

What went wrong?

I think you mean T'au™©

>To me, they will always be Tau


>blocks ur shot

he got hurted by a magic sowrd and the chaos told him Daddy E was a baddy

He turned his back on the emperor.

>they lose by every metric
Not true... they can camp next to a razorback in the deployment zone with a lasconnon until they're eventually deemed worthy enough to shoot out... filling out a battalion while putting an AT gun on the table.


I feel like tacticals are pretty fairly priced, the problem is that

1) everyone can kill marines, they're the baseline for shit that needs to die and most armies have at least 15

2) If you made them significantly killier, you would have to raise the prices.

Tactical marines are probably not a troops unit, that's the problem. Sternguard veterans are a pretty good approximation of what tactical marines should be. If you're going to force us to take chaff, don't make it so painful.

You heard it here first folks, tactical Marines cost more than intercessors

>sterngard vets
Underrated units. I would gladly see them as troops with tacticals removed from the codex.

Better to buy Scouts and doing deepstrike denial.

I generally meant tacticals and scouts, dudes always get slaughtered, but Hellblasters are probably my favorite thing
>tfw concealed deployment scouts and hellblasters killed Girlyman in 1 turn

Intercessors, wound for wound, are cheaper, with the same number of attacks. They're slightly less shooty than an equivalent number of tacs..

The Problem is that all the boring units are efficient and all the interesting units aren't.

A squad that will literally stand around and do nothing but shoot? Fairly costed.
The flexible jacks of all trade that are supposed to be the backbone of the army, able to deal with every problem? Terrible.
Expendable deepstrike deniers? Effective.
The same, but also hunting for characters with sniper rifles while being stealthy? terrible.

Scouts fill the Battallion more effectively, also allow you to take Razorbacks, can run HBolters and, most importantly, are far better area denial.