Abandoned Wizards Tower

tl;dr what to put in a massive wizard tower?

The great Wizard Charidimos once ruled atop this massive tower hoarding centuries of knowledge and defying the laws of magic as we know them. That is until one day the tower was gone and nobody heard from Charidimos anymore. That is until now, The players have been tasked by their budding young wizard apprentice friend to delve into the tower.

The tower has been sealed away in another mirror dimension, Sealed by Charidimos herself. the apprentice is saying that the players need to go in find Charidimos and find out why the power of the seal is waning.

As the players arrive the normal rules of magic and physics will not apply completely, the usual wizard crap like defying gravity and magic lights.

Im beginning to populate this tower with various things and encounters, i dont have a goal for this tower yet aside from finding the deceased master, and killing the thing that caused Charidimos to seal the tower away to begin with. The tower has been abandoned for 15 years and the magic that sustained everything within has begun to warp due to a negative force of some kind.

So far I've got
- Statues that are meant to be sentries that come to life
- an "infinite" stairway puzzle
- A vault of treasures located below if the players wanna try for it
- a creature that feeds on magic and is super hard to hit, until it grows enough to become vulnerable
- potentially the ghost of the master trying to harm them?
- "keepers" meant to maintain the tower have gone mad
- magic books that the players will probably read aloud without translating the text

Thats what I've got so far, I'm looking for a few things in particular but anything i haven't thought of could be super helpful.

-Traps, i need some kind of traps to populate the tower to ward off intruders

Honestly thanks ahead of time anons, you lose it a little when you dont get help from others

Well. The obvious one is to elaborate on the mysterious disappearance of said wizard.

Ahh yes of course, Thats story related. The negative force causing disruptions in the tower is actually a similar force that has recently appeared that the players have been fighting HOWEVER the tower disappeared 15 years ago so theres gonna be some mystery.

The master stumbled upon a little bit of this material that corrupts anything it touches (corrupt being a stand in word for what it really does) and they experimented with it until they found out a way to massively amplify it and thats why they decided to lock the tower down so that it wouldn't get outside the tower.

Assumedly they will find the masters notes that detail somewhat how it started, then kill the corrupted master or the Golem that the master created to protect the tower.

The wizard should totally be the tower

See! THIS is why i come here, never in a million years would i have made an idea like that, thats absurd! the perfect kind of absurd a crazy evil wizard might do to another rival wizard! i love me Veeky Forums ideas

Does that mean all the Beholders are just the Wizard's antibodies?

Know of any other good creatures besides beholders? doesnt even have to be from D&D? maybe something that fits right in or is under utilized?

>or the Golem that the master created

Why not, hear me out, why not a Dragon Golem? Create a golem in the image of the most fearsome creature the land?

He should try stopping then from getting to the great evil at the end, but help them once they do get to it. Then of course once it dies, so does the wizard, the players finally understand the truth, and must escape the mirror dimension before the distortion in positive and negative forces cause it to collapse on itself.

Thanks for your thread btw. I like this kind of stuff, it's why I come to Veeky Forums

live dammit live!

Various doors in the tower that lead directly to overworld locations, cities. they are familiar with, etc. As they ascend they start to find doors to other, stranger locations, elemental planes, alternate realities a short trip to the real world? Time distorts, they meet themselves from 50 years in the future, they have been wandering the castle the whole time and team up to avoid the fate of walking its halls forever. The wizards clone room, nothing but empty husks that look like his body. Play with space and size, the party finds a door to a mysterious snowy kingdom and explore the place, meeting its inhabitants and plundering its treasure. Later, once they leave and go back to the tower, they find that kingdom in a fist sized snowglobe. Not a replica, that literal kingdom. They can even see the people living their lives if they look hard enough.

Building on this, perhaps the wizard bound himself to the tower to fuel the defenses and the enchantments that hid away the tower for the past years?
You mention something being sealed away, something that can be fought. Maybe the tower/wizard is a labyrinth trapping the creature, and as it has grown and wandered for years it has begun wrecking shit in anger, and has finally begun to damage the wizard enough that his life force is beginning to falter?
Would give some great thrashed halls and broken pillar scenes. Could really build up the beast.

>-Traps, i need some kind of traps to populate the tower to ward off intruders
sexy succubi with peni

Traps that teleport whoever steps on them to a different part of the tower/to a dungeon, potentially dividing the party

in my setting in the deadly af north pole there is an abandoned tower city flourishing with life in a frozen wasteland. the towers are endless in height and have been overgrown with life so their interiors are like jungles

jeez, these are pretty good, nice job user

Just because it's essentially a dungeon with mostly exploration, traps, and combat, doesn't mean you can't add politics and intrigue.

Add two or three factions of 'residents' with clear territory, motivations, and reasons for competition and you suddenly have a much more interesting place to interact with.

dang i wish korgoth got a full show

Stopped reading there.
KYS retard SJW. Women can't be great wizards. Plain and simple.

An entire eco-system of slave races, ranging from 'shit I threw together to go get me a beer because I couldn't be arsed getting up' to 'Holy fuck, I'm kidnapping several of these things children so I can take them home and make them butler for me' living, thriving and fighting within a vast servants-quarters-esq area, which has corridors that weave through the walls of the building, giving the players a potentially 'safer' way to get around if they can negotiate with something willing to be their guide.

Seconding this idea, adding some faction ideas of my own:

>The Keepers (mentioned earlier in the thread)
The lowly cleaners of the tower led by those with more magic, up to the ex-apprentice of Charidimos who has convinced his followers that within the pages of Charidimos's research lie the secret to divinity. All have been trapped in the tower for some time, and have developed their own fanatical religion venerating the texts.

Affected by the strange force in the tower, the force of abjuration/necromancy which animates some of the minor tower implements (brooms, singing french dishes, the like) has gained some measure of sentience. In its corrupted form, it has gained the ability to forcibly animate human flesh while still living. When not looking for bodies to horrifically convert, it spends its time creating dance numbers and songs with its ghastly host of servants.

>The Warring Legion (partly ripped from earlier)
Though the magic of the tower strips them of functionality day by day, the mostly silent statue/magical trap guardians of the tower have inexplicably started fighting each other for territory, split into faction by which room they were in or word of passage they were created to respond to. Though the treasure vault Fire Opal has currently held it's spot by using vault gold to buy safety or support, it will not long hold out against the Open Sesamites of the Grand Entrance. All statues and defenses immediately freeze or enact their duties in the presence of an intruder.

Same. Gonzo swords & sorcery is sorely underrepresented.

The party, with some luck, finds a hidden door.

The hidden door has 3 different locks on it.

Inside is a seemingly normal storage area with a hidden stairwell down into another room.

Down in that other room is the wizard's porn collection. All manner of magical realm artifacts with fetishy applications that have no real game impact.

Hey, even an archmage has needs, you know?


This, Not exactly the fetishy stuff (but do that too if your groups cool) but the stuff that makes the wizards tower real, a bathroom, a bedroom, a kitchen, entertainment, make him alive. Imagine if you were a super powerful wizard, all work and no play makes Charidimos a dull boy

user, I wanna suck your dick. This is incredible, you made so much from nothing.

>Open Sesamites

What if the 'heart' of the tower is a twisted mass of stretched flesh and multiple appendages surrounding a missarranged face frozen in agony that turns out to be the wizard itself?
Dark twists are always effective and it'd work as a nice subversion for the adventurers who probably expected to fight the wizard, but are now suddenly forced to emphasize with this tortured creature.
Also work as a pretty effective warning not to fuck with the shit the wizard was experimenting with.