D&d morality Memes

I Know its a dead meme but still I like it

What is this, a bait thread for ants?



Oldie but a goodie

Sorry OP Jake is not neutral good, he is chaotic good who occasionally dips into chaotic neutral

God that was a wild ride reading it all.





>Princess Peach
>Lawful Good

True chaotic evil would be hollowing out the remaining loaf and threading the bag through it

I have this as my credit card design and I laugh every time.

I'm dying.

Finn should be Lawful Good. He freaks out about breaking rules all the time, like when he cancelled movie night because the VHS had an FBI warning about copyright.

Jake is chaotic neutral that just happens to have fun doing good things. He's a criminal who's third reaction is almost always to just kill the obstacle bothering them.

Bubblegum is Lawful Neutral. She cares about the candy people, but she's really mostly focused on order. She's super fine with morally dubious solutions to problems.

I would also bump Marceline up to chaotic neutral.

Any chance you've got a picture of the time Finn said something would be against his alignment?




Unironically all wrong besides NK


>puts the ass of the bread back in the bag

>The eternal mutt


Shouldn't chaotic evil and lawful evil be switched? A beast ain't that lawful and cults usually have rigid rules.

Take a look at how the chart is arranged. Looks like Chaotic is the left side and Lawful is the right on this one.

oh my god i can't read i assumed it makes an ass out of you and me thanks mom

>Ping as Lawful Evil
I'm okay with that.


>he uses Toadstool

Sorry for the low resolution.

Israel did nothing wrong

What a shitty alignment chart, every one of them is good.


This might be the best /pol/ bait I've ever seen.
>Germany, Brazil, Israel considered "neutral"
>Best Korea and Glorious Russia "evil"


everyone knows that Germany is always evil

Even bottom right? Your tastes are strange, my friend. Here, have another.

Is there any character that could possibly defeat Wile E. Coyote?




Good aligned characters go out of their way to help strangers. Spyro is acting only for the survival of himself and his family, he is most certainly some form of neutral. I can see him going chaotic good in the future though. Also, Cheeto Man is more LE than CE.

flame princess
flame king
lich king
night king

>thomas jefferson

miss me with that gay shit






What is the Neutral Evil one here?

Époisses. It stinks so bad, France has a law against carrying it on public transportation.

>True neutral not Switzerland

Where does Smoked Gouda fall on this chart?

>Chaotic Evil

Oh... this site is for 18-year-olds, sweetie.

this is so wrong in so many levels it makes me want to puke, good thing i am so poor i can't afford to eat



Are the bottom left cassowaries?
Because cassowaries are mega cunts and deseve to be chaotic evil.

>I'm lawful evil.
Gets me every time.

All birds are chaotic evil

Rhats a canadian goose

Parrots can span lawful evil to lawful good.

Geese are assholes too, they are definitely chaotic evil.

Chaotic evil is the only way to go, unless you are playing for fun, but only plebs play for fun, real men play to win

Chaotic evil is cool when your character trolls aeveryone around him or if he constantly breaks the 4th wall.

>Trolling everyone
>Not concocting a master plan which when it comes into actions instantly destroys the other PC's, reputation, honour, name, family, happiness and ultimately ends with them dead

>germany not being evil

I feel like an eagle or some similar bird of prey belongs in lawful good.

I don't get it.

monkey and cyclops need to be flipped.

Boi are u blind


cassowaries are true neutral because no GM has survived chargen with a cassowarie player long enough to find out what they put on their character sheet.


So you're only 18? Come back when you grow up.

And CE is Casu Marzu, maggot cheese?

somewhere in the neutrals

Not user, but that bottom right is especially good!

Says someone that doesn't regularly have to live around bald eagles.
Put them in Lawful Evil, Geese in Chaotic Evil, Ravens in Chaotic Good, and Sea Gulls in Chaotic Neutral.

Buzzards can fuck right off and I have no idea why they are "Good" anything.

What the hell is Chester Cheetah doing there? I'm so intrigued I may need to actually look into TGT

Underrated and 100% true

Literally backwards

>100% true
>Trump evil

Oh, sweetie... you have to be 18+ to post here.

The only good thing she has is that she is not a globalist.

Is the joke of LG that LG is dumb and that's why he defines it incorrectly? A LG character would be okay with a tyrant if their tyranny worked.

If all presidents are lawful evil, Trump's definitely chaotic evil.

a) I've been here longer than you've been eating solids
b) You've already used that line once in this thread and it was no less tired the first time you used it
c) By definition every US president since FDR has murdered civilians to meet the ends of the country. Your guy doesn't get a pass just because he's a living meme

>Chaotic evil is cool


>No fun allowed!

Yes that is the average intelligence of people who use that phrase. Most of which, on Veeky Forums, are people using it to mock anyone who disagrees with them.

Although you can also find it used unironically on twitter, because twitter is garbage.

>If all presidents are lawful evil

>a) I've been here longer than you've been eating solids

I've been here longer than you've been eating cock.

>b) You've already used that line once in this thread and it was no less tired the first time you used it

It triggered you twice as hard the second time.

>c) By definition every US president since FDR has murdered civilians to meet the ends of the country.


>missing the point of the image this badly

Drink napalm

>Chaotic Evil

drink another glass of soy :^)

Hello comrade, has your payment from the Kremlin arrived yet? Mine is late and I need many rubles to buy cabbage rolls.

>tfw to samrt

Once I brainstormed with a friend to come up with a better system, and we came up with a concept that was interesting. We focused on the core of the problem, which basically is the fact that "good" and "evil" being subjective as fuck. So we kept the "lawful/chaotic" axis, and added two additional axis to replace good/evil.

ps: I don't really remember what we called each axis, so the names are just placeholders.

> Empathy
This one represents how much the character cares for others, in an emphatic level. That is, really caring for their problems and situations as individuals. A character that is on the extreme negative point of this axis would consider all problems of other people (as individual) mundane and not worth of attention.

> Affinity (?)
Basically, this represents the discrepancy between how the character treats people that are close to them vs. people who are not close to them (strangers or even enemies). At one point of the axis we would have a character that only cares about his friends/family/party members, and don't give a fuck about anyone else, and at the other point we would have a character that thinks everyone should be treated equally, no matter how close he or she is to the person.

Here some examples I can think of right now (pic related):
> Full Empathy, Full Affinity
Jesus (basically, good)
> Full Empathy, No Affinity
Cersei Lannister (crazy about her children, fuck everyone else)
> No Empathy, Full Affinity
Someone who wants the greater good but don't see each case individually. Would kill 1 to save 2 sort of vibe.
> No Empathy, No Affinity
Cares for no one but himself. Basically, evil.

What you guys think?

Btw, remember this only replaces the Good/evil axis. Lawful/chaotic would still be there (making it a 3d shit)