Hace you ever played an online worldbuilding game? If you have talk about your experience

Hace you ever played an online worldbuilding game? If you have talk about your experience.

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It was a bit shit because only one other guy and I were putting in any effort, and he had awfully limited imagination.

What little did you make together?

A what? I'm not familiar with this concept at all, I'd like to know more.

Also I'd really like to know how the Sophic Kingdoms' logistics work.

I don't have it and I recycled my bits of it.

You and some other people all work together to make a world that can be played in.
I played in a risk kind of game with politics and all that.
Sophic kingdoms are a bunch of city states that elect a high king.

That sounds kind of neat, if pretty player-dependent.

Where would one look to find games like these looking for players?


You'd have to search around for forums about them or get lucky and find somebody offering spots like I did.

I want to know more about this world. Is there anywhere I can read the lore?

Well first you'd have to help me figure out how to share folders from my drive.

Put it in a PDF, download it, and post it here.

Alternatively, put it in a Google Doc and share the link, and make viewing public.

How exactly do I put in Google docs? Forgive me for being autistic.

should be able to copy/paste it if it's an image by rightclicking, or if it's text, by the traditional CTRL-C

Okay that's where we have problems.
There are multiple folders, some with multiple pages of information. I need a way to do this without much issue

Oh boy.


You can either share it directly or give anyone with the link access.

I'm sorry man, I really am but I can't do it on my phone.

Fair enough. Think you can give an overview of the world at least?

I'll share what little I can.

Danke schon.




Flag of Ealunyth
Majority Elves, minority of Dragonborn.

Firmament public info
I'll post the public ingo of the nations


Anyone here?

Still here, just reading.

Alright cool.
Cape of scales. I really liked this guy, he knew jackshit and still played us all.

is Sadowan what obi-wan became after qui-gon died?

Might as well.
Speaking of that nation, here they are.

How'd he do that?

Makaru caliphate

He had like seventeen huge ass dragon-head ships that shot lasers along with a blue dragon. Thankfully he used them to help save the world.


Phyragom chiefdoms.
Flag soon.

Nevermind, thier flag was in their pdf.
Grunemheir. I know I spelled this wrong.


Osterland trade republic.
Also, somebody other than me post so we don't sink lower.


Sophic kingdoms.

Thank you.
Also, checked.
Hypha Agarcia.
Also for everyones information, Sadowan genocided a nation of centaurs and used thier souls to further the life of their king who slowly went insane.

The Nation Noridstratum

The Grand Bazaar

Not even gonna try to say the name.

Gotta love the merchant nation of wishgivers

And finally, the Naveri tribes.
So anons what do you think?

pretty cool user, I'll enjoy reading through all of this

might give me some ideas for my worldbuilding

after all, good artists take inspiration from, great artists steal

Hold on it's not over

Antegria described it's oversea places as "Long term labor camps for coal"






Alright, NOW I'm done. Go ahead and ask questions or whatever, I'm gonna get a drink and when I'm back I'll answer.

When did you all start this, and does it function like a Civ game or CYOA?

Started and stopped last year, lasted 10 weeks.
I didn't start this, a man, myth and legend named Brian did. I know he lurks here so I'm hoping he finds the thread. It's cyoa adventure mostly, you say what your civ does and they do it. Brian decides the outcome.

Which kingdom were you?


Unironically, /qst/. They sometimes do games like these. There's one up right now that's full, another one that's sort of a late sci-fi clustfuck, and some risk games. For my part, I've played in lots of these. Some are more freeform, others are mechanics heavy. There's a lot of rulesets floating around out there for running these. It's arduous work, but it's often appreciated. Even an average but dedicated GM can cultivate a following.


I've yet to find any rule set which works for me.

You need to make your own man.

Generally too much work - I have only so much time to read up on the social and economic development patterns of real-world cultures in enough details to be able to translate them into game rules.

Do you really to play a hardcore realistic game?

Most of the time, yes. In particular I like to ensure that the world as a whole developed in a verisimilar and internally consistent way even if the actual game-play might break it.

So ... stellar systems are created via as good rules for their creation as I can make it when playing MechWarrior, details of our world are researched in detail for any given setting in oWoD and the settings' backstories themselves aren't too fantastic and employ no "a wizard did it" events when playing GURPS.

I'm afraid that if we did it on Veeky Forums, it would just regress into people lazily spitballing like it always does in a worldbuilding thread.

Shit man, I searched but couldn't find anything for you. I'm sorry.

Well yeah that's obvious, nothing good comes from here nowdays.

No worries. Trust me, I'm searching and rethinking this for years now. The best I could find is still the old Dawn of Worlds, and that's at least one level too "fluffy" for me to really work.

I need my random event tables and more than "refer to Rule 0", damn it!

I mean do collaborative write threads count?

I mean...you could homebrew the shit. Work with dudes that have similar goals. Find a forum maybe.

Sorta I suppose. Do we still do those?

Actually, fuck it let's work together. I don't exactly like hardcore realistic stuff but you're a cool guy. I'll post some shit that might work and we'll roll with that.
Here's a really in-depth character sheet.

Link to a worldbuilding notebook that you can use for your species or whatever.
It might have spme text in it but you can delete that, old notes and the game i was playing is long canceled.

The Kobold guide to worldbulding.
I hope this stuff helps, if only a little bit.

Sadly I don't think so.

By that you mean it doesn't help or that you can't use the link?

Sorry, thought you were the guy I was trying to help.

Fascinating workbook. I guess I'd start with gods (with the players being either the main and only gods, like in Dawn of Worlds, the main gods of their respective pantheons, or the main gods of a common pantheon) and let those "gods" define and create their races. At least for a fantasy world.

I need to check this further, but right now work calls.

I mean I probably can't as I'm phone posting like a casual.

Alright, this thread will hopefully be around when you're back.
You just need to download an app that let's you edit pdfs.

You know what I'd love to have? The old AD&D World Builder's Handbook, but as a cooperative world building game. I think I need to dig up that thing again.

I tried to give it too you but it's too large a file. Apologies.


I have a copy already, both PDF and a well-worn dead tree version.

Oh alright cool.

Anyone here?

thank you for this. I ddn't know how much i needed this until I saw it.

No problem.


Brian here, glad that you enjoyed it.
I'm normally busy, but now I'm stuck in bed with the flu and nothing better to do. If you are looking for another worldbuilding game, I know Jake (Makarau) has taken up the mantle of GM and is doing his own games. I'll be back for another round of craziness with a revamped system someday, Season 2 was always my favorite GMing experience.

Nice to meet again man. Season 2 was great, I agree. What's the game Makaraus playing?
Hopefully your flu passes soon, it's come back hard this year.

Thanks. He just emailed me a few days back mentioning that he's running Collaborative Worldbuilding games. Give him an email at the same address as he used before and he might be able to squeeze you in.

Nah, I'm alright. I do hope it's good however. Would you mind me posting this on FJ by the way? I know I've already posted it here but I might aswell ask permission for a place that's a bit more permanent.

One of the first rules of the Collaborative Worldbulding Project is that anything you make is now collectively owned and anyone can take it to whatever they want with it. You can post stuff any place you please. Just email me if you have more questions, let't not let a good thread die for our conversation.

Well this threads gonna be archived so I'll be able to make a new one and link this to let you know it's me.

Hey this might be odd but I've forgotten the name of the world. Do you remember?

>revamped system
All the talks about game systems and nobody is posting them ...