Hey user!

Hey user!

Are there any games that only you seem interested in playing? Or games that you've never managed to find a group for?

I want an RPG I can play with my wife.
I want tactical puzzles that make me think.
She just wants a roflstomp.
It won't happen unless I'm the DM, and then I can't really play.

Wrath of Kings and any ancient world historical.

>Are there any games that only you seem interested in playing? Or games that you've never managed to find a group for?
Literally anything that isn’t D&D or Pathfinder.

Nobody I know seems interested in playing Marvel FASERIP

Inquisitor by Games Workshop. Resources were cut and it fell into obscurity.

Have never played a game, but god I want to. Moved to a new city so might hit up the local game group and see what I can swing.

Same, I've been looking for a 40kRPG group for quite some time.

I've never been able to assemble a group of Shadowrun for more than session 0.

Twilight 2000/twilight 2013.

Any of the 40K RPGs, I'd also like to play tabletop more but I haven't the time or money to keep up anymore.
I have a D&D group I play with regularly but none of them are interested in the lore or anything, so even if we got the rulebooks and learnt the system, the setting would just go completely over their heads and it'd be impossible to get them to engage with it and no fun as a result.
And that's assuming I were to be DMing the game instead of playing.

Legacy: Life among Ruins. It's a pretty neat game that has the balls to be a post apocalyptic PBTA title, and has a really neat central gimmick. Each player builds a 'family', which is basically a faction and can be anything from a parasitic fungal colony to a band of raiders to a BoS style group of militant tech hoarders to some stranded aliens, who you control the activities and goals of. When you need to deal with something specific like recovering a lost relic or going to a diplomatic meeting, etc, you "zoom in" and build an individual character from your faction to handle it.

Since they're basically created specifically for that scenario you're a lot more free to take risks and do dangerous things since the characters are semi-disposable. It even kind of encourages playing like that since each class gets a special move that lets them do something cool on death, like automatically kill their killer or make sure everyone else gets to safety

Nechronica. Zombie lolis sounds like a legit fun system.

Mutant Year Zero i love the idea lf playing with a group starting with a home base and haveing to rebuild civilization from the ground up but ive only ever found a couple guys who are willing to play it and i never see it talked about here

I'd love to run a globetrotting Indiana Jones type adventure campaign with the west marches style. Have all the players be part of a university, and they choose where to go on adventures. I've got so much stuff written down for it but all the players I know IRL are in too many games already.
I ran a one shot using Silent Legions, but nothing ever came of it.

Most of my shelf, for differing reasons.
The D&Ds, CTrav, Savage Worlds, and GURPS aren't really a problem.
CP2020, Shadowrun 3e, L5R 1e, and Hunter: The Reckoning might be harder.
Anima: BF, T2K, Paranoia, Unknown Armies 3e, and Trinity I've seen mention of people playing (Trinity is only really in there because of the 2e Kickstarter, otherwise it'd be harder)
Tenra Bansho Zero, Cybergeneration, HKAT!, Corporation, Underground, SLA Industries, SenZar, Synnibarr, and Heroines of the First Age are basically guaranteed non-groups.

On the not-RPG front, Anima Tactics and the Anima card games are the ones I'd say I'd have real trouble finding people to play.

I can't for the life of me find a good V:TM group.

Ironclaw. I'm not a furry I just like the setting and the system. But finding people who A)actually want to play Ironclaw and B) aren't furfag fetishists is fucking impossible

Do what every sensible user does on Veeky Forums: take the nifty system and fluff it as not furshit.

Ultimate RIFTS

I've accepted I'll never actually find someone to GM for it. I just keep the book around because I like to pretend.

Pokémon tabletop united

There’s already a dying thread about it, but Metal Gear Solid.

No one wants to engage with it’s weirdly self-serious, but also super goofy tone. More importantly, there’s nothing close to a proper system for MGS. Phoenix Command works for the tacticool stuff, but anything supernatural just breaks the entire game. GURPS is acceptable but it’s also GURPS which is a downside.

It is difficult if not impossible to find a system that can balance challenging combat with normal soldiers as well as challenging combat when crazy super powered psychos. Either the players are equal to the bosses, in which case they wipe the floor with any normal guards, or they’re scaled for the basic soldiers in which case the bosses would completely break the game and demolish the players.

I''ve always wanted ro run a GTA style modern criminal campaign. Players starting as small time criminals doing small jobs to get by and slowly rising up the ranks, getting more and more serious assignments, meeting more important people, making contacts and getting entangled into the whole power struggle between the gangs and organisations in city. I've been wanting to run this one for years, even wrote the basic story along the way. but I've had no luck finding anyone interested. Which is I think weird, considering how both movies and video games about gangsters are pretty popular. Could be because I mostly play with newbies who never want to play anything except for fantasy though

>Ars Magica
>DnD 4e
I just want a playgroup

I would play the hell out of that. I once even considered making a homebrew system focused on stories like that, but never sat around to it

I've wanted to run Artesia AKW for quite sometime. The comic and setting are fantastic and the system is tailored to them, especially the magic system and progression. I'm willing to switch to GMing to give it a try. Unfortunately my group doesn't know English well enough to read the massive rule book and the comic but they admitted that illustrations looked awesome. I'm not confident enough in my English skills to look for the players from other countries.

Berlin XVIII. For some reason french cyberpunk settings always make you cops.

I also can't find a L5R group.

>do you like mickey and duck comics?
>do you like fantasy?
>then Ironclaw is made for you
It's not hard to advertize it to normies, user.

I wish I could play a game set in a Steampunk based setting, filled with weird science from rising industry, fading magic trying to hold on to its tenuous grip on the world, clockwork creatures, steam powered siege engines, airships, and a group of gentleman and lady adventurers who have no idea that outside their sprawling cities of comfort a wild untamed frontier awaits to send them to an early grave. Only the promise of treasures, secrets, and discovery dangled just out of reach drive them on.

Alternatively just flip magic and science in that scenario and I'd still want to play it.

GURPS is always the answer.

So you want to play Deadlands?

Talislanta. Shit looks so cash and I want to dive into that modular magic system dick-first.

Blades in the Dark, Burning Wheel, Lacuna, and Technoir. Legacy () also looks pretty sweet, especially the second edition in the works.

I also love the idea of a long, Oddysey-like Planescape campaign, but I know I wouldn't have the patience to deal with 2E's clunkiness.

This but I'd even settle for D&D or PF as long as it wasn't Adventures League or PFS.

Eclipse Phase or any non-post-apoc sf. I'm pretty sure that thre's no intrest in it in my entire country, it's just D&D and fucking shithammer RPGs. I'm slowly starting to hate fantasy setting because of that.
>inb4 sjw devs
I just want to play this fucking game at least once.

I really want to play Godbound, also anything sci-fi that isn't Star Wars, Warhams or Shadowrun. Especially Battle Century G because I love mecha.

Transhuman Space is better

Hah, everyone in my LGF scatters away when I menition anything GURPS, unless it's fantasyshit or postapocshit.