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that dyke is getting what she deserves
where's the ball pit
>Ecstatic defects to Technocratic Union
>Hussars and Infantry take 14 warships
By the look of it, they were frozen in the harbor and they literally just walked up to them.
Watch her face, she's clearly enjoying it.
If that is real, it is terrifying.
To head off the inevitable question: this mission involves defending your ship against waves of enemies while trying to destroy a jammer at the far end of the map in order to escape. The player had his sniper take a shot at the first enemy he saw and missed. Missed shots keep going and can destroy environmental objects like parked cars or cover. The shot, by sheer chance, went flying downrange and destroyed the jammer before the mission had really even begun.
Hey man, we're that much closer to uploading minds to the internet.
>Cavalry charge captures not one, not two, but fourteen fucking armed naval vessels while they're still at sea
Can you imagine the stories they told about this one?
>You see madame, there are many great horsemen who have accomplished wondrous feats of battlefield skill. There are none, bar myself and Mr. Winter over there, who have accomplished a great feat of horsemanship on the open ocean.
>You lie, sir!
>But I do not! Truly it was a wondrous charge across the Wadden Sea, and we had those Dutchmen shivering with fear at the impossibility of our accomplishment! Never did the Captain think that his undoing would come at a hussars blade.
>Ah okay, so it's basically France vs. Venice, but with both sides bringing in Free Agents
>French and Venetian victory
I waited 40 seconds for the statue to move
It never did
This war is fucking hilarious. Every time I read over it, it fucking gets me.
I remember seeing a similar webm
Holy mother of god
Is this an edit of a titanfall 2 pilot?
maybe it's the source listed in the watermark.
or the source listed in the other watermark.
or the source listed in the patch on Moot's fucking sweater.
>Delta Green
So many possible names for this one.
I love how once you see the reveal panels 1 and 2 are very clearly showing his trick.
delet this
welcome to the internet
Sauce nigga, google gives me nothing
>"It is also the only robot that can truly learn."
It is also the only robot that wants to commit suicide because you've consigned it to a fate worse than death, you piece of shit.
Rip my ToE thread, buck the mods and buck Lee Goldson
So? It's not like that'll do *us* any good.
fuck no, that's a fate better than death
which is not dying. I'd kill to become a cyborg to extend my lifespan
>The Secret World
Mah dreamah.
greatest anime
not poster the artist is definitely spiritus tarou and I think the English title is something like "senpai is weak to pressure"
Is this bad dragon?
Yes it was.
The episode from Kumoricon caused so much /pol/ butthurt on /a/, it was beautiful.