Legit who does this?

legit who does this?

pisses me off so much when I'm black

Just about everyone?

Just go into Chigorin defense. 99% of Queen's opening players will be stumped by it.

You're black. You'll find something to bitch about no matter what white does.

1. e4 is a respectable opening

someone who (rightfully) thinks you're a whiny scrub he can mate in 4 moves

came here to say this



How have we not solved chess yet?

What’s a game that has all the fun strategic push and pull of chess without any of the autistic memorization?


I almost fell for that. Bravo.



Rock paper scissors

Complain about this.
Quick hind: you can't


That's why I play it, to piss you off.
If I wanted to confuse you, then I'd play the English or 1.Nf3

Chess not played by fags.

I was thinking the same thing. If I know a queen open is going to tilt my opponent, I'll do it every time. The psychological component is way more valuable than the board state.

Go, honestly. Memorization of plays still helps (and is standard for pro play), but you can fight your way pretty far up the ranks with just experience, gut feelings and solid counting ability. Plus there's a bit of memory-feedback, where standard corner plays and strong overall shapes just start to look like "common sense" once you have enough experience.

12 Man Morris?

I respond with a Sicilian and we both eat dick

D4 also had better percent win rate than e4 Cus you can't Sicilian

Everyone who was ever taught chess.

First thing you learn after 'how the horsey moves is control the center.

Just play romantically and don't be a bitch about exchanges.