MTG Modern General




>Underrated card?

Current Modern Metagame


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Ban lightning bolt

I haven't played modern in probably a year. I started watching coverage and streamers recently and it sloping like jace and BBE aren't going to be completely format breaking. Are they going to change the meta, yes, but so did fatal push. Hell, so did Field of Ruin. I'm optimistic about it.
>Want to be playing
Taking turns. That deck is sick
Emeria is my pet deck. Tried brewing some reflector mage and the GW revolt mini titan
Deaths shadow. I ran condemns in my board for them
>underrated card
I just want to run ajani vengeant in modern

Oh hey Des.

cracker tribal

So, I was watching some GP Lyon matches on youtube, and the players were looking at the opponents decklists? I'm pretty new, but is this normal?

Looks like worse Humans.

It's normal in the Top 8. It prevents someone from getting an advantage by "scouting".

i run something really similar to this, except I call it White Power

Hmm, maybe I forgot 4 other colors and about $900 worth of cards.

>It prevents someone from getting an advantage by "scouting".
I don't agree with this, if you spend time and energy scouting you deserve an advantage.

Wouldn't they already know 80%-90% of someone's deck by virtue of playing the game so much? Or talking to their teammates? It just seems strange to me thst you can't hide haymaker cards from opponents.

You don't though. Your teammates do. This rule prevents the teams from gaining an unfair advantage over individuals.

>Or talking to their teammates?
You've correctly identified the problem that this solves.

How is it a "problem", though? You're on a team in order to work with other brains and improve your chances at winning, if wotc is trying to make that inherent advantage negligible, why have teams at all?


Because wotc doesn't have teams. Players do.

>How is it a "problem", though?
It forces everyone to be on a team.
>if wotc is trying to make that inherent advantage negligible
There are still clear advantages to being on a team. Decklist information asymmetry just isn't one of them.

Thanks for answering my questions. I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm just trying to understand. I've only been playing for about 9 months and Magic is hard.

How can i imagine playing a planeswalker in the lore?

I AM a planeswalker. Why am i casting a planeswalker to the battlefield?

The flavor is that you're calling a Planeswalker to aid you in your fight. That's why they have "loyalty".

How was standard when Valakut was in it? Did the card destroy everything without the support of prime time and scape shift?

Not really Modern format related.
However to answer your question, you call for the aid of a friend and they answer your call. Casting a Planeswalker spell is like asking your buddy for help. They have a certain amount of Loyalty to you, and will planeswalk away before they would die.

You are not actually summoning the planeswalker to you, more like avatar of them from a certain moment in time.

Dryad Arbor is a menace to MTG

They just need to strengthen the rule that creatures (including creatures that are also lands) must be kept in front of lands.


I agree.

On plebbit there was a thread talking about how Nassif's slow play is almost more of an issue than a fucking Dryad Arbor.

Are you guys slow players, or no? I play control typically (any format), and I think myself of a somewhat quick player, but control is just an archetype that demands more turns per game.

Last night I played in a local pauper tournament and played UR Blitz, and all of my matches were over within 15 minutes because I was playing really fast.

I'm just curious what makes people play slow, if you are a slow player? I don't really think there's anything inherently wrong with taking your time. Its different strokes for different folks and I am hella adderall'd out all the time.

Some people need more time to think. I don't think playing slow is a problem by itself, but I do think you as a player need to take that into account with your deck choice. If you are a slow player who needs a lot of time for each decision, do not play a deck that requires making multiple decisions per turn.

Agreed. I also don't get when people use the excuse "its a new deck". It's one thing if you are borrowing your friends gifts list or some shit, but nigga you've brought the same half-assed "budget affinity" desu it was just affinity minus opals and ravagers for 3 FNMs now, you no longer get to say that to excuse how shitty you are

To be fair, FNM is supposed to be more casual anyway. I get a bit baffled by people who treat FNM like PPTQs / GPs.

And maybe some of my quickness comes from the fact I've been playing Magic since 1997.

Again, I don't really mind people playing deliberately, even if that means slowly. I'm just really curious to hear from slower players as to why they play slowly. Is it parsing out a decision one at a time? Is it mental retardation? Like, I really don't know.


This deck should be called tumblr, because there are lots of white girls and plenty of triggers. Yes the joke still works here even without the Soul Sisters.

Damn, what a qt. I want her to sit on my face.

>creatures (including creatures that are also lands) must be kept in front of lands.

It's already a rule for coverage. Deal with it.

theyre fags too

It's hard to even define what counts as "slow". I mean, you're an oldfag. You've probably heard the "yeah, but it was thirty seconds of nothing" argument before.

To me thirty seconds to make a decision is a long time, but people get indecisive. And it gets even worse later in the game/event when there's more on the line. If it could be your last round and you still realistically have options. take the thirty seconds.

better then "uw jace control"?
modern really needs some better naming for decks

>Trinisphere spike

Uh. I think Nassif is slow. Like, that's the limit of acceptable. He is always bordering on way too goddamn slow.

People start to play it to counter bbe triggers and Disrupting shoals ?
I kinda like those spikes

Prime and valakut were in the same standard. It was strong. Tier 1 for sure. Jace was the only thing stopping it from being the best deck.

where to buy Chinaman cards now?

How is anyone supposed to play competitive modern magic without owning 4 copies of Black Lotus? I'm new to the game

>4 copies of Black Lotus

I'll bite. Only cards printed in 8th edition and forwards can be used in Modern, minus banned cards. So Black Lotus isn't legal.

Why is Damnation over double the price of Wrath of God?

Idk actually. Wasn't it supposed to be in Ali express?

Because wotc refused to reprint it for 15 years or something and it is used a lot in EDH and BGx sideboard. So the price is still up.

Wrath of God has been printed many more times.

Because it's in a different color that doesn't have nearly as many decent board wipe options. Also Wrath was reprinted like a squillion times.

I want to play tron that isnt the usual tron. Karn can fuck off. Tell me what kinda memes I can play. X spells? The cards dont have to be modern just post them

Mono-Red Stuffy Doll Tron

well there's eldrazi tron, but that is somewhat usual.
there's a mono red meme tron, just google around you'll find it, playing banefire and whatnot.
in pauper there's a meme rhystic tron, sorta like a prison deck of sorts.

Not him, but this sounds hilarious. Got a list?

If you plan to win, then yes

Never seen those inventive names before.

Look here tumblerina, racism is apart of Veeky Forums culture, just grow up and accept it.

I don't play it myself, but I'll encounter lists like on MTGO occasionally.

pls gb2 r/Veeky Forums

How does your deck hold up with the new entrants to modern, Veeky Forums? Did you keep your old deck or are you facing this changed landscape with something new?

Mardu before, Mardu after. I don't think it's great rn, but hey, it's all I've got

Hey guys, eldrazi fag here
How do I deal with Supreme Verdict? White already had access to two 4 cmc wrath's, but somehow that wasn't enough and wotc printed a uncounterable one.
Warping wail doesn't work obviously, so what's my opitions here? The UW control is erally annoying already with Spreading Seas, FoR and Gideons.

You can either race it, take it out of their hand, or not over-commit to the board. Pick your poison.

My baby, GDS, can go either way imo. I think it'll have to be faster and maybe include YP instead of all the delve creatures. I think jund DS might be the better option now, but remains to be seen.

I just bought affinity too, which looks pretty safe ATM so I can always switch.

Owling Mine eats jace decks for breakfast, so that's a plus. All the rest of my matchups still suck though

E-Tron. Will probably switch to GR (bolts) Tron or the GR Eldrazi.

Is 4 etched champions MB too much?

Friend at LGS says he doesn't like pz rn because with the format being outrun jace meta anger is gonna show up more. Think that holds any truth?

not that guy, but even being true, anger against GDS is pretty garbage and would only hit pz. most of the tokens are basically incidental, so a 3cmc for pz is pretty ok, GDS coming for him next turn.

I'm not sure I fully understand. You are claiming that the meta is gonna be really fast so Jace decks won't make an impact?

I can't say honestly. I think there will be fast decks and slow decks, but nothing in-between. YP will be a good SB card against Jace/Jund decks.

If you're friend is right then GDS should be well positioned.

it's one of the best board wipes for black with no drawbacks

Depends on the meta.

That's basically what he's saying. Pz will be too slow for fast decks, and slow decks will run anger, invalidating pz

will hollow one still be a decent deck choice?
it was having terrible matchups against control at scg modern and now control gets to add jace.

I did not put together what user meant by anger till .

I guess we'll have to see. I'd like it if my deck was not completely invalidated by the changes

Depends on what gets cut for jace. Jace isn't going to help them stabilize since you go wide, it's just a win condition after they've basically won

I don't mean the deck, i just mean pyromancer may not be the correct choice for a threat if the meta ends up being heavy on anger of the gods

I am not totally convinced that yp will be terrible. Anger is pretty bad against GDS anyways and if YP is a sb card it would be awkward to side in anger.

YP in general might be worse, but in GDS it might be ok (considering it's good against Jund and eldrazi too).

Only in the SB though.

Eldrazi and taxes, I hate to say, but this deck is so much fun.

But I’m sometimes still a retard about gameplay. Especially openers, anybody have any tips on opening hands when it comes to E&T or just D&T in general?

Also now that the big boogey man is back, is making Jace cost 5 mana along with hand disruption and strip mining worth now? Can my deck fight against JtMS or BBE decks?

Any new sideboard cards I should consider?

If you're actually scared of jace, pack some revokers or reality smashers to deal with it outright.
No real reason to be afraid of him though. He shines when you're already locked out in topdeck mode.

The only thing about Jace that should concern you is the -1 on a TKS. Besides that you should have a pretty easy game.

Is UR pyromancer still viable? I have most of the money cards, but don't want to pony up for jaces

>implying des would ever even consider going somewhere where he could learn about the format rather than relying on outdated hearsay.
Humans is cool because it can scale up-down in colors but I do think that w/g humans is the best starting point.

Do you guys keep records of your matches? It helps me stifle the feeling of abject failure when my decks scrub out. Anyway:
>tfw sub-50% winrate
I don't know if I'm gonna make it lads

Do I now? No. Will I moving forward? Absolutely. This seems huge in helping shape a well-balanced sideboard

Just picked up this bad boy for 55 eurobucks. It's SP condition in German.

Have I done goofed?

Unless you plan on 5c Shadow, you done fucked up.

>if collecting
No, you didnt fuck up you have a rather nice looking goyf

>if playing competitively
Yea you fucked up unles you have a deck to put it in

R/G tron player here, how hard is the new meta going to fuck me?

BBE makes everything faster. Jace is not a problem, but burn will be more prevalent because of him.

Your deck is tier-one again, don't worry

But what about Jund?
Mostly collecting but it's also in case someday I'll need a playset. It just seemed like a deal too good to pass on considering the time, with Bloodbraid Elf and all.
I have 3 now.

Now I will.
I went to my first Sunday night magic this week. It was fun and a learning experience.

Jund is not worth playing right now.

How so?

No ban Thoughtseize.

>broke, ban lightning bolt
>woke, Unban mental misstep

I suppose we could do that instead.

Can this memebrew work?

Also I need a substitute for the bridges

im sorry, i was channeling Des for half a minute there

If you want a protracted laughing session, go watch the video where he talks about it

Norn's annex?