The gingerperor needs to go

I don't expect a lot of you to remember or care, but the story of the gingerbread titan is coming to a close.

House renovations mean there is no way to really keep it any longer, so I'm looking for a new home for it.
It's slightly disassembled but not broken, and I'm sure it can survive transport if packed correctly. However it's a big old thing so nobody I know personally would want it.
As such, I figured I'd ask here, the one place that might still want it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Chaos wins again.

>the end of an age


>Scripty back on Veeky Forums


Reminds me of simpler times here, where people seemed to actually enjoy the community.

shit, I feel old now....

>check Veeky Forums for the first time in 2 years
>scripty back in teegee
>his thread is getting ignored

What happened Veeky Forums?

Veeky Forums has changed

Times change. I doubt my old style would really fit the modern Veeky Forums zeitgeist.

Tell me, old one:
Who were you? What did you do? I'm new here, but I hear legends of old. What is your claim to fame?

I namefagged and talked about making models. People seemed to like mine enough to ask for advice every so often. For Christmas I'd bake something, like that titan.

are storytimes still a thing? writefagging? Hating ward?
How much has changed? What in with the cool kids now?

Also I'd like to make it clear that if I can't find a buyer/taker, I will just toss it out

I'm sort of surprised you never ate it.

Jesus, this thread makes me wish we could just go back to those better days. Before questfags, before generals, back to the times of Elf Slave Wat Do.
Learn about the legacy of your elders

this was what I was going to suggest.

>Elf slave wat do threads
>simpler times
That was like 8 months ago and it was always the same guy.

>are storytimes still a thing?

barely and they are hated

>Hating ward?
most people don't know who he is

>How much has changed?
nearly everything

>What in with the cool kids now?
nobody is allowed to be cool nowdays

I've no interest in models myself, but baking shit like that is super cool. Got any other pictures? I'll preserve them, at least.

Yes, but rarely. But then, were the good ones so common to begin with?
It pops up every once in a while. Just that nobody screencaps shit anymore.
>Hating Ward

Another big change in addition to the generals and rise and fall of quests was just went Veeky Forums randomly turns on its drawfags and drove 99% of them off of the board. RIP Greenmarine.

>are storytimes still a thing?
Only "that guy" threads
No and when it happens it's usually waifu porn shit
>Hating ward?
Things have changed now that he's not the top dog anymore, people remember him fondly for his rules and forgive his fluff. Time makes strange bedfellows.
>What in with the cool kids now?
Judging from the catalogue, fucking fetish threads about fucking monster girls or pregnancy or tower girls

It's not edible due to all the support bits and finishing coats. I've eaten what was edible, namely a whole lot of spare parts and flash, long ago.
If you Google up gingerbread titan you can probably find most of the pics I had of it, as well as the stompa

having visited drawfag general, i'm amazed any of them ever stayed. Every request is fucking hilariously aweful

Why is it that generals are so bad, or quests being kept separately is a bad thing? A general contains things about specific topics to one place, it seems sensible from someone who knew not what it was before.
And quests are still there, just not here. If quests were so good, surely browsing /qst/ can still give that same experience? If not, is it that quests are elsewhere, or that people have moved on?

To be fair the Monstergirl thread gets like, 40 posters and they're roughly the same 40 posters. Hardly "cool".

What used to be cool, user? What used to be popular back in the day? Make this a nostalgia thread.

Maybe I should visit those once and draw something as a guest artist.

no do not face it, you know not the peril

Well for one, in the old days, we could go a whole fucking day without /pol/ bait threads. Imagine.

Collective characters like commissar fuclaw, angry marines, Cultist chan, etc
Stat me threads
Meme shitposting

Holy shit is that really you? I wasn’t here during the “good old times”, but I have heard the legends.

I feel like Im living the twilight of the Grognards, the Grognardämmerung.
Just checked suptg ad there seems to be some promising threads.
Just tell me, do we still burn the heretic, kill the mutant, purge the furry?

the problem with generals is that now everyone thinks stuffs must be in generals. It kills the spontaneous question threads. Most of the great thread of ye olden times were like that

collective characters frowned upon, and people are ashamed of them.
Stat me threads still happen
meme shitposting happens but different, with different memes.
mtg is going strong but according to mtg fans it's also shit

>What used to be cool, user? What used to be popular back in the day?
I'm on Veeky Forums from almost the beginning, and prepare to be disappointed.

Roughly the same shit.

Stories, hilariously fake stories, shitposting (more prominent now because of sheer amount of posters), Fetish Race Flavor Of The Month...

>Just tell me, do we still burn the heretic, kill the mutant, purge the furry?
nope, that's reddit/tryhard/edgelord//pol/

40k isn't as prevalent as it used to be. It's telling that Script's collective characters are all 40k based. Hell, so much of 1d4Chan is 40k flavoured even when not talking about it directly.
Do we burn heretics and kill mutants? Maybe, in 40k's places, but 40k isn't welcome across the board anymore.

>collective characters frowned upon, and people are ashamed of them.
Because the ones we come up with now are shit, OR DO I HAVE TO REMIND YOU?


Yeah, it's me. Haven't made any models in ages so I had no reason to put my name on until now.
Frankly I'm amazed people still remember me.
Usually I'd expect random players characters, monster girls and maybe some 40k memes. How far off the mark am I?

>but 40k isn't welcome across the board anymore.
because 40k tries to force it's dick into everything.

I mean they are ashamed of the old ones. They think those should have never happened.

The problem with generals is that it sequesters communities and often times it just leads to people on Veeky Forums never really browsing what all is up but instead just opening their two relevant General threads and sitting there. Used to, discussions were a lot more open and people generally tended to end up in more threads before they weren't contained to just relevant generals.

Quests weren't good, imo. I said before questfags not during questfags. Though the very early days were actually pretty good. Totemist Quest, LegoQuest, etc. People actually put a lot of effort into them and they often served as interesting world-building exercises before it was just MAGICAL SHOUJO BUTLER QUEST: EP 306. They devolved into a cesspit and they also directly lead to the creation of Generals since they were taking up so much board traffic that it starved out other posters.

Oh well that's just leftover from when it would get you banned

I think that also leads to people not remembering something as strongly.
Star Wars General had an absolutely great little half a thread of people talking about some backwater planet where the Rebs and Imps were basically pulling Hogan's Heroes except both sides were in on it, they'd both pretend to fight the other one and hide it from high command even when they went out for drinks with each other on the weekends and stuff.
But it's in the general amongst all the other stuff, so nobody is going to remember it as "That thread with the comfiest war in the galaxy", nor save it for future reference as such.

Why does this elf have a chainaxe?
Suddenly I'm vividly reminded of the sergals

That's kinda why the board was made. Because 40k shitposting was too invasive on /b/.

Scripty NO, dont say the s-word

Remember, Veeky Forums originally was created specifically because of Warhammer Wednesday threads on /b/ years and years and years ago. So it isn't that surprising that it formed the backbone of the community for a long time. The fact that it is the largest and most common miniature wargame across all regions certainly helps as well.

>Tis beauty....

These fucking chaos worshipping sjw cunts have ruined the place.

But I can finally say candlejack, righ

Where do you think they all went? Or is it just that they stay in their specific threads for the most part, away from everyone else?
And if that's the case, why don't the 40 types produce like they used to? What do you think changed?

let's not kid ourselves: We ruined the place collectively

>What do you think changed?

dude thats like complaiing about anime in Veeky Forums.
I love the old Papa-N quests but they made the waifu pandering/harem format popular

Nice to hear from you. The last I heard was when you went to do the conscription thing. Did you post at all after that?

Last time I was here WIP general had become a hub for mini posting and there were a few battle report threads, but I guess interest in fan codexes and the like just died out.

Generals are communities into themselves.

When a board gets large and fast enough that a user cannot keep up with most of the board, or doesn't care about the majority of what's on the board, it'll splinter.

Quests and generals have communities that stay in their few threads.

When Veeky Forums was younger, with a smaller userbase, that userbase as a whole could share memes, rather than many of us now going "Huh, I do not understand this reference just because I've not seen any of the relevant posts or threads"

There is no cure, boards are just too big.

Generals are a problem because everyone just wants to put a thing in its relevant general, but that will just get a few posts rather than an entire thread, and generals are often small enough that a few dominant namefags take over.


from what Im reading in this thread a lot of 40k inclined drawfags were ran off board

I did but less actively. Haven't made many models since I got a job. Last thing I built was a commission.
Instead I managed to build a pretty flourishing rpg group and learned to draw.

Honestly Scripty, the userbase has basically increased and now there are a whole pile of 12 year olds. It's like eternal summer, with these social justice shills pushing their bullshit on the board. There's no Dwarf Fortress threads, No Elf Hate Threads. I haven't seen a muscle wizard repost in at least 5 years. A crying shame. Truly is the Grognardämmerung.

I would love to hold on to the gingerperor. And since it's mostly inedible it has a much higher chance of staying intact around me. I have some extra shelving it moght can fit on, and if all else fails I have a storage unit I can hold it in until better accommodations are made.
I don't know you well, scripty. You were probably before my time. So, up to you on that if there are any other takers

Not to mention that generals also segregate the population enough that smaller games that can't support a general basically just don't get talked about even though there's seemingly a sizeable population playing them. Shit like Shadow of the Demon Lord is a game that I honestly would have never known about if it wasn't for a friend IRL who backed it and showed it to me. I posted about it once and the thread was filled with people who both were playing it and who were interested in playing it, but those threads are a flash in the pan and then vanish.

So instead you only end up with the really big shit sticking around and half the time they aren't even particularly relevant. I mean, we've got a Star Trek General ffs. And as much as I do love Star Wars General and the shit that comes out of there -- one of the dudes who was tossing around the Hogan's Heroes shit both in that thread someone else mentioned as well as previously -- it's not like most of the discussion there has anything to do with any of the games. It's just a place to talk about the books we like, the movies we hate, and everything else.

Isn't discussion of SJW's in itself a difference? I mean how many threads were made about that twitter post from a DnD dev?
Also wouldn't Dwarf Fortress count as /v/, considering it's a video game?

>wouldn't Dwarf Fortress count as /v/
Get thee off my board, newfag.

Also, thinking of ancient shit, has there been any update on nurse-kun and his amputee loli adopted daughter since he dropped in once in like 2010-2011?

>wouldn't Dwarf Fortress count as /v/
No offense, famalam, but kill yourself.

I don't really see how the oddly omnipresent /pol/ vs sjw thing would slot into Veeky Forums but then, I doubt knowing would really make me happier.
To me the spirit of Veeky Forums was always a sense of dynamic but ultimately disposable creativity that could turn any thread into a crazy deep dive of writing, art and design, then archive it and move on.
Veeky Forums gets shit done was as much of an empty slogan as /co/ is love or /v/-video games, but when that creative lightning struck, it struck hard before fading fast.

I understand that thing of attempting to keep up. I've not known it being any smaller, and I can't keep up with something because I've got a life to live - if I go out to work and come back everything I wanted to reply to would have dropped off the board, I can spend literally entire evenings doing nothing but Veeky Forums and it's constant activity, and I only pick boards I have a strong rather than passing interest in.

... You know what, fuck it. Come this evening when Veeky Forums's more active, I'm making that Hogan's Heroes idea in a separate thread. We can screencap that shit, or put it on sup/tg/ if people think it's worth it. That was a fun idea and I'm not going to let it just die out and pass from memory.
Though I'm sort of nervous if it would live long enough or if it's okay to do that. I guess that's another thing, newfags like me are sort of afraid of breaching some kind of decorum.

But see, this is my point. If it wasn't for the fact I'm the sole greenhorn sticking around in thread full of people who remember it like it was, I wouldn't know that, because it IS a video game, and plenty of other newbies would assert rather than ask why it's here.
A lot of the old culture died off. I'm only aware of the parts I am because I stumbled across 1d4Chan. Couldn't tell you how or why the old guard haven't been able to carry it to today - maybe it's as was mentioned, board is simply too big for that kind of widespread zeitgeist now.

>Also wouldn't Dwarf Fortress count as /v/, considering it's a video game?
please die in a fire

Well, no other takers so far.
I'll probably make a follow up thread (or two) to see how much interest there is for it and if anyone is willing to buy it / cover the postage.
I'll also leave some contact info since I doubt most anyone remembers my blog or DA or anything.

larp threads also died out

Honestly, just don't bother. Shitpost about it occassionally in /swg/, but the days of actually building lasting settings with a collective in Veeky Forums are just donezo. I'm glad I managed to help cultivate one setting out of it in the Twilight Years, but I honestly wouldn't bother. You'll have a handful of posters, you'll slip towards sage, and no-one will remember it once it passes. At least inside /swg/ there's a decent chance that people that might actually use that idea will remember it.

The reason the Old Guard mostly left is likely simply the natural process of moving on. Most of us have finished college and gotten jobs and simply don't have the time to shitpost and lurk around like that. In a couple of weeks, my ability to post here will get slashed to about a tenth of what it is now. Online communities that are as open and free as Veeky Forums have a vast amount of turn-over because there's no real binding force keeping groups of people together. Sometimes they might migrate to other platforms to keep in touch, but the people that posted their 40k lists eight years ago likely don't even browse the site anymore.

>Couldn't tell you how or why the old guard haven't been able to carry it to today
people stopped care, and also the old guard had less and less time to make threads.
And when you make a thread and literally nobody answers it you know it's time to stop

A lot of my later day threads were empty as fuck, hence why I doubted anyone would even remember me

If you say so - I'll defer to your wisdom.
I guess seeing people talk about things just makes me want to try and be the change you want to see, y'know? Try and recapture something like that, and encourage others to do the same.
Maybe it's futile, but I feel like I gotta at least try, you know? Still, like I say, I trust you over me, you've been here longer.

Shit still happens in ways reminiscent of the days of yore. But it is far fewer in between. Most the reasons of been covered by the previous anons.

To be honest I think it's because we got old, we got jobs and lives, and we moved on to leave a new gen to discover for themselves the treasures left. And maybe invent a new every so often. Your lightning strike metaphor was apt imo.

Yeah. The first several times we made threads for the Skylands, they were filled with various people writing stories and coming up with ideas, posting art and even drawing up custom races. We had a whole slew of various posters working together to come up with a setting. And we kept going for a week. A while later, we had another thread and it was a bit slower but still productive though the traffic was weaker as quests had begun to push independent threads off the board. And a while later, the thread slipped off the board with less than 50 posts.

Well, that's the rub of it. If you post it inside the /swg/ thread, people that might actually use it and are familiar with the setting post about it and might actually use it. Post it outside of the /swg/ thread and half of those people won't even see it, a quarter of the posters will probably just be shitposting MUH EMPIRE AINT NAZIS, REEEE or EMPIRE ARE ONE-DIMENSION NAZIS, REEE.

Veeky Forums has changed. It's no longer about games, settings, or projects. It's an endless series of shitposting based on politics and insults. Veeky Forums - and its consumption of time - has become a shit-oiled machine. Veeky Forums has changed. 'Ironic' shitposters write 'ironic' bait, use 'ironic' memes. /pol/ influence inside their bodies enhances and regulates their abilities. General control. Quest control. Content control. Board control. Everything is moderated and kept under control. Veeky Forums has changed. The age of fun has become the age of control... All in the name of avoiding association with normies and furfags. And he who controls the board, controls the community. Veeky Forums has changed. When the board is under total control, Veeky Forums becomes boring.

Somewhat telling that we're nearing 80 posts but only have 18 posters.

That's one of the disheartening things. I've made a few threads, I don't think any of them got double digit replies, so I'm not really encouraged to make new ones.
Everybody kind of develops that mentality, people stop making threads outside generals because their ideas won't be noticed.
For all it's autism the Monstergirl thread is weird for that, it's still around because it up and called itself a general one day and that's probably the reason it's still alive; I don't know if that's encouraging in that something can survive and semi-thrive like that, or sad because the only reason something like that is alive is by making it a "general.

The solution is clear
Old Veeky Forums General

I want to subscribe to your newsletter

Scripty you magnificent bastard, I'm going to kick you in the fuck.

It will contain many interesting topics
For instance, penises.

Okay but what would that even entail?
"This is the general for writefaggotry and drawfaggotry, for storytime of all varieties, and the topic is 'everything'. Don't worry how people are going to react, just post that shit."

Glad you're still around.

I haven't posted in years I've scrolled through threads every day and I just quit.

Content has gone from being unique and creative ideas to The same shill shit show that everything else is.

We are all to blame we had great memories but they can't be repeated and retain the same meaning.

The popularity of all the boards on the chans gotten to a point where it just screams the same driven points every day. And nothing's changed about that. But the in between greatness is gone.

Nah, the solution is simply to take solace in the memories of what once was and to simply move on. The past belongs in the past, not trying to twist it into the present with necromancy.

that's the spirit of the Old Veeky Forums

one of the new things is that it shows how many individual poster there is in a thread. Right now we have 20

Don't be ridiculous. Old Veeky Forums had it's wizards of content, yes?
Bringing back old Veeky Forums might be immoral; but wizards have no morals. So fuck it. Let's give it a shot and see if it combusts horribly, works perfectly, or ends up eating us for even trying!

Another old timer once said that Veeky Forums used to be a place of a bait thread, then 20 posts later it would be landshnecks talking about land treaties. Maybe I should remember that, just start responding to threads with land treatise discussion.

>Reminds me of simpler times here, where people seemed to actually enjoy the community.
Good days, good days. I too, would like to go back to the days where I didn't get on Veeky Forums to open a thread, shake my head at a couple retarded posts, and close the tab.

Sounds good. 'Cause of where I am I feel I would have to cover the postage.
I'll try to keep an eye out for more threads. Curiousconstructions gmail is my tosser you can reach me at, if nothing else.

And, well, I'm not one of the folks who know your DA, sorry to say.

Unfortunately, I'm just not really sure that sort of a place exists anymore on the internet. We're all just a bunch of savage trolls telling one another to slit their throats or hammering them as a SJW boogeyman or a /pol/ack. There's no real decorum left on the internet, and it was that spirit of... I guess almost brotherhood that helped make Veeky Forums work back in those days. Everyone was a faggot and there was plenty of shitposting, but at the same time, you wouldn't just go into a thread to flame.

you have my codpiece

>Another old timer once said that Veeky Forums used to be a place of a bait thread, then 20 posts later it would be landshnecks talking about land treaties. Maybe I should remember that, just start responding to threads with land treatise discussion.
Would work better than trying to shame them into not posting

>That spirit of brotherhood
What was it that united people back then? Was it just because it was a smaller community, so everyone was a little more civil to one another because of the shared interest not being welcome elsewhere, after /b/ exile?
I can't say I browse many other boards, but Veeky Forums seems better than some places, at least by my estimates. When people disagree there's actual discussion about it sometimes rather than just shitflinging. Though, I guess the keyword there is "sometimes".

It's more that Veeky Forums would begin discussing the bait with a completely straight face. It would actually discuss the topic at hand with zeal and slowly segue into this or that.

>Would work better than trying to shame them into not posting
That's an important thing about old Veeky Forums
Whe we trolled the trolls. Every bait that was posted were USED and taken to places.
Now it's just people competing who can shout the loudest vulgarities

At the risk of sounding like I'm trying to bait an SJW Vs Pol thing...

There was a lot less divisive identity politics amongst the white college-going men of the internet at the time.

4hcan, and Veeky Forums, was basically of one mind when it came to politics, and th at mind was "we're a nerd uncerclass who nobody pays much attention to, fuck getting political, we get along OK in life and do our own shit"

Now, you have genuine division in the ranks and it's why there's so much us-vs-them ness on Veeky Forums now compared to then.