>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list. mtgcommander.net
>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices. tappedout.net
>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet. edhrec.com/
>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity. manabasecrafter.com/
I don't think I bought a single card from the new block, my friend.
Adrian Harris
Reprint of opt and spell pierce was quite nice, other than that I don't play tribals, so it was kinda meh.
Adam Anderson
Etali is great in my Maelstrom Wanderer deck Other than that... uh.... maybe I'll get an Azcanta when it rotates I guess
Brody Bell
The Bad >Pirates still suck as a tribe >Dinos are really linear, most Gishath decks are pretty much the same >Simic Merfolk are neat but try to do too many things for a large set and a small set. >Enrage is ripped straight from Hearthstone >Still too much draft chaff for me to go consider buying packs (Keeper cycle can go fuck itself)
The OK >Vampires makes the set feel like it was made as "Edgar Markov: The Expansion Pack" >Jace has turned into the Chad Gideon's always wanted him to be >Ascend's a cool mechanic, even though you can't really interact with it other than by preventing your opponent from getting 10 permanents (Good luck with that in this format though) >Nice reprints for standard and some decent answers here and there
The Great >Primal Dinos are cool since they're not Dino focused. Blue and Black ones suck though. >Flip lands are great and are almost always guaranteed to flip in EDH compared to Standard. >Pic related with a kicked Rite of Replication is funny as hell
Lucas Wood
Robert Sullivan
Waiting for Kumena to rotate so i can try a simic merfolk build with either him or tishana. I've heard it's not that good, can anyone ITT confirm that?
Robert Parker
>How has the cards from Ixalan Block been in your decks so far? pitiless plunderer is downright game breaking. i put immortal sun in a couple decks and it doesn't disappoint. i run both entrancing melody and spell swindle in my mono-blue "no creatures" deck, where both are good but not amazing. i run etalli and it is exactly as fun and powerful as you'd expect. i actually want to pick up a twilight prophet as well but it's price is a bit high right now for a card i'm not sure i'll play.
Carson Hall
I have not found any interest in any card from this block.
Liam Cruz
>this + sands of time
Charles Phillips
I'm kinda in a lack of coffee suply to understand... what do those two cards together do exactly?
Brayden Bell
Phased out things phases in during upkeep. Sands of time removes the upkeep step.
Nathaniel Long
Doesn't this mean that the other player himself is also going to end up phasing out all their permanents?
Juan Powell
>Replicated Trauma Tuna >that feel
Grayson Robinson
>Thread Question Well, I built Gishath, so that deck has been janky fun. Other than dinos though, Star of Extinction has proven to be a splashy wipe. Dire Fleet Daredevil is okay in Feldon. Pillar of Origins is a solid tribal rock.
Aiden Collins
choose a permanent type i don't control?
Levi Reed
*blocks your path*
Michael Clark
>How has the cards from Ixalan Block been in your decks so far?
So I haven't tried it yet, but how easily do you think you can win with revel in riches and a board wipe?
Nicholas Kelly
How does this interact with "Damage can't be prevented" effects? Does the damage still reflect?
Blake Gutierrez
>If damage is prevented this way, Deflecting Palm deals that much damage to that source's controller. >If damage is prevented this way >If >damage >is >prevented
Austin Watson
top tier 2 or less mana commanders?
Nicholas Howard
>Blue and Black ones suck though. Pic related is definitely going into my Horobi deck though.
Joshua Jackson
"Global Enchantments" Realm phases out and never comes back.
Cameron Bailey
>My personal threat level list of 2 CMC Baral Gaddock Teeg 8 1/2 Tails Skullbriar Sygg, River Cutthroat
>Technically 2 cmc Grenzo, Dungeon Warden
Joshua Jackson
Baral Gaddock Teeg BR Grenzo Thrasios, Triton Hero (althoug is never played alone)
Jackson Ortiz
I spaced out Rhys the Redeemed as well.
Juan Rivera
>plebbit and fb edh groups full of fucking tryhards >"im the best player in my group!" >"my deck is too powerful xD lol, how do i power it down so my friends dont hate me xDDD"
god i hate commander discussion anywhere but here
Colton Taylor
>39 lands sounds like a lot Said every player who complains about getting mana screwed every other game.
Cooper Gray
While this is a legitimate concern (personally) with playing with people I don't normally play with, I also have decks ranging from Draft Chaff.dec to Kill That One Guy Then Die.dec so its usually no issue.
>How has the cards from Ixalan Block been in your decks so far? Dusk Legion Zealot is a great workhorse. Chart a Course is proving to be pretty decent, 2cmc "Draw two" is WAY better than the same effect at 3cmc, even if it's situational.
Been testing Shapers of Nature, turns out it's alright when you have a Lorescale Coatl or Chasm Skulker on board. (Plus a Training Grounds? O baby!) Still not amazing.
Hostage Taker is wonderful. Been a long time since I found something in MTG as fun as snagging early Sol Rings from greedy players, or having tons of mana and swiping phat bombs out of nowhere. Stealing key combo pieces is very fun, too. Versatile card, has proven to be great. Would recommend.
Zacama Storm is hilarious.
Discovered that Vona is by far the most hated commander ever. People try to murder me more than when I play Purph or Grand Arbiter.
I think it's been a pretty decent block. Nothing mindblowing, but put out a ton of solid stuff.
Jack Lee
Went in on a precon to get my toes wet after being away for a few years.
The deck is okay, but the mana base is screwed by the amount of "Pay X" cards and artifacts the guy shoved in.
One thing I've noticed from interacting with many different playgroups is that almost every player thinks they're the best player in the group. I've talked to groups where literally every player said they win about 50% of their games.
Nicholas Myers
I mean I would say 38-39 lands max if you are not running a single card of ramp. I usually run somewhere around 36-38 depending on color and how much I feel like spending money.
Jason Lewis
That's funny, I think discussions here are lackluster, with every thread going on with no real topic besides bitching over competitive scumbag players getting in your softcore meta, and bunch of Ralph Wiggums trying to make a $20 buck 100 card deck and win.
Andrew Cooper
>Kill That One Guy.dec Why is this so fun to do when someone's way too big for their boots?
We had three proxy days where you could bring any deck you want and played and my group is 2 Timmies and a Johnny/Spike I'm a Vorthos/Melvin I brought a Nicol Bolas themed Nicol Bolas deck, based around discarding and stuff, it was really fun. The Spike brought a Sidisi deck that won consistently and it got a bit boring. The next time the guy said he was bringing Sidisi again since it was so effective so I brought Isamaru to punch him at extremely fast speeds. The time after that he brought Sidisi again saying he brought tech for my Isamaru deck but I had brought Hope of Ghirapur and fucking beat face again.
So satisfying to let my other 2 friends play there dream decks, the stupid Timmy fucks.
Luke Martin
>Gotcha edition user...
Ryan Russell
In addition to what the others have said, Hapatra.
Jaxon Ortiz
>Blue one >Sucks >Not white one
Brandon Anderson
>Shattered identity + Radiate >Shitloads of etbs >One of the permeants is cathars crusade >Finally finish resolving the ass load of triggers >Blue player smerks >Cyclonic rift overload Come on
Robert Adams
Karlov and Sram I personally find pretty scary.
Evan Ramirez
> Nicol Bolas themed Nicol Bolas deck Are you me? I even have those god awful yellow sleeves and the deckbuilder box to store it in.
Austin Flores
How many cards of a certain "theme" should you include in a deck in order to reliably see every game? When i say theme, i mean like, i want to see a card draw, or a token producer, etc reliably every game.
Wyatt Long
Do you play dusk legion in Edgar? If so, how do you think he compares to other common 2 drops in the deck.
Chase Evans
10 cards/ ~ 10%, in theory you will see 1 within the first 3-4 turns. Add tutors and filtering as needed.
Brody Bennett
>I'm a Vorthos/Melvin
finally someone else who's a melvin
i'm a timmy/melvin myself. people mistake me for a spike when i start talking about how to calculate value and whether a card is worth it in a deck and stuff, but i honestly just want to do silly stuff in the most optimized way
my personal own "fuck this guy" deck is a skithiryx deck with a bunch of hand hate in it. it works very well against combo decks and decks that rely on their commanders a lot, so it demolishes most of the tier 1 bullshit like zur, yisan, food chain and so on
Aaron Butler
I use this in my Korlash board wipe tribal deck.
Ian Wright
Jack Cook
If you don't laugh like a comic book villain whilst becoming archenemy is it even any fun?
Benjamin Jones
If you have consistent card draw (Rhystic Study, Phyrexian Arena, Staff of Nin), you'll see much more of the other "themes"
Grayson Brooks
around 12-14. i'm fairly sure 12-14 cards is around a 75% chance to see it in your first cards. makes it fairly easy to mulligan for it. it gets a little harder to calculate once you include cantrips and stuff.
your math is off. 10 cards is like a 65%ish chance of seeing it in your first 10 cards. so your starting hand plus 3 turns.
Ryder Cooper
Also apparently I'm Melvin as well, My deck is Aurelia the Warleader voltron with damage doublers and additional turns with tons o' rocks
Anthony Howard
Liam Gray
>Keeper cycle ?
Elijah Phillips
My group thinks I'm stupid when I say that mechanics of a card fit a deck theme or archetype; but it's honestly so satisfying to build a deck with a theme that runs through the flavour and cards that plays and feels like the theme too.
Nolan Ortiz
>How has the cards from Ixalan Block been in your decks so far?
Uncle Eddy's Spanish Inquisition is plenty of fun. I might try pirates again at some point, but the last attempt has lost a lot of theme and turned into generic Dimir steal stuff.
Christian King
>If so, how do you think he compares to other common 2 drops in the deck. Edgar runs out of steam if he gets blown out, so a card that replaces itself is valuable. It is very good imo. A reliable workhorse of not getting yourself murdered by a single board clear.
Robert Phillips
oh oops i misread what you meant. yeah, 10 cards is 10% of your deck, and the chance of drawing one early is decently high (but if you want it to be consistently 100% then you need to add even more)
Camden Myers
You are correct sir, I blame it on a lack of caffeine.
Nathaniel Cox
What an asshole. He could have said he was going to cast that and save you all the time. I hope you guys ganged up on him and took him out, but then again he played Cyclonic Rift. Are they ever going to ban that stupid fucking card?
Isaac Fisher
Bruh .. . Sands of time skips the untap step ... I think you're looking for Eon Hub
James Rivera
So, what is considered the "best" card binder?
Ayden Evans
>Phased out things phases in during upkeep. uh. no.
Matthew Adams
I fucking love this card. It fucks with so many decks.
Easton Taylor
plain white folding cardboard box.
Jordan Lee
But aren't boros charm effects much better at that? Im not saying the card is bad, Im actually running it now. I just find it hard to justify a 2 cmc 1/1 with no other abilities in a deck what wants to be agressive. I have a lot of anthems though, so there's that.
Caleb Murphy
>I just find it hard to justify a 2 cmc 1/1 with no other abilities >No other abilities. >Draw a card. Sounds like an ability to me. A very good one, too.
Blake Mitchell
i was faced with that very question myself as well. i personally went with a zipfolio xenoskin since a lot of people have shilled for it. i've had it for like a month and it has seemed good. it feels sturdy, it has a zipper so it's good for travel and otherwise has no real issues.
the only thing i don't like about it is that the sleeves are big and you essentially have to sleeve your cards when you put them in or they won't look good. they don't fall out if unsleeved, but they just won't be centered and that triggers my OCD. but obviously that isn't much of a problem
Carter Jenkins
>blue and black sucks White goes literally nowhere aside from dino tribal.
Camden Campbell
Objectively anything not a 3/ any ring binder.
Here is a convenient 4 part video series on it. youtube.com/watch?v=ADzpPZZUw14 If you can't stand his voice mute it and watch.
Liam Gonzalez
yeah and the blue one is actually very fun as both a facebeating commander and a timmy version of mystic remora
Liam Thomas
True. He's really boring.
Nolan Reed
Cycle from Ixalan that's 5 one-drops with an ability that costs 8 mana, basically stuff you'd pick in draft just to get more on-color stuff. Pic related is the only decent one since it's a 1/1 flyer for B.
Lucas Hernandez
I started out as a Timmy/Melvin, I think, running Krenko and all his goblin pals. Now I think I'm more of a Johnny/Melvin with a small small dash of spike when certain people are at the table. Now I'm playing things like Wort the spellslinger and Bosh rock chucking shenanigans. My friends are always baffled how I can build coherent decks anymore without resorting to something like tribal or goodstuff but it's only because I really get into the mechanics of how cards work with each other.
i think i'm kind of an exception the timmy/melvin rule since i absolutely loathe tribal mechanics. i've always found them too linear and restrictive to really allow for creativity and cleverness. i guess i have a bit of johnny in me too.
Jace Parker
Most of the super-fast Grenzo Doomsday lists play him with X=0, so I think he counts
Angel Edwards
>Ixalan Flip enchantments are good, the rest is pretty much shit. There is a value card here and there, but for the most part its a really boring set, both in cards, and in lore.
Ian Thomas
Haven't had a chance to drop immortal sun yet. It seems promising enough, so considering it's replacing a dreamstone hedron, I don't expect any drop in performance when I do draw it. Probably won't be great, but I'll be content if it's "pretty okay"
Dowsing Dagger has been great. A morningstar or a dynamo based on whichever I may need. Not a game ender, but a really handy utility. Almost everyone I've given plants to forgot my plants existed almost immediately, such a waste.
Logan Ramirez
>all of those Pushing it, he's terrible in all of them. It's like saying that Axebane Stag has its uses.
Ian Perez
Comparing a vanilla creature to Akroma isn't an argument
Ethan Perry
Isaiah Garcia
>3Ball spike Fucking Modern
Blake Roberts
Yeah, you are right, Axebane Stag at least can be used in craw wurm meta.
Adam Cox
What are dome.good wincons for gwafa. I added approach of the second sun but thats 1 card in the 99, what kind of combos should i add?
Camden Richardson
>How has the cards from Ixalan Block been in your decks so far?
Ixalan block is dog shit out side of that new cradle land and merfolk
David Harris
Azor's Elocutors
Lincoln Brown
Jacob Gomez
Unfortunately, as bad as Akroma is, at least she is in a more relevant tribe.
Nathaniel Gonzalez
That kind of over reaction is worse for the game than the card itself. You look like the kind of dumbass who would much rather ban the entire blue color because "I can't do fun things"
Xavier Wright
user, angel tribal is dogshit
Jason Williams
I completely feel you on that one. I started out liking tribal but sort of evolved past it. The only survivor of that era is a sliver deck that I poured heart and soul into.
Gavin Reed
I never said they were good, but at least they are regularly printed, instead of dinos who will not be seen until we return to ixalan.
Owen Russell
Tribal is for brainlets. It is only supported by wizards so utter retards can feel like they accomplish something by jamming the objectively best X creature type into a deck and calling it deck building. Every single tribal deck is the same every single time
Leo Morales
Idk, they did retroactively put dinosaurs on others planes
Ryan Morgan
Post your pet card.
Bentley Walker
>imagine having this much contempt for how people play thier children's card game
Nathaniel Sanchez
Thomas Reyes
T. Tribal brainlet
Julian Hall
I like the confluence cards. The art depicts literally me playing mono-black at my LGS.