Underdark Edition
Unearthed Arcana: Into The Wild
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Previously, on /5eg/
What’s your favorite region to adventure in?
Underdark Edition
Unearthed Arcana: Into The Wild
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Previously, on /5eg/
What’s your favorite region to adventure in?
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DM question
got a guy not coming for 2 hours of 4 hour session
>that's fine
I was thinking, the party kind of missed something big that happened as they left town.
Would it be a dick move or genius to drop some premade meat on them and have them battle to the death in a heroic effort to defend the town, thus cementing the narrative their own PCs didn't experience?
They would not know it's a lost cause and for narrative purposes I need to have them "know" what happened to the town anyway. I thought this would be better than just having an NPC who fled relay the info verbally.
Basically it will be a playground in a disaster area with an overwhelming force attacking, but they won't know it's hopeless and they will feel like they are making a difference through their sacrifice.
Charger feat is shit, right?
probably double hell
>Ability Score Adjustment: Dexterity +1 and Charisma +2.
>Size: Small.
>Speed: 25 feet.
>Fearless: You cannot be frightened.
>Taunt: You have an uncanny insight into the motivations and characteristics of other races, and you can use this insight to infuriate them. As an action, you can unleash a verbal barrage of sarcasm, insults, and crude comments against a creature that can understand you. Make a Performance check vs the target’s Insight check. If you win the contest, the target must use its next action to attack only you at Disadvantage. If you are out of range, it must charge at you. If the target wins the contest, it is immune to your Taunt for 24 hours (being this ability uses your whole action, check to see if your DM will make it a bonus action).
>Kender Pockets: Kender constantly pick things up, pockets em, and then forgets them. If you need of a piece of non-magical equipment, you can spend 1 min searching, and then roll 1d4. If you roll a 4, you find the item in your pocket, pack, or pouch. If you roll anything else, you don’t have such an item on you, and you can’t search again for the same item until you’ve spent at least one day in a town or city.
>Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Kenderspeak.
>Hoopak: You have proficiency in the Hoopak Staff, which does 1d6 melee or ranged damage (sling stones). It is considered a finesse weapon in your hands only and has a range of 30/120.
You can craft a Hoopak staff during a short rest using a quarterstaff and a sling.
Could someone recommend me some decently balanced and/or fun class options/new classes homebrew?
Got asked to run a level-6 one shot tonight because the DM can't make it. What are some fun ideas? We're currently in the underdark, so I was planning on doing a mini-dungeon with some thematically appropriate enemies and puzzles
>Hoopak Staff
Just call it a staff sling, it's actual weapon.
Besides that I like it.
Maybe a little weak actually.
Had an interesting situation come up in the last session I DM'd. The enemy caster was concentrating on a banishment of the party fighter. He was hit with a nasty sneak attack crit that did 49 damage so the conc check was DC 24, a DC the +3 from the caster's con could not pass.
I rolled anyway and got a natural 20 reasoning a concentration check should always have some chance to succeed. My players pointed out that skill checks do not automatically succeed on a natural 20 so I ruled the caster failed. Wasn't a particularly important battle and I figured arguing would be a waste of time.
What do you think /5eg/, should an exception be made for concentration checks?
Cave crabs that scuttle out of underground lakes and try to grab you and then drag you back under the water.
That Compendium of Forgotten Screts from reddit with all of the Warlock patrons is neato. I really want to try a Fallen Exile Warlock.
Sorcerer/paladin is usually fun. Basically just taking sorcerer to boost your spell slots so you can smite more.
Another fun one is swords bard/battlemaster fighter. If you start VHuman and take defensive duelist you can have a pretty sweet AC usually, by the time you hit bard 5/fighter 3 you'll have a ton of flourishes and maneuvers that all come back on a short rest, and you can use a flourish and maneuver on the same attack. Basically battlefield control while on the frontline.
A area with magical darkness, players must build a puzzle in the dark to deactivate it.
Of course, i post in the old thread, jeez
reposting, did Mearls do his live subclass creation this week?
no, why the fuck would it?
I'll check that out, thanks mate.
I meant actual homebrew (maybe my post wasn't clear, sorry), but thanks anyway.
How do adults make friends?
>I’m the only one in my group working an adult 9-5 job
>I’m the only one in my group who actually talks and spends time with his family
>I’m the only one who’s main hobby isnt smoking weed and playing vidya as I hike and hit the gym whenever I can
>Not one, but two are a permanent NEETs and legitimately don’t even know what work feels like—“not even a lemonade stand” as they jokingly put it
>Other two have been working the same part time, minimum wage jobs since they blundered out of high school
(We’re all mid-20s)
>Expect me to DM
>Tell them it’s literal homework after a day of work
>they still get onto me for not getting on the Xbox to play millennial shit like Overwatch, Battlegrounds, and Fortnite
>Tell them DMing is a major burden because I have literally no free time and planning campaigns cut into my sleep time
>”lol user, that’s capitalism for you”
(I tried bringing a Free Market Paladin I saw here in /5eg/ to the table before and I guess I insulted them)
My ex used to say when we have kids, we’ll just be friends with our kid’s friend’s parents, but that didn’t pan out for us
I guess I view concentration checks something that seems to be appropriate for being a constitution saving throw but they didn't want to give casters with con saving throw proficiency an advantage.
You're the DM, if you want to do NAT TWENTY in your game and shit it up that's your prerogative
I'm a fan of this, combine it with some nasty water monsters to get a pretty neat encounter.
While this would be hilarious to see, it feels like it would be a pretty big fuck you to my low int party. Idk how they would get out of it.
don't understand what you're saying here, saving throws don't automatically succeed on a 20 either
I personally think it would be cool. I don't know what your players would think but I like the idea, the only thing is you have to make sure they don't meta the fight later on.
Huh, I could've sworn it did. Must be mixing up different edition rules in my head
Nat 20s ONLY matter on to-hit rolls by RAW. Nothing else.
Can someone link it?
Rolled 8 + 2 (1d20 + 2)
I roll to seduce the barmaid
Mercer's Blood Hunter ain't bad.
There's a Marine Fighter on reddit that works as a supportive option, with inspiration, temporary HP, and stuff like that.
I made a Toxin Domain cleric if anyone cares to see it; early balance probably isn't great since I let them ignore material requirements to craft poisons.
Oath of the Mystic Fire arcane paladin from an user here is sweet.
There's an ice sorc on reddit called the "Frozen Heart" that I liked.
Updated versions of the artificer that get posted around here are pretty solid.
>tfw no 5e game where I can play a qt drow assassin.
carried over from asking about the whip Paladin
here's the homebrew thing I mentioned
>brown elf
Nigger, Drow skin is vantablack.
>increases reach by 5ft. for attacks of opportunity
Isn't this a downside?
>tfw still no purely arcane sorcerer bloodline
>Your reach increases by 5ft for attacks of opportunity,
Reach already does this inherently. This homebrew is shit written by someone who doesn't even know bases rules.
The barmaid responds that she's busy serving customers.
>using Paladin for Belmonting
>not Monster Hunter or Monster Slayer
>Doesn't like anime
>Posts on a Chinese Cartoon imageboard
Where do you think you are?
That's like asking for a generalist wizard.
All sorcerers are arcane
All wizards are generalists
Stop asking for redundancies.
Need me some dungeon funtimes for level 1 shitbabies. Help an aspiring dm out por favor
not him, but it is coming into vogue in the younger generations to bleach their skin. This doesn't always work so well since Drow skin's 'black' when ligthened can turn out to range from browns, greys, blues, and purples.
The barmaid says she's looking for a commitment.
what PHB feats do you think should be improved and how? Like which need to be stronger and which should be weaker?
I mean, needing to be within 5 feet of a caster for mageslayer to work seems to make it kind of pointless. Especially since how many casters do you know that aren't already partially martials get into melee?
Last one I know of was giant sorcerer
>start Curse of Strahd
>nearly finished with Death House
>suddenly realize I wanted to play CoS more than I wanted to DM it
>realize how restrictive the setting is
Fuck, part of me would feel bad for calling the game so early but I’d really like to run a game with more varied characters/encounters/atmosphere. I’d really like to DM a pretty open road trip style campaign where the party has a wagon, some horses and a goal while stumbling into adventure along the way.
boardgame meetup -> boardgame friends -> d&d subgroup
this took a year
also it never gets better, only worse
>Underdark Edition
why should my adventurer give a shit about the underdark. let the demons rage down there. we can deal with them up here later
>AoO range becoming 15ft instead of 10ft
not saying my homebrew isn't part of the 99%, but you're literally not understanding what it does. I'll tweak that wording, though.
I want a lycanthrope/transformation barbarian
Hi I was wondering if someone could help. My gf plays DnD and I play historical but I was wondering, how many dice do you need for a game of DnD? She cant find her dice so I'm gonna get her a bag of fancy ones and make her a dice box but idk how many dice I'll need. Thanks in advance
except AoO only occur when they leave your range, making it so that AoO occur 5ft further out without increasing your range is fucking stupid, which is self evident by the fact it was designed by you.
just use a premade adventure. all you gotta do is read a book through once
Buy this, never buy dice again. chessex.com
It's up to the mage slayer to get into melee with the caster, and the feat helps them stay on them and punishing escape casting.
>enemies have to run a country mile away from you before they trigger attacks of opportunity
>somehow not a downside
What situation makes it better to opportunity attack at 15 feet rather than 10
>Nothing else.
>What are death save throws
still wanting to know what people think about group intelligence checks. I'm not sure it's possible
Creating some premade characters for a dungeoncrawl 1 shot with some friends
Generated 8 sets of stats so they have some choice of character
rolled stats in order.
Give me class and race suggestions please.
Concentration is a constitution saving throw, and EK and Sorcs are proficient.
also black doesn't turn to a nice tan, this isn't nigger black which is actually brown
Try to find a different group. Try your luck with people online, if you don't like them you can just ghost on the game. Ultimately I don't think your group's various situations are all that relevant in the end, since my group is all 20-somethings in wildly different states of education and employment ( the guy in uni AND working is our GM and he loves it) and we get along famously. We all met on here and play online, and it's a blast.
Just boils down to luck of the draw, I guess.
Sounds dumb. A bunch of people pushing or pulling together make sense, doing that for an int check doesn't.
I recently finished DMing CoS, and I agree wholeheartedly. Unless every single one of your players feels invested in the setting, it ends up being a little bit of letdown because they can't go anywhere else. It has a lot of great content in it, but I think to make it really work, you need to make it like a chapter 2 of a larger campaign, and drop hints to it beforehand.
>3rd option
>001BX Box-O-Dice apprx 30lbs $825.00
what would you do with 30 pounds of dice user?
>for people
>who don't get to roll
you're a cunt and should kys
perfect thanks.
That sounds like a brainstorming session. People bouncing ideas off each other to get a good result.
Play a Nuclear Druid
The feat would be better if it gave you a chance to interrupt the spell, as is you just get a free attack if they cast, but they still get to cast.
>AoO becoming 15ft
Holy shit, it might as well not exist at that point. Your normal whip's range is 10ft. Congratulations, you let an enemy you are meant to be hunting run EVEN FURTHER away from you before hitting them. And when you do, you can't even hit them without moving on your next turn. Say you're chasing something, and you magically are somehow to catch up, the next turn, it's just going to run out of your movement range again. This does literally nothing useful; either you can catch up, or you don't, and no amount of increase in AoO range will change that. It would be far more sensible to allow for an AoO when moving from 5ft->10ft where a whip normally doesn't, that way, at least with the bind, you could keep the enemy next to you. This whip's feature for extending AoO is literally shit.
but they don't actually have to think up something clever. just like a "brainpower" strength check
...fuck, now I see what you're saying. Yep, fucking stupid am I. What's a better way to rule "bitches can't get away from me?"
I think it should be the most recent one? Seems the creator just updates this link.
What in tarnation is that?
It's fine as is. Just take the disengage action if you want to disengage.
Maybe i don't want to waste game time with character creation and i'm the only person with the books, also i'm going to make more characters than players so its not like they have no choice.
Their momma fuck a magic wand?
>nigger black which is actually brown
I've always wondered how slang might sound if the spanish had dubbed Africans "Marron" instead.
Old sewer culvert taken over by goblins or kobolds. Pretty classic stuff.
Or maybe the sewer system isn't actually unused and that's why the city needs the kobolds out.
>"Dude, your death trap is stopping shit from getting out to the farms!"
>"Yyeeeessss! It diseases my spike trap, so anyone who doesn't die from it immediately dies of infection!"
Road Trip: The Campaign does sound kind of fun. But, yeah, it kind of sucks but maybe try to see it through, or talk to your players and see how they would feel. That second one is probably the better option.
fair enough.
Probably won't use the subclasses but I'm nicking the idea of the accursed archive.
Just wish that the Silent Ones had a stat block.
>i'm the only person with the books
Wow, it would be a shame if all the books were available online for free as PDFs. If you're a le epic law abiding faggot then you can just give them the free rules WotC has on their website.
Increase in move speed is already exactly that in it's best and purest form. Everything else is just extra random dice rolling and nothing certain.
Make it be able to be used within 5ft AoO.
Give it soft Sentinel feat: When it gets struck by AoO, it's move goes to zero. They can't disengage.
"Yo, what up my moor?!"
I understand your pain, but you also sound like a bit of a shitty character, and you're (probably) using the word millennial incorrectly. So you deserve what's been coming at you, kind of.
not him, but I can almost see what he's getting at.
Basically the idea being that the family might have started out as wizards, warlocks, or other casters but have practiced magic for so long it's become in the blood.
I have no idea what he thinks it would do, but still.
That's way better, yeah.
Is the rest of it any good?
Why can't I find a single game that runs a setting other than generic tolkien-esque fantasy?
You've already got "magic in the blood" subclass, granted it's shit, but it exist.
It's called "Wild Magic"
I'm sorry that you were offended by my actions which have no bearing on your life.
Maybe I can interest you in my setting user?
old UA shit
you take 1 level of any class thats giving you access to magic missle and the rest in twilight druid, you burn all your harvest scythe dice into magic missle, because magic missle only rolls once for it's damage and then fires X number of missles with that damage you can have magic missle deal insane amounts of damage
Yeah but smith with reach...
Shouldn't it be more Dex +2 and Cha +1?
Weak Barbarian
Hearty Wizard
Charismatic Combat Cleric
Fragile Monk
Mediocre Wizard
Wisass Wizard
Butterfinger Bard
Retarded shit that relied on extremely broken UA and shit rulings from Mearls.