
Most growth potential for sure. At least 2~3x gain this year alone.

Thats all? R u fucking kidding me? Xlm did a 6x in a week. Wtfffff. I drank the koolaid and now i must kill myself

You're gambling.

fucking kek

Fuck you actually you dumb Faggot

It's all flowing to BTCP

the rebirth of silkroad
the next ransomware $

kek:D It will crash soon like BTG.

Wtf does this pic mean?

wow 2x - 3x thats a lot... its almost as 22000x Digibyte did :D:D ayy lmao

OP is a Faggot


It means it's a trap you Faggot

>hurr Segwit isn't a change of protocol

A fork is a fork you stupid faggot.

BCashfags are the worse crypto community


Soft fork dipshit. Didn't break concensus rules you Faggot. You're such a stupid nigger.

BCash Faggots will be the biggest bag holders in crypto history. And u will laugh.



BIP consensus is not fucking consensus. Regardless, Segwit should have forked off just like cash leaving the legacy chain allowing users to adapt instead of the force used with Segwit.

> holding btrash in 2018
lol stay poor

You're an idiot. You have no idea what your Faggot ass is talking about do ya? Do you even know what a BIP is?
Have fun with your shit chain ran by con-men. And no devs. Only script kiddies stealing all of BITCOIN's code.

Glad I sold this shit at loss. Was dragging all of my folio down. Since then only up. Worst bagholding experience ever.

Sure thing friendo, enjoy having your coin dropped from every merchant because it's inability to transact. Meanwhile I can actually spend my bitcoin cash via Bitpay which is already widely adopted.