>Starting a new campaign
>"Okay guys lets roll our new characters."
>Man dude makes a girl character
>Expects us to take him seriously
>Game canceled
Are you a man who plays as a woman? This is why we can't have nice things. You are the reason why.
>Starting a new campaign
>"Okay guys lets roll our new characters."
>Man dude makes a girl character
>Expects us to take him seriously
>Game canceled
Are you a man who plays as a woman? This is why we can't have nice things. You are the reason why.
I'm the reason why your group is full of manchildren?
Guess I should have bullied them harder in highschool. Hey maybe there's still time, actually, since OP was clearly held back something like ten years due to his tragic inability to stop sucking dicks.
what's your opinion on women who play as men?
Nope, I'm just a gay guy who plays straight men.
Did you cancel just because of that one guy? Do you have autism or do you jist have a lust for (you)'s?
>Starting a new campaign
>"Okay guys lets roll our new characters."
>Try to roll a girl characters
>GM threatens to cancel the game
>Have to play Sister of Battle (male)
I pray to the God-Emperor for forgiveness.
I've literally never seen a man playing a female character cause any problems whatsoever. Grown-ups come up with an interesting character concept and play what fits that.
Is praying for forgiveness for heresy in itself a form of heresy? Did this user commit double heresy?
>grownups on Veeky Forums
Just pop into the filename thread to see that isnt true. Or any That Guy threads were have the posters were the real That Guy
Would you rather have me play the burly orc grappler who practices wrestling moves naked on other party members when they go to sleep?
that is infinitely better than a hairy fat man child playing as a little girl going nyan nyan uguu kawaii xD ^_______^
fuck off
>that is infinitely better than a hairy fat man child playing as a little girl going nyan nyan uguu kawaii xD ^_______^
We seem to have moved away from the general subject of men playing women.
I don’t think you understand roleplaying at all, senpai.
> moved away from the general subjec
did you pass middle school?
>Starting a new campaing as a joke
>invite a bunch of virgin nerds friends, thinking that they are in on a joke
>they show up with acctual character shets and shit
>have to beat them up and throw them out of my house
>Start a new campaign
>Group of humans make elf/dwarf/halfling characters
>Expect me to take them seriously
Ugh I literally can't
Yes. Jealous?
As rule of thumb, worrying about another person's gender is as autistic as worrying about your own gender. Grow up.
My entire group is male and every PC is female. The game is going on three years. We've had a lot of fun. Sounds like you and or your group are the problem.
Are you asking in awe?
>join an ongoing game
>3 male and 1 nonbinary gender characters
>ask what nonbinary meant
>get scolded with no valuable info
>explain to them that there are only 2 genders
>get rekt and kicked out of game
feels - i dont know man.
>rage face
>in 1998+20
What are you doing my dude
>Be fat hairy dude
>Decide to play fair elven maiden
>Campaign goes over a year and everyone has a great time
>Get invited to the next one
>GM even cooks for us sometimes
He is your wife now
He's probably up on his memes, considering they cycle rageface-era memes like Wojak and Pepe, and even goldyface has his origins in rageface.
Memes have stagnated.
Those are some bold words for someone in punching range.
>dude always brings a female character
>practically the same female character every time
>does not play feminine in any regard
>even though feminine would fit his goto concept (charisma based squishy elf caster, self proclaimed "face")
>doesn't respond to character name, because fuck your immersion and fuck your roleplaying
>9/10 times it is forgotten by the entire group that he is playing a female at all
I get that this is a creative outlet, and I'm not going to expect people to go all in with voices and body language. But. He could just make it a dude elf and it would still play the same way. Hell, it could be a pile of rocks and he'd still play it the exact same.
My beef isn't that he plays a woman character, it's that he doesn't even TRY to play it well.
Watch out, the RPG police is here.
If the player is having fun, then leave it be. If you aren't, find other people to play with.
>does not play feminine in any regard
>even though feminine would fit his goto concept (charisma based squishy elf caster, self proclaimed "face")
Are you sexist or racist?
My dude, roleplaying is an inherently collaborative medium and that means give and take.
If Player A is being a detriment to the experience, the solution is not to leave him be, or to find a new group. The solution is to talk to Player A about it, like an actual functioning human bean, and come to some sort of compromise wherein everybody is happy.
Shouting about the Fun Police whenever anybody has an actual grievance makes you a raging assclown and contributes nothing.
>ITT triggered cross-dressing faggots
seriously kill yourselves.
>t.buttblasted op
desu I would crossdress if I wasn't so self-conscious, so you got me there.
The only reason men rp as female characters is for magical realm reasons.
Elves are goddamn fae bastards and you know it.
Agreed, larping faggots should be hung!
MAGA my fellow Veeky Forums poster.
I mean shit if I could pull it off, I would, but that's totally besides the point my man
I play more dude characters than chick characters but the ratio is like 60/40.
I once played a oneshot where the GM and/or setting required us to create a undead female teenager as character.
Well, the GM forgot to mention the teenager part so i created "Brunhild"
The 76 years old grandma who still was the boss of her biker gang, which the founded in her younger years.
completely with embroidered leather jacket and dissing the younger generations.
That was pretty fun.
Never played a female character since.
Why did you respond to the most obvious bait ever?
>>Have to play Sister of Battle (male)
best ending
>he's mad he doesn't look cute in a skirt
>see pic of King
>"oh boy I sure hope OP is gonna ask how we'd stat an intimidating non-combat character-"
>it's just OP bitching and crying about completely trivial shit
Fuck you OP for letting my hopes up
Because this is the absolute state of Veeky Forums now
How would you make an intimidating non-combat character, user? Take the King route and max Bluff? A divination caster who always knows where trouble will be and stays away? A diplomat? Cat burglar?
Max bluff seems like a good route to go.
I want to get off hiroshimoots wild ride
Kek, I had a similar expirience in a game with a setting the DM had described as "like Dark Souls". Everyone either played Le Edgy Swordsmen or Battle Waifus, while I brought one "Flametender Agnes", a cackling fire witch who spoke entirely in metaphor, using guile and backwards logic to confuse her opponents. The best part is that Agnes was the charisma whore of the group, and managed to suck the wind out the party's attempts at seduction and speechcraft.
>tfw I have a crossplayer in my group but they're all such terrible murderhobos that it doesn't even matter
>Playing a sister of battle, ever
munchikin faggot
Vampire dykes and/or yaoi weebs, mostly.
But they don't cause too much trouble.
My entire group is females. Out of the party of four, only two are female out of game.
We do fine.
Isn't the whole point of Role Playing to play a role?
Do we need to only play characters that look exactly like us in real life?
It would suck if I had to play a malnurished, long haired weirdo on every game.
>Have to play Sister of Battle (male)
Sometimes people are not willing to directly play the character.
But even then, the player should at least describe the actions of the character in a way that fits the description.
>magical realm reasons
I play traps for that.
>play with the same group for over a decade
>trying out new system this weekend after DnD 5e for years
>Pick class, read the class fluff, basic lore of setting to be able to write a relatively lore-friendly backstory
>flip a coin for gender, comes out female
>friend "Why do you always play female characters?"
>me - "name 3"
>could only name 2 out of my 29 total characters made, afterwards I honestly tell him the number and male:female ratio of my characters (23:6)
>"See? Told you you play alot of females!"
Bitch nigger its barely over a quarter of the time.
Gender is not the same thing as sex in modern scientific terms.
It's your responsibility to get informed famalam, get on with the times, gramps
>social "science"
Theres also a growing number of "studies" claiming that there are no biological differences between the genders, peer reviewed in fact. "Modern science" is a fucking joke user.
I think those ones are talking about brains and intelligence.
user I need you to know this made me laugh so fucking hard
But they are not completely separate either.
Sex and gender are mostly congruent with one another and are biological in nature.
The only part that is social is gender expression, which is mostly superficial things like favorite colors and speach patterns.
Not men. Shitty players. A decent player can play any sort of character well. I play female characters about as often as male ones. My characters in general tend to be middle-aged to elderly but even when I've played young women or little girls there have been no problems. Your friends must just suck at roleplaying.
>mfw just mix it up by playing females/lolis every other game
Works really well as a vampire
>be boy
>dm and party think I'm a girl
>make girl characters no problem
Who else here is /mischief/?
There are biological differences in those also.
Both genders have different specialisations. They are more commonly found on one of the two genders and when found on the opposite gender you may also find other nonstandard characteristics.
That's why you will have lots of effeminate guys working with hair and fashion and lots of butch ladies working on construction and on the military.
>always make robots so I dont have a gender
At least there's an argument there, as opposed to saying MEN AND WOMEN ARE EXACTLY THE SAME.
>praising your own roleplaying
If saying I manage to have fun without pissing off my group is "praising my own roleplaying," then sure. Seems most folks here can't even manage that much so I must be doing something right.
>Fine with human players being elves and dwarves
>Fine with non-mages playing wizards
>Fine with weaklings playing strong warriors
>Fine with fleshbags being robots
>Fine with the GM playing everything because you never run anything you lazy shit
>Goes full tism when a guy plays a girl
You're a pathetic excuse for a roleplayer.
This is 100% of all dudes playing elf maidens and female characters in general. It extends beyond them to dudes who want to exclusively play vastly inhuman monsters who none the less are fully psychologically fat human nerds.
Also 100% true. You find plenty of players interested in playing male characters in various states of hideousness, but all female characters maximum kawaii! Even the ones which are explicitly monsters.
It is absolutely bringing your sexual fetish to the table. Turn about is fair play at that point.
Max bluff and luck. Tons of luck.
You aren't roleplaying shit Ed Greenwood. You are playing some shitty boardgame with a female token which is as meaningful as a monopoly piece as to how the character is actually played while you've got one hand under the table squeezing your junk imagining yourself as a girly. Keep it at home.
Don't project your shitty friends on the rest of us. I've played in parties of both 9-year-old magical girls and graying old female knights, with the same people.
Yeah, sure thing. I'm sure you are a race car driving astronaut whose dad works at Nintendo as well, just like everyone else on the Internet. Amazing how the hobby is notorious for fat nerds doing weird shit at the table and furiously trying to normalize their antisocial behavior and driving everyone else out of the hobby as a consequence, but this is never the case for anyone anywhere on the Internet. Yet when any of you superfans get together in the same room you can't seem to avoid the perfunctory harassment or rape accusation. Hmmmm.
>9-year-old magical girls
So it would be okay if to fulfill my fantasy I played as a fat, balding male dwarf with zero masculine virtues and lived as a quasi-competent reject whose character revolved around wanting to be in the body of a 9-year old girl, and immersed himself in cultural elements directed at pre-pubescent children in order to cultivate some false sense of shared interests with these children? If not, why not?
There is zero chance you or one of your friends isn't a pedophile and the rest are just co-dependent.
Whoa there, buddy. Calm down. I can't help being a race car driving astronaut whose dad works at Nintendo, but the rest of that stuff is pretty out there. It's unfortunate you don't have friends who watched the same cartoons you did as a kid, but that's nothing to get so heated up about.
Sexes. There are two sexes.
>hand under the table squeezing your junk imagining yourself as a girly
You like attention, don't you?
I'll squeeze one thinking about you in a dress and cheap whore make up as you get blasted in the ass throwing your pathetic sissy fit.
You being awkward and insecure to the point of being unable to deal with rp in an rpg, and having such a weird view of girls that someone in an rpg playing as a girl makes you lose your shit, is no one's problem but your own.
You're what, 12?
Holy shit don't be such a fucking stick on the mud. Live and let live my dude.
> Campaign setting has room for interesting female characters
> Reject the notion of playing one
> Still ok with playing non-humans, undead, etc. - all of which would be far more foreign than females
Manchildren need to stop taking themselves so seriously. If you suck at RP, then at least admit it.
I played a female once.
It was a western game, nothing supernatural.
It went pretty well for exactly ONE session until the idiots I was playing with started acting like fucking creeps towards her.
Also the DM tried to have my character raped.
Fucking hilarious.
you did good user
"I have never been a DM" the post
You do realize that the DM doesn't have to have sexual intents with that?
It stretches willing suspension of disbelief a lot if a bunch of macho cowboys just shoot a woman full of holes and bury her in a ditch like they would with a man.
Indeed, one of the main advantages of women working criminal jobs all across history, and especially in the Wild West, is that they're less likely to be killed or even hurt.
This is a trade-off, because a lot of men are more interested in having sex with a woman than killing her, and ignoring that part sets off a weird logic cascade where the NPCs start running on meta logic and becoming kill-tools for the GM rather than people with their own agency.
You're knee-jerking and assuming a sexual intent in something that happens a lot in both this world and fiction. Have you thought of the possibility that the GM thought "oh, they wouldn't try to kill her because someone who killed a lady back in the Wild West was treated like a serial child molester in a present-day prison", or that your character was the one pushing things and you got mad when the GM sprang logical consequences on you?
I've been here long enough to know that short, shocking stories like yours are usually built on something that really happened, but kept short so you don't shoot yourself in the foot and reveal that it's your fault.
It sounds to me like you just have trouble separating reality from fiction (as you're used to playing characters who share a core element with yourself and become uncomfortable when you aren't), that you don't give people the decency of hearing out their explanation or even thinking about their motivations, and finally that you might just play with a bunch of assholes and retards.
For some reason, almost all of the women I've run games for have played men.
As an aside, five out of seven people who cross-played ended up coming out of the closet, and two out of those ended up taking hormones. Interpret as you will.
Rape shouldn't exist in games where it's not there for the purposes of creeps jacking off to it, and even then only to keep them from playing actual games. Also, the idea that killing a woman made you the most hated person on earth but no one gave a shit about raping that same woman is an... interesting claim.
>Cancels game because there aren't enough penises to go around.
I didn't think it was possible to be this gay.