Ever done or had anything Veeky Forums on your birthday?
Ever done or had anything Veeky Forums on your birthday?
I don't believe in birthdays.
Yeah, got a bunch of friends to play D&D for my birthday one year and it has spiralled slightly out of control.
I browsed Veeky Forums on several of my birthdays
>out of control
I do what I do every year: order my favorite pizza and watch something fun. I have no one to celebrate my birthdays with so I don't bother celebrating them at all.
based dad
>I don't believe in birthdays.
As in, you don't celebrate birthdays? Or you don't actually believe a person with a temporal starting point is a thing that can exist?
the latter would be so retatded
Not ON my birthday, but we had a game the next day and I had a few drinks in my by the end.
Paraphrase on "I don't believe in Christmas", hence the odd wording.
Maybe. Dunno. It IS pretty hard to prove come to think of it. Do you remember being born? How many people have you actually witnessed doing it? Can you prove they actually exist? It's possible you just imagined them. There might not even be other people. You might not even be a person yourself.
Plus, you need the time component, too. If it turns out these "days" and "years" things we've been using are just semi-arbitrary demarcations we created to model complex astronomical phenomena, this all goes out the window. If you buy a ticket from Elon Musk and move to Mars, WTF happens to your birthday? Does it just stay here and continue on without you!?
This makes me feel better about my life.
>Paraphrase on "I don't believe in Christmas"
So, like... you don't celebrate Christmas? Or you don't believe anyone has, does or will ever celebrate a holiday by that name?
I like your style, Dude.
Got my friends to play Dnd for my 18th birthday. My 20th a friend got me a skull chalice since it reminded him of my campaign.
Is depression Veeky Forums?
Nah. Ive grown out of it. Im 25 and probably among the oldest posters here. I have a lot of serious business contacts now that dont have to know about my plastic space warriors
Well we did just have a thread about how Russian Roulette is Veeky Forums...
>Im 25 and probably among the oldest posters here.
This is /tg, youngster user. I think you meant to type /v.
Had a bunch of buddies come over for my 21. We all get shit faced and decide to play 5ed. About halfway threw character creation 1 player throws up and one orders pizza and when it came just gave up to eat pizza.
Years ago I got my friends together for a homebrew campaign which was my first time GMing with some mixed results.
The Bad: Since I'd never GMed before I didn't have a plot ready and threw them at a sandbox with minimal direction and very little cash. None of them leveled their skills with the language spoken in their starting area (they chose the area), and none of them realized this until I had already started. They tried to communicate, but they sucked at charades so the town mayor thought he was being threatened.
The Good: That's were a pretty great adventure of wandering space mercenaries, triple agents, and burning cities started.
Shit dude, I don't even eat something yummy or do something fun. I just treat it as any other day because nobody has time to celebrate it with me, not even myself. The only reason I haven't forgotten my date of birth is because I need it to fill out forms, but otherwise no one has ever once asked for it. Too often I forget how old I am, and have to go look up my birthday and recalculate my age in my head.
Played some board games.
That picture is way too depressing.
The presence of trendy shit like Critical Roll on Veeky Forums is kind of proof that most of the posters here aren’t as old as you probably think they are.
Yeah, I baked a cake for my group, we continued our D&D campaign, my character died. Great fun.
It's a perfect storm of awful. The comatose dad in the background completes it.
When I turned 18, my buddies and I got together at 6 pm and started playing and smoking cigars and pipes, and when we quit it was 8:30 the next morning. It was a fuckload of fun.
I buy extra candy and soda and sit in front of the computer all day.
mein nigga, same + cocaine
:( wish i could afford cocaine
On my 18th birthday I ran my friends and girlfriend through the tomb of horrors as a fun one shot, drinking shots of vodka as I had them fall into pits of lava or put their hands into spheres of annihilation.
It was the happiest I've ever been.
I was going to marry that girl but she left me for some chad and all those those friends have fell away too. I live alone now thinking back on my best days long gone.
Your best days are still ahead, user.
I went to a strip club once when my birthday fell on a Super Bowl and everyone chose to go to Super Bowl parties instead of doing anything with me.
Nothing's more Veeky Forums than filling the void of loneliness with fantasy.
My GM tries to have a special solo session of varying degrees of canon for each player's birthday.
We were doing a Stargate game last year, for example, and she timed things so that each player's birthday would be a good time to do a version of their favorite episodes with their characters having an important role in them. Mine was Window of Opportunity.
Wow. And here I was worried I look like shit having just turned 32
>If you buy a ticket from Elon Musk and move to Mars, WTF happens to your birthday? Does it just stay here and continue on without you!?
THAT"S RETAR--wait, hang on...uhhh, maybe you're right.
Jesus, are birthdays just a localized space-time phenomena that is intrinsically tied to the Terran globe? Do they disappear in outer space? Holy shit I'm confused.
I usually buy myself a nice thing for my birthday, sometimes it is a game or some new minis or cards, or sleeves or binders
>this what the rest of life will be like
>moved to a new town
>birthday is in a few days
>know nobody
>going to lift, eat healthy, maybe go for a jog
>highlight of my day will probably be posting on Veeky Forums
>might buy myself a fancy hamburger for dinner and a few packs of magic cards
>might read a book
Honestly no, it's pretty much the exact opposite. We do a lot of not Veeky Forums outdoorsy cool shit on my birthday.
One of my players baked me a cake and brought a shit-load of expensive craft beers for everyone to share.
Shit was cash.
I haven't celebrated a birthday like most people do for at least a decade; the last three birthdays in a row nobody remembered it except me. My mother would remember a week before and then forget entirely, or give me a late call maybe almost a month later.
I try not to think about them, since they just depress me.
>On my 18th birthday I ran my friends and girlfriend through the tomb of horrors as a fun one shot, drinking shots of vodka as I had them fall into pits of lava or put their hands into spheres of annihilation.
>It was the happiest I've ever been.
Damn, user...
That picture makes me sad. I feel bad for that guy. I hope he's happy.
He's probably not.
All these birthday pictures do
what did they do in their lives to lead to them being so alone
you can just see the sadness in their eyes as they look at their cake and disappointed and pitying parents
I played a board game the other week, it was simple but pretty fun. Other shit was honestly cooler though.
If I could, I'd like to organize a one-shot with a GM playing a comfy game so I had an excuse to hang out with friends and have fun.
>Be cool kids club Taiwanese Motor Lube & Grill imageboard
>Massive influx or users over the years due to user related/created content and events that gain infamy or fame
>Literally no restrictions on who posts just the public humiliation and ban if a mod is watching or cares.
>Inb4 other imageboards lol
I mean it's not hard to see why user
Last year we did a big Plainschase game, next week is my birthday, but now I have my own home so it's Friday Co-worker normie drink to you pass out party, Satuday is going to be the 40K all day, maybe do a mega game with the whole play group (still not sure, I have 2 tables) and then Sunday is cooking for my family. I am looking forward to it.
Well I still wish you a very Happy Birthday user, I hope it ends up being a great day!
Don't worry, with how long it takes to get to Mars and where they're at in cryo tech, or anything that would make it so you'd survive the trip, you won't live long enough to find out how it works.
>the latter would be so retatded
It's something I'd expect on a Neil deGrasse Tyson tweet though.
I miss Carl Sagan
Is he autistic or something?
You're not even kind of old by Veeky Forums standards, and you sound like a pseudo-tryhard.
An autist would at least get his basic facts straight.
He more or less seems like that one guy who's super insecure about being seen as smart, since that's literally the only thing they have going for them in life, so they basically go around saying "WELL ACTUALLY" so they think they look smart
Also, apparently he's an ass privately too
>Im 25 and probably among the oldest posters here.
you child
Your best days aren't long gone user, they've yet to come. Remember that you've got the rest of your life ahead of you, and if the world decides to shit on you, gather up all your spite and tell the world to go fuck itself. You can make the best days of your past pale in comparison to the ones yet to come, you just gotta get out there and make it happen. I won't say it'll be easy, but it'll be worth it.
You got this user.
Are you me?.. I used to play D&D with my long time girlfriend. She loved it. I would draw our characters. We even did some roleplay in bed because of it. We would often plan a picnic and just play bits of pieces of a campaign while in the park or on a hike.
I haven't been able to seriously date a girl since, if I can't talk to them about campaign ideas, comics or art, well then it's not super fun to talk to them. I can keep a conversation going, I've gone on dates, just it's not the same.
I don't think you can ever really get over your first. You'll meet others and maybe even have a more mature, or stable or 'adult' relationship but it will never be the same as that first moment you tasted honey and you'll end up feeling like you're settling.
That's what I fear. Since she left, I've lost weight, got into (better) shape, become more successful and my art has improved. I know I'm becoming an actual "adult" but fuck, I'm gonna miss some of those moments.
What? You could see why Italy didn't explore much just by looking at a map. In fact many of the most well-known explorers were Italians working for other countries.
The sad thing is that Tyson has actually done a lot of good work. I don't know why he creates this off-topic persona, but I hope he's happy with it.
For my 27th birthday I told my girlfriend I have plans with my friends and my friends that I have plans with my girlfriend. Then I went to abandoned orchard on the outskirts of the city and spend the entire day in a hammock, eating ice cream cones and reading GURPS Thaumatology, which I bought for myself as a bithday gift.
It was the best birthday since I was turned 14, when I forged a leave ticket to skip school, caught a morning screening in a cinema and then spent the rest of the day in a zoo without anyone interrupting my tour or the pace of it. I think I've spend two hours sitting and watching a giraffe nibbling a branch close to the bench I was sitting on. Nuff stuff
>Living in the USA
I'm not surprised at all he feels insecure
I wish public drinking was socially acceptable for days like this. If you're not causing any trouble I don't see why it's an issue.
As a left-over from 70s anti-alcoholism campaign of the commie government, there are still very strong regulations against public drinking, almost on tier with those from an islamic country. You will get fine equal to 6 bottles of booze if you are drinking any type of alcohol in public, end up in a drunk tank if your BCA is 0.05 or higher and you will have to pay another hefty sum for that "hotel" from your own pocket. And unlike America, the "you can't see what it is if it's inside a paper bag" excuse doesn't work.
The irony of this? Public drinking is perfectly socially acceptable. Literally nobody has anything against it. But since the fines go directly to county's treasure and this is otherwise completely harmless misdemeanour that isn't tracked anywhere, the law stays ever since it was passed, because it's simply easy buck for the town budget, considering how common the fines are and how nice in statistics it looks when filling annual anti-alcoholism reports
Yup. Couple of years back, I hung out with a few friends and played board games, and was introduced to the concept of being '23 and a bit'.
Conti - Italian
Noli - Italian
Columbo (Columbus) - Italian
Vespucci - Italian (you know, AMERIGO, with just two continents named after him)
Caboto (Cabot), father and son - Italians
Barbaro & Contarini - Italians
Ricci - Italian
Cagni - Italian
And even if we assume Marco Polo was just a great story-teller who never left Med area and just compiled stories, his stories were the very fucking reason to lust about the riches of the Far East
All of those guys were absolute pioneers in their fields, without which a fuckload of exloration wouldn't happen and it's sufficient to say Age of Discovery would never happen without Italians.
I get it, Tyson is an astrophysicist, but this is a level of ignorance you can only expect from someone without any fucking education at all
You forgot about Verrazzano, the guy who opened exploration for French.
And while Pigafetta wasn't exactly an explorer, since he was literally a tourist (!!!), but still he was one of the 18 people who survived Magellan's voyage and the one who described it in lush details. Good read, should be definitely on 1d4chan's approved list.
Will I look like that in 32?
Only if your father looks like his
Grown out of it? I'm 39 and I'd love it if I had a fucking birthday. At all.
But I'm in China and there is no Veeky Forums here. It's all work work fucking work and since I teach I've no friends either. Not fun.
Don't worry about looking serious or whatever, have fun while you can!
like when i was in college my mother bought me some decks i had spoken about because me and friends had been playing magic alot
You could make the argument that it was their governments' preferences he referred to.
>Im 25
>probably among the oldest posters here
I would advise to try harder, but you are already overdoing that.
Best time I had was a good oldfashioned treasure hunts with nerdy clues and riddles hidden around the city.
We play board games every time anyway.
A friend once said: "It's my birthday, so I'm picking this huge complicated game and y'all normies have to play it with me."
You mean all those trade republics that were busy making good ships, training sailors, maintaining fleets and having best navigators in the world? Or those inland trade republics and city states that were busy with warfare and fortifications? Most of Italian cathedrals date to 13th and 14th century. You know, Italian Gothic architecture. Which was possible due to immense wealth those places created with extensive trade, high urbanisation and being responsible for third of European industrial output.
His argument is complete and utter retardation that contradicts basic historical facts. Portugese spend good portion of 15th century literally hiring Italians to teach their own sailors and navigators all the shit that was there. Part of the reason why Columbus ultimately ended up hired by Spaniards was oversaturation in Portugal of Italian navigators and cartographers.
Had a dude's mom thrown him an impromptu b-day party by bringing in a couple Subway platters, some chips, a cake, bought a couple "party" games from the store. The thing that topped it off was the inflatable pink robot covered in bullet hole stickers (kinda appropriate because we played the Mechwarrior clix game) and for a while, everyone was having fun EXCEPT the birthday boy. Granted looking back, it was some pretty embarrassing shit from his POV but he warmed up to the idea once he realized we were all a bunch of socially awkward nerds as well.
Friend of mine always gets us to play board version of Civilization (the old one, not the new shit), citing birthday.
Don't get me wrong, it's a fun game to play, but it's also pretty tedious to run and maintain cohesive picture of the situation, so we only limit it to special occassions
That's my interpretation as well. Who cares what the individual was from. Did you know François the Ist was funding Leonardo? That's because there was no central Italian government, anyway. It was all a bunch of city states. Whereas Spain had one Queen who decided, okay, let's fund this Italian dude's expedition and if he's onto something, we get it all.
But it's easier to be all, "mmmh, actually" rather than try and understand the point he was making : the governments who fund space exploration will reap the rewards, not the one who builds fucking walls in the desert or something.
>"mmmh, actually"
Veeky Forums is by and large RAWfags
I got some Pokémon cards once
Then there is of course the basic geography, with Italy being in the middle of the Med and thus making it highly unlikely to even try any sort of colonisation. Daily reminder that not counting places that had direct access to open Atlantic, everyone else didn't even start moving until 17th century, mostly because there were no fucking means for that. Sure, ultimately we had things like Couronian colonies, but that take a LOT of time to happen and even more technological advancements have to be done to make that possible. By that time Italy was half-controlled by Spaniards, so go fucking figure.
So let me get this straight: if a point is based on a false premise that ignores reality (in this particular case, geographical barriers), it's still sound and valid?
I wouldn't blame you for such stupidity and using logical falacies, but Tyson is supposed to be a smart guy and a scientist, thus knowing what kind of bullshit he's sprouting.
Argument build on falacy has no weight or power.
Following your logic, it would be ok to say "Russians valued grain while Spain valued explorers". Never mind Russian states were all land-locked during Age of Discovery, obviously it was the fault they've bet on the wrong horse rather than the position of them on the map, right?
And same applies to Italy - they should surely invest in exploration, while all Italian city-states and duchies were locked in fucking Med. Because it's so fucking logical, right?
The idiocy goes only further when you realise he's complaining about cathedrals being more valued (which were build long before Spanish even started to explore anything at all and exploiting being on the fringe of the Europe), but also the fucking Renaissance, which was happening in the very same fucking period as early exploration, predominately in rich Italian states, filled with universities and pre-occupied with rediscovering of as much of ancient knowledge as possible.
So we have a scientistist here that shits on the guys who were busy doing scientific work. Congrats!
Considering Italians invested their trade gains in building universities and libraries and Spanish invested their colonial gains into cathedrals... yeah, no, fuck you and fuck Tyson. The older he gets, the more stupid the shit he says is.
His point is wrong and based on wrong base. There is nothing to understand here aside Tyson being wrong pretty much each and every time when he goes outside his field of theoretical physics
Not if you take care of yourself!
When i was going through withdrawal from an antidepressant i forgot my birthday and some friends showed up with a cake and we played some 40k.
>tfw still going through withdrawal after 3 fucking years.
Maybe you'll be lucky like my friend did and open a mythic rare and a random foil which is randomly also a mythic rare. now that was value.
dont worry user, youll get there. Ive seen some people that never left cigarette withdrawal it was that intense.
When I was 6, I got entire box full of classic tabletop games. Still have them. Still play them.
On my 25th birthday, my girlfriend with help of guys from my RPG group managed to collect entire set of "Magia i Miecz", early 90s Talisman knock-off (much more enjoyable than original if you ask me).
On 27th birthday, my bestie gave me "Magnaci", another (and this time original) Polish board game.
No, I actually hide my power level really well around my family and friends that aren't also into this shit. Which is odd because my mom is a huge Sci-Fi nerd.
That being said, I occasionally play board games with my family?
This man needs to stick to Astro Physics, it's the only thing he actually knows anything about.
I still remember him saying "Why aren't there more scientists in government?".
Oh gee Neil, maybe it's because they've spent their entire careers focusing on SCIENCE and not POLITICS. Could that be it? Could it be that SCIENTISTS are more interested in SCIENCE than they are in being a part of a government bureaucracy? COULD THAT BE IT?
I turned 30 last year. I don't want to be reminded of my age anymore.