Resume Veeky Forums in one image
The word you're looking for is summarize.
Did you make this by yourself just now?
Shit thread deserves shit posts.
>Popcorn Guy will never change because he's got nothing else. He fundamentally decided long ago not to have a life. Popcorn guy's idea of entertainment is--let's look at this objectively--not even Dungeons and Dragons but watching strangers argue about Dungeons and Dragons on his computer. This guy literally has such a low bar for an interesting life that there is no greater social reward you could offer him that would be more important than the glee of watching innocent people fend off crazy accusations online.
Is that this comic about liches?
Me on the left
My time to shine.
Damn, I remember that. This is the one time I'm proud to admit that I was the Cunt in that thread.
It’s a shame this game was so bad.
I really crave a story focused zombie rpg.
I'm still bad the screencap was taken so early. There were way more reactions than that.
Jesus christ user this is depressing
State of Decay
>that guy on the bottom left be like
"only you can prevent irish"
That's pretty good, except the only person present should just be Syndrome himself.