Inferior plastic crack edition.
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Inferior plastic crack edition.
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Poorfag thread
are there bootlegs that deliver to Italy?
Probably. I buy the rest of my miniatures though, I just can't stomach the excessive GW brand tax.
Most off them, I think.
Europe does have some wacky customs tho
Who is that guy?
what do you mean, do delivers have extra issues I need to be aware of?
Is It Just me or CCON ends up being cheaper than Z?
>links to yoyhammer
>yoyhammer tells you to 'do your item research to find them'
>99% of the research links back to archived Veeky Forumsthreads
>1% gives only clues as to how you may contact them
>sometimes even when you do it right they might get scared that your from GW
We are a fucking useless lot aren't we.
I get 5 points if someone claims I'm from GW you paranoid fucksm
I wish it was easier, I remember getting in one chinese store like 3 years ago, but as I became too poor even for counterfeits I lost that contact too.
I hope to be able to get one again as soon as I have some spare money.
Do any recasters to non GW models? I was thinking that getting into Warmahordes wouldn't be too bad if I used Chinese knock offs to make it cheap. PP models are already chunky as fuck and often made in China in the first place, so recasts probably aren't that big of a downgrade.
Is there anybody that recasts Inquisitor stuff? I imagine there is but it would all be secret handshake forum nonsense like Epic bootlegs.
they had like 4 models tho
Pretty much all non-historicals have a massive tax.
Its a loop, we are closing the circle.
Z has some.
Oh and how do we order from said Z?
Send him an e-mail with what you want.
Nice try, GW competition.
Go to reddit. yoyhammer or something.
Usually close with at least a 30% deal going on, and almost always better. The tradeoff is bad communication and slow shipping
I payd an invoice for CCon 2 days ago and got no confirmation. Shuld I worry?
Other than that, Im pretty hype for their next sale at the start of next month.
Huh.... I might be having a stroke.
Did you let him know that you paid it? He asks that you do so.
Yes, I sent him an e-mail right after paying and another asking for the confirmation yesterday.
Wtf is with everyone talking in abbreviations and never providing links. I can never find the places you're talking about.
Such as?
I'll Guide you.
(If I am here when you reply, Im leaving soon)
What do you need?
Anyone recasting warmaster stuff? Most current 10mm stuff out there still pales in comparison with what GW pooped out on their araby/skaven/bretonnian range.
Im looking for the "jack of all trades" recaster if anyone knows it. Doesnt have to be the best at anything, but doesnt fall short either.
>decent quality
>good catalog
>actually comminicates
>reasonable backlog
>moderately priced
Is there a site that happens to have grey knight knockoffs, or maybe centurion models?
Alpharius. His catalog is one of the fastest growing, has perfect English, and is well priced.
You're on your own to find contact info though.
>tfw your country have alot of recasters with nice prices, wide ranges, decent quality and fast shipping (~2 weeks)
Heroes cheaper than Chinese stuff -- usually 5$ or slightly more
I get 5 points
How do
Well I tried and I cant find it. If I search shit like "reddit yoyhammer alpharius email" I just get results where he's like "sup im alpharius if you want some of my sweet casts totally on sale just EMAIL me dawg".
This secret club shit is ridiculous. Cant someone just be a poorfag without "knowing a guy"?
Educated consumer thread, you mean. Is this not the free market at work and what capitalist cucks always want?
Don't spend it all in one place.
No I want to spend it on not GW
Fuck GW
Will post e-mails later.
Keep thread alive for 4 hours
Thats because they are shot down a lot.
Easy enuff. Much appreciated if you deliver.
And this is why the recasters go further and further underground.
But i fucking want yo buy from them....
He's on chinese new year vacation till the 25th, and isn't shipping anything till the 27th.
Oh, thats a relief!
Thanks a lot, user!
Create a Reddit account.
Im not memeing.
Go to the yaoyhammer page, read their FAQ. Lurk to find Z and other. You can Just message Alpharius saying you want his contact and sending him your e-mail.
Any casters have tomb kings
Anyone other than Z or cheap n fast actually have sisters?
The fabled Z i need to find that dad's email someday
All I am able to say is it doesn't end in
Is Z the one with an "orky" email?
I dunno, I got redirected to a middleman
Sorry, is right.
Try googling [seller you want] contact
Or follow advice
Fucking nonsense. You just get every single post even mentioning his name since the word "contact" is in the sidebar rules and shows up on every page.
You need to learn how to lurk more, newfag.
what happened to ttworld? literally as I was browsing his catalogue the other night it all disappeared from the storefront. was hoping to grab a Siegmund, too.
Guys, the aliexpress stores are open for the day.
link me
Literally go to aliexpress and search for what you want.
I want cheap (as in Z tier cheap) kingdom death guys!
Except im not ordering from that person dipshit.
Who are you trying to order from?
I cant find shit
Wow, careful with those edges.
They make cool statues for terrain
I used cheap and fast or whatever. My FW Horus Heresy spruces were nice but some of the models were crappy. I’d say 75% were at GW quality, 10% were low quality but not worse than GW (I’m thinking back to the mid 00s when their plastics were really shallow and lost detail easily., like the chaos terminators). And the rest looked decent on the tabletop
And I want Raging Heroes nuns
I cant find generic rpg tabletop miniatures for heroes.... Im hopeles
There were quite a few over tge lifetime of the game.
Then message Alpharius on Reddit and send him your e-mail, as user told you.
Even raging heroes aren't selling those to non backers yet. cheap n fast has their guard range, so I'd imagine he'll get the nuns eventually.