>Get taught world history through a comprehensive curriculum of war games
Get taught world history through a comprehensive curriculum of war games
Strangely its probably more accurate than what you learn at the average american college or high school.
Good lord. She looks like one of those creepy japanese androids.
She looks like a thot
Aaaand this old classic is proven right once again. The fuck is wrong with women? Do they see fucking everything they do or own as a status symbol?
If she breathes, she's a thot.
Worst option
If a war game is well made you should be able to learn a great deal from reading the rules and playing the scenarios.
Eh, I'd tie her up an spank her ass until it's cherry red.
>The fuck is wrong with women? Do they see fucking everything they do or own as a status symbol?
I don't know. Maybe you could try talking to one.
If you'd actually spoken to women once, you'd know they barely ever make sense. There's a reason why "female logic" is a thing.
>actually spoken to women once, you'd know they barely ever make sense. There's a reason why "female logic" is a thing.
Is the reason your autism?
>A common cliché among men is caused by autism
Put down the soy and try chomping on a steak once, chum.
I'll stick to being pretty and continuing to have sex with men, thanks.
>please do not use phrases disparaging mentally disabled people, it's my trigger word
>a common cliche based around people not conforming to your personal logic
>Do they see fucking everything they do or own as a status symbol?
Yes? Yes, they do. You have to understand women are all about signalling and peacocking to attract a male. It's never about *it*, it's always about *them*.
This image is 100% accurate.
>If a war game is well made you should be able to learn a great deal from reading the rules and playing the scenarios.
The operative word being "if". Many wargames won't teach you shit and I've been playing wargames since the Nixon Administration.
Yeah, you read that right. Nixon.
You should do an AMA here, grandpa. Teach us the wisdom of the ancients.
>look at me im so alpha i don't even get pussy
>why won't anyone have sex with me the white race is dying
highest lol
>cuck the post
Enjoy that (continuously dropping and highly inaccurate) 56% majority, whitey
I'm actually Mexican faggot. Stop being a cuck though. Being a fucking man and making decisions for yourself is not bad.
Women want men. Not fucking children
not enough wallets, knives, and guns on the left side to be accurate
also needs the trap version
>not enough wallets, knives, and guns on the left side to be accurate
ha, that is pretty true now that you mention it. Suddenly all the messy backgrounds of pictures on Veeky Forums make a lot more sense.
>that pic
It couldn't just be confirmation bias stemming from the fact that photos of women participating in male-dominant hobbies are more likely to be shared by men while the many equivalent pictures of things taken by women who didn't put themselves in the frame aren't spread around, right?
>>why won't anyone have sex with me the white race is dying
it's a fucking joke that acts as a litmus test for incelilbility if you think it's true
That's what one of my high school history teachers did. Every Friday for class instead of a lecture we'd set up and play a massive game of Avalon Hill's History of the World, with everyone on teams controlling different factions. It was super fun, and we got to play around with trying to figure out the actual effects of some of our gameplay decisions, like the Sumerians surviving until the middle ages as a society, or Egypt getting curb stomped by Ethiopia.
If there wasn't a hint of truth to it, I doubt it would be an enduring meme.
Stereotypes are usually based in observation, they don't spring from nowhere fully-formed.
Which isn't to say that it's good to base your opinion of individuals on stereotypes. Just that we're pretty good at picking up trends.
>Teach us the wisdom of the ancients.
There's no wisdom of the ancients, my youngfag user. We're just as fucked up as you. The only difference is that we've seen more stuff and hopefully remember some of it.
>incels and MGTOWS
Stereotypes are great for comedy too, don't forget that. One of the reasons why so many circulate that image is not to say "lol stupid wimmin" but because it's a funny observation that appeals to the "its funny because its true" realization. That's why I saved it at least.
What type of autismo makes these images? The read like they were written by a robot and look like they were drawn by a three year old
I think the joke is that they're all actually strawmen or something.
>girl looks fat and gross
>guaranteed replies anyway
You're the same idiots who post "thicc" girls on /s/, aren't you? Get some standards. Please.
Where do you think you are?
You fell for the classic fucking blunder. Never post an image more interesting than the thread. Trying to get things onto track, I'm a huge believer in games in education. This could be a fun way to break up the monotony, but you're a special kind of retarded if you think all of world history can be summarized in the specific details of major battles.
Too true!
We only seem wiser because we've had more time to make mistakes to catalyse our learning experiences.
t. 52 y.o., been playing since I was 13...