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Unusual Pets Edition
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Unusual Pets Edition
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I once had a Trollhound as a pet. the game unfortunately closed down due to GM burnout, but Pudge was possibly the most useful member of the party overall, the only other contender being the Vigilante.
I'll just copy-paste my question here;
Should I allow Dragon Style and Dragon Ferocity to function with Deadly Agility? I think by the wording it should be allowed, but I'm not 100% sure.
no. Unless you give a feat to allow full strength to ac and reflex saves and initiative.
My PC has a pet paladin and a pet rock. The funny part is that the rock is a soul gem and the paladin is stuck inside it. He likes to pull it out to talk to occasionally, even though it can't answer back.
Do you just have one particular player looking for a ruling because their build hinges on it working? If so I'd probably allow it assuming I trust the player not to get too crazy. Otherwise, no.
>Dex to damage is inherently a bad thing.
He just asked if they'd work together. They're going for an unchained scaled fist monk, with eldritch heritage (rakshasa). They wanted to take deadly agility to make it a bit less mad, but they still would like to take the dragon style chain. I'd likely just allow it and check on it to see if it gets out of hand, I mean it most likely won't regardless.
allowing deadly agility, with its 1.5x dex to damage, ruins the LAST niche strength had. Regular dex to damage and having 1.5x dex be locked to unchained rogue was fine, the PoW errata fucked that.
Potentially contentious opinion:
I don't think Initiative should run off of Dex.
/pgg/, my group's DM ghosted on us last weekend again and to fill the void that going two weeks without playing Pathfinder has left I ended up binging on fanfictions and now I'm even starting to think of writing one myself and basically this is just my warning to you not to stop playing Pathfinder lest you end up in such a wretched state yourself.
More to the point though I started a short adventure for the other players so that they don't suffer Pathfinder withdraw too, and now I need some tips for strange things you might see an outsider pretending to be a human do that could tip people off, either that there's something strange about that guy or more directly that he could be an outsider. If it matters, this particular guy is secretly an Aeon. Also, the party has already noticed that he doesn't sleep (which he successfully bluffed away as the result of a magic item).
My players aren't retarded munchkins and won't just pick the most powerful options. I'm honestly not too bothered by strength losing it's last niche, I have players who play strength characters regardless.
Ah, so you use Noble Scion of War?
>making dex even more of the godstat
'it's alright because my players like shooting themselves in the foot
neck yourself faggot
I've never heard of that, what is it?
it'd be a step in the right direction to make dex less of the godstat it already is.
give strength a feat that gives them 2x strength to damage
Charisma to initiative.
>give strength a feat that gives them 2x strength to damage
So... Dragon Ferocity?
It must suck to have players that don't know what fun is and only pick the most powerful options. I don't see why you give a shit about what happens at my table with my players, if they don't pick munchkiny fucking options why would you care?
necc urself desu
>My players aren't retarded munchkins and won't just pick the most powerful options.
They kinda are if they're asking for a Dex version the one of the more legitimately powerful feats in the fucking game.
>give strength a feat that gives them 2x strength to damage
Or just play a Two-Handed Fighter for Overhand Chop.
There's also Horn of the Criosphinx, though that only works on a charge.
No, give him triple power attack progression for half the cost. It's only fair.
I have a dire wolf puppy
Interesting, this would definitely give Charisma something to do outside of a few skills and classes.
Okay that does sound a bit suspicious I guess, but real talk, he's not a fucking mastermind. He just wants to make a dragon flavored monk and have it be dexterity based so it relieves some of the madness. The party won't be having a wizard to shit out mage armor on him, so I can see why he'd want some extra AC and stuff aswell.
on all weapons? or is strength now the unarmed stat instead of the 2 handed stat and only on the first attack. Dex faggotry of tee highest levels
It's possible with a janky-ass build to get Charisma to almost every stat in one way or another. It's just a terrible idea.
>. He just wants to make a dragon flavored monk and have it be dexterity based so it relieves some of the madness.
Then let him take deadly agility and/or leave it the shit as is. He doesn't need dragon style to be dragon flavored. Him getting Dex to Damage and a Stat to AC is plenty enough for him.
Play a Scaled Fist Monk with a two level dip in Paladin and you've got Charisma covering your ass in so many ways.
That sounds hilarious user, what's the build?
>He just wants to make a dragon flavored monk and have it be dexterity based so it relieves some of the madness
Play a Scaled Fist then and be Dex-focused. Literally Dragon Monks.
>The party Gnome Oracle had a riding dog
>It was actually a guy named Rusty who was cursed by the Fay courts for some crime
Let me see if I can remember the specifics... I remember the major goofy thing is starting off as a CE Cleric that goes into Agent of the Grave for Unholy Fortitude (Cha to HP), followed by donning a Helm of Opposite Alignment to become LG and take levels of Paladin for Diving Grace (Cha to saves), taing a level of Scaled Fist Monk (Cha to AC untyped) then drinking Ghost Syrup to become incorporeal (Cha to AC deflection and I believe Cha to carrying capacity). Also Noble Scion of War.
I can't remember if I ever figured it out properly, but additional steps would be to count as a CG Bard, use the Pageant of the Peacock masterpiece for Cha to Int skills (Performance replacing the skills themselves) and Desna's Shooting Star for Cha to attack and damage with Starknives.
So that gives you Cha to Initiative, Health, Attack, Damage, AC (twice), saves, and skills.
>I remember the major goofy thing is starting off as a CE Cleric that goes into Agent of the Grave for Unholy Fortitude (Cha to HP),
Would this not work as the moment, you don the Helm you would lose all your cleric powers.
Maybe, but you only need to be a Cleric long enough to qualify for the prestige class, at which point you can convert to a new god or whatever.
That is pretty goofy, though I do wonder why you'd need to take Paladin levels if you can just take Antipaladin levels, since that also gets Cha to saves.
Then again you'd have to alignment shift to Lawful anyway in order to take levels into Monk, but it's stuff like that that makes me and my group discard most alignment restrictions anyway.
Yes, I'm sure the Lawful Good god will let you keep all your retarded Chaotic Evil powers from Agent of the Grave. If you lose the spellcasting from Cleric, you'd stop qualifying for agent of the grave(no ore animate dead) not to mention you would cease to be fucking evil.
This is the shittiest "munchkinry" I've seen in a long ass time user.
Tyrant Antipaladins can be lawful evil, so there's that.
Tyrant Antipaladins can be Lawful Evil, just roll that into AotG and Scaled Fist.
The real question is what kind of backstory you have to come up with to justify a person who turns himself partially undead and then does a massive face turn and becomes a ghost monk paladin who acts way smarter than he really is and throws a ghost touch starknife around.
See that little spiky monstrosity in the right bottom corner? We gave one a bow and made it our mascot.
user, I literally said it was a terrible idea.
It's a non-functional idea. It doesn't deserve to be called terrible.
I could see a Scaled Fist/AotG/Tyrant having some sorta deal with Urgathoa and/or some sorta Dracolich.
Even easier? Necromancy. Take a LG Paladin and raise them as Ghost, which grants Cha to HP and AC via deflection, then immediately release them after giving them the Helm of Opposite Alignment to take them away from being Evil alignment and return them to being Good-aligned. Then you could continue on with dipping into Dragon-Scaled Monk for another bout of Cha-to-AC.
The only thing then would be to figure out how to get a non-chaotic Bard, but I'm sure that's probably the easy part, especially if you're a Paladin of Desna and thus being Chaotic would make sense as one of her worshipers (despite technically breaking RAW).
>The only thing then would be to figure out how to get a non-chaotic Bard
Bards can be any alignment.
Bards can be any alignment in Pathfinder.
Well then there you go, I was thinking of Barbarians for some reason.
Bards couldn't be lawful in 3.5
Alright, fuck me for having a little fun then I guess.
Figuring out what kind of backstory he would have sounds way more interesting that OP's actual prompt. Even if we assume a non-Golarion settiing where undead aren't necessarily evil, becoming an undead paladin sounds... difficult. Maybe some dispassionate god of enlightenment who believes perfection can only be found beyond mortality could endorse it. So like Zombie Irori basically.
Well this is a minimum level 9 character, you'd need at least 2 levels of Paladin, just one level of monk, and at least 6 levels of Bard to get your first Versatile Performance, which you could easily spec into with Pageantry of the Peacock since it only requires you to have 4 ranks in either Act or Dance and either one of your feats or a 2nd level spell slot.
Shockingly enough Ghosts do not have HD, so that would be the same as your level, though you'd still have to figure out how to become Chaotic to get the Divine Fighting Technique for Cha to Atk and Dmg.
Oh my god.
I just figured it out.
You're playing as a Ghost of Christmas Past. A Ghost that literally goes into people's dreams and tells them how to fix their life, thus explaining how you'd be a proper worshipper of Desna.
>proper worshipper of Desna.
Someone who isn't a Paladin?
I'd steal the idea for an NPC in my campaign, but the build still doesn't quite work since you need to be either a paladin or tyrant antipaladin, neither of which is compatible with being a worshiper of Desna. Unless... There's a couple archetypes that loosen the alignment restrictions for paladins, so maybe you could be NG instead. But those archetypes are all terrible if memory serves, and probably trade out Divine Grace.
If you're the DM you can do whatever the heck you want, and while yes the alignment restrictions are dumb (and the Gray Paladin is even worse, you get literally nothing out of the archetype outside of not being restricted to LG), you can always just use the conversion from 3.5's Paladin of Freedom (or just ignore alignment restrictions altogether because they're dumb and do nothing other than limit options most of the time.
I'm a level 7 2-handed fighter using a greatsword and the feat tax "elephant in the room" homebrew rules.
My AC is 23 with 20 dex and 20 str (rolled obscenely well on 2 stats and have a belt of dexterity, got 14,14,12,12 in the other 4).
How do I improve my AC without begging my dm for magical items Veeky Forums.
I'm a 5e player and there are literally over 1000 feats to look at, I've just taken the dodge feat and get combat expertise for free. I'm looking at the next couple of levels.
Ok so i made a gnoll monk for a pathfinder game
What are some cool feats i could give him?
you need to beg for magic items. Gold is a secondary xp track, doubly important for martials.
pummeling style and pummeling charge. power attack so you don't hit like a wet noodle.
There's a feat called Shield of Swings that gives you +4 to AC/CMD when you full attack. Only downside is that full-attack deals only half damage.
deal more damage then
Does power attack apply to unharmed attacks?
Well no shit, might as well tell the guy to just kill things faster so he doesn't have to worry about AC.
I should probably be looking at an AC of 30, so I basically need to beg for a ring of protection, a ring of force shield and other mcguffins.
Unfortunately that's counter intuitive with a great weapon build, just using combat expertise seems to be the better option. Especially with Cleave.
Why wouldn't it?
why wouldn't it? yes it does.
they're not mcguffins. In pathfinder you NEED items. There;'s a table of how much loot you should have in gold pieces in the core rulebook for a reason.
Mcguffins was the wrong phrase, that's the 5e mentality slipping in.
The cloak of resistance doesn't give AC, so I'm also going to have to beg for better armour. At level 7 I should be looking at +2 weapons and armour I presume?
Side note, I'm really enjoying Pathfinder, even if I did slightly cock up my feat selection early.
Well, I mean, that's how my Come and Get Me barbarian got by, with his 7 AC...
ask about retraining, that can fix your feat problem but again, costs money. Money you SHOULD have.
Push all of your 5e mentality aside and embrace the massive amounts of items you need to make yourself good. There is a reason it's called the "Big Six" that being Ring of Protection, Amulet of Natural Armor, Cloak of Resistance, Belt for your main physical, headband for your main mental, +X weapon and +X armor (includes shields if you go for that build). They are pretty much mandatory save for specific classes in specific cases and specific party comps, but even then you just have something that replaces them, such as a wizard with a robe of archmagi replacing their armor and cloak of resistance respectively. In pathfinder magic items are bread and butter as you level.
Also to add: AC is nowhere near as important as saves, so a cloak of resistance is more important than a +X armor if only because of the million ways the enemy can shut you down or kill you if you fail one save.
Cloak of displacement > Cloak of resistance
Displace that Charm Monster, hardhat.
Yeah it's a weird one for me as I dm 5e, so this is going to be difficult as I've never liked my players begging for magic items in that system.
Once I get armed bravery at level 9, my Will saves will be pretty damn decent. The party only has 1 cloak of resistance +1 and that's on the Sorcerer atm.
wew it's as if i don't get a +5 to the save if your buttbuddy is looking at me the wrong way
I've got 200 gold after buying a +1 vicious great sword...
FOOL! You have weak will saves and you shun the only protection? Charmus Personamus! There, roll your pathetic +10 save against my 26 DC and see how you do, tiny Texan mollusk!
Also this was supposed to be here.
Ha-ha! It is not i who is the fool, for i have used my bonus combat feats to obtain not only Iron Will, but also Improved Iron Will!
You did not account for such preparation, you are a disgrace to the afterlife. You do not deserve to wear that magic dress!
Charm what? Sorry I can't hear you over the sound of my Mind Buttressing armor.
>literally downgrading from 5e to 3.5
why do that to yorself?
>Implying 5e is good
I'm playing in a pathfinder game with some friends, and it's what the dm wants to run. I'd personally never run it, and I don't; I'm running 5e right now. But in the end, I'd rather roll dice with mates than edition war.
It is.
>It is.
OK, Wizards, whatever you say.
Uhm, i need a better game index, but i might as well just ask questions
what other spell-support classes besides Cleric use Wisdom as the core-stat?
that also aren't duplicative w' cleric....
to be fair:
i am trying to be a twin caster, and i don't care what type of spell/support/magic it is, so long as it stacks to wisdom.
much thanks, in advance
Cleric, Druid, Hunter, Shaman, Spiritualist.
But remember, any levels you take in a second class means less in your primary, and a 10/10 Cleric/Druid will never go above 5th level spells.
If you houserule it to not key off of Dex you should give Rogues and other sneak attackers some inherent bonus to their roll (maybe +1 per SA die).
It keying off of Dex gives them a good chance of going early enough in the combat to get off SA against flat-footed opponents in fights where there isn't opportunity for setting up stealth or flanking (which is a lot of fights).
The Celestial Template grants my horse Smite Evil once per day. Does that smite only add Cha to attack and HD to damage like the 3.5 smite or does it do all the other shit real Smite Evil does?
If it does the latter, how do I boost my horse's Cha mod?
3.5 Smite doesn't exist in Pathfinder, you use the Pathfinder's Paladin Smite for your horse.
As for boosting its Cha mod, the same way you do it for everyone else: Magic, leveling up, and if you're lucky getting a horse with a naturally high mod. (or asking the DM if you can ditch the horse for a unicorn)
Magus' is a fun well designed class
What's wrong with it?
DM of the Wilting here:
Wilting should be over in a couple of weeks No, I'm bound by VOWS not to say anything until it's over. Feel free to ask the players, thought.
I'm debating whether to run it again (same rules as the original with some minor modifications), or to try another concept I've had.
If you're not familiar with Wilting, tl;dr it's a traitor-based game where the party is supposed to kill a dragon, but one of the players must stop the dragon from being killed (or various other goals).
And i hit enter twice early. Woops.
The second concept: A wizardry competition with the party being students being part of that competition. Winner of the competition keeps their magical powers forever.
Gimmick would be that every party member is also a mid-caster for SoP (or other benefits if they are already a caster). It'd be around a 4-6th level game, as opposed to wilting's 7th-9th level.
Wizards sounds fun.
Sounds stupid as fuck, boring as fuck, and something that shouldn't be run in Pathfinder. Now fuck off.
I'm open to opinions as to why! I'm willing to accept it's a bad idea and merely re-run Wilting until I can get a better idea. What part about it shouldn't be run in pathfinder specifically?
What specific part about it? I've given a very brief tl;dr which I feel like I should explain more about.
I don't have anything made for it yet (though I'm planning for it now so I can have it all fully fleshed and done at least within a week of Wilting finishing), though I envision a series of different tasks- either the party working together for the entire competition, always seperate- or both, with the party initially being a set 'squad' and as they get closer to finishing, they become split up and eventually must face each other.
As far as the competition, magic is pretty ripe. It could be various tasks with different rules, be it combat-based competitions like direct duels, to taking out powerful foes together or running through a small dungeon-esque field. Or non-combat, such as getting through a specific field of obstacles with teleportation magic being banned and so forth.
>I'm open to opinions as to why!
Because you shouldn't run a game for /pfg/.
Because, it makes no sense to play a 4th-5th level "wizard" "student" and also restrict people to being a fucking midcaster. And the entire concept of the whole party being apprentice mages works better for Ars Magica.
>Shouldn't run games for PFG
I entirely disbelieve that! I full well acknowledge the thread is not an accurate depiction of the real community behind /pfg/, and I know most of the people here are pretty quality players. Probably an unpopular opinion, but I'll keep it as one.
>Restrict to midcaster
You may have misread. All party members are GRANTED mid-casting for free, on top of whatever class they have. People who are already casters get other boons (Lowcasters become fullcasters, midcasters become fullcasters with 2/1/2 talent progression. Fullcasters will get something else I haven't thought of just yet.)
>I full well acknowledge the thread is not an accurate depiction of the real community behind /pfg/
>/pfg/ isn't representative of /pfg/
No the people that apply and play games that fucking put up here aren't a part of /pfg/, they just come here to be fawned over and have their e-peens stroked before heading back into their own private chats to engage in more lewd ERP bullshit.