>All of the evil overlords and sorcerers contract a single normal person for their evil lair needs
What happens when the heroes find her?
All of the evil overlords and sorcerers contract a single normal person for their evil lair needs
>oh, thank the gods! You have come to free me from this torment!
Nothing. You have a single person that represents a highly valuable asset for one or more powerful entities. Their loyalty as customers is more than enough protection. The villains just have to make sure that the punishment of killing the contractor outweighs any benefit killing them would have.
Probably nothing. The evil overlords and sorcerers would have taken measures to prevent the normal person from revealing any vital secrets, and if these people are actually heroes then they aren't going to do anything to this contractor who hasn't done anything evil.
How much do we need to outbid her,?
They first must survive the SHOWROOM OF TORMENT. Behold the PIT OF WHIRRING BLADES, home installment at only 5 easy payments of 1000 gold! Brave this season's hot item, the GAUNTLET OF FROZEN DEATH (Excellent for tombs and temples, also comes in a palette of other elemental effects) Exit through the GIFT SHOP OF WONDERS and be sure to tell your friends and shadowy contacts!
Aaaand then they walk out of the shop, realize they've left, turn around and it's vanished
The heroes won't find her. She's managed to avoid getting killed off as a loose end when dealing with not just one but ALL of the big bads. This "normal" person is some kind of mastermind to have successfully traversed that web of danger. The heroes are quite frankly out of their league.
>that way she's biting her lip
I feel like her entire goal in becoming a villain was to get tied up by Batman.
Knowing my PC, likely a discussion about where they got most of the weapons used in said traps, especially the turrets, how they did the power balance, and generally go full scifi /k/ on them.
Absolutely nothing.
Who do you think builds the heroes' bases, too?
She'd be one of the few untouchable characters in the entire setting.
Also opens up some silly shenanigans like a hero and his nemesis showing up to her birthday party simultaneously.
I buy it
Justified corrective rape
You don't get to fix the trim on the Hall of Justice anymore after you built Dr. Corpsegrinder a series of holding cells with greased chutes to a slurry refinery.
>try to talk her into building a lair for the team
I am not above cutting a check for this contractor if she's built half the things we barely survived over the course of the campaign. I mean, yeah, I'm pissed that I've left my original dominant sword-arm in that whirling blade treasure chest thing, but what's a couple lesser and greater Restorations at this point?
And her interior decorations for the sorceress' lair were fantastic.
She's actually the most dangerous of all the overlord's henchmen precisely because she's the only normal person.
She's his personal secretary, but due to being the only regular person in his employ that de facto makes her his entire administrative department rolled into one person. Yes, you will need the right forms and papers before you get to see the BBEG. Yes, you will have to plan at least 7 workdays in advance. Yes, documents will get lost (she's just one person handling literally dozens of plucky teenagers who want to see her boss every day). Yes, she WILL work 9 to 5 and not a single second longer (she's a civil servant after all). No, you cannot slay her without your alignment dropping to evil as technically she's just an innocent bystander doing her job (and doing it well, for a one woman team).
No, you can't roll to seduce her. Squandering her teenage years in order to pursue the career of her dreams only to get stuck as some bad guy's personal secretary combined with never having had a boyfriend has made her resentful towards men, but she's also clearly not a lesbian.
They capture her, interrogate her about the working of the lair, what trap may await them and everything she knows about the dark lord, and then they hand her to authorities so that they inquire how she was able to get a contract with the evil lord and burn down this connection.
post the rape edit
>Dr. Pavel?
>We're CIA (Contracted Investigative Agents)
>Tell us about Bane!
>Lots of loyalty for a hired nurse.
>You're a big girl.
>for you
Someone like the Accountant, then?
He seems to be able to take care of himself pretty well, don't you?
>contract a single normal person for their evil lair needs
dude, it's some guy just doing their job, why would the heroes even care beyond maybe "hey you built The Dread Lich Greybone's citidel right? can... can we take a look at those blueprints perhaps?"
Because as our modern society is telling us about history, everyone evil must be punished. Doesn’t matter if they were “just doing their job” or even threatened with their life, if they are following a villain then they must be a Na- uh, villain themselves.
Applesponge, it's time to take a break from the internet.
There's a saying that fixes a lot of these situations.
"This is this, that is that."
Yeah but 'Building a building' isn't really an evil action. 'Just doing your job' is brought up because it's not an excuse for evil actions, not because doing your job is an evil action itself.
>If I figure out that you fuckers were doing some renovations without my consent then I AM gonna sue your ass, along with those faggoty ass heroes trying to break into my property.
She has to go back.
I'm gonna roll to seduce anyway
It is when the building you built was a murder dungeon with lethal traps
It becomes a big capture the person match to get the builder to a secure area before the heros can get her to spill it in their own hidden lair. Woe to the unfortunate city(s) that becomes a battleground for this.
Or was it a perfectly legitimate wine cellar / bestiary with necessary (and on budget) intruder deterrents? The plans certainly seem to say so
Not a beastiary, a menagerie sorry
Here. Have another one, since I haven't seen yours before and saved it.
Building a scythe that drops from the ceiling when somebody touches a hidden pressure plate, or a tripwire mechanism that fires poison arrows, or a spike pit that opens when you swing a lever are a bit different than building a lobby with room for a security checkpoint
That's why you get a permit and lobby city hall for it. When you live in a world full of supervillains, sometimes you need super-effective security to stop them from getting through. Does a person not have a right to self defense?
Castle Doctrine is certainly upheld when the owner of the property resides in an actual keep
It's all right there in the contract. So many people come into random people's houses and just start taking stuff like they own the place these days. Laws have been passed, everyone is entitled to having at least one fire pit and trap door in their house, some eccentrics just pay extra for the shark tanks I can install.
Who would win?
>A well trained, 1st world quality and highly disciplined army with tanks and artillery
>A bunch of Africans in Toyota's
The answer may surprise you
A squad of Serbs not bound by the notion of 'war crimes' or morality.