Why are there such social stigmas with so many of our hobbies?
Do you openly talk about how you play Veeky Forums related games?
Why are there such social stigmas with so many of our hobbies?
Do you openly talk about how you play Veeky Forums related games?
>Why are there such social stigmas with so many of our hobbies?
Because these hobbies are infested with fat smelly weirdos with poor social skills, creepy attitudes towards women, and a host of repulsive personality defects making them absolutely intolerable to anyone with a grasp on civilized behavior.
>Do you openly talk about how you play Veeky Forums related games?
Yes, because some of us aren't insufferable enough to keep dragging everyone else down.
jesus, this is exactly what I was going to post
It's surprisingly popular now actually.
Like, 90% of the people I talk to and say that i DM a D&D game express interest in it, and I've gotten many people saying they want to try it. Many that you wouldn't even guess would be into this sort of hobby.
I'm going to do a oneshot for 3 stacys and 1 normal dude next weekend actually, to let them try it out. See if I can start a second game group with a couple of normies and try out a few new things for my main game
Yeah it isn't a stigma with the hobby it's the people. Spend literally any time here at all and you'll see why
Yeah, in my country it is a novelty, so it is weird in a cool way, western and progressive, with no stigma attached.
Wrap it up folks
dumb frogposter
Yeah I talk about it; haven't had any issues with it so far.
aaaaaaaand thread
I'm open that I play. I don't discuss the games in public though. Last month a new coworker found out I play d&d too. He started sperging out about his characters infront of 2 women. I shut that shit down quick. Told him, I play. I don't ramble on about elves in public.
>Like, 90% of the people I talk to and say that i DM a D&D game express interest in it
Yet more evidence of DnD spreading the cancer of casuals.
>Yet more evidence of DnD spreading the cancer of casuals.
Hey guys! I found one of those guys was talking about!
Have you been to Veeky Forums for more than a day?
If we're so self aware about how shit people can be in this hobby, how come people like () keep on appearing? Is this just the nature of a jap image board? Did I just answer my own question? Yes? No? Maybe?
It's not as fast or accessible as video games, shows, or movies. It's also fantasy, which is a bit of a niche thing compared to generic drama, action, or comedy stuff.
Secondly, people in the US at least have a preoccupation with "adults aren't allowed to have fun unless it's sex/beer/sports" and a preoccupation with "maturity". Thankfully the most recent generation has been mostly against that and has made the stuff much more mainstream and popular.
>Stereotypes that have never been even remotely true
>"lol see this is the reason why nobody likes it xd"
Fuck off, dumbass.
I'm a bit of a normie, and I'm very new to tabletop games. I've been to a few gaming(?) stores with a few of my friends. The people at them come off as eccentric, but they're very nice and easy to talk to. They don't have the best social skills, but they were more than helpful with any questions I had. They let us sit around and watch a game. There seems to be a certain type of person that's drawn to these games, and that's not necessarily a bad thing! Everyone was very sweet, and seemed like they genuinely wanted to help.
But I also work with people that have Intellectual Disabilities for a living so I have a very high tolerance for socially awkward people.
>causal norimes are ruining everything
>man why is my hobbies filled with autistics
Veeky Forums in a nut shell.
>Thankfully the most recent generation has been mostly against that and has made the stuff much more mainstream and popular.
Yes, I for one am delighted that the game is being populated by the kinds of casual normalfags who also buy adult colouring books.
Which country? Italy?
Nothing against black people btw, I love italians
Video Games were like that once as well, it's a shame the non-fat smelly weirdos with poor social skills are no longer the norm.
To go beyond that though, I would also say that tabletop is very much something that relies on players' ability to handle situations in an acting aspect as another, which is something a lot of people feel uncomfortable with beyond a superficial nature. It seems like games with very set rules do better in attracting the attention of normal people because then the social mannerisms are already defined.
If you don't like them don't fucking play with them you grognard shithead
It's far more tolerable to people where I live to tell them you play an occasional tabletop game than ever have anything remotely to do with weeb shit or anime anything. I'm fine with that, since I don't care about anime at all but I like ttrpgs, but I seemed like growing up it was reversed.
But yeah, first time I went to a game shop it was actually pretty bad as far as autists and really off putting people. I mostly play games with my personal friends who are more or less along the same lines I am taste wise, so it was weird to see what the demographic of people who also played outside my group were like.
>Why are there such social stigmas with so many of our hobbies?
There aren't. There are social stigmas associated with being a gross, fat nerd who couldn't socialize his way out of a wet paper bag.
>Do you openly talk about how you play Veeky Forums related games?
If it comes up, yes. If somebody asks me what I like to do for fun, I tell them I play games "like Dungeons & Dragons", as well as other things. Only my normie friends have jokingly poked fun at me for this. The responses I get casually are politely feigned interest, like you would get with just about any interest you share that isn't common ground with the other person. I'm not a gross, smelly nerd so I don't have problems.
Fuck me, you know HarmonQuest was a thing on television, right? It got two seasons. Critical Role is a thing. Joe Magawhosit, that famous guy married to Sofia Vergara, is apparently a huge tabletop nerd. The hobbies aren't the problem.
Assholes are everywhere. It's the nature of life.
Nerds being creepy and weird, as well as Christfags with "muh satan! think of the kids!" bullshit.
Yeah, I love D&D. I talk about it frequently with friends, but it's not something I particularly bring up.
>don't want to play with infantilized hipsters
>must be a grognard
It's not that you don't want to play with them, it's that you're angered by the very thought of them playing "your" game
>Stereotypes that have never been even remotely true
Can you tell me where you live so I can move to that wondrous fairy land of sunshrine and gumdrop meadows?
>Many that you wouldn't even guess would be into this sort of hobby.
Roleplaying is much closer to mainstream these days, if not mainstream already. You have a laundry list of celebrities (Steven Colbert, Vin Diesel, and Gurm off the top of my head) who have at least dabbled in it. The satanist hysteria has basically come and gone, yielding to cultural exposure through a wide variety of media. There also seems to be a growing recognition of the hobby's strengths: It's inexpensive, legal, social, non-addictive, safe, gets you to see people in-person, and can help build your empathy, vocabulary, math, and systems knowledge.
Also, you don't have to be a fat smelly nerd to like nerdy things. Fatness and bad odor are optional. You can easily be a gorgeous nerd, or more likely an inoffensively-plain nerd. Or not a nerd at all, though that may result in conflicts when you deal with real nerds.
IME its not so much a stigma as it is just a general crushing disinterest, even most people who are into other geeky stuff cant stomach them for long
Because for the most part we're not exclusionary despite what some people will tell you. Random ass people from random ass demographics are all welcome, and that includes smelly fat weirdos with superiority complexes.
>don't want to play with hipsters
>angered by the thought of the thing you liked before now being mainstream
Really promotes one to ponder
All hobbies that aren't stupid bullshit like being a corporate suit or work or raising a bunch of noisy brats have social stigmas.
I build, tune, track, and race sports cars and it has the same dumb stigmas as Veeky Forums shit, just to a lesser degree. "Cars are for driving to work". "Stop playing with cars".
I blame about 95% of this board. If we removed that from the population we'd probably be a lot more accepted.
Nobody older than 12 gives a shit if you play boardgames or whatever else. They do care if you're that guy.
Do you have something against Italy? I'm not from there, but you basically tried to pull the shitty pun "lol kek ur all nigurs!" Why?
>Do you openly talk about how you play Veeky Forums related games?
Yes, but I also never talk to people that aren't already participating in the hobby
>Do you openly talk about how you play Veeky Forums related games?
Only in casual settings with people I know well enough, so they'll indulge me when I take a little time to explain the core concepts of RPGs, like shared storytelling and using dice mechanics to resolve uncertain or contested plot points.
Also, I usually call RPGs 'adventure games' because I've found 'roleplaying' has a strong sexual connotation for a lot of people.
It's specifically you.
You are the problem with traditional gaming.
Nobody cares. KYS yourself yourself.
>You can easily be a gorgeous nerd, or more likely an inoffensively-plain nerd. Or not a nerd at all, though that may result in conflicts when you deal with real nerds.
Normies reeeee in 3... 2... 1...
You're probably legit retarded, so I'll make it easy for you:
>casuals in the hobby = games get dumbed down to appeal to them = the good shit is abandoned and disappears
There. And now you get it. Go ahead and kill yourself now that you realize you don't have a retort worth a damn.
Fuck off. New games getting dumbed down doesn't do jack shit to the games you already have on your shelf.
>B-but nobody will want to play those anymore
We've already established that you dislike the 'normies reee' who genuinely like these new games, so why the fuck do you care?
Fake nerd.
Found another normalfag.
I play historicals, so the more people there are playing casual tat like 40k and X-Wing the larger the number that eventually move on to something better
>Fake nerd.
Says who? You? Nobody cares about some insecure antisocial reject's toxic opinions.
>Found another normalfag.
See above.
>hurr durr cliche non arguments hurr durr o god I'm so cool and normal guiz XDDDD
Shut the fuck up, dumb faggot. When games get replaced by dumbed down new ones, we don't get any new stuff for the original good games. The fact that you don't get this makes it clear you're nothing but a filthy know-nothing casual. A pleb who'll eat whatever shit is slopped into his trough along with all the other tardpigs.
And why haven't you killed yourself yet? My instructions were quite clear. Kill yourself immediately.
>it's le subjective xD
>u r just a nurd xD
Classic escape tactic. Stay triggered, microdick.
I see it now...
>actually wanting to pay for add-on horseshit to an already solid core game
So you're mad that these dumbed-down new releases are keeping you from being a mindless consumer whore for an older system?
No pity.
>Shit, I can't argue that point
>I-it's an escape tactic. I'm s-still winning!
It would be hilarious if it wasn´t so sad. Check into an institution, faggot.
Today at the hardware store, buying washers for tokens and clothes pins for tracking initiative (highly recommend).
>QT cashier grill asks me what I'm working on
>Oh nothing major, just making some tokens for the D&D game I'm running
>Oh that's so cool! I love D&D, I really want to start playing again sometime
Too bad we've already got five people or I would have invited her to join. Sorry Sarah if you're reading this.
I pity you.
I have never had any issues when i have a date over for the first time the first thing they notice is my home smells nice and is clean then when they enter my room they notice my glass display cases with minis in them and my work station then they typically ask if they can open one and look at a mini up close and start asking questions. It typically ends with them being impressed with my painting skills and think its a cool hobby 2 separate girls have said something to this effect "I mean its nerdy but it requires dedication and tells me a lot about you its not like gaming which is the most low effort nerd hobby most guys have is. Then they typically switch subjects. its never been a big deal in my life and i have definitely never had any social issues or been treated poorly on the basis of my hobby. Ironically its neck beards and internet trolls who are the ones who would give me shit for this hobby if anything not the typical Stacy.
You either made this up to get a rise out of virgin fa/the/uys or are the world's biggest idiot.
Fuck you, potatofag
>ever inviting or considering inviting people you haven't vetted
for shame, user
Why do you need new stuff? Surely at some point you have all of the splatbooks/minis that you could want and new material is just magpie consumerism.
I for one advocate for an eugenetics program in tabletop communities. "Reeee normies" folks should be rounded up and gassed. They weren't going to reproduce anyway but they are a waste of resources.
Social justice shill detected.
The 1990s called, they want their stereotypes back.
I've never noticed the slightest antiTG bias except amongst the late 20s+ muh sports crowd at work. Everyone else I speak to either thinks it sounds cool or actively wants to play. Hell, the other year I was in a one-shot with the former Miss Universe Australia.
If that post triggers you this much, you probably need a shower.
>low effort shitpost thread
>not even related to any traditional game, literally just a /soc/ post
Just as expected.
In high school i used to shuffle magic cards during lessons, people were actually ok with it, it's not like they would bully me or shit, but many of them were kind of weirded out, they felt a strong need to point out what it was weird, like they felt there was something wrong with it, some expressed an aggressive interest in why i liked them. (not saying it's normal to shuffle cards during lessons, just saying the reaction was interesting)
I think people are too used to hiding their hobbies and so people tend to never get used to seeing them. Ya'll gotta show your interests more to make it more of a normal thing.
Pointlessly shuffling cards at random moments IS weird, user. Doing it during class is annoying and distracting. Pay attention and save the shuffling for when you're actually going to be playing.
'Showing your interests' at random moments is blatant attention whoring. It doesn't make you seem interesting, it makes you seem starved for attention.
The shuffling was just something i did, i did say it's weird, but i have shit muscle control so i used it to get better at shuffling when i started. People's interest I was talking about wasn't at the fact that i shuffled, but at magic in general. I was not attention whoring nor trying to make people intereste din magic by shuffling and i didn't suggest people shuffle in class. But some people will be afraid to for example play magic in the recess(i said afraid, not that they willl would rather do something else), that kind of attitude is what i was criticizing, people need to stop treating Veeky Forums as a secret hobby nobody must know about so that people can be more aware of it. ( no i do not think you should annoy people about magic randomly or try to show yourself playing it on purpose, just don't hide it, nobody will actually change his opinion on you for it)
Look through the catalog right now. Between the monstergirl threads, the "that guy" threads, and the rampant autism found everywhere here, why don't you think the stereotype might come to be?
Not aware of any stigma, aside from every nerd group hating MTG fatties.
>Do you openly talk about how you play Veeky Forums related games?
If asked sure, but I hate having to explain everything.
Does the Dictionary companies pay to use your likeness or is your autism considered fair use?
You really only fall into one of two groups.
1. Causal Normie that has fun playing but sees it as just a game and does not take it to serious.
2. A neck beard thats not aware of their socially awkwardness, love over complication, and argues about trivial fluff.
There really is no middle ground where everyone thinks they are.
Hah, gottem.
Because of the large number of conspicuous, socially defective people who publicly identify as Veeky Forums-type gamers. And they publicly identify as that because they have nothing else going on in their lives, precisely due to being socially defective.
When a random person thinks of roleplaying, they don't take into consideration any of the functional, relatively normal people who play, because they don't know the engineer, nurse or teacher next to them on the train is a gamer. They think of Jack 'Fat and Nasty* McTrenchcoat, because he was carrying a foam rubber LARP wizard staff in the train and talking loudly about gaming.
TL;DR The functional members of our hobby group are "invisible", and those who aren't invisible are pathetic NEETS, neckbeards, autists, all of the above.
The biggest mistake anyone on Veeky Forums can make is assuming that the population of any board represents anything but themselves.
Because none of you are willing to do what is necessary to exclude them, and you go a long way towards normalizing their unacceptable behavior.
SJWs in the hobby are to a significant degree exactly who are being described in that post. People who are obsessed with sexual politics are vastly more likely to be total pervazoids whose beliefs are simply a projection of their nascent rapist asses onto everyone else.
They are also the ones who are most adamant in wanting to normalize magical realm shit which is the single biggest factor in driving the casually interested newcomer away.
You get plenty of middle-aged fathers in game stores in to buy YGO cards or whatever who along with their children express interest at what's going on at the tables only to be repulsed by the ubiquitous pushing 40 fatso leaping at the chance to talk about his 9 year old magical girl character, or his sexy elf maiden. Flee children, flee.
>Holy shit those mental gymnastics
I thought the SJWs hated sex and wanted to scrub all art free of it. Also,
>Ignoring all the /pol/ shitposts with loli art as the OP
Veeky Forums is only more explicit because people will be called on their bullshit. The hobby out in meatspace is simply more passive-aggressive in pushing magical realm everywhere. It's a real problem.
As others have said, I think it comes from the tendency for the hobby to have so many socially retarted spergs who don't clean themselves and are as degenerate as the SJW's they screech about.
But really the hobby is so much more acceptable nowadays. It's a fun escape that people want to take part in. Its a good and a bad thing, good in that more people means more money and more product, bad in that more people means that sometimes things will be dumbed down and made silly. I gotta say though, one of the single most frustrating things that I kind of understand when people bitch about are normies who JUST LUV DND but don't actually play and if they do its just an XD EBIC wankfest. Which, hey its a game you're meant to have fun with but its definitely not the kind of game I play or really like hearing about. I ran my Uni's tabletop club for two years and shilled it when I got the chance, because we had a relatively small core group of clubgoers. I swear to you, every class there would be one person who loves to talk about how they love DND, I had one lit professor who announced this stacy's love of it every semester when she found a moment for it to become relevant. Of course when I advertised our club, people like her never came. Our club had more women than men, and the lot of us were well put together and most tended toward the SJW spectrum.
At the end of the day, I realized I'm too young to be this fucking bitter about game, so I just don't interact with the 'normies and stacies' of tabletop. If people are genuinely interested in game, of course I'm happy to introduce it to them. My advice to grognards who are worried about normies and SJW infiltration, just don't engage with them if you really can't stand it that much. But if someones interested and doesn't meet your qualifications of what someone who plays tabletop should be, don't snub them, give them a chance
>Holy shit those mental gymnastics
Every single person who is engaging in weird gender-bending magical realm shit IRL is going to have some political justification for why it is acceptable and necessary for them to do this is public. Accept reality.
Of course how long did it take for one of you to crawl out of the woodwork to defend yourself and push for normalizing of your fetish to ensure only your codependent sycophants remain in the hobby?
>Ignoring all the /pol/ shitposts
Anonymously on the Internet. Obviously there is a huge difference. No shitposter is going to be asked to explain their bullshit IRL with their real identity tied to the consequences of defending their plastering of loli images everywhere, nor are they going to have to erect an elaborate political theory to push back against their accusers and configure them as the actual strange/dangerous ones who must be policed by a cabal of perverts.
First you were talking about 40 year old neckbeard pedos, now you're bringing up trannies like that's what you were talking about all along. It doesn't look like you have much of an argument here.
>First you were talking about 40 year old neckbeard pedos, now you're bringing up trannies
A)No, I'm not talking about trannies. 40 year old men playing sexy elf maidens are still engaging in "weird gender-bending magical realm shit", and one isn't required to be an actual tranny to do it.
B)Both the appearance of using the game for pedo or tranny fetishism is something that creeps people out and there is no need to be specific.
C)This applies to many categories of creepy and overtly sexual behavior which autists think is covered by some thin veneer of passive-aggressiveness and when not justified politically. Since I haven't mentioned furries explicitly does not mean that furries don't creep people out and isn't some "gotcha" for the overall point. You know who you are and you know what you are doing. Forcing people to either confront you are fuck off is going to result in people fucking off in almost all cases.
Too much of these types of games happen away from the game on your own theory crafting so it's not experiential and it's not social.
Geeks really really want to be in a different world so they react very favorably to details which makes companies include more details that are actual useless to the experience of the game. Most people like experience.
It's like asking why would more people want to drive a race car than fix it?
In my group is my hot, beautiful wife and beautiful ridiculously hot sister in law. They love playing, will choose to play, ask to play, have favorite games. But neither will buy a game, read about a game, study a game, or do any set up. If the game is more than we open a box and play, like list building/ character building they are out.
It's not wrong to enjoy what's under the hood, it's just not most people, and since we're humans what most people don't do is going to have stigmas.
As a dad with children who game as a family, the sjw and the fat neck beard insult that gets thrown around are often the same.
I look at you as 1 category when considering what environment I will or will not let my kid go to.
Sjw males are weird, creepy white knights trying to gain some semblance of attention and validation. Sjw chicks are weird, angry, often just as large and smelly as their male counterparts and require creepifying levels of need from strangers.
They often say things like this when 1st meeting them:
I was the best at whatever, but now I eat hot pockets and work retail bc this horrible thing happened / health problem stopped me.
My dad is brilliant and clrealy better than all other dads, but he also is an absent piece of shit or tried raping me by noticing when I was wearing clothes that didn't fit my body and asking me to change.
Men hit on me all the time, God I wish it would stop.
Tell me how great and important this weird useless thing I am obsessed with and push/study instead of useful cause/subject.
I'm not like other girls but I bet you noticed already.