/5eg/ Fifth Edition General

Paladins have to do everything edition

Unearthed Arcana: Into The Wild

>5e Trove
rpg.rem.uz/Dungeons & Dragons/D&D 5th Edition/

Stable releases - get.5e.tools/


>Previously, on /5eg/
What are the essential items that you absolutely can not leave home without?

Other urls found in this thread:


How would /5e/ improve this?

What would an alignment compass of player types look like?

>What are the essential items that you absolutely can not leave home without?
a drink
it's dry as hell here
i'll get arrested

that's literally it

What the hell is the top and bottom? You can't leave an axis unlabelled.

No idea. That’s why I came to you guys for help

and left and right are irrelevant

delete it and try to forget I ever posted it

creative --------------- RAW

>the millennial method: how to make something

Do you ever import magic items from other games?

I was just reading the DMG and was surprised to see Overrun, Tumble and Shove Aside listed as optional rules.

Has anyone ever had a DM tell them that they can't do these things? I always assumed they were core rules because it just seems logical to be able to do them.

Last thread died so here I am. Has anyone tried this Artificer Revision and found success with the Warsmith subclass? I think Warsmith looks rad but my DM advises me to multi-class into fighter 3 levels for Battle Master (He's not forcing me, he just thinks it'd fit my character/what I want to do with my character). I think it seems like a good idea but STR is my dump stat and I have a 20 in INT. should I go for it anyway? I should mention that I am to be keeping all the other class perks from the other Artificer Revision.

What can prevent me getting hit by an attack after I've seen the DM roll a 20?

I'm about to start up a campaign in this coming weeks with a gritty realistic setting (using the Short rest: 8 hours, Long rest: 7 days) and keeping all the beast races out of the setting.

Some players want to be beast races (Low key furries maybe?) but they actually have no place in the world. After telling them no, now they want to be were-things. How do you handle the curse of shape-shifting in your campaigns? I'm honestly thinking about never giving them the opportunity to get bit by not throwing any at them. The upsides are too good from what I can see.

This is the other revision I'm talking about.

>I want to be a Tabaxi
no user.
>I want to be a Lizar...
no user.
>I want to be a Dra...
no user.
>I want to be a Dwarf
NO, I said no beast races user.
>OK I want to be a were-person!
uhhh, oh, I guess I better go double check with /5eg/

find your fucking stones man

>Have a consistent group of friends that plays
>One of them accidentally offered his coworker a chance to play with us
>He wants to dm, brings his girlfriend into the game
>He's terrible at it but whatever we play because we have good group dynamics regardless
>12 sessions in and he kills everyones character but his girlfriend
>"listen guys I'm going to be honest your characters were boring this is your chance to roll another character with no penalties"

So me and 3 others are looking for some bullshit builds to play in his campaign we're looking to have fun ruining things for a few sessions until he boils over and we leave.

Any suggestions?

In this thread we will discuss how to Frankenstein 5e into a good game by stealing bits from better games.

What mechanics do YOU think 5e could benefit from adding/replacing existing mechanics?

You could always go to giant in the playground for this exact thing couldn't you?

I'm here for the opinions of retards not autists.

Lucky feat. Disadvantage. Being out of the attack's range.

First character is going to be Half-Elf Rogue (Swashbuckler).

Is 8/15(+1)/13(+1)/10/10/15 a good stat spread

I have a player who is using it right now they are enjoying it quite a bit. I run a high magic game so they get some use out of the extra number of attunement slots, recharging charge ability, and increase crafting time. Also due to the Wondrous Items Proficiency feature, they are able to attune to items they would not normally be able to use, which is really helpful. Currently, they have made 4 potions of healing after a few long rest, they have a wand of magic missiles (They bought this), deck of illusions (I gave them that one), and they are looking for more staffs to add to their list.

Because you dumped STR you can run an INT build through Shocking Grasp, Force Blast, Energy Surge, Lightning/Fire Projecter, Flight, Sentient Armor, Virtual Wizard, and Flash Freeze Capacitor. Don't forget you can recharge your projectors through the magic recharge feature.

>Dwarf a beast race

You okay user? But I am shutting down Tabaxi, Lizard dudes, Dragon born, angles guys and tie-flings. The world just doesn't have them.

I've told them no around 3-4 times now, and I'm not changing my stance. I want to know how were-things are handled.


5e tries to bring in the old-school rules-light crowd by having a bunch of stuff be officially optional, but just about everyone uses them anyway. Even feats and multi classing are technically optional.

Portent has to be used before a roll. I find it a lot more fair and fun than Lucky for that reason.

Some of the 5e optional stuff should definitely not be used, by which I mostly just mean flanking.

Armor of Hexes from the Hexblade Warlock, requires the target that rolled a 20 to be afflicted by the Hexblade's Curse.

Just seems silly to me that without optional rules I can grapple someone and then move them in any direction of my choice (using my movement), but can't shove someone in any direction, only directly away from me, despite grapple and shove mechanically being literally identical (both use an attack, same ability contest).

Like, at that point why are "Shove" and "Shove Aside" separate rules?

Is it a good idea to give players magical items that enhance and expand upon their class abilities (or even give them access to class abilities outside of their class?)

For example an item that gives a limited version of the Paladin's Smite, A small pool of lay on hands to use, or access to a specific Warlock Invocation, or additional Bardic Inspirations, etc.

Just talk to him. Or better yet, get the retard who invited him without talking to anyone else to talk to him.

There, now that we've got the good advice that you won't listen too out of the way:
>Lore Wizard if you can get away with it, Halfling Diviner Wizard with Lucky and a 1 level dip into Life Cleric for heavy armor if not
>Sorclock, coffeelock if you can get away with it, Hex+EB+AB+Quicken if not
>Nuclear Druid if you can get away with it, Paladin/Hexblade if not
>Aaracokra Open Hand Monk with Mobile, spam Stunning Strike and always stay out of range of everything
Have fun being a childish dick for no reason.

Multiclassing being optional gives GMs a solid leg to stand on when telling people they need an RP reason to play a meme multiclass like sorlocks or hexblade/anything.

you have to move with them "using my move"

that's the difference

Depends on how powerful that buff is and when they are getting it. When you give a buff to a class ability like that it most likely will be something that player will keep for the rest of the game.

I made an artifact sword cane that can do something like that for the Bard's Bardic Inspiration ability, this is assumed the PC is around level 16+.

If you're shutting down Tie-Flings and Ass-Imar you're better off not allowing werecreatures unless it's plot-caused.
If your PC's want to be furry so badly tell them to roll druids or something with alter/disguise self.
Then have them attacked in town for doing something fucking retarded in a world where people don't have fur/scales

whatever bullshit dick thing you make be sure to stack CHA to the ceiling and then roll on his gf's PC

bonus points if you roll on his gf as well

>allowing elfs, orcs and variant humans

you fucking disgust me

>I want to know how were-things are handled.
here is a pro-tip: there AREN'T were-things. like assmere they don't exist.

personally I'm rolling a kenku because you didn't specifically disallow birdraces

I agree it's pretty silly. I'm not even sure why they're their own rules and not just folded into examples of things you could do with Strength (Athletics) checks or whatever.

I'm not sure if WOTC is clever enough to cover their own ass like that

Kek this

Dooooo ittttttt

KEK-ing at everything and not having any original ideas.
>Kenku = Veeky Forums userbase confirmed

I hate homebrew but I need this. Totally revamped from some slightly dumb ass shit.

The formatting is shit, I don't have any more time atm, and wanted feedback.

A defined setting other than Forgotten Realms would be a great addition.

>Kenku = Veeky Forums userbase confirmed
well, we are on Veeky Forums.


My group is about to finish up LMoP and when we're done that I'm going to retire my Lv.5 Barbarian and make a new character.

I'm thinking of doing a Paladin 2 / Hexblade 1 / Divine Soul Sorcerer 17

Paladin will give me access to heavy armor, smite, and sword&board. I'm also going Warforged, so I'll have 19 AC at Lv.1, and 20 at Lv.2 when I pick the Defense fighting style.
Hexblade will let me use CHA for attacks, and then Divine Soul will give me more spell slots for more smiting and also let me use cleric spells when needed.

Is there anything I'm missing that could make this build a lot better? I talked to one of the other players and he suggested I take Paladin to Lv.3 to get my oath, etc.

why don't you just let them be beast races and incorporate that into the campaign somehow, like they are lone outsiders in a world with nobody as their allies

if that would ruin your planned story then give them a way to disguise themselves or something. it could add an extra layer to the campaign with them having to avoid being revealed


fuck you


>Paladin Hexblade Divine Soul
Do you play for fun or just for being a munchkin?

I don't like it

A half-decent magic system like the one from warhammer fantasy would be nice

Just pick Fighter 2/Hex 2/Sorc 16
Take Defence and Kek as you EB spam you munchkin fuck.

Were-things are in the setting, whether or not they get to affect the players is another.

The setting is going to be very grounded, almost witcher-esk in a way. The fantasy races you normally would see are all going to be present, but interactions with podunk farmers are going to be common, and the weirder the character is the more off put the common man is going to be to them.

Go back to /aosg/

But age of sigmar is terrible

Can you explain to me why you are a Warforged Paladin, Divine Soul, and Hexblade narratively first?

I don't mind super powergamy combinations if they at least have a good enough story behind it thats not just "Because mechanics or optimization!".

I wanted to do something different than what I've been doing as a Barbarian for the past year. "I swing my axe recklessly while raging. *rolls two d20s, hits, rolls a d12* *repeat*
I guess I'm one of those gish losers, though.

I don't want to EB spam, though. I'm trying to avoid doing the same thing on every turn.

You should be more concerned with the order in which you're taking these levels rather than the final result unless of course you're creating a 20th level character.

>I guess I'm one of those gish losers, though.
You're not a loser because you like Gishes there is nothing wrong with liking them, but there is a problem when there is no good narrative reason for that deep of a multiclass.

I can understand a Divine Soul/Hexblade or Paladin/Divine Soul or Paladin/Hexblade, but when you put all of that together it gets really hard to make sense of for a character logically.

Why not just play a Divine Soul Sorcerer/Hexblade Bladelock? You get the Smite feature with the added divine and arcane magic.

i'll be honest i agree with him. wfrp has good mechanics and gamefeel that would work well translated to 5e

How do most DMs deal with players like this? I personally don't like multiclassing but would probably let a player who was doing something interesting go ahead. So the problem for me is, this whole build looks like munchkining to me, looks like a player's whole sense of fun is to be the strongest and wreck shop, which saps fun from literally everyone else at the table if the build is notably above average power. I feel shitty just throwing tougher monsters because then I'm acknowledging the munchkin as "The Protaganist" and his whole party just have to rally behind him and keep him up to win a combat.

A friend linked me this class and wants to play it in my campaign: dandwiki.com/wiki/Knight_(5e_Class)

how do I politely tell him its shit

Politely say "it's shit"

One would think that Paladin (aside from Oathbreaker or Conquest) shouldn't be able to take levels in warlock at all
Levels in Celestial might make sense, but Hex (given that the blade in question is supposed to be evil-ish) is pushing it.

Explain to him that that bright purple banner is there because it's shit

Tell him dandwiki is shit and nobody should use it.

tell him it's shit, dandwiki is shit, and he is shit for wasting your time.

I have no issues with multiclassing (About 90% of my characters are or have interest in doing so), but I do have a problem with it when the player is not placing a large degree of intrigue, fun, or explanations on with the backstory. I could care less if it was crazy muchkiny or whatever, but if its well written, flexible, and can lead to something really fun and interesting I'll be more willing to allow it than if it was something haphazardly put together or does not explain why they multiclassed like that.

Multiclassing once is one thing but twice? This is literally only ever done by munchkins.

Or idiots that want to be lol-every-class.

>This is literally only ever done by munchkins.
I dunno user, there's a guy on my campus who started as a Sorcerer, grabbed some levels of Fighter after he sought training, and then finished as a 3/3/14 Sorcerer/Fighter/Ranger. He was a very strange character.

>1/3 caster on a core class

We know you're just talking about yourself, there's no need to pretend

Warlock Patrons are teachers, you don't have to worship them like Gods. Paladins don't even need Gods they work under a strong system of tenets and beliefs which could align with a Warlock patron like a Hexblade. You could also say your character was tricked into a pact, not all people who make these pacts mean to do it. Like this was one that was posted a few threads back when talking about character backstories.

>Half-Elf (Brass) Draconic Sorcerer who after masterfully performing a solo infiltration mission on a cult, for his queen, came in contact with a piece of shadowy metal that after returning home and going to sleep a formless voice spoke to him in his dreams and was very impressed by his tenacity and manipulation skills. It gave him a proposition: Use those manipulative skills against a handful of people in future, and I'll grant you more power. Thinking this to be some crazed fever dream or his magic getting a little haywire (Especially as the thing did not have a face or body) he laughed and accepted... Now he's also a Hexblade, with some of his scales occasionally darkening to that same shadowy color, and weapons he uses grow brass or metal scales around the hilt and guard, the metal always smells rusty but never looks like it. He has not heard the voice since that dream and is convinced that his sorcerous powers are changing from the interaction with the material to give him new knowledge and manifested that voice.

You could easily replace a Sorcerer's power with a Paladin or Lawful Good Fighter.

No he can't
It doesn't make any sense

Nah user, I'm a munchkining faggot who was playing a Paladin 2 / Sorcerer 18.

>They have no place in the world
Then make a place in the world for them.
Simple shit.

But user, beast races are for fags.

Then hit me with that gay shit.

>Defense : While you are wearing armor, you gain +5 bonus to AC.

Dude what.

Elves are for fags

I'll be playing in a campaign where the pcs are basically gods that have been stranded in mortality; my pc is going to be a true neutral psychopomp deity and will mechanically be a Way of the Long Death monk. Would death cleric/some kind of paladin be better or does a nonmagic class suit the theme of the "less like a god, more like a guide" role that psychopomps play?

Beast races are for real men.
Nothing more manly than raw, unfiltered, animalistic savagery and brutality.

That's D&D Wiki for ya.

One of the abilities grants CHA as a bonus to AC. As if 5e didn't already have a problem with silly CHA-based multiclasses.

I'm refluffing Warforged as a suit of animated armor.

Rough draft of backstory: A bunch of wizards found shards of a sentient celestial weapon and tried fusing the shards with suits of armor. This caused some of the suits to become animated and act with some sentience. The shard gives power, life, and magic to the suit of armor.

Paladin = I'm a suit of heavy armor that used to be worn by a paladin
Hexblade = I'm powered by a shard of a celestial sentient weapon
Sorcerer = The celestial weapon was a servant of the gods and now so am I.

I get that it's a stretch and my explanation might be double-dipping on the Warlock/Sorcerer part. Trust me when I say I'm not trying to make an OP character. That's part of why I'm not taking the one user's advice to use Eldritch Blast. I also picked Warforged because I like the flavor, over picking Half-Elf that would have given me ever so slightly better stats.

Helping souls pass on is basically the whole theme of a Grave Cleric (Xanathar)

I think a Long Death monk would work fine, though. The fact that he would fight with no weapons or armor (except quarterstaff maybe) shows some of that "purity" associated with spirits

Warlock fits pretty well, what with speak with dead at will later on.

idk user sounds pretty gay to me

so my campaigns setting is a world cursed into an ice age by a vengeful god of fire and heat who was taken from their lover and cut into pieces, then hidden away. what would be a good reason for this god to be treated like that? punishment for a crime perhaps? or would a difference in station/rank be enough to make gods eager to split them up?

>Trust me when I say I'm not trying to make an OP character
You keep saying that, but you're still trying to make a Sorlocadin that doesn't need to eat, sleep, or breathe.

>Trust me when I say I'm not trying to make an OP character

You are making a triple class CHA-based character. Yes of fucking course you're trying to make an OP character. First off, if you weren't, you wouldn't combine Sorc / Pala or Pala / Lock because these make no sense in fluff. Hell not even Sorc / Lock makes much sense.

It's not even the biggest offender
>Feller of Giants
>When you naturally roll the highest number on the die for damage, you can choose to instantly reduce that creature to 0 hit points.
Take a fucking dagger and you have a 25% chance of killing LITERALLY ANYTHING in one shot. At level fucking 1.
I expect pure shit from dandwiki every time I follow a link there and still they find new and creative ways of lowering the bar even further than I could have possibly imagined.


get d1
punch errything

you're playing into his hands.
you're being converted

>Hell not even Sorc / Lock makes much sense.
>Some sorcerers can't name the origin of their power, while others trace it to strange events in their own lives. The touch of a demon, the blessing of a dryad at a baby's birth, or a taste of the water from a mysterious spring might spark the gift of sorcery. So too might the gift of a deity of magic, exposure to the elemental forces of the inner Planes or the maddening chaos of Limbo, or a glimpse into the inner workings of reality.
So we got Infernal, Fey, and GOO in one paragraph.

Wait, so the God of Fire was the one cut?

First of all, wouldn't the other gods care about the Ice Age hitting the material world? Don't they care about their followers?

Why couldn't the gods simply substitute the firegod and grant the domain of fire to another? Why couldn't they simply lock the god and avoid the ice age? Why couldn't they kill the god but split his pieces around the globe, his pieces giving heat enough for the world to be stable?

Not him, but in my experience eating and breathing don't come into it much. If the DM wants you to get poisoned you're gonna, and eating only becomes a thing when one guy at the table insists we go through the same fucking routine at the start and end of every fucking day in game, bugging everyone to mark of rations and grinding the flow of the fucking game to a halt looking for food in the wilderness or haggling for food in a tavern and asking what everyone else is going to eat
That said,
>pic related

Rolled 2 (1d20)

rool to seduce