Oh well I tried. Don't say I didn't give you a heads up

Oh well I tried. Don't say I didn't give you a heads up.

Other urls found in this thread:


Problem is, I believe in Icon Vechain and Wanchain, only got 3k euro's so I'm deciding on which to go all in.


Never felt comfier than with my 20k Ven right now

OP don't waste ur time

eventually we will start mooning and then Veeky Forums will be all over vechain.

Im too overdiversified. Planning to increase my VEN stack today. What should I sell it for? ADA feels a bit overextended and I think I should drop Omise as well. Do it now or set a lower buy order?

dont even need to shill this one, fucking mooning on its own

I want to spread the joy though.

smart money

It's a shame nobody realizes it though. It's going to be a bigger bull run than ETH.

Alright shill me on this you faggots

Out of all those coins VEN is the only one I would thoroughly endorse for short term gains. And if VEN keeps this shit up, then very very long term consistent gains as well.

It's a new chainlink
>Missed moon missions
>Heavy bags
>Small gains

Why lie to the man....dont you want us all to make it?

Link was shilled constantly and never had any news, communication or buy pressure.

This has all three constantly and is actually being suppressed. The whales are giving you a chance to get on.

34k ven already up over 50% despite ridiculous whale manipulation.

Seriously, i saw 120 btc worth of sell walls get eaten last night and then they stepped up and threw 300 btc or so more walls up. Shit was unreal

how long before the whales let it loose?

i'm hoping they wait til rebranding so i can get the most out of xlm

sell walls down - finally

There is no way to know, there is rumors of it being right after the binance competiton ends. That would be tomorrow, so maybe buy in before then and see what happens. Worse case scenario you sell afterwards and maybe make a percent or two. Better than missing the moon mission because once its starts its not gonna stop.

Should I sell the little IOTA I have for VEN???????

One very big one to go



Yes, IOTA shouldnt see massive gains for a long while. This is primed and ready.

Thx lads.... am bout to do it

Should i sell some XLM for some of this?

XLM is way, way overmooned.

And im not mememing here but make sure to hold. Youll get passive returns when the main net releases and this quite possibly the most promising project in blockchain right now.

>should I sell now, biz?

dump req for ven?

Wish I could buy but the gooks at kucoin are fucking this up for me.

Poor fag but I'm glad I got on VEN. My ticket to getting some real crypto funds to play around with. Just gonna sit back and hodl this until it eventually goes into hyper drive

Ven will go up like crazy in the next month. I would hold for 3 months at leasr maybe more.
It will go at least 10x.

Damn didn't realize my fist negative post wasn't showing so 2/2 then.

venn hittin new ATH today


Id rather just hold both to diversify.

Long term you are going to be just fine. It not going up even with that stupid amount of shilling is the writing on the wall. When something catches that much attention and barely budges, you know there is some serious fucking money manipulating it.

i am already holding 5 different coins

This coin already pushed me over a million, now I'm waiting for my second million

Yeah , i just wish i hodled longer , id have a bigger stack for vechain

holy moly, well done user

a chinese beluga whale told me this will moon overnight as the asians slumber

If that isn't LARP you're going to make it x100 user.

Fuck dude, you literally made it.

Your balls must be made of steel to all in that much on one coin. Grats on those gains though m8

Fuck I'm going all in with VEN. cant miss this opportunity

Any other with less short term gains than REQ?

when its dipping do i can buy

normally I would tell someone not to ever buy at or near an ATH - but with this coin it wont matter, yo u will make your money back and then some in due time

Thanks brew. I all inned countless times this year to get to this point and I dont feel like changing my strats on the final stretch line. DESU I want out asap because I already owe tax on this

>do i can buy

Not sure how much it is going to dip. Sell walls are the only thing keeping the price down right now. One 60 btc one came down for a little but its back up now.


I'm in. The shilling seems genuine on this one. See you on the moon.

>Whale wall after whale wall
Who has this much Ven to throw around?

Fuck, obviously meant to say last year

this one wall must get eaten. then only satoshi knows

I can smell the curry from that post

I would suggest waiting as long as possible. You could easily break 100M with your stack.

Chinese gov

Story user? How much initial?

Already down 20 btc

>mfw i fucking sold all my VeChain yesterday...

I did my part /allin/

$400 initial in May 2017. Kept adding 1k/mo. Went in SC, OMG, WTC, NEO, ICX, and now VEN

a fucking new one appeared... damn

Another 62btc wall just got wrecked, get in here boys

Damn. No one in your family will ever have to work again.

finally free. Hopefully these faggot whales dont have much more

ath boyz, eat them walls

20k sats, fuck this is pumping hard

ive been flipping vechain stacks for awhile now, easy turnover. shits always moonin.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaayylmaaaaaaoo bois, here come dat boiiiiiiiii. squad squad buy the dip nigga

git git git paid pupperrrrrrrr

fucking finally

Lol I've just been checking the ETH trade just looked at BTC. Jesus the walls are like butter. So fucking comfy right now


im setting up a 1.5 etherum buy wall in case they want to dump on us, friends

united we cant lose

Thinking about selling my 156 XRP to get this considering I only have 18 VEN lol. I don't see XRP being able to go up too much more and I'm feeling over diversified for the little bit of money I actually have.

Good job. Am poorfag but can dump some fiat every month into this, hopefully the bubble lasts another 6 months. Ok I'm buying verge now k thx bye

a battle is being fought in front of mine eyes

My mom asked me to invest 300 quid for her. Do I go all in on VEN? Maybe spread it 50/50 with either ICX or OMG?
Also not sure if I should wait because ATH and all that jazz.
It's different when I'm doing it with her money, freaking out even though it's a small amount. Want her to be proud.

>tfw can't decide to stay in XLM or put some into VEN

Fucking 80btc wall now, someone really hates money

>When the Chinese Government is whale manipulating your crypto

And the walls go back up...jesus

I don't think I've ever seen this intense whale manipulation before. It might actually be Binance putting up these walls despite the Chinese Government memes.

They are the only ones I can think of with this much Ven.

user, this is a golden opportunity for all of us to make it. Don't let it go. Join this Pump group.

discord dot gg/JWWn6Qr

I would like to meet the people behind those walls face to face

they allowed me to accumulate a shit load of this coin so I really can't hate them

It says a lot that even constant walls and BTC rising can't stop it from moving up. Volume is increasing too. I don't think we will break out today but the next set of new will likely do it.

It has been manipulated since the news on nodes and when I bought them. Every single day to keep the price down. I'm surprised it's taken this long to get here even. Still being suppressed quite hard. Fun to watch.

it's actually been like this for a month , people didn't catch on to VEN until recently

The implications of the AMA are finally starting to sink in. A lot of shit was made clear like how they basically confirmed the BMW partnership in addition to the VeChain ad before the AMA the car was a BMV Brilliance without the logo.

Split with OMG. Don’t go all in on one with someone else’s money unless they are willing Ok to lose all of their investment.

Please pump btc so I can get some cheap ven.

is this a child?

Let's see if it dips now or if everyone still is wanna accumulate more. If it actually dips I will definitely buy more if low enough. Just selling my BNB at a loss for VEN.

While I say basically confirmed this is what I am talking about. It's avoidance rather than denial plus the commercial for VeChain.

>Q28: Any comments regarding the BMW partnership rumor?
>Like I said, we have many projects ongoing, but some are protected by NDA so now comments on this. Thank you for understanding that.

It was also in the Advertisement they created they had the BMW toy car.