Confess your sins, Veeky Forums
Confess your sins, Veeky Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>having a celebration session for Christmas
>have attention whore in my group that was yet to be removed because I hadn't talked to the rest of the group about it yet
>I'm the DM but we host it at another guys' house
>she asks him, not me, if she can invite ~4 people
>he's beta and says yes
>we have a peanut gallery now
>ask another guy in the group if he wants to run a oneshot since I don't want to waste my shit on this trainwreck
>he eagerly says yes
>I make the most obnoxious character I possibly can to dissuade them from ever coming back
>they fucking love the character and want to join (hard no)
>everybody in the actual group hated it and speaking his name is enough to make them groan nowadays
I have never played a TRPG game and likely never will, a lack of friends and the unwillingness to play online prevents me from doing so. I do greatly enjoy the world building, though.
>I play on Roll20
>I join like 6 games at a time because I'm expecting 5 of them to be mediocre or outright shit
>I pick one game to stay in and ditch the other 5 without ever telling the DMs or other players why because I don't wana have to tell them why their game is mediocre or outright shit.
Been thinking on making one of those easy (you)s threads with a supposedly lewd premise and an anime OPpic.
I just collect these books, I don't play the games because doing so would be work.
>think that's a good idea
>realize it wouldn't work for me since getting into 1 game is hard enough
I play barbarian in 5e just to demonstrate all the ways that system is shit, and to expose their inability to correctly assess the power level of classes.
I also do a terrible Scottish accent while I'm playing him too. Because he is a dwarf and they will never not be Scottish as long as I live.
I unironically think the reddit DND discord is a better place to discuss actual roleplaying than the Veeky Forums DnD discord. I would also rather play with "normies" than fa/tg/uys any day of the week.
>writing a campaign, eager to start it but have to wait until we finish the one we're doing and for my friend to do his ~2 month one
>he says I can just go before him since I usually lose interest in my own work very easily, we'll just do his when I inevitably get bored
>deny that
>secretly writing up a bunch of different campaigns before I've even started this one
too many ideas, too much time in between games, too little time during the games
I soft-bully players I don't like (mostly other players' gfs and wives, some guys too though) to make them leave the game or at least only participate minimally. Nobody has called me out, a few just said they think I'm a bit of a hardass. The trick is that I know how to attack their self-esteem without outwardly looking like a bully. I actually use techniques for this I read about on pick-up artist blogs.
>likes reddit
>likes normalfags
lol, I think you're in the wrong place, shit taste
I do this too but I am much more transparent about it
I threw a fit because I felt that it was bull that the GM had an NPC fake getting knocked out before getting up and running away from the fight when I had explicitly taken the lower dice to do less damage so I wouldn't accidentally kill the NPC. I was annoyed that I didn't get a chance to pursue the NPC but another character did, so I didn't thank him after the session was over and probably brought down the mood after the game.
I spend tons of time working on tabletop shit and don't even use it when I get into games.
I have very particular tastes about fantasy and want other people to share the same views that I do.
Also these threads are basically just unpopular opinions in a new form but I liked the unpopular opinion threads more.
>Not wanting to cuck your friends of their qt3.14 girlfriends by sabotaging the entire game to feed the ego of their special snowflake mary sue characters.
Come on, user. Come on.
>hoes before bros
I hate almost everything imagineable about DnD, from the meat-tank HP bloat, to the way magic shits all over creative or interesting roleplaying, to how it's filled with 9001 different playable races, to how the game balance is basically non-existent, and so much more.
I continue to play DnD because it's the only game anyone I know plays, my attempts to get them to try anything else always ends with them not even giving it a fair chance, and I'd rather having a fucking shit game than no game.
Too many sins to list, but worst of all I had the PCs hunted down and killed by op furry touhou girls.
I once had read a Call of Cthulhu scenario beforehand my friend ran it to us. I still went insane.
Reminder that the "Veeky Forums DnD Discord" was a shithole full of constant drama ran by a guy who was banning and giving away mod positions for patreon bux.
Assuming this is what user was referring to to, it's not really a high bar to beat.
I read RPG books for fun when my reading list for actual books is miles long. I don't even kid myself on thinking that I'll ever run my collection of pirated PDFs.
Ive had more fun with normies than with any fa/tg/uy, who usually make things weird. I enjoy the games for what they are, but taking things casual is fine too, r-right?
Double Trips confirmed your point, be glad
>I actually use techniques for this I read about on pick-up artist blogs.
what blog?
Lots (the last three) of my big bads are telepathic and communicate through images, sensation and emotional manipulation rather than talking. I do this on purpose because I don't like doing character voices to begin with, let alone having to be villainous at the same time. My players haven't noticed and they like my villains.
my gf says she wants to try and run a Pathfinder game for the first time and i made a gnoll monk with the explicit purpose of making everything more difficult for her
Not really a sin, but hopeless dreaming.
I want people to get along and for people on Veeky Forums to respect each other and let themselves have fun instead of being bitter cunts.
Actual sin is I want to fuck the ratfolk.
Ok, so I've already said this shit on Veeky Forums but might as well get it out of the way (and before anyone panics, the ending isn't bad)
To sum it up briefly, I liked one of the players in my group, but someone started dating them before I could confess my feelings. While I was happy for them I knew it could have bottled up for longer into something I'd probably regret doing
So I messaged her, her boyfriend and some of the others in the group explaining how I felt
Everyone appreciated my honesty and bravery for saying it, and we're all still friends like usual with no badly hurt feelings. We'll be playing, chatting and hanging out as usual, and that's the best news I could have hoped for
She's still dating him, I'm still looking for someone else, and that's fine by me
My sin is that I entertain fantasies of a bunch of fa/tg/uys being transported into a fantasy or sci-fi compound and having to cooperate in order to survive.
Damn Satan, I'm surprised by your maturity.
Keep your chin up man, you'll find someone.
I use my boobs to get the guys at the FLGS to slip up or go easy on me.
Why does this make things more difficult?
Post a mega of your deans, user.
I don't actually have 50 of them. I'll see if I can find the mega the other user linked me.
Turns out I have 54. Huh. I thought I purged more than those.
Here's the link:
>aren't I cool?
I banged my dm and her sister after a game of Drunk&Dragons and things are getting weird. The other players are becoming suspicious of us.
where do you live my dude id play with just about any one once
I'm notorious for "backseat GMing" and correcting our GM whenever he says something contrary to the system, but only because I like having very clear cut and agreed upon rules for how combat encounters and such work. I wish I could stop doing it though, because the GM and I are really good friends and it's silly to argue about a game.
are they hot?
We lost WW2
>Be DM
>Have had sex with one of my PCs
Should I give out special treatment by now? Nobody knows we did it and we hide it from everybody else.
no, treat them worse then you usually would to establish dominance
How the heck did you have sexual intercourse with a fictional character?
Maybe he got a Vive.
>Nobody knows we did it and we hide it from everybody else.
Sounds like everything's under control, then.
both that alabaster pale type ginger and I'd say 8/10 but who knows women tend to fly all over that scale from their teens up till 25 or so where they settle. So for now, yeah.
I, a human being, stepped into intercourse with her, a human being. This was unrelated to the game. We just did it, then did it again, and now I DM for her and a few more friends.
>the plot thickens
>i have an extremely beta player who says he “plays in order to escape the harsh reality of life”
>he has a thing for her because she is the only attractive female in the group
>i feel like i’m semi cuckolding him
And also
>he has the worst fucking luck in game
>Interacting with a girl some other dude who has no real relation with the girl
>Semi-cuckolding him
Not how that works user, you're good.
>>i feel like i’m semi cuckolding him
that's not how it works
I deliberately made an overweight vore-fetish alligator lizardfolk for a game I'm in on Roll20.
The other players love my character's jovial and relaxed personality and the gnome wizard wants to ride me into battle.
I'm starting to lose the will to actually join games because it seems like everything I join dies one way or another. The recent string of games has just been horrible event after horrible event, constantly, seemingly without end.
Fuck, I don't even want anything that complicated. I just want a game of some scifi shit or non-D&D fantasy, and for it to actually be good.
Impossible. See
>Old group dies and the people who aren’t mean or morons move to a new group where I GM
>Except for this one person who isn’t mean or a moron
>I talk to em for a while because I’m curious as to why they didn’t tag along with the rest of us
>the answer to that question doesn’t matter; what matters is that we started ERPing
>with really odd and weirdly specific kinks
>Now they’re back in the group and their character was made just to subtlety mess with me, along with their dialogue
This is how my world ends. Not with a bang, but via embarrassment if anyone ever catches on.
fucking this. all I get is stupid shitters who want to play 3.5 because thats all they know and want to have perfect special snowflakes with no weaknesses that can blow up shit for 1000s of damage a round.
i offered shadowrun and one of my players got legitimately angry, "waste of fucking time I have invested so many hours learning this system I'm not about to drop it because you can't step up your game with your monsters."
I just want to die.
user, if it wasn't Shadowrun, I'd play with you.
GM Traveller. Or Eclipse Phase. Please. Save me.
is this copy n past? Ive read those words so many times. Do fags think its funny? or are there that many people who have this problem? or is this one mega faggot who literal spends ALL of his time on Veeky Forums bitching about it?
KYS or make friends.
at this point I'm willing to learn anything else other than fucking d&d. i would love to try 4e because I heard it's a lot different, and the only reason I would like to play shadowrun is because I played the SNES game as a kid and Shadowrun Returns was pretty damn good, I liked their first person reboot Shadow Warrior but I haven't played the second.
write short one shots because i assume most of your ideas/ campaigns are focused on a single or few ideas that can all be expressed within 4-6 hours.
Post Discord
I don't use a discord. Play in person.
Oh goddamnit. You raised my hopes and then killed them.
do i get any xp or treasure for it?
I really want to play a game of Ironclaw. I've got all the books, but no group because I'm worried I'll be forever branded as an obnoxious furry faggot for bringing it up.
I may have finally found a group to give it a try, but I don't have high hopes.
what is ironclaw? are there gator-men in it?
As a gator fetishist, do you like cajun cooking?
Yes. And georgia peaches.
and sweet tea
and... well, most food really
except english peas. FUCK them.
>have 4 fully painted fully fledged 40k armies
>only have played about 2 games of 40k in my life
>want to play more but hermit autist
I have had my Warmachine/Hordes models for quite a few years.
Most of them are still unpainted.
Dude looks like the protag of Realms of the Haunting.
Despite the fetish list, and them all being fetishes I have beef with, I can't help but smile thinking about a big jolly gator dude in my party.
I have played a gator dude in a few parties. Generally gets good responses, and each of them have been lain to a final rest by their comrades. Most notable is one of them was reduced to nothing but skeletal remains, and the party went out of their way to take him back to his home in the swamplands and bury him at the foot of his peach tree. That game fell apart two sessions after that due to in character drama that went ooc.
Whoa, relax, this thread baits him to stop posting so much about how he hates dnd/PF for half a second.
The "horn and ivory" expansion book has one on the cover. Yes, they're there.
Cool. I should give it a look then, playing a new system might be fun.
>pc's bothering to pay respects for another player's toon
do heroes really do this
You'll have to take my word on it, whatever good that is on an anonymous mongolian fingerpainting web page.
I can understand why people would choose to dump dead players off at a temple or something, but I personally would at least give a small last rites to the deceased. Unless they were a complete dillhole.
only in games where people actually make likable characters and not race class gender sexuality alignment
i find it hard to believe people would like a fat alligator enough to 1) not kill it out right for being a monster, 2) not skin it and make a nice hat or boots out of it and 3) not just discard it when it dies like trash
my confession is I don't actually play tabletop. i just like to shitpost in this board
why without a capital W
>going to /r9k/ for actual advice on problems in your social life
Please explain how you do this. Break the game that is, not the accent.
Lying in a confession thread
At the same time?
>come to confession thread seeking absolution
>discover fetish from user's character
Every time i visit this board i get more and more fucked.
I feel you, man
I complain about WAACfags just to make it easier for me to win.
My games are all an intricately interwoven patchwork of things from other media that I like at the time. I do the legwork so it fits together semi-seemlessly. But I still have Qu in a sci-fi game based heavily on Firefly aesthetics, Bebop/Space Dandy mission structure, and Dead Space/ Veeky Forums homebrew tech levels. I straight rip quest plots from Traveller books and TV and movies I like if my players haven't seen them.
I am only slightly ashamed.
What are your particular tastes, user?
I want to know.
you a nonce or something?
>I liked their first person reboot Shadow Warrior
Shadow Warrior isn't related to SR.
You absolute jian
Double trips means normies are the new chads
>those digits
I cant RP anymore. Just at some point I became unable to interact with people both IRL and in tabletop beyond just exchanging information. My friends think it's just me being weird and haven't really noticed. All my characters are just stat blocks for combat now and I just sit around during RP scenes. I think I forgot how to be human.
Double trips to triple doubles means the prophesy is true