Guild Weirdos Edition
Underhive/Core Book -
Underhive Scenarios -
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Guild Weirdos Edition
Underhive/Core Book -
Underhive Scenarios -
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Gangs of Legend -
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Does anybody have a scan of the Core Book scenarios since the download above doesn't have them?
I also popped the link in the OP, under the core book link.
Technically the guy couldn't start with a five model gang because at least half your gang needs to be gangers. So if you have two champions and a leader you need at least three gangers.
Also you really don't want less than seven in your gang due to the bottle out rules. As soon as one guy went down he'd be making bottle tests on a 4+
How do people reckon GSC will play? Looking at the Neophyte kit it's pretty shooting heavy, though you've got the Webber in there to spice things up.
Maybe he had a 2nd lasgun ganger? Either way, the lesson of boys before toys was eventually learned and he ended up blowing a bunch of creds doubling his gang size towards the end.
What size do you recommend for starting gangs? The ones I've put together come to 8 bodies for Escher & Orlock and Goliath end up at 7. It feels like if you want to go any higher you have to really strip out the cool toys.
A starting Escher gang for a campaign we're running:
Leader - bolter/needler combi weapon, power sword (step aside) 245
Champion - plasma pistol, shock whip (sprint) 170
Champion - autopistol, power sword (spring up) 150
Ganger - plasma pistol, lasgun 105
Ganger - lasgun 55
Ganger - lasgun 55
Ganger - autogun 65
Ganger - autogun 65
Juve - laspistol 30
Juve - autopistol 30
I'm stuck between keeping the credits for the trading post or upgrading one of the juves to a full ganger
Looks solid. I'd probably save the creds for grabbing another ganger with a fancy weapon from the trading post, should you come across one.
Stub guns are useful as backup weapons and only cost 5 creds. In a perfect world you'll eventually want to replace them, but often creds will be tight and you might not want to boost your gang rating higher just to give someone a better sidearm. Not arguing in favour of the "weapons are permanent" rule, but I can see the use of a cheap emergency weapon.
Probably the same as actual GSC - neophytes for shooting and some hybrids for melee duty. I hope there's no actual purestrains available (or if they are, severely limited, maybe as a kind of GSC-only, very costly bounty hunter), as they would likely be too powerful for regular necromunda duty.
I played an underhive game against Goliath with them, they managed a decent win despite losing both champions. Pinning goliaths and then ganging up on them in melee really helped. Though it might have been beginner's luck.
I also think dumdum rounds actually turn the stub gun into a relatively decent weapon. Sure, they're going to run out eventually, but 5 credits isn't that much - in the end, you paid 10 credits for a s4 pistol, making it an alternative to the autopistol and, more importantly, you're capable of paying that cost in steps, so you don't have to front the whole 10 creds at once if you're really short on cash.
Arent dum dum rounds limited? If you fail an ammo check on limited ammo do you lose it for the game or do you have to delete it off the ganger and rebuy it?
Pinning is real good against Goliaths, yeah. It's why I expect to see every leader and champion with Nerves of Steel now.
I think it'll be hard to resist the temptation of putting at least one purestrain on the table at some point (especially since it means more kits to sell), though it introduces the question of how stuff from 40k proper will be represented in Necromunda. Boltguns are already stronger than they are on tabletop. If a marine were to show up (I hope this doesn't happen) would they be S/T 4, or would we be looking at movie marine rules?
I forgot about dumdum bullets. Where does the cost for them come from? I thought GW2 didn't have any prices in it.
Limited means you delete it from your sheet and need to buy more from the trading post.
Can someone sell me on Van Saar? I really like the idea and lore behind them, but the current absence of "new" models (even if GSC and Skitarii would be great for converting them) and fleshed out rules/gear lists is putting me off slightly.
Then don't play until you see the models.
Guy making the techno-barbarian pirate queen from last thread here. I filed off the stubgun and gave her a plasma pistol, using a Heavy Gear laser cannon part to make it look unique.
Then I used the Bounty Hunter rules to give her stats:
Captain Esmerelda Hemlock, Hive Pirate
M5 WS3+ BS3+ S3 T3 W2 I3+ A1 LD7+ CL5+ WP6+ IN6+
Mesh Armour
"Boltlock Pistol" (Bolt Pistol with infra-sight)
"Psycho" Plasma Gun (Plasma pistol with Las-Projector)
My next plan is make a whole pirate crew to go with her. A psyber-eagle style bird of prey, mysterious wispy space girl mystic, combat servitor, tech priest and some armsmen probably made as an Orlock gang.
Van Saar's entire deal was that they're high tech and look like Gordon Freeman. With the newer fluff they've doubled down on this, but their suits are there to help regulate the rad sickness they have from exploiting their busted STC fragment.
I can't really sell you on them further until their new stuff comes out and we see what sort of unique gear they have access to. Hopefully some rad volkite-alike, or at least plasma guns.
I'm pretty sure their skill access won't change from the legacy rules, which means Savant and Shooting all the way, so a very ranged focused gang.
>only cost 5 creds.
For 5 more you have Autopistol which is Stub gun on steroid.
Stub gun are useful if you don't have access to autopistol and are playing 1st game. Or if it's the Stub gun on the combi gun, because it still suck but it didn't ate up a slot.
Rumour has it they're the next gang to be released (Q2 this year). Also they are on the more shooty end of the spectrum with shooting skills as a primary and 2+ BS on the leader. They can also access plasma/melta/boltguns from the offset. I'd wait for the new models and rules but they're not bad as of now.
Sounds rad. What skills are you giving the bounty hunter? I'm guessing Gunslinger, but what else?
I hope so. I have a friend who played them back in the day and them coming out is the one way he'll get back into painting miniatures.
I've had a friend who was similar with Orlocks, he's been out for a long time but the new models brought him back in.
I know they're meant to be ranged focused, but are Van Saar at least somewhat capable in melee or are they Delaque tier? I know their champs have alright stats and access to combat/cunning skills.
Unfortunately you can't give bounty hunters specific skills, you can only choose the table they roll on.
>I forgot about dumdum bullets. Where does the cost for them come from?
GW1 has the cost for them, they're a common item worth 5 creds from the trading post.
Purestrains would likely still be s/t 4, but with multiple wounds I'd imagine, as well as a few skills.
>melee Van Saar
They have primary shooting skill, which allow them to shoot twice with fast shot, why the hell you want melee with them?
If you want melee go Cawdor, Goliath, or Escher, or Delaque.
>I think it'll be hard to resist the temptation of putting at least one purestrain on the table at some point (especially since it means more kits to sell), though it introduces the question of how stuff from 40k proper will be represented in Necromunda. Boltguns are already stronger than they are on tabletop. If a marine were to show up (I hope this doesn't happen) would they be S/T 4, or would we be looking at movie marine rules?
If they did SOB/Marines for Necromunda I'd personally be looking at 2 wounds each for power armour units to play up that they are tough bastards.
Their skill access has nothing in Brawn or Ferocity, and Champs and Specialists get access to Combat as a secondary skill pool. You probably can make a melee champion, but it's very much not their style.
Man, that sucks. Given the current extreme cost of hiring a bounty hunter and how they're meant to be taken as a hard counter to whoever your fighting, rolling for skills makes them even less attractive.
I'd like to have my champion to not get shit on by a Goliath juve thank you very much.
If you shoot twice with your plasma gun and they are not dead you are pretty terrible.
Give them a plasma pistol and have them pointblank ruin the jumped up shit if you're really worried.
>ambush scenario
>shitty rolls
there's tons of reasons why not completely ignoring part of the game is a good idea
You need to play to the gang's strengths, melee is possible but not where Van Saar will dominate.
Positioning will help with terrain and remember that your shooting will mean you can keep the worst of the melee gangers pinned. Ambush is where you will probably take losses but that seems to be the nature of the scenario. Bad rolls in a dice game is just what happens unfortunately.
>ambush scenario
Random roll mean even if you build a guy to do melee he wouldn't be 100% on the battlefield.
>Shitty roll
+2 at 12" (out of charge range) plus many shot you was able to do before that.
Again if you are unable to be a threat with double shot you are pretty terrible.
So can you, hide behind terrain so people have a hard time charging you.
Everyone can (and should) be built with (back up) melee weapon, just grab the power weapon in the trading post. But with the ability to shoot twice per activation, you would rather shoot at people before they come. The only downside of that is that your gun might run out of ammo. So grab some backup range weapon. Bring an ammo cache if needed.
Roll 3 times on shooting, try and get gunslinger, shoot BS2+ plasma all day every day
In the original game's fluff they were the House with the main weapon's contract with the Imperial Guard, so all their gear looked more modern compared to the other gangs because it was Imperial supplies that "went missing". For instance, their Heavy Stubber looked like a modern SAW rather than the WW2 heavy machine gun the other gangs toted around.
Nowadays they're adding some unnecessary shit about radiation to explain their stillsuits that hopefully won't ruin their aesthetic with Skitarii shit. They have a 99% chance of having Plasma as their army theme and a good chance of having melta as well.
Escher got their plasma pistol on the house thanks to Van Saar, they do trade with them selling the radiation medication and stole the blueprint.
I have to say, I like the fluff where the houses basically hate each other, but are so interdependent they cannot really exist without at least one of the other houses supplying them with stuff.
>Orlock supplies raw material to Goliath
>Goliath has furnaces and makes parts for Van Saar
>Van Saar supplies High-Tech gear to the others, specifically the tech that lets Escher reproduce
>Escher sell anti-rad meds to Van Saar and steroids to the Goliath
>Delaque sells information to all of them
Only Cawdor are, as far as I can tell, fairly useless overall, except they have the numerical advantage due to having muh Imperial Creed, so the others can't just wipe them.
Does anyone have the recent necromunda shorts that have been released that they are willing to share?
All the house rely on the service of other house:
>Orlock have the ore.
>Goliath have the muscle, they can make weapons part, without a blueprint it would be pretty much impossible to "stole" anything from these weapon part, plus Goliath are too dumb to figure it out anyway,
>Escher make drug, medicine, specificly Delaque, Goliath and Van Saar required special meds.
>Van Saar make high-tech component that Goliath was unable to make, plus they also do high-tech trade with the Great House.
>Delaque have the information, they're also suspected to have a hitman service.
>Cawdor collect garbage and recycle them. Collecting garbage is not a free service, and they can make a fortune out of it even if they charge each gang a small amount.
in last tread, search archive.
First two are in there, but the next two aren't.
Just read through Scar Crossed myself and it was extremely fun.
>Cawdor collect garbage and recycle them.
Right, I forgot they have their grubby hands firm on the recyc business. Fair enough, that does make them vital in the underhive.
If enforcers aren't arbites, what are they?
Local PD, run by whoever's in power. Administratum, royalty, mechanicus or organized crime
In oldcromuna they were Helmawr's law enforcement.
Some more words from a dude in the know at that other place, specifically regarding the problem guy at FW/Specialist Games.
Gonna be in Newcromunda too, given the presententation a few weekends back. Palentine Enforcers, I think the name was.
So is this the guy to blame for not having plastic weapon sprue?
Actually if sculptor didn't have alpaca's brain he could have remove useless bit and add more arm in.
He's more to blame for the rules release format being utter garbage. See and from the old thread.
Plastic/resin stuff is down to how Specialist Games are a side venture for GW and production is both UK based and bottlenecked. GW bought some new plastic casting machines a year or so back...but the Nottingham power grid can't take them. Combined with 40k's surges in popularity they're struggling to keep up with demand, so making more plastic kits for a niche game doesn't work well for them.
At the same time this is the format they followed with Blood Bowl before manufacturing became an issue. Each team/gang gets a single plastic sprue and everything else is done in resin. Designing all the stuff is still done on computers, but making a resin mold is much cheaper and thus makes sense if you're expecting fewer sales.
So it's just sculptor/designer being a retard causing a headache then.
I think, ultimately, the blame lies with whoever decided to pass Specialist Games off onto FW, which is well known for having shitty rules writing and having questionable QC practices.
Iirc it's a guy from FW (Andy?) making the Necromunda remade suggestion. Plus I didn't think anyone from GW team would want to make some shit eating hive scum instead of new power armor dude or chaos zoo..
>Jian scum.jpg
Andy Hoare is another old hand, but one who largely has his head screwed on straight. He's also a Necromunda fanatic, given that he's been playing it regularly since it first came out. Given his semi-frequent namedrops of Yaktribe it's likely that he's got his eye on the existing community and genuinelly gives a shit.
That said, he's still management and he still puts as rosy a spin on things as possible. The latest being the near-prohibative hired gun in-game prices. Whether that's him doing his job to not talk shit about the brand new rulebooks that got rushed out the door or if he genuinelly believes what he's saying is up in the air.
He seem to like lasweapon alot. Maybe that's why we get a 270 credit bounty hunter with a laspistol. And his gang is full of lasweapon ganger. Maybe he's the one who have the cool idea of having 100 lasgun in Escher sprue.
Maybe at the SG they use a houserule where lasweapon have the old AP-1.
Lasguns are good. Sure, they lack rapid fire, but their short range is way longer than the autogun's. You're getting +1 to hit at a massive 18'' range. Combine that with an Aim action and your average ganger is hitting on a 2+.
Laspistols are a bit less compelling, given that 8'' short range is still pretty close and you don't really care about ammo rolls if you're dead.
We might see Hot Shot Power Packs in a future book, which I imagine would be Limited like dum dum bullets and give the lasgun a bit more punch.
Honestly with Escher discounts they're not so bad. For the same price the autogun obviously wins out, though.
The problem is not they're good or not, the problem is shoving 100 of them into the sprue literally mean they force you to play THEIR way unless you pay more and waste your time to do kitbashing. I'd prefer a more "balanced" weapon distribution between the 3 basic weapons.
Even the ratio of left/right arm is retarded. They have the 2 different pistol (plasma, auto) on the left arm but only 1 right arm with a knife, And 2 left arm with knife, which force you to stick them with the laspistol/1 handed lasgun arm.
All the knife/grenade bits are mostly useless and waste of space, they're too big, they look bad on the weirdly pose Escher,
Also Goliath kit are pretty terrible, they need more arm but somehow sculptor decide that they need an arm holding a grenade!!!! Oh grrrrreat.
Orlock are probably the best kit atm because the weapon distribution are fairly balanced even though they give you more stubgun than you'll ever need. They could've use 1 more Autogun arm.
One of Escher's big deal is that they get cheap lasguns, so I understand there being a bunch on the kit. You've got two autoguns and shotguns per box too, so it's not too bad. Definitely would have liked better pistol support though.
Hopefully they're learning as they go. Orlocks, as you said, have a pretty decent range of weapons/options. 4 autoguns a box is pretty good.
what other place?
I'd have liked autopistols for both hands but forgeworld looks to have that covered. Overall I'm okay with the Escher box, it gives you enough variety to build a decent house list gang.
They could keep the lasgun the same, but remove all the grenade bit are more than enough to shove in 2,3 more arm. Also redesign the over sized whip is also a good idea, that thing is a huge waste of space, given now they don't even have the 3" range anymore.
All the grenade bit from other 40k kit was way better than the one on Escher kit.
Another huge fail from the design team is that there are no bland weapon bit with nothing attached. That is literally essential if you want a full 3 weapons models. And even the FW upgrade sprue didn't seem to have that. Like literally that's the easiest bit to make.
Andy Hoare just said they were looking to release the Escher FW upgrades in 3 weeks time
Are you willing to share the last few that have come out mate?
>3" range
Do we know for sure that isn't a typo? Or do they say somewhere in GW2 "this is the new master list for weapons, replace all your old stats"?
Yes. Pg. 30 of gw2 says this is the most up to date list of the wargear and weapons found between all the books
Gang sheet template for photoshop guys.
So how long until the Chem-thrower gets fear gas as a Limited ammo option?
Neat. Thanks. I love templates where I can plug in my own stuff and have something that looks a little more professional than something typed out in TextEdit.
That'd certainly be neat. Just be sure to sculpt the mini with ragged burlap sack over their head. Actually, that Voidborn merc, when he gets a model, might be perfect for equipping with a Chem-thrower and making your own miniature Scarecrow out of.
So, are toxin melee weapons still useless on eschers?
is that supposed to be blank or something?
You can, if you need, but pic is for check what you can see with a full gang edited.
++ make nice gangs then :)
Ah i understand,i cannot put link so on the pic in up right you will find the url where download the PSD ^^
nice thanks
Just the Escher? You'd have thought Goliath ones would be coming out at the same time. Did he say anything about the contents of the pack?
No change to Toxin, so yes.
They'll get shooting as a primary skill making them instantly the best gang.
They already have that in the legacy gang rules. Orlocks didn't change their skill access from that to their proper release, so I doubt Van Saar will either.
He mentioned the needle rifle needing a separate hairstyle to accommodate the fact the ganger is aiming down sights. Also said the heavy stubber will be added to the Escher house list.
Alright, so every gang will be able to start with a heavy stubber if they so choose.
If you would pit a team against a team with a Space Marine (because fuck it, sometimes you just want to fuck with something), how would you stat them?
Thus far, wargear is easy to figure out. Spread of general SM weapons as they have profiles, 3+ save for Power armor with built-in respirator and photo goggles. Stats are a little harder to lay out since I'm still looking over this system. They'd certainly have a ton of Cool and high Leadership, plus solid Intelligence. Initiative wouldn't be the highest since they are pretty bulky, but certainly not the slowest since they move around naturally in their armor and have good reflexes, so 3+ for Initiative?
For skills, instead of just giving them half the skill list per model, I'm thinking just 3-4 good skills to round them out. Thus far, I'm set on:
>Combat Master
>True Grit
But after that I draw a blank. Something else to make them nasty might be neat, especially in Close Combat since most of their scariness is how easily they can rip dudes apart. Fearsome perhaps? Bulging Biceps is tempting, but I figure even SM have to deal with bulky Heavy Weapons. Something that gives them great Leadership and Cool would also be nice, since they'd certainly make a tactical retreat if things get too dicey, but certainly aren't keen on running away nor breaking. Nerves of Steel?
I'd outright give them S and T 5, 2 Attacks and at least three wounds. Bolters are probably okay as they are, but make it so they never run out of ammo. Initiative would be decent too, if not exceptional. Super human reflexes and the black carapace overcome power armour bulk.
As for skills, add in Iron Jaw, Unstoppable and make them outright immune to pinning. After that add on skills to help differentiate them individually. Fast Shot and Rain of Blows are good candidates.
So where are you seeing people talking to Andy?
Has he made any mention of the current campaign rules favoring overly-cautious play with heroes and champions?
I was thinking of individual skills as well, ones to help give squadmates or Chapters character. Space Wolves might have more in the way of ferocity in combat, while Raven Guard might have sneaky/marksmanship skills. That'd be how it trends anyway, individual Marines can vary a little more than that and it's more for flavor.
So they'd be skilled up with:
>Combat Master
>True Grit
>Iron Jaw
>Customized "And They Shall Know No Fear" Skill (Pinning Immunity)
>[One skill of choice to flavor]
I'd say Bolters can probably run out of ammo, but these Marines would carry "Reloads" like old Necromunda that function as 1-time use auto-reloads. Give them maybe one or two and they're good for the game: they don't need to have infinite Bolts. Armor otherwise is 3+ and gets respirators and photo-goggles built-in. This might as well represent a helmetless Marine given their enhanced senses as endurance.
For statline, maybe:
>M 4" / WS 3+ / BS 3+ / S 5 / T 5 / W 2
>I 3+ / A 2 / Ld 5+ / Cl 3+ / Wil 3+ / Int 6+
Or something. I'm a bit iffy on the last four stats since I don't have a good feel for them. I would like there to be the possibility that a Space Marine might fail one Leadership, Cool, or Willpower check, but have that be exceptionally rare and probably under the circumstance of heavy negative modifiers. Space Marines this tough are bound to recover from being temporarily overwhelmed, though. And while they have technical training, they're not precisely technically minded.
Anyone have the third necromunda short story?
>when your goliath champion charges an orlock leader and he plays that point blank card with his heavy stubber
Warhammer TV twitch channel. VODs are subscriber only, annoyingly, but you can sub for free if you have Amazon Prime.
Unfortunately I don't have Prime. Do you know if anyone is writing transcripts?
I'm just waiting for the chance to combine Adrenaline Surge and Thundering Charge into a 15" Renderizer charge. Or Desperate Move and Thundering Charge for a 20" charge .
Just thought I'd drop my homebrewed Spyrer rules again to maybe get some feedback on them.
I'm still trying to actually get games together to playtest this, feel free to do so yourself and let me know the results!
So I've always been kind of confused about the fluff. On the one hand I've always read that your gangs are well... gangs, just collections of underhive street scum for the most part, but then they're all named "House (Whatever)" like they're some sort of nobility. Is it some kind of weird "scum nobility" theme or is the house you fight for sort of like a sponsor that your gang fights for and gets their gear from?
From how I understand it, each of these "Houses" is a group of nobles who rules from the upperhive. The Houses usually run large parts of the industry in the Hive, but each has some specialization that they're know for; Cawdor recycle, Orlock mines, Escher works biochem, etc...
The Gangs are part enforcers, part privateers, who enforce the House's authority in exchange for a bit more freedom from the hard and dull life as a worker, have access to more amenities, and are given license to sabotage the workings of rival Houses so that they might steal contracts from them.
Basically, these Houses are mafias. The Hive nobility are the Dons who live in the upperspire, the Gangers are the Gangsters themselves, and the workers under the house are the people who look to these mafiosos and gangsters for protection and work the industry that gives them their power.
Anybody converting up some dudes? Got an Orlock leader with delusions of grandeur
It's like Clans in medieval Scotland. Everyone in Scotland considered themselves part of one Clan or another even though only the nobility was profiting from it and most of the Clan was just peasants renting land to grow craps. Now imagine if Clans survived into the Industrial Age and became worker's unions. Everybody is essentially born into working for a company and their "nobility" decides whether you're working as a CEO or working as the guy scrubbing toilets. Gangs are the lowest of the low, but still consider themselves part of the House due to inborn loyalties.
Ah neat, that makes things make a lot more sense, thanks.
The hive is split into multiple houses. Almost everyone in the hive belongs to a house.
You have the nobles in charge of the houses in the Spire (upper hive), the working masses of the houses in the hive city (mid hive), and the outcasts in the underhive.
You play one of the gangs in the underhive.
The gangs are used by the houses to wage a sort of covert, low key war with one another while still maintaining plausible deniability
I'm thinking of all the wonderful things I could do with Chaos Cultists and a few spare bits.