Warhammer 40000 General /40kg/

Best Wolves Edition

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first for new guard models

Anons. Lets have a survey.

What army you play?
What army you usually play against?

>Imperials. Usually marines :/


Death Guard
Marines, Eldar, Guard

Salamanders, Nerons
Thousand Sons, Tau, Grey Knights, Iron Hands

>What army you play?
Tyranids, Necrons, Ordo Hereticus themed Soup mainly comprised of Sororitas and a detachment of either IG, AdMech, Grey Knights or Custodes depending on how I feel.

>What army you usually play against?
Marines (spikey or otherwise) or T'au.

>What army you play?
>What army you usually play against?
Marines. Always marines.

Marines, Thousand Sons, Necrons

Working on my first army: Custodes
Unfortunately don't know anything about my local meta.


>Adarki Aeldari
>Adeptus Astartes Sanguinis Maximus

Sisters of Battle

Dark Angels
Chaos Marines

Various flavors of marines.

>space marines/imperial soup

I have literally never played against Orks, sisters of battle, genestealer cult, tyranids, other daemon armies, dark eldar, craft world eldar or any forgeworld faction.

Eldar, Guard and Marines

Your local meta sucks ass and you should consider sudoku


Muhreens, it's always fucking muhreens.

Marines(all dreads), and necrons.
Tau, Deldar, and marines.

Spess muhreens

Tyranids. Only Tyranids.

Marines 90% of the time, but a dash of Necron and Tau

>the year of our lord
>playing marines
>playing against marines
Why? It is super boring to play and face marines

It is like you do not like having fun

Thousand Sons
IG/Admech soup

They are the most popular and friendly faction. Space Knights with bolters. No sense crying about this nowadays

>supporting Space pedos the army


Any clues on how fucked Necrons will still be after their codex comes out?


Dark Eldar and Craftworlds

Every other fucker in the store plays a flavor of marines, bar one dude who occasionally busts out a couple daemons.

After seeing marines, custodes and AdMech
It will be trash like all of those outside of a gimmick list

>What army you play?
Astra Militarum

>What army you usually play against?

I'm sick of marines and imperium in general. Can't FW do a War in Heaven game?

He’s literally acting as a bridge between humans and eldar.

Aside from the usual jokes, do you think it's worth waiting for GW to release plastic sisters or should I just get 3rd party models ?

Guard vs Marines. Naturally.

How would you go about making space marine shoulder pads for that?

i play admech.
ive played against marines, tau, nids, and chaos soup

why were they called luna wolves if they weren't even in our solar system

There could be tonnes of autistic customization. A billion different types of necron heads for instance.


>GK fortress around jupiter
>not our solar system

I need to know the source of those.
I can’t take another zbrush crap

Militarum Tempestus
Mostly bugs and Chaos

i don't recall cthonia being in our solar system

They were named Luna Wolves due to their past actions and their first mission being on Luna.


oh cool

>Death Guard

>Helmets on sticks

>Best wolves
Really setting the bar low today, aren't we?

slow boring ass thread.

Fellow Mantis Warriors user! It's been a dog's age. How goes the army?

What? Too morbid?

That is acually a good idea. Kind of asshole for tournament thou.
On a side note in need servo-skull and/or Cherubs models, any idea where to find them?

I could simply buy a box of skulls and add random wire and bits

>Neckbeard: the post


Orks, Blood Angels/Astartes soup, and nids.

Before you start talking shit, no. I bought most of my models at the end of 5th but I've never played before 8th.

Who played in Epic 40k? Which version of rules are best? Which are more modern (including all this new stuff)?

Death Guard, Necrons, Blood Angels and Orks. I'm also buying Demons because they're fun to paint.

I play against whatever I can find. Struggling to get games currently as my LGS sucks

Tell me tales of Anons.

Do you even know where we are?

Play: Imperial Guard

Fight: Spess mareens


Go 3rd party, there's no sign of plastic sisters, memes aside.

I made a marine player cry.
Turns out 33 meltas in your face turn 1 will kill almost anything

Not only are you bumping a general that I have literally never seen *not* reach the thread cap but you're bumping it three minutes after your post

user just how high are you right now?

This is why SoB's are pewter, so that their wrath can only be managed by a trusted few.

My random second-in-command Dominus lost his Electropriest escort to an entire Dark Eldar army shooting them. He then proceeded to nearly kill a Talos Pain Engine and tie up that, the Haemonculus and half a dozen Grotesques for three turns before another Talos and a Cronos arrived and punched him to death. Didn't do much damage, but since he usually gets instantly splattered by a Dreadnought or Multimelta every game having him tie up four times his cost in their deployment zone was a nice change.

WiP so I cant really justify it with pics.

They’re a mine/ied/unexplored ordinance clearing regiment. More dexterous than servitors but more expendable thAn skitarii or Marines, semitrailer guardsmen make terrific mine disposal units.

They can disable magnetic AT mines, diffuse unreliable ieds, and render unexplored ordinance in manufactorums inert. And before you say it, no, throwing conscripts at it is not a viable alternative; they’d just walk over the AT mines, the ied night not explode, and the manufactorum might be damaged by the blast respectively

my scottish stygies skinhead priests fought genestealer spam in ITC practise

2 units of 15 genestealers charged a unit of 19 priests, both units got wiped out in overwatch

turns out 57 shots with 6+ to hit = 3 hits, plus an extra shot thanks to a relic on the dominus makes for a free shooting phase in overwatch

Always take a Tantalus, Warlord needs a pimp ride. Last game I crashed it into my IG opponent when it was near death and did 3 mortal wounds to each unit, killing some chaff and then the Tantalus itself fought and killed his Warlord who had taken 3 mortal wounds.

Inquisition w/ Red Hunters Chapter and Custodes.
Death Guard.

>Kind of asshole for tournament thou.
nigger did you see the LVO

Fuck it's an admech thread, bye

I try to avoid cuck culture

I will abuse that power.

Yet another 40,000 general which is blessed by corgissar's presence.Everybody is re-rolling 1s today.

Thanks, Gue'la.

*blocks your path*

Shit me you'd need 8 flamers to average that in overwatch. Corpuscarii are insane

Anons, I need advice on my 2000pts Custodes army, I'm torn between two versions:
Version 1:
>Shield Captain Storm Shield Sword
>Shield Captain Axe, Misericordia, Eagles Eye

>2 Squads of 5 Spears and daggers
>1 Squad of 5 Shields and Swords, deep striking in deep

>1 squad of 3 axe Allarus with misericordia, deep striking in
>1 squad of 3 axe wardens, deep striking in
>Bannerman, - 1 to hit, axe

>1 squad of 3 vertus praetors with hurricane bolters

Version 2:
>Shield Captain Axe, Misericordia, Eagles Eye

>1 Squad of 5 Spears and daggers, deep striking in
>1 Squad of 5 Shields and Swords, deep striking in deep

>1 squad of 3 axe Allarus with misericordia, deep striking in
>1 squad of 3 spears wardens
>Bannerman, - 1 to hit, axe

>1 squad of 3 vertus praetors with hurricane bolters

>Venerable Land Raider, will carry the shield captain, banner and wardens as the others deep strike/jetbike their way.

Now my question is a land raider worth 2CP, 1 shield captain, and a 5 man Guard squad?
On one hand, it's nice to have my army reach the enemy early, on the other hand, my footslogging custodians on version 1 have more people and 2 more command points. I don't like playing the objective game, I'm planning to have mt Custodians fight the enemy. Which should I take?

Thy're Orks that prefer having fun over winning the fight. Whatever gets them a good laugh is a victory in their book.

plus 9.5 extra shots from rainment of the technomartyr, which is another 4.74 hits

and these are strength 5 aswell

Your Dudes: youtube.com/watch?v=sFukyIIM1XI

>more expendable thAn Skitarii
That's impressive given that Skitarii are thrown away in the thousands to identify enemy weapons. Vat-grown? That conversion work is really nice.

I'm messing around with possible Corpuscarii conversions in my spare time at the moment. Got the bodies and heads, just need to find 20 guns that would reasonably pass for 12" Assault 3 S5. 5 dual Stubcarbines, a couple cut-down Arc Rifles and Arc Pistols, maybe my spare Kastelan flamers if they'll fit. Haphazard pile of assorted gun Servitors.
I used to think they were a bit useless, but I keep hearing good things. Did they do anything other than Overwatch like badasses?

I don't think the raider is worth it personally.

*blocks your path*

~1.6 extra hits, you mean? Unless it's been faq'd somewhere that it resolves using BS rather than normal overwatch rules

Thousand Sons, CSM, T'au
>Play against
Black Templars, Space Wolves, IG

If I was giving out autographs, there would be a sign, saying "Autographs: 20 Thrones". Tell me, do you see such a sign?

what did he mean by this?

He's jealous of her sweet adeptus astartes swag.


Pretty sure that render is a preview of something to come though, not for sale yet.

Grey Knights

9.5/6 = 1.58 are hit on a 6+

corpuscari 6+ hits are actualyl 3 hits, so thats 4.74

I just ran the math properly with the dominus nearby so im also rerolling 1s

10.08 hits, plus 10.08 more shots, which is another 1.96 hit

total 12.04 hits, which because its on a 6+ means its 36.12 s5 hits in overwatch

>ust need to find 20 guns that would reasonably pass for 12" Assault 3 S5

boxing gloves with upside down stub carbine uzis strapped to the top

>Did they do anything other than Overwatch like badasses?

played 2 matches so far both vs GSC

game 1 he went first and that overwatch shit happened, game 2 i went first and tabled him turn 2 with 55 priests in my list

bare in mind this is a tourney list so this is abhorrent levels of dakka, but you are averaging about 7-8 shots/attacks combined per priest, so thats 2 points per s5 shot

plus if i charge all 55 priests into a single unit, which i do, that unit is taking about 10 mortal wounds on the charge

*blocks your path*

Reminder that Tau are getting at least one new model with their codex

Not him, but I reckon land mines tend to do a number on bionic legs, and I can't help but assume those skittle's legs are probably more valuable than a guardsman's life.