Why are male kitsune even allowed to exist?
Pic related, it's the only gender of kitsune that exists in my games.
Why are male kitsune even allowed to exist?
Pic related, it's the only gender of kitsune that exists in my games.
Gay people can have be furries too user.
Kitsune are usually female gendered in myth yes and are also usually associated with a goddess of the harvest. It depends if they're an actual race or fucking spirits in your setting
>Why are male kitsune even allowed to exist?
Now that you mention it, I DO miss quest threads on Veeky Forums.
Because thinking with your dick doesn't lead to intersting settings.
Thinking with our dicks has lead to the most interesting settings.
Me too, just not the Kitsune ones.
It also doesn't lead to good threads.
Why would you? They were bad and wrong, and left no room for quality threads like this one.
Well, Inari is a male deity.
Instead we would get Kitsune quest #4323118
>Why are male kitsune even allowed to exist?
Mostly because of feminism/SJWs.
It would produce 2 hastily thrown together drawings by a medicocre-at-best drawfag that no one remembered afterwords, and later questfags would claim these represented the height of Veeky Forums's creativity
Because you'd rather shitpost on Veeky Forums with dumb, one sentence hypothetical questions about implausible situations than actually contribute to the board in a meaningful way. Enjoy your reheated (you)s and bumps OP, you lazy attention whore.
>Why are male Kitsune allowed to exist?
Well when a Kitsune and a Samurai love each very much...
Some days I want fluffy tails on cute foxgirls, some days I want them on cute foxboys.
And your 2 sentence shitposts are such an improvement, user
Please look up Veeky Forums's "Harem Knights" setting, pleb.
My dick leads me places I wouldn't go even with my gun.
Okay, for my sanity i'm just gonna assume you're trolling.
Have a (you), that was a good bait, riled me up real hard.
Absolutely Savage.
Did you even look it up, you pleb?
because Kitsune is a japanese legend and it involved shapeshifting.
Kitsune meaning fox (yes, it just means fox, nothing else) and they were shapeshifters, you see a foxgirl, odds are its just a male fox pretending to be a woman in order to better cause chaos.
I'm thinking of a particular story where they had something like that, except the guy was just a trap instead of a fox.
user, you already got your (you), now shoo.
Mediocre drawings are by definition superior to no drawings. When was the last time a thread had an artfag show up and contribute to it?
Aren't Kitsunes and other fox-like creatures made of pure feminine (yin) energy?
MGS thread just had some cool art for a "Horsemen of the Apocalypse" themed group
That means that they need (yang) male energy to survive which explains their slut behaivour.
As somebody who was actively involved in maintaining the wiki page back when that was a thing: what the actual fuck are you saying, that setting was TRASH. The only neat things were the elves, the architecture brainstorming to build a city that can accommodate different body types, and that time XS wrote something. Everything else was shlock and shitposting about aluminum.
oh really
I wouldn't call it good, since it devolved into technology wank and power fantasy, but I do enjoy the idea of several thousand people in our world ending up generic fantasy land. I like thinking about what kind of societies would form from a band of interdimensional travelers. I mean it's basically the modern isekai craze taken to it's logical extreme.
As opposed to what? Someone post male kitsune so I can learn what exactly I'm supposed to be angry at.
Quests were life support, but the patient was already braindead. Who cares if it technically still had a pulse, Veeky Forums died with Nazimod
I think he's just mad about traps, but I'll see what I can find
Are Reverse Traps also gay? Or Veeky Forums approved?
Just fuck cute things, my dude.
Thanks for contributing nothing to Veeky Forums but your salt and vitriol, two things of which we already have abundant supply
The infinty threads have some artfags that pop in every now and then. Even fucking age of sigmar threads have drawfags.
When did Nazimod happen? I was here in late 2014
Can I just point out that another thread died for this
A classic.
"No, you!"
>Even a random reporter is cuter than Serena.
8/10 would SMASH.
Won't somebody please think of the page 10 threads!
user, it's a girl.
With tits.
Also improper squat form 0/10 would not cheeki her breeki
There is a good chance that that thread contributed more to this board than whatever this will.
but these are not cute.
My bad. They all look the same after a while.
Dangerously furry.
Looks like a cool guy.
>Meanwhile, on /Dragon/
>Does anyone else think humans are great? I think they're pretty great and I'd like to cuddle them.
Nope, but keep crying about innocent dead threads to which you didn't contribute anything and ignored their existence completely until they died
Imagine being so upset over people missing quests on Veeky Forums that you actively defend threads like this.
I'm actually tempted to make male kitsune character now, just because of this picture.
Oh, I didn't know OP made this thread deliberately to cleanse this board of threads like this. He's a saint.
Though it's probably not the one it killed
>Nope, but keep crying about innocent dead threads to which you didn't contribute anything and ignored their existence completely until they died
Hey, this argument works so well on an anonymous image board.
Neither are the people who force foxgirls into everything.
I would much rather we force ourselves into foxgirls instead.
[X] Touch fluffy tail
patrician taste confirmed
U gonna git pet, nigga.
oh yeah
If I make a male kitsune I will make sure everyone knows how much shit his grin eats.
I wonder if kitsune get annoyed when others touch their non-human parts. They probably lie about how touching their tail without permission curses people to get others to stop.
To stay Veeky Forums related, how do I find players more interested in comfy RP than nonstop combat games? I made a friend look at my Ryuutama book, but he said it seemed like "Final Fantasy, but without the cool fights". I just want to pamper cute PCs and see what they can build in my sandbox.
kitsune brothels where for a few books you can role around in fluffy tails
Male Kitsunes goes against they mythology. They are made of female energy. If you see a male Kitsune, it's a female trying to tricking you as a reverse trap.
Is there example of the race made from Yang energy?
The Chinese version, the huli jing, was believed to be made up entirely of feminine energy (yin or jing), and had to consume masculine energy (yang) to survive. Hence why mythological foxes typically target men to get energy from them, become their wives, or eat their livers for the Korean counterparts. They are Asian succubus, only less malicious unless you are Korean.
How would they breed otherwise?
I guess it depends on if they're an actual race, a spirit or some sort of other entity created by magic rather than biology.
If they're an actual race they need to have males, unless they procreate with spores or some shit.
But if they're spirit/magic fuckery it's fine to have just females, because they don't breed but are rather created magically.
Depends on whether they're an actual race, I guess. You'd need men for reproductive purposes.
Came here to post this. If you're complaining because of original mythology, I'm guessing that male kitsune exist because they reproduce like normal mammals, since they aren't youkai.
If you're complaining because foxmen (not foxgirls (male)) aren't cute, /pfg/ should be three blocks from here.
>not having sexy male kitsune with 9 fluffy prehensile penises
for shame
Kitsune are trickster spirits. They don't have a gender of their own, they take the shapes of whatever they need to be to fool with your dick
What would you even do with nine penises? I probably couldn't take more than five.
Normally they're either some kind of spirit or some kind of normal fox that either lived for so long that they learned to shapeshift or somehow came into the power.
Back of knee
Back of knee
And then you either need a vagina and a stretchy butthole or a really, really stretchy butthole.
Two for hands, two wrapped round your legs, one up your ass, one for cunt, mouth, two playing with your breasts.
You can probably move the two leg ones to just play with other parts of your body, squeeze or just rub on you. Depends on what you're into, really.
You forgot the armpits.
Also you can fit four more if you have stigmata.
Guys, we don't need 2 Pathfinder General threads at the same time.
thats a guy, isn't it
Is that why they eat your liver?
Why do you even ask.
>how do I find players more interested in comfy RP than nonstop combat games?
Please advise.
>To stay Veeky Forums related, how do I find players more interested in comfy RP than nonstop combat games?
Hello. I am player.
>Why are male kitsune even allowed to exist?
For people who prefer a feminine penis to give a reach-around.
You sound like the kind of dumbass DM that puts his fetishes into his games.