System recommendations?

System recommendation thread?

I want to run a campaign where the group starts out weak with few, if any, abilities and slowly get stronger over the adventure.

I don't want it to have classes, or for it to be some dense system that can't explain the rules within around 50 pages. Something that isn't d20 would also be preferred.
Any suggestions?

Other urls found in this thread:

I want to run a game based on the SCP Foundation with the players being part of an MTF
but I’m a brainlet/lazy and want a conversion for an already completed system.
Song of Words maybe?
It’s D6 dice pool I believe.

Song of Swords

Delta Green?

Sounds like Warhammer to me.


What setting OP? Fantasy? Sci fi?

Fantasy. I can't give exact specifics because I wanted to build something from the ground up after establishing a setting.
I just knew I wanted to do a thing where everyone starts as weak peasants or something tonally similar, and work their way up to being able to do heroic stuff.


Establishing a system*

Like the other user said earlier Warhammer would be a good choice

I'd also recommend Runequest/Mythras. Characters in that game are squishy as fuck and unless you let your players start out with older and more experienced characters (ages 50 and up) they will be fucking terrible at everything.
In fact it's so easy to get killed that you will have a hard time balancing the encounters.

How dense are these systems?
I have a lot of trouble getting through an entire rulebook if it's more than around 50 pages.
Even something short can be difficult.
And do you have a source on either? Google isn't being helpful.

They are pretty intuitive, the hardest part would be character creation but you can find character sheets online that will do most of the maths for you. They are d100 systems which means your skills are somewhere between 1-100, you roll 1d100 when you want to do something, if the result falls below your skill you pass and if it goes over you fail
Check the archive thread for PDFs

I want to run Metal Gear Solid, which means it has to support tacticool human gameplay most of the time, but allow for the players and bosses to have stupid and weird supernatural shit.

Alright, I'll check them out when I have enough recommendations.

Barebones Fantasy looks pretty good for this. Rulebook is around 82 pages but a good chunk of that is taken up by random adventure generators, a bestiary, and an example setting. The game itself is explained to players in about thirty pages, billing itself as a percentile system where classes are represented as skills, allowing characters to buy those additional skills as they progress further along. Characters are further differentiated by descriptors and a moral code, in which playing to those descriptors to make situations more complicated will earn that character extra experience.

I'll also recommend Mythras, but specifically Mythras only because Runequest 6 (which is the same game mechanically) has worse formatting and Mythras clarifies a few details that were fuzzy in RQ6.

How important are augmentations going to be?
Shadowrun sounds like it could work from your initial description.

Use an effects based system, or a narrative system.


Unironically GURPS.

Those would be terrible dice. Also my recommendation is Shadow of the Demon Lord. It fits what you want perfectly. But the classes are prevalent

GURPS, but ironically

How dense is it? Is it 400 pages?

About 250. See for yourself:

When you start you only need to know what the stats do (which there are only 3 of and like 3 derived) and how to roll dice. It also starts with "level 0" characters who are literally peasants. Kind of halfway between warhammer and D&D.


These questions are asked every time, and the answer is always.unironically GURPS, especially for MGS

>Has a book on near future tech and tacticool shootin / sneakan

>Weird MGS shit like psionics and bee tommy guns very easily done in GURPS

Whenever you ask a question like this, it's always best to see if GURPS has a supplement for it, even if you're not running it in GURPS

Depends on how much crunch you want.
GURPS, Fate, Mutants & Masterminds, Marvel Heroic, and Open Legend could all work wonderfully.

Thanks user !

What would tg recommend for a sky pirates type setting? I'm looking for something that has decent ship-to-ship combat but also something for when players are off ship. If magical, low magic

I recommend Genesys, if you aren't turned off by it's nonstandard dice. It's the genericized version of FFG's Star Wars system, so it's pretty good for high-flying adventure and ship-scaled stuff, plus it has a sensible magic system.


What should I use if I want a fantasy system with humans only and without a class system?

>Mythic Iceland, with BRP core for more mechanics.

Could you delete that post so that archive doesn't get nuked into oblivion?


Probably could use a combination of Wild Talents/REIGN/ORE for it.

D&D basic set
Everyone’s a fighter with thief skills

You linked directly to an archive. It will get found out and flagged by scripts if you just leave an open link like that up.

Oh, and I meant Basic D&D from the eighties, not the basic set for 5e

Isn't that true for any OSR stuff?

Yes but I don’t want to scare/trigger OP by mentioning the nasty horror metal game

Also, combining Basic with Expert makes the rulebooks slightly larger, though still only 160 pages of A5


Alright ill delete it in an hour or so. If you want something get it now!

You can safely post it as long as you space it out and make the person have to copy and paste it, like this.





Although, keep in mind that only protects from auto crawlers and not real eyes.

Well thanks for doing that for me, ill delete it now. And I'm not worried if the doc gets nuked, we have a mega link back up

Ah, well its too old so I can't. Oh well

It's fine, it's more of a precaution. All the archives are doomed to die, one day.

I run a MGS game with OWoD rules. Nerf soak and it makes a pretty decent system for that style of game.

Would Delta Green do well for an RE game?
Maybe Mini six?

Yes. And hoping for sheva

Good enough

Yeah, Delta Green would work a treat.
To be perfectly honest I'm replying mostly just to roll


I want to run a game where players have fire as an attribue or something and can do freeform things with it, but have guidelines and limitations like mana so it isnt OP




Minisix magic system is quite shiet

maybe the burning wheel?

i never played it tho

Hm. Genesys has custom skills, which are also used for magic types or even schools of magic. Its use is gated in part by a stamina cost. Spells are built from a short list of effects you can choose to combine, but you also use it as a skill when relevant.

Open Legend has open-ended attributes that also tie into buffs and debuffs you can throw around. So, throwing a firebolt would be making a ranged attack using the Energy skill; a fireball is an Energy skill attack with penalties based on the AoE; you can set someone on fire by using the Energy skill to try to apply the Persistent Damage bane. That sort of thing.
It's important to know the character and setting limitations for attributes, because Energy would also be used for other elements like ice or lightning. It's sort of like Mutants & Masterminds in that it relies on GMs and players to regulate themselves a bit.

Does burning wheel haves a magic system?

Yes. More than one in fact. Default system with a spell list that you pick and choose spells from. And a bunch of substitute/optional systems: "Art magic" where you come up with a desired effect yourself, and then determine difficulty by adding up all the appropriate factors, like breadth and duration. Enchanting, Spirit Binding, Summoning, Death Art, Folklore (simple charms and stuff), Practical Magic (substituting sorcery for skills), and some modification options.

>character gets introduced with the clear intention of being heroic
>he is habitually, casually brutal towards enemies

So set fire or whatever as as a quasI skill or attribute

How does that work?

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