How would you do a campaign based on Black Panther, or a setting based on Wakanda?
How would you do a campaign based on Black Panther, or a setting based on Wakanda?
Play a game that takes place in Nazi Germany, but have black people? There, thread over.
Wild Talents for all things superheroic.
Would depend on what your actual premise was
What is it with black dudes and anime/kung fu flicks? I just don't get it
Also why aren't there any cute weeb black chicks? I'd kill for one
Why should black people be exempt from liking things? Everyone likes kung fu movies.
apparently, a lot of the theatres which showed blaxploitation movies in the 70s also showed a lot of Chinese movies
To be fair, the movie made me realize as much as I love Black Panther the character(he's in my top 5 favorite superheroes), I kinda hate Wakanda.
How could you become so advanced in ONLY technology, and have the rest of your society and civilization be stuck in tribal pre-written word savagery? How can you make super holographic shields to protect an entire country, but still have a system of government where "Oh he killed the king, now he is the king, all hail the new king" is completely legitimate?
Eh, they're alright. Other than being generally less whore-looking than white semi-pro cosplayers, they're about the same in demeanor.
systems of government and social norms only tend to change when life becomes sufficiently bad for some sector of society, with Wakanda's technological advantage they just never hit that point
Black Panther was created by white Americans in the 1970s to capitalize on what Marvel thought was a demographic they could make some money off of. They didn't put a lot of thought into it beyond that.
Marvel Heroic.
Well, IDK about black people but I tend not to consume stuff púroduced by people who think me subhuman. (which means I am largely limited to stuff produced by fellow slavs)
>they're about the same in demeanor.
Meaning what exactly?
user, you do realize how much weight tradition has in most cultures right, especially since they didn't really need to change it?
As said, traditions are not abandoned willingly, but by force and circumstances, and never without all attempts made at trying to hold on to the "culture".
This is kinda what I thought; basically, Wakanda lucked out with the vibranium, making them safe from outside enemies and incredibly prosperous, and all of their royalty were smart enough to not make blunders big enough for revolutionaries to rise up and overthrow them. Not expanding and having a basically inexhaustible resource means they conveniently sidestepped the boom and bust cycle that usually fucks up governments as well.
Basically, when you think about it, the real force behind wakanda being prosperous is the vibranium and possibly the blessing of the panther god, so even a monarchy can keep working.
Find whatever Afrofuturist game somebody made for a niche audience at some point and play that.
Black Panther is basically from Tarzan Africa, and despite the justification for him having superpowers, it remains rooted in Tarzan Africa culturally.
I'd play one around the time before, or immediately after Wakanda got established. Warring tribes each with their own traditions, emerging tech, gods just handing out blessings to their champions... players could be a party of adventurous types, or maybe a band of brothers who decide to finally put an end to the endless war and rivalry between the tribes.
id play it straight
Back in the day, you could see one of three types of movies.
You could go to a theater where you would get popcorn thrown at you to see the new film about white people singing in the rain or frolicking through the flowers or whatever else they do, or you could go to the shitty little theater in a shit part of town that was showing films that often involved violence, anti-government or at least anti-police views, beautiful women, and a lone guy who got pissed on one too many times so he single-handedly brings down the establishment.
The third type basically being porn.
But in the second type, the stars of such films were mostly black or chinese, since that was the kung fu genre and the blaxploitation genre in a nutshell.
The love of anime I think spawned from a lot of the same idea, even if choices were less limited
>white Americans
Do you mean Jews?
This also describes the current film perfectly.
>people are autosically and honestly analyzing WE WUZ KANGZ -THE SETTING
No, I mean people with light-colored skin who were raised in the United States and aren't culturally connected to the African diaspora. I don't know what Worst Board is calling that demographic this week.
I don't care about marvel movies at all.
We Spaniards have a normal to positive view about slavs. Like you guys are a bunch of drunks and a bit brutal but so we are. And you behave better than anglos.
>How could you become so advanced in ONLY technology, and have the rest of your society and civilization be stuck in tribal pre-written word savagery? How can you make super holographic shields to protect an entire country, but still have a system of government where "Oh he killed the king, now he is the king, all hail the new king" is completely legitimate?
Monarchy, tribes, and other traditions aren't necessarily "savage", just different. They work until they can't work any more. Not because a new technology appears and people just decide to abandon unwritten (and written) social codes.
I mean a lot of countries new to find Democracy hard to understand. Why should they have to listen to the orders of some douchebag that only 20% of the population wanted? Isn't democracy supposed to be about the will of the PEOPLE? How could it not be mob justice?
Not every society changes the same way, at the same rate, or in the same way, and it's not really tied to any particular technology.
The US concept of a confederation of states was partially influenced by the system practiced by the Iriquois. Hell, Benjamin Franklin even marveled at how impressed he was and how he thought it'd be a shame if the American colonies hadn't managed to do the same yet.
The Persian Empire had outlawed slavery a long before most of the world would.
The Eastern/Western halves of the Roman empire had the same general technology as the previous Roman empire, but had different social and governing traditions.
I've never seen a /pol/ poster so quickly and efficiently btfo'd by the mods before.
And if he is still lurking, do remember that the "primitive" look of outer Wakanda was a part of the ruse and done by choice.
>tooting your own tranny horn
The fuck are you on about?
>And you behave better than anglos.
A red khmer executioner frying you to death is better behaving than most English tourists.
After it was explained that Wakanda exists in an AU Africa that was never colonized, reactions ranged from explaining how implausibly stupid that is to WE WUZ KANGZ 'N SHIET. I'm going to try something different and play it straight: how would Wakanda arise in a non-colonized Africa?
Basically it's something like this: Vasco da Gama or something tries to sail to India around Africa and touches down on a few areas, running short on supplies 'n shiet. Mostly West Africa and other semi-civilized areas of the continent. There's a lot of trade established between these folks and some of the kangz here have some sort of agreement to provide Portuguese ships with all the goods they need for their trip around the cape of good hope. Some diffussion of knowledge takes place due to a few curious kings, a few courtiers being sent to Europe et cetera. What happens is Africa's version of the meiji restoration, but earlier. Potentially in combination with mass conversions, Africa starts adopting European models of governance, agriculture et cetera. This doesn't just have a societal but even a demographic effect, as a more European mode of agriculture as well as introduction of the manoral system results in de facto selection based on intelligence. Rather than Africa being curbstomped in the industrial era getting western tech dumped on it and exploding demographically without ever civilizing, there's a more gradual diffusion of knowledge that results in at least one African power becoming something of an equal to the powers of Europe. And so Wakanda is born.
It's funny how there's such a disconnect between how Americans see the English (le fancy sophisticated bowler hat gentlemanne) and how other Europeans see them (please don't set my house on fire after a soccer match).
Try reading the comics first.
Black weeb chicks exist, but they're usually heavily left leaning. Not an issue for some, but it can get pretty damn bad for anyone who can't keep up.
>After it was explained that Wakanda exists in an AU Africa that was never colonized
In the comics?
Because it was expressly explained that Africa was carved up and they call Caucasions "colonizers" in the movie.
If you are a white boy and they are talking to you, you already passed some manner of muster.
>If you are a white boy
hi bla9k
Ah, I messed up. Wakanda was never colonized, not Africa as a whole. My bad.
Applesponge it's time to go
Why are SJW faggots so bad at insults?
>the princess is banging an old white guy on the down low
Wakanda is FATAL with mud huts and holograms.
Doom may be a narcissist asshole but at least the average Latverian has all their needs seen for even if they're required to remain in the "picturesque Balkan town" cultural state for aesthetics.
They're mentally and emotionally still in daycare because daddy didnt hug them enough.
Because all the good insults are offensive in one way or another, you gotta want to offend and be offended to deliver good insults.
It's like being a pacifist and wanting to be good at fighting.
A good insult is an art, a craft. When you look at history's greatest authors and orators, you see they could spin insults like it was poetry. This is achieved through skill and through constant practice. You don't get to practice your insults a lot if you spend most of your time in a safe space.
This is why many of the most recognizable insults nowadays come from the anti-SJW, from cuck to soyboy.
What are they even implying by "applesponge"? The connotations of "cuck" and "soyboy" are self evident. If I have to ask someone what they mean when they insult me, they haven't done a very good job.
Probably smashed together two sissy-sounding words to try and frankenstein something insulting, like "strawberry-cake" or "cinnamon-honey"
Actually I deleted it because I realized it didn't contribute much to the discussion at hand even if I thought it was true. So maybe get off your fucking high horse
>The "primitive" look
The discussion was about their actual line of succession and system of government, not their aesthetic, necessarily.
The ironic part is that soy is a great source of protein.
Maybe it has something to do with Apple products? Sponge is metaphor for consumerism. I have no idea really.
top kek
I personally thought Applesponge was the newest form of "bugman", referring to the passive absorption of Apple products and leftist ideology.
So the fact that all these guys think it's an insult from the leftists is certainly confusing.
Then again, half of them are talking out of their ass, so it's quite possible they're just wrong.
It's because we're more sophisticated than the Americans by default, and we just don't put effort into acting polite around Euros.
The character has been around for like 40 years. Normies are just into ruining everything because nerd culture has become socially acceptable now
Because north American own our own continent. You guys have hundreds of cultures all packed into one area, we just have 3.
It's just soyboy humour, we wouldn't understand
Yea and global warming is real and vacines dont cause autism
Worse, it's tranny humor
Eating some soy won't make you a skinny manlet with moobs. Same way eating some onions won't make you a ripped chad.
But the excessive "all soy and sugar no meat and dairy ever" diet most nu-males tend to have, and the fact they don't exercise at all, does have a lot to do with why they look like creepy old men 40 years in advance.
They exist, dude, I dated one for a bit in freshmen year and let me tell you black girl actually work out instead of the white girl style of working out of taking photos of the gym. This chick had a really nice toned body and was so tight it legit hurt my weewee when we banged.
>But the excessive "all soy and sugar no meat and dairy ever" diet most nu-males tend to have
I wonder if keto also belongs in that category. On the one hand it's pretty extreme in its NO CARBS EVER, but on the other hand it doubles down on meat and fat which is kinda masculine dudebro-ish. Also it's not a meme diet as it has actual results. Too radical for me though, considering how many staple foods around the world are carbs. I'll just go low carb thank you very much.
Which one is keto again?
Because I started doing some "no rice or potatoes or sugar, just meats and greens" diet last year and I'm down like 70 pounds without a single second of exercise.
My immediate thought is a shadowrun-esque hit team trying to stop rogue elements introducing vibranium technology onto the world, as killmonger was planning to do but more subtlely, rather than WE GOT THE VIBRANIUM GUNS NOW NIGGA
>Which one is keto again?
The one where you eliminate carbs from your diet to the point where your body no longer uses glucose as its go-to form of energy but instead directly burns fat, to the point where even your brains run on ketones rather than glcose.
Jesus Christ. That does not sound healthy.
Yeah, it's dubious. Some claim it's detrimental, others claim that your brain actually runs better on ketones than on glucose for... some reason. Anyway, it's the new fad diet along with paleo (which is basically only eating what cavemen ate: nothing processed, but also no grains. Mostly meat, fruit, veggies and nuts).
It's a diet for people that are scared of cancer. Cancer cells feed off glucose so the theory is you can starve them out of your body.
Well, I dunno, I just feel like going on a diet that actively alters the way human brains work probably isn't a great idea.
>Mostly meat, fruit, veggies, and nuts
Sounds good, actually. Processed foods are what get you. Hell, that's a good way to go Vegetarian if you're inclined. I don't get all this hate for grains and rice and the like anymore, though; it really feels like people are seriously overblowing how "bad" they are. They're staple foods for Christ's sake, you need them sometimes.
>thinking a metabolism running on fat is less healthy than cramming it full of carbs/sugar
This isn't Veeky Forums but what the fuck?
Fat is what fueled the human race before we decided to bread and deep fry everything.
>I don't get all this hate for grains and rice and the like anymore, though
The problem is that they're very calorie dense. A calorie is a calorie, but 200 kcal of meat or veggies will fill you up more than 200 kcal of spaghetti. The fact that they're staple foods probably has a lot to do with humanity being calorie starved for most of its existence.
Though with rice... I just don't know anymore. At first brown rice was good but now everyone has flipped to white rice being healthier, and then there's the meme rice called quinoa which has suddenly gone out of style. No wonder so many people find it hard to lose weight, advice changes by the second. It's as if the only pieces of advice that remain consistent are "avoid processed foods", "drink water" and "eat your greens".
True, or he should have started a slow campaign to take over the african continent instead of going
>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WHITEY(and honk kong for some reason)
But that would have probably made him come across as heroic instead of villainous
>to the point where your body no longer uses glucose as its go-to form of energy
>to the point where even your brains run on ketones rather than glucose
>wtf dude you're only altering your brain chemistry from the way we've developed by evolution to fuel ourselves
Come on, man. And that's disingenuous as fuck, "consuming carbs at all" doesn't mean "bread and deep fry everything." Moderation exists, you can eat rice day-to day and be fine.
That's fair enough. I don't think there's enough research or value places on the different "filling values" of things, partially because it's sort of subjective. I always feel more comfortable having eaten a comparable serving of vegetables than meat, but that's here nor there.
>It's as if the only pieces of advice that remain consistent are "avoid processed foods", "drink water" and "eat your greens".
That's why I say I don't get the hate, and that's why I don't take any diet advice or school of thought on it too seriously. If studies say things are legitimately toxic for you or they have a better understanding of how the body processes these things, sure, that's something to be considered. Otherwise, just don't act like a stereotypical modern American. Avoid the processed stuff, drink like five glasses of water today instead of ten cans of coke, eat vegetables, have portion control, have moderation, and you'll generally be alright without counting calories or saying carbs are the devil.
not that guy but Lee and Kirby are Jewish
K but the problem is when you read "change your Brain chemistry" your assumption is that its changing it to an abnormal state. The problem with this is that you assume that its normal for people to consume sugar and complex carbs; it is not. Evolution has not had time to deal with the explosion of sugar we've had, it has had time to deal with fat.
You can still eat carbs. Something around ~30ish grams a day. That's moderation.
>lol keto shill
I'm not even on it, this was from 10 minutes of research.
>how would you do a campaign based on Black Panther
>how would you do Devilman Crybaby in a campaign
>how would you do a campaign based on Avatar
Good fucking lord, come up with your own shit. Stop jumping on the dick of every new trend that pops up and let yourself create something for once. I'm not saying to not take inspiration from things, that it impossible to do, of course. I am saying stop pandering the most entry-level media to the newest wave of "5e is my first TTRPG and I started because of CR" players.
It's like fucking Marisha posts on Veeky Forums now, for duck's sake. We get it, Marisha, The Last Airbender is your favorite fucking thing ever. Stop cramming it into every character you play, you uncreative idiot.
That's fair enough, but again, you lean on extremes. Which is fair for most peoples' diets, but our brains are generally still set to run on glucose and the like. Evolution hasn't compensated for modern uses of sugar yet, but glucose is a basic building block for human function. This is why diabetes is such trouble, and said explosion is often what's causing it.
I mean your not wrong if wakanda was under killmonger's reign, but wakanda prior to killmonger is just fuedal japan but black people.
I fucking wouldn't.
I can kind of see the gilgameshian monarchy when the leader is practically an imortal god, ie he has a super suit that nothing can kill him. Especially when guns aren't a factor as an equalizer. I just can't accept that these people are so technologically advanced with ONLY one mineral as the backbone of society and complete isolation.
>or a setting based on Wakanda?
Isn't that basically dogs in the vineyard, only with your jurisdiction being limited by your clan affiliation?
That one mineral is also a power source and (I'm guessing) a superconductor.
The main reason European agriculture didn't take off in much of Africa is because it couldn't, not because the locals didn't want it to. Rainy and dry regions shift every few years, the places with the most consistent rain happen to be in areas where all that does is wash away any nutrient-rich soil, and the only places that are awesome for plants are also awesome for bugs and terrible for people. There were Sub-Saharan areas that fit the criteria of
>basically reliable weather patterns over generations, not just years
>decent soil to start with
>rainfall that brought in rich soil as fast as it washed away the old
>livable environment for large, stationary society to form
>not a murderous fuckpit of disease-and-blight-bearing insects
...but those places DID generally start farming stuff, and it wasn't enough.
Contemporary irrigation and agricultural science is a gosh darn miracle.
>American "culture"
>The southeast is franco-african
>The southeast is mexican
>The northeast is italo-semitic
>The mideast is polish/germanic
>The midwest is empty
>The northwest is faggots
America doesn't have a culture, if anything Mexico has influenced the continent more with their vaquero shit that set the tone for what everywhere from Texas to Oregon would sound like, dress like and build their houses like from the initial westward expansion till the 1930's.
>What is it with black dudes and anime/kung fu flicks?
Biracialism. As in "There's white human beings and then there are various shades of niggers".
The African-Americans seriously tried to get everybody coloured under a common umbrella during the civil right's struggle and what remained of it is that niggas watch Dragonball, cite kungfu flics in their rap music and play Yughi-oh.
What does the word "tranny" mean to you?
>America doesn't have a culture
Just because it became the de facto global culture doesn't mean it's not there.
>in an AU Africa that was never colonized
But that’s wrong. Wakanda was never colonized
They’re advanced because vibranium is bullshit
Ironically modern black people are the most racist towards everyone, specially hispanics, natives and indians.
"Diversity means blacks and muslims" is not a meme.
Also turbo-homophobes
>drawing inspiration from media is bad
Fuck off
The point is american culture is not
>a) monolithic
>b) american
It's an immigrant culture that changes as you move through the territory. New Yorkers and Commiefonians may both speak english and be liberal nutjobs, but they are completelly different cultures.
Speaking as a foreigner to me american culture means a complex network of highways with motels every few miles with ice machines inside
>What does the word "tranny" mean to you?
When you tell an applesponge not to make politically-themed shitposts on Veeky Forums, the applesponge interprets this as evidence that you are a transsexual.
>America doesn’t have a culture
>the world dresses like us, talks like us and watches our movies
>no culture
Fucking eurotards
You wanna know a big irony? Nigerians, some of whom barely even fucking speak English, outperform white(!) Americans when they come to America. So much so that they're the most educated group in America, prompting some limpwristed progressives to say that the "wrong" kinds of black people benefit from affirmative action. I wouldn't be surprised if African Americans are racist towards actual Africans who live in America for actually getting their shit together.
Show me one culture that's monolithic and I'll show you a city-state.