Imagine using your bones as weapons.
Your blood burns.
You can see through smoke and can use echolocation.
Why doesnt your wizard do this?
Imagine using your bones as weapons.
Your blood burns.
You can see through smoke and can use echolocation.
Why doesnt your wizard do this?
Other urls found in this thread:
What is with this shitty example? This is now a superior muscle wizard thread.
Because he can bend reality with his flex powers.
Nobody likes the idea of a botched teleport resulting in their frontal lobe ending up on top a chair.
Dinosaur equivalent of a muscle wizard
>Why doesn't your wizard practice body alteration?
Magical realm, here we come.
Op here, shit you're right.
I didnt even realise, I meant more for combat like my pic suggested.
Hey, that can be cool too. And it's not like a ton of the stock wizard abilities don't have perversion potential anyway, so it doesn't matter much.
To answer your question, it's because it doesn't fit the typical "wizard" archetype. I think body-based magic users should be their own thing, like a Shadowrun Adept.
Because aside from magic tatoos and using blood for spell components, my system doesn't really delve into it unless you count the alchemist.
Think the prestige classes would be based on what they modify themselves as such as acidic blood and such
Because it never helps. Wizards that turn into snakes, monsters and other things - they die. Always. For they forgot one of the most basic rules of combat - never fight fair.
Strength of the wizard is not in transforming himself but in bending whole world to his will. If you have fell so low that the only thing you can think of for salvaging a situation is to transform into some shitty furry you've already lost and should burn your wizard card.
Compairing Wizards with your gay emo shit,kill yerself cuck
Because it's perfidious as fuck.
Because glory of biopunk shall not be sullied by the laziest fantasy tripe.
>Strength of the wizard is not in transforming himself but in bending whole world to his will.
>all fantasy is d&d
>>all fantasy is d&d
Bitch a mage in WoD will turn reality on its knee and make everyone permanently happy and blissed out with a starting character build.
>all fantasy is d&d and WoD
because most systems don't do this very well, unfortunately
you're image is shit, btw
Muscle wizards are wishy washy martials in denial who can't focus on one discipline.
Wizards are gay emo shit. Shonen anime, heroic comics, power fantasy - all of this is infantile wankery for dorky kids.
Heck, Naruto was supposed to be about wizards in the first place.
This. Magic users are objectively the best classes in most systems, but if you're concerned with being the absolute best in a make believe game you're doing Veeky Forums wrong.
GURPS wizards can have magic in ranges of miles around them. Shadowrun mages can kill you from all round the world with prep time and cash, and summon up forces of nature that will rip apart any foe up to and including enemy tank columns.
Frankly you would need to name systems that DON'T have wizards that can do giant, world changing magics.
Honestly? Because that would make every other class pointless and inferior.
>all fantasy is d&d, WoD, GURPS and Shadowrun
Found the martials. Cry more, swordfags.
They already are.
It's not about D&D or WoD. Indirect confrontation is just always better than direct one - because only your target is at risk of dying. If you can fuck over the enemy without fighting him directly it is always better to try and do so.
Martials are also gay emo shit, you idiot.
Read my post again - fantasy is bullshit in general.
>you're image is shit, btw
This board is full with isekai bullshit, cheap shonens, moeshit and actual fetishy hentai.
It fits this cesspool perfectly. And please, don't pretend your generic fantasy is any better than Japanese equivalent of generic fantasy.
The human body is complex, and for every chimeric amalgamation of animal parts laying around and eating nosy adventurers, there's certainly a dozen failed projects buried behind every wizard's tower. And that's just using proven templates found in nature. Adding in esoteric extras without, say, a few decades of research could result in excessive harm to the wizard. Or any number of unpleasant side effects. Best just to lay a few defensive or offensive enchantments on gear than to experiment on yourself.
Actually, here. This is the list where magic isn't all about bending the whole world to the wizard's will:
They do. The masters of the college of Hemotheurgy all look like Fabio, and so does anyone wealthy enough to pay them off.
>Imagine using your bones as weapons.
Imagine using weapons as weapons.
>all fantasy is d&d, WoD, GURPS, Shadowrun and Dragonballz
Oh, you're just one of those people then.
>Be frail old man with wizard powers.
>Have two options
>Have my bones rip out of my body and try to stab people with it.
>Set someone of fire with my mind.
It's a real fucking mystery.
People who take things at face value? Seriously, dude, modern fantasy is cheap entertainment - how am I wrong now?
The mechanics of magic don't allow body modifications to be permanent and using body-affecting magic to heal, harm, or encourage natural growth is usually more profitable. Still, some do do it.
>Why doesn't your wizards practice body alteration?
They do, but they're called dragons
>Be frail old man with wizard powers
>Remember I have wizard power
>Renew body to Adonis physique
>what is a Flux Adept
>What is an Oestromancer
0/10 actually put some effort into reasearching your topic before you post OP
Expanding on this thought, because I like the idea of setting up some "body mages" as Shadowrun-esque monk equivalents rather than throwing in a bunch more spells for wizards that they either won't use or will just get thrown into their already bottomless toolkit. Also because I like capeshit and 90's black people fighting games more than Chinese cartoons, here's how I'd do Marrow's abilities:
You get [your level + 1] bone charges. Using a single bone lets you create any of the following: a sword, a dagger, or a club (with their own associated stats and damage types), or temporary armor.
You have proficiency with all weapons you create.
You can spend 1 bone to create 1 weapon as a free action, or spend as many as you like as your action (e.g., spending 3 at once to make dual swords plus armor.)
You can throw clubs and daggers, and you can also choose to expend your weapon in any attack in exchange for increased damage.
Later abilities let you spend bones to regenerate health (or vice versa), convert one bone weapon into another at no cost (e.g., turn a sword into a dagger so you can throw it), create other weapon types like spears and axes, and make other bone-related maneuvers that work like spells or monk ki abilities.
Also you can make some knockoff Wolverine claws at no cost, giving you a fall-back weapon if you run out.
Basically at 1st level you are a shitty martial while later on you are Bonemerang-ing everybody in the room.
Why would he care for any of that? He only bothers to exist in the physical realm at all because he’s sort of nostalgic about it. The physical is merely the first layer to the whole of everything.
Alzheimer is a shit eh?
>Either cast two spells to temporarily give myself physical strength, and another to painfully morph my body so I can attack in combat, despite not having much formal education in martial arts.
>Or cast fireball at a distance.
You are a retard.
>Why doesn't your wizards practice body alteration?
But they already do user...
Sorry, I don't go by DnDrone rules.
No need to and it's less efficient.
>use bones as weapons
>body is now your weapon requiring CQC
>could have just chucked a fireball at it and been done with it from a safe distance
>augment self to use echolocation to see through smoke
>hearing is now overly sensitive and loud noises probably require a will save to avoid flinching
>Could have just shot a fireball to blow away the smoke
Grixis as fuck
>Incase art
Well now I gotta go fap again. I hope you're happy
>He only bothers to exist in the physical realm at all because he’s sort of nostalgic about it.
And to buy his fedoras, I’d imagine.
This seems like a really bad idea. Wizards aren't good at melee combat, and altering your own body sounds like something that would fuck you up badly. Using your own bones as weapons, in particular, sounds agonizing.
As a matter of fact, someone with the ability to shapeshift is not necessarily more deadly than a guy in full plate mail with a sword. You don't want to fall into the trap of trying to be a better fighter than the actual fighter, that's how you die. You want to focus on things that a fighter can't do. (For instance, conventional combatants can't warp minds, fly, serve as long-range artillery and so on.)
>conventional combatants can't... serve as long-range artillery
Depends on how strong they are and how good of a bow or sling they can get their hands on, surely.
Umasou is so fucking good.
Even the strongest bows usable by human beings struggle against opponents in full plate armor.
I think the rule of thumb for calling something "artillery" is "would this be threatening to someone standing behind a wall?"
Warhammer Fantasy. You don't make a wizard to be in melee, you do it to stay as far away from it as you can.
40k. Psykers can melt brains and throw tanks. Why would you choose to run at someone with a sword when those previous options are also available to you.
>inb4 ">all fantasy is [the many that disagree with my premise]"
Make bows that can fire ICBM payloads in TNTec in the shape and weight of normal arrows. You'd need a feat or two in a wizard or arcane archer for that, yes, but it's entirely possible.
Okay, what fantasy setting has high powered mages/wizards who prefer close combat over long range.
...I mean, I was being ironic, but to answer your question: Shadowrun.
And what rules do you go by, oh wise and edgy contrarian?
Fate/Stay Night
Legend of Zelda
And who knows what more
See above
...Good evening, Deb...
Being a wizard already fucks your body into shit brickingly things, the last thing you want is to slap more bricks in there.
your image is still shit
It doesn't even make sense, that guy does all that bone stuff only thanks to his bloodline.
Basically came here for this.
You are a wizard not a genie
Recently I came into possession of a book on mind magic and another on necromancy, I've been focusing on the two to learn to better defend against mind attacks and possession type magic, as we have a friend with an "issue" in this area.
Unfortunately, I've been stuck learning a bunch of weather spells to help us sailing around, but I believe I'm done now and can get back to working my way up to telepathy and magic jar stuff.
And why would I need a wish to replicate some basic anatomy I could learn everything of by buying some criminal's corpses?