What would a deity ruling over the portfolio of "minds" be like?
What would a deity ruling over the portfolio of "minds" be like?
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We are gonna need a bit of elaboration on that
not very smart
C-can I touch it gently?
Their worshippers sacrifice bits and pieces of their minds to them, the end result starts at number 3 and progresses to number 2
A nefarious, irresponsible gremlin who doesn't think things through and has no sense of right and wrong.
3 >>>>>>> 4 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2
It's up to you entirely, deities aren't real.
What would be the best for your setting?
No. 1 Obviously, I still want to hear their young screams of terror and agony.
Perpetually inconsistent and bipolar as fuck.
This ain't my fetish but 3 and 4 are pretty interesting setups. 2 is just stupid and boring as fuck, like some old cartoon gag shit.
Remember that giant brain in Futurama that was trying to learn everything? Ilsensine is basically that. It's a giant brain living under the Outlands, that's trying to learn everything.
To highlight Ilsensine's methods, it's servants are called Eaters of Knowledge. lomion.de
Ilsensine isthe main god of mind flayers, though not their creator. It's a give-and-take relationship: illithids get to command undead, Ilsensine gets the souls of any illithids that die unrecoverable.
Ilsensine is also way into cranium rats. lomion.de
given, the artist, I do not recommend it. It may trigger rampaging lewding
It's impressive that you managed to get it exactly backwards.
I will take my chances.
Funny. Judge Dredd had something close to this.
Know what I DO miss about 3e and especially 2e? The plethora of lore reassures available to look this shit up yourself. 2e even put together books which generally had 90% of all you could ask for.
The questions was:
"WHICH deities of the mind gods best fits this scenario I have?"
OP isn't even: "All the current Mind gods suck balls, lets make a better one!"
It's: 'I've never heard of one, so one must not exist! Other people give me ideas"
Old Veeky Forums would get together and just start arguing who is the mindyest of the mind gods was. Probably end up with something crazy fun...
Let's just say she thinks about it often.
>My portfolio is "minds", what does that mean?
>Does it mean I can control minds?
>Does it mean those who worship me think a lot about it?
>Does it mean their prayers are riddles?
>Do Sphinxes worship me?
etc etc
And she probably wanders about while thinking, and asks people weird questions such as 'what is the average airspeed of an unladen swallow?' or 'why is the sky blue?', just to think a bit more.
Perfect tastes me boyo
>what is the average airspeed of an unladen swallow?
There's like 88 types of swallow, my dude.
Swallows in Europe average to around 11 m/s (style.org
Didn't read close enough to know how they weighted for species.
>why is the sky blue?
Because air is blue.
>What would a deity ruling over the portfolio of "minds" be like?
Either really smart, really dumb, or both at the same time.
pure autism
They may have subportfolios of perception, illusion, knowledge, and academia.
Perhaps they are credited like the Muses for flashes of insight, prophetic dreams, and cautionary nightmares. Perhaps they act only through these means, and never take tangible form in the world at all. Their curse for the disbeliever is madness, and their reward for a follower enlightenment.
Their temples serve as libraries, collections of practical knowledge and mad scrawlings alike, each to be given equal weight by the studious clergy and visiting pilgrims. Openminded discussion is encouraged, and perhaps the deity is called upon to oversee diplomatic relations and other meetings of minds.
really makes you think...
Stacked in an infinite number of metacognitive, meta-metacognitive, meta-meta-metacognitive, etc. layers. A billion hierarchical regulatory mechanisms all regulating other regulatory mechanisms. So abstracted from its core that it is literally unaware of its actual existence.
If psychic powers are a thing, he or she has probably got a lot of them and is maybe very interested in whatever mortals have them.
A fucking asshole. Imagine, a god is making a race, but after it's done this other douchebag races in, screaming that the mind is his, and makes it about as bright as a box of rocks. The first god is super sad and mad about this dick burger fucking up his children.