Okay Veeky Forums, let's say I have a good idea for making a 40k videogame. Let's say too I have the means to do it, and even if it's shit, is not as shit as we are accustomed, and maybe somebody could like it. How could I contact with GW and see if they may be interested in my videogame?
Pic somehow related, is not what I have in mind but I found it funny
Okay Veeky Forums, let's say I have a good idea for making a 40k videogame. Let's say too I have the means to do it...
How hard would it be to just make a competant modern tabletop simulation based on the current edition with an included map builder? Thats all I want.
Actually, not as hard as many people think. It could be easier than it seems
That’s what warmachine tactics was suppose to be.
I doubt they would work with some literal who rogue developer. Even if they would how are you going to pay the licence for the game?
Not only that game would be a bad game, it would show possible customers that the game is bad and would give a better alternative to the grey army autists. It would probably make GW lose money. Also seriously if you don't enjoy painting and talking to people irl there are far better videogames out there.
Throw money at them.
Pay the licensing fee
How much could the license cost? 1K€? 5K? Even more?
I'm nobody actually, but I saw on their webpage something about contacting with them (if having a good idea) and maybe (MAYBE) it could convince them.
Hey, I already have the "no", so let's try it, no?
Probably more, but maybe they scale the price depending on the size of the project. 5k for a licence for a DoW game would be ridiculous, but i doubt the phone games paid as much as DoW.
My idea is an action game, the mechanic would be similar to Space Marine (but just the mechanic), and I was thinking just releasing it on PC. Do you think it would be like so, around 5k-10k?
It's pretty weird the same year we got a damn good WF game, we also got a shitty 40k once, when it's usually the opposite. What's going on?
Fuck if i know, if your project is anywhere around biggish scale just kickstart or find a publisher.
1. it wouldn't be very good
2. if it WAS good, it would lose GW money, because why would people do models and TT?
3. Grogs wouldn't like it because you would never have the same customization as assembling and painting your own models
Just wouldn't work senpai
Fuck me, I don't know how could I forgot kickstarter. Thanks man.
There is a bit of a problem with kickstarter though. Let's say you discover licence costs 10k and you want to kickstart the 10k, now you can't put 40k anywhere on the kickstart page because you don't have the license yet. So you might have to pay for the licence first and then use kickstarter to get your money back, which of course has a risk in it. Also making a succesfull kickstarter campaign comes at a bit of a cost.
Fuck, the Schrodinger license :(
Well, I'm spaniard, we're expert at avoid license names by stupid names. Hope I'll think of something
I wonder if kickstarting a game with a name and then giving it a licence would qualify as not delivering as promised. I would suggest you try to start getting something done so that you can show it, that helps anything you will end up having to do. But just out of curiosity, what's the project and are you going to model everything yourself while also making the game?
Just use that online board game program thingy, pretty sure it has all the WH rules modules.
Both TTS and vassal do.
Yeah, I have no problem with the modelling. First I would start with silly dulls models, just to test that everything works fine, and later I would improve them more and more.
About the project itself, would be centered about a Harlequins troupe. I think it could be interesting switching for the space-marine-full-on-hormones protagonist to something different. Dunno, maybe it could even work, I want to focus a fuckton on the story so people would like it, but not being the "standard" Space Marines heores game.
Modelling is a lot of work, unless you leave everything barebones, it sounds like you are getting into something bigger then you honestly. A weeb hack and slash about a harlequin does sound pretty good.
I know it's a lot of work, that's why I'll start by using simple models, and as I program and test everything I will be modelling everything a bit better, step by step, little by little (I think that's how it's said)
It takes a complete studio of paid professionals years to make a game, Allow me to doubt you can do it alone, but for what it's worth you could probably find some people to work on it with you for love of the game.
Well, being honest I wasn't even thinking about making an AAA games, or something like that. But being honest, I SHOULD aspire to do that, so I will reconsider it. Thanks for the reminder, I'm the kind of person that sometimes forgets those important things.
So, at this point I have two main options: wheter make it simple, 2D game for mobile (as an example), or make for PC and hire somebody to help me (maybe with a kickstarter?)
Fuck, I only hope my idea will be good enough
Tabletop Simulator. My group of friends all use it to play since we live so far apart/are poor/suck at painting.
I like taking existing maps and building a base for my kill teams on them. And then we can fight on them too.
That would be like GW shooting themselves in the leg.
Just use Tabletop Simulator.
I guess you could just work for yourself and then if somebody who is able to wants to help for free you let him. Hiring someone is a lot of other problems. First if for ehatever reason it takes more then you think at first money will run out, second since you are paying him you need to make sure you have good organisation and can assure you have something for him to work on at all times, which can be slightly tricky at times. Trust me don't underestimate the work which goes in planning. The problem is of course to find someone who would be willing and you can somewhat trust and communicate efficiently with. I would honestly go further with the development, start sinking my teeth in it and plan for real how things should be. So you have a better idea of what you need and can do. Maybe you could make a hired guy work if you make him do the modelling only and do the coding yourself, but you need to know exactly all you want and need while he is working so that you din't have to add things later at random times.
Ah, I see, I need to plan more. It's logic, after all; well, now I have something more than the idea of contacting GW and see what happens.
I'll start doing like a "test version", something like a demo level or so (and so I see if I really want to do that game or change my mind), and if I can contact GW I have something else than "a idea". If they accept and that project goes by, I'll see what happens with the modelling. I mean, I have close friends that like to model to, but I don't want abuse of that (maybe ask them for help and that, but not "hey bro, make me the game", you know), or just pay somebody or whatever, but once the game itself is finished.
Thanks m8.