Thread question:
>Does the deck you play reflect anything about you?
Current Modern Metagame
Thread question:
>Does the deck you play reflect anything about you?
Current Modern Metagame
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But it's a collectible game!-fags BTFO by Richard Garfield
Richard Chadfield strikes again.
Posting the superior waifu.
We really need a sci-fi TCG with good hand-drawn art. The Mirrodin blocks were great.
The one about corporations looks too chinky for my taste.
Dredge and three unfinished decks:
GDS, Esper Goryo's, Soulflayer
my terrible draws
nothing at the moment
>thread q
I like graveyards I guess
1 Grollion times better than mark kikewater.
nothing, burn wins, trhat's why I play burn #Spike4Lyfe
Blue control now that the boogeyman is back
Aggressive and fast play style, lowdrop cards, fast wins. That's how I like it.
t. legacy player.
>comfy camping animu
Are you angry Mark :^)
Is MaRo really responsible for the outrageous prices of cards? I don't want to give him shit for things he isn't responsible for. A lot of PR guys already take enough shit they aren't responsible for.
If I had to blame anyone, I would blame Hasbro because blaming "the evil corporation" seems like common sense, but I don't want to jump to conclusions.
Either way the prices of some of the cards are bullshit. Snapcaster Mage shouldn't cost over $70 unless it's the promo version.
He is. It's partially both.
How so?
How exactly? Has he stated any complacency with card prices?
>Snapcaster Mage shouldn't cost over $70
No card should cost over 20 bucks at most.
damn I didn't know they where up this high, I own quite a few of the fuckers.
I need to price check my binders tomorrow since I have the day off.
How much has Jace and BBE warped the meta? Should I start swapping Mana Leaks for Negates? Should I throw in a Psionic Blast or two for reach and removal?
Oh my, my pic is the thread picture.
Im gonna make more soon I promise.
Any requests?
what kind of stuff do you do? I've been thinking about a tron holy trinity thing with the Karnfather, the Holy Spirit (dragon), and idk, I guess Ulamog as the son. I'm too bad at image-editing to make one that doesn't look like total shit. Help me Obi-Wan, you're my only hope.
Can you do the one strip where the girl is trying to bash a clock but the girl is replaced with karn (tron)
UR Delver
Karn, retarded shit. I always gloat whenever I win vs tron.
UR Delver
Can't figure out the creatures and spells I want to play.
Thread question:
>Does the deck you play reflect anything about you?
I'm Izzet at heart. Always have been. Ever since UR Magnivore/Wildfire, UR Tron and UR Dragonstorm around Time Spiral.
>Karn, retarded shit
just bolt him
Trips of truth.
literally nothing.
How do I properly insert artifact/enchantment hate into Dredge? What do I replace? When do I decide to draw? Should I mulligan until I have artifact/enchantment hate in my starting hand?
I can't really get this info from watching tournament footage. All commentators hate Dredge, the footage doesn't always start from the beginning of the match, and the matches are so one sided that I don't learn anything.
My nigga
I would like to keep making edits out of PTE manga, but I aware that Veeky Forums isn't /a/ after all. Thus I welcome ideas and gladly steal jobs from the Drawthread that I don't visit. Im bad too, I use only Paint and hard work to edits pictures, but I can't draw from 0 withtout a base.
Will do.
Goy, goy, goy...
Not your game anymore, understood goy?
WE RUN. this game.
Now delete this.
shoo, shoo Hasbro jews
goy goy, careful there, or I'll print a new mythic that is essential to your deck AND busted in Standard, at the same time.
After you sell your butthole to buy those, I'll proceed to ban your deck.
>be ried duke
>have brother in R&D
>Love playing BG midrange decks
>BGx decks constantly getting new tools.
Really gets the noggin jogging. But noone will question it because he's a pro player.
Look, I want to shit on WotC as much as the next guy but that's some conspiracy shit right there. Reid Duke doesn't push WotC to print good B/G/x stuff. Never ascribe to malice what can be explained by idiocy. WotC is just too shit at their jobs to not accidentally make good Rock cards.
The BG taxman cometh. I like that color pairing as well, but damn it's also ballbusting knowing that anytime a Green, Black, or GB card shown at uncommon or above will generally be good or amazing, and as a result it'll be fucking expensive on the secondary market.
I never said he was pushing for cards personally, but I do feel his brother throws him bones.
How good is zoo right now?
Thinking about investing
Should be playing Jund with Grim Flayers, Rabblemasters and BBE's tomorrow but plans might push that to modern monday at LGS.
Nothing really. Been seeing a LOT of aggro lately which is fine if not boring.
Too busy to be creative outside what I'm already doing
Thread q: I have Bant Eldrazi, Blue Living End, Blue Steel and Jund together right now with Gifts, Merfolk and Abzan ready with some movement from other decks. Thats probably more telling than anything one deck could say.
Zoo was a little less good than straight burn. But Blood Braid Elf is back so a 1-3 cmc zoo it probably something to consider.
kikewater is responsible for the 8th ed. cards frame, so i still blame him.
filthy kike can't stop himself but ruin the good things.
I want to play a memebrew. Give me a memebrew.
Build around this.
4 Lightning Bolts
4 Terminates
4 Thoughtseize
4 Faithless Looting
4 Young Pyromancer
4 Zombie Jackal
4 Army of the Damned
And I'm sure something can come out of it.
>it's been over a week
>BBE is fairly good but Jace is still trash
The good guys won in all cases boys. Cards got unbanned, control cucks are still losers, and Jund is starting to win, but not dominate.
>My face when I held off on buying my last two copies of Collective Brutality and Kolaghan's Command
Thanks, Bloodbraid.
How's your Soulflayer starting to look? I threw in that dumb elder dinosaur and Samut, it's definitely not "competitive" but it's starting to really fire off turn 3 and I'm loving it.
My exact fucking situation right here.
Soulflayer surprise posted results recently but is definitely a meme.
I give you...
3T - Tron Turbo Triggering
4 stirrings
4 scryings
4 maps
4x2 eggs
4 karns
4 world breakers
3 sundering titans
3 all is dust
4 street wraith
2 mishras baubles
2 simian spirit guide
4x3 tron
1 sanctum
1 field of ruin
3 forest
1 wastes
the goal is to turbo cast turn 3 karn eating a land, then next turn world break to do the same.
that order is exchangeable and sundering titan comes to fuck their shit up even more. all is dust is there as contingency plan and can be traded for ugins. balanced ape is there to "gotcha" a titan turn 3 or help cast world braker turn 3 (ssg for egg and 7 for wbreaker).
4 eldrazi temples
4 tks
4 reality smasher
2 crucible of worlds
they will come with land destruction to slow your faties, they dont even know you ditched your high end curve to cast the eldrazi aggro bois. GG 2x0
(optional: loli [but not explicitly sexual] sleeves, a nigger rapper smoking weed as playmat and white boarder cards)
forgot (You) and avatar
That's just a tron deck. And e temples also get fucked by land destruction
That sure is a tron list.
Don't let it leave this board, love you guys
the most common LD is ghost quarter and field of ruin, which "ramp" you to 4/5 to cast eldrazi bois.
>Bloodbraid into smiter
4cmc stoneforge? Well guess sfm will never get unbanned now
That art actually looks pretty decent.
>mfw 3 guys ganged up on me saying that Jace is too OP still
>guy working at the store saying that "the meta will get aggressive to just beat them before Jace lands" when Modern is already stupidly aggressive
No wonder Stoneforge wasn't unbanned, it was for this """"""""""""fixed"""""""""""" piece of shit.
Surprised there's no class type considering that coldsnap commander they just reprinted
>not bbe into Domri for max zoo memes
>not bbe into WOLLY T
So what would a zoo list look like now?
Loam lion
Kird ape
Bloodbraid elf?
oh you know, bolt, helix, cryptic, nacatl
no matter how you slice that zoo pie you'll end up with some creatures: the tappening.
I like 8treez as a concept for Zoo in modern, that would be a dope list to finetune
>sweatering sun intensifies
Have a better image
Still working on Termur Moon : BBE edition. This is the latest version here. What do you think ? I'm thinking on bringing this at FNM and local events but no higher.
thoughts ?
>burn bby burn
>nothing besides chalice on turn1
>RG land destruction featuring bbe and goblin dark dwellers and a green stompy list with ghaltas
Thread Q
>kinda. I don't like super long matches or reactive decks
w-what about souls sisters?
is that deck still a thing?
I still don't get why Tarmogoyf isn't Golgari.
Doesn't need to be. Monogreen gets plenty of graveyard-matters stuff, especially in Black-tinted sets like Innistrad. Future Sight was part of the weird shit block, so it got some stuff that bent the color pie a bit.
Because it was supposed to be 2G instead of 1G but they messed it up during development.
Also, back then there was much less multicolour in general outside of blocks specifically for it. I think it was only around Theros that they started putting cycles of gold cards in every set. So if a card could be black and it could be green, they'd actually weigh the two out and decide on a colour, instead of just saying 'fuck it, it's both.'
For some reason I expected them to do something with the card frame, given how they've changed the logo.
burds r the sux
Blood Moon on 2 is why this deck runs 7 mana dorks
>How do I properly insert artifact/enchantment hate into Dredge?
If you think you're facing Grafdigger's/Tormod's/Leyline/RiP then you bring it in.
>What do I replace?
Whatever was bad in the first matchup. You need to know how to play each matchup's hate cards against you as Dredge. There are times when you cut a Narcomoeba(against Scapeshift) and there are times when you need to cut Golgari Thug or even a Bloodghast. Most often it's safe to cut 1-2 Loam's in most matchups.
>When do I decide to draw?
If Dredging would serve you absolutely no purpose and/or you're down to 20-30 cards in deck and you don't need to hit Conflag/Amalgam's/Ghasts.
>Should I mulligan until I have artifact/enchantment hate in my starting hand?
No, if you have it then you have it but it's better to play a great opening if possible especially on the play. If they drop hate extremely early then you just end up playing a slower game and you may have to just hardcast your Stinkweed Imp and attack. I've had an opponent mull to 4 just to find Leyline of the Void against me and I just played lands and casted Stinkweed Imp's and attacked him.
>I can't really get this info from watching tournament footage. All commentators hate Dredge, the footage doesn't always start from the beginning of the match, and the matches are so one sided that I don't learn anything.
Read the Dredge primer on MTGsalvation, Raphael Levy's thoughts on his Dredge on tcgplayer and Zen Takahashi/Lee Shi Tian's input on their Dredge. Both Raphael Levy and Zen Takahashi have very divergent views on how they build and approach to playing Dredge but they are both solid viewpoints. I'm currently only Raphael Levy's list because I love the tech of playing Failure//Comply against combo decks.
>Opponent Burning Inquiries
>Smugly slams a turn 1 4/4
>You smugly slam a turn 0 4/4
how can you cast a creature on opponent's turn without flash?
If an opponent makes you discard Loxodon Smiter you can just play it. Doesn't matter if it's their turn
>Like the GW Company deck very much
>grindy creature based decks are threatened by UW control and Jund, both of which got a huge boost recently
>Humans surclasses it as a company deck anyway
Time for the return of Wilt-Leaf Abzan?
I fucking wish
>four fucking GTron in GP Lyon
>BBE Jund is $1,600
Come the fuck on.
You could smuggly slam down like 2 or even 3 4/4's if you get real lucky.
Why is he always so consistently based, and why doesn't even a single drop trickle down to his subordinates?
Pay the BG tax goy!
He's not in charge at WotC anymore since...I wanna say around Apocalypse?
If Affinity ever up and dies because they ban Opal cause they want Lantern gone would Burn even need Destructive Revelry anymore? I'm thinking if that happens Mardu burn could come back, Collective Brutality could be run in the sideboard for mirror matches, and Ensnaring Bridge could be cool in Destructive Revelry's place.
Myself for still being a noob.
Considering splashing a color. Maybe two Black shocklands for Push and Souls.
>Thread question
I like being in control, having contingency, and blowing out the opponent. UW gives me that.
Also I'm too stingy to go into any other color combo or make any other deck.
If they wanted Lantern gone they'd hit Whir, maybe Bridge. Ancient Stirrings if they wanna kneecap both Lantern and Tron for lulz.
Also Crackling Doom for Bogles.
Mardu Burn could just run Ensnaring Bridge to fuck with Affinity. It'd be better for Affinity than Revelry honestly.
Destroying 1 artifact < Dumping your hand so your opponent can't attack
Last set Richard Garfield worked on prior to leaving to WotC was Urza's Saga block I believe, presuming I think he left in 2000 or 1999. He did have a short stint coming back to help design a few sets and cards like the original Innistrad block.
Didn't he come back for Dominaria, too?
That's the first i've heard of it, if he's coming back to help design Dominaria set then that's a good sign.
Hey guys what should I put in Martyr Proc to not get bent over by Jace
Burn still needs Destructive Revelry against random Leyline of Sanctity across many decks.
Mana Tithe
If you're mono white you should have O Rings or Cast Out in the main anyway. In the sideboard, run Hex Parasite and Pithing Needle. Singleton Cavern of Souls is also nice against control. UW is always going to be tough, though, and Grixis will get you in games two and three with their grave hate.
>Burn will forever be attached at the hip with Naya because it can't ditch a single card
Yeah I guess O Ring effects and Parasite are the best I can do. Don't really like Needle it can't be tutored out. I guess I just pray everyone at my LGS jumped on Jund instead of Jace
Can't be helped, there's no Price of Progress equivalent or a Sulfuric Vortex in Modern which is why it always has to play Destructive Revelry.