
Belongs on /v/, /news/, or /pol/.

That said...

Poe's law in full effect here. I could tape that quote into an SNL sketch and nobody would notice.

The vast majority of DnD players are adults who will never breed, DnD is too niche to get scapegoated again. It just doesn't affect many lives.

I dunno, the hobby seems more popular than ever especially with how easy it is to play online

Daily reminder that neither guns nor videogames are correlated with violent crimes.

Cultural segregation / heterogeneity and income inequality are.

Yep, we all know. This talking point fell through more than a decade ago.

>Quick Google search shows it's in the same category as The Daily Mail

Yeah but somehow people still push it.
In my country we had some videogames be banned. Politicians also enacted heavy gun controls. Meanwhile our homicides climbed to over 60,000 a year, with only 2/3 of the US population.
Somehow, people still cling to these beliefs.
Certain religious segments also condemn things like D&D.
It's absurd, frankly.

They reported it first, looks like. A couple of places have video. He said it.

I wish he didnt. But he did

In the late 1800s people blamed violent crime and loose morals on Ragtime music and penny dreadfuls (pulp horror booklets). The more things change.


You could've at least posted a tabloid dude.

Starting to wake up to how much of a shameless scapegoater he is, eh /pol/? Let's talk again in 2020.

>correlation means causation xD
Another tard for the shitpit.

I don't doubt he said it, but it's a fucking tabloid rag and should be treated as such.

It's now higher because new doom has been forged

I'm sorry you're too enlightened by your own intelligence and can't enjoy simple dumb jokes like us common folks anymore.

You know what I meant.

Oh no, I noticed a long time ago. I just hoped being president would mellow him out a bit.


I believe the point of the graph is that correlation is NOT causation.

You have the arguably most violent games ever made correlating with a massive drop in crime. The argument isn't made that they CAUSED the drop, but the argument is made that the two are totally unrelated, because their data doesn't even correlate, let alone show a causal relationship.

>I wish he didnt. But he did
The important thing is that you finally realized being a cheerleader for a billionaire celebrity doesn't actually cause you to benefit in any tangible way.

*millionaire. He just wants to be a billionaire.

>I wish he didnt. But he did

Do you mean that *gasp* a reality tv star with no political qualifications or any accomplishments of his own aside from getting his daddy's money is an ignorant blowhard who has no idea what he's talking about!?