How do you do a female villain that's funny?
How do you do a female villain that's funny?
>make a villain
>make it female
>make her funny
Do we need to teach you how to take a shit, too?
This shit slays me.
Make her ugly/old so that people have to actually judge the character
Be funny yourself
you don't, since I'm assuming you aren't a very funny person
Evil Liz Lemon
In order to make a villain funny the character itself has to be funny.
As in, that's the main trait, not being a villain.
And to do that you need to understand "funny" which you clearly don't otherwise this thread wouldn't exist.
Why is she titfucking a fake missile?
Also why does the aircraft have rank?
I didn't realize the Marines were here, normally we'd just be looking at her tits and not asking silly questions.
Women can't be funny
And here's exhibit A, the typical "quirky" woman.
You seem fairly new.
The missile represents my penis, she has a rank because getting titfucked by my superior makes me horny.
>Equating your dick with a dummy missile
Zannen Onna-Kanbu Black General-san
make her tell funny jokes or anecdotes
make her very clumsy and boisterous
To make someone funny and dangerous at the same time, it's important to balance out knowledge and power with a degree of basic incompetence, it makes the players cautious, but without commanding respect.
You can also make her 20 cm-tall.
Something like that.
that is a good song, but that character is not fun nor funny.
Her design plays a huge part in this. Not sure her giddy childlike attitude would work on its own, it might just come off as annoying, but her ridiculous outfit gives viewers something specific to point at and mock.
By "funny" do you mean "witty" or do you mean "risible"?
Cause awful attempts at witty banter can be risible.
This is the slut elf girl pure orc dad artist isnt it?
>By "funny" do you mean "witty" or do you mean "risible"?
adjective, funnier, funniest.
providing fun; causing amusement or laughter; amusing; comical:
a funny remark; a funny person.
that aside, the character is not funny, remove the visual elements and you have a literal bitch. If you make a villain based in her all you will have is a pompous prick villain not a funny one.
>Cause awful attempts at witty banter can be risible.
In order to have a funny banter the subject needs to be absurd enough for it to be risible and that can only work 2 or maybe 3 times and again that does not makes the villain funny, it makes the SITUATION funny.
Gets really mad or really giddy about very trivial things. Overreacting. Overcompensating.
It's important that she gets visibly emotional about it too: A villain who coldly kills off minions on a whim may come off as stupid, but not funny. A villain who throws a temper tantrum and kills off minions, now that can be funny, especially over small things.
Yup. The series he started after axing elf slut.
I don't know about funny but she is cute and terrifying
then you've got two options: either an over-confident villainess who could succeed through brute force but constantly fucks up along the way and can be easily outsmarted.
or an insecure villainess who knows she's not really up to snuff and gets super upset whenever things start going wrong for her regardless of her actual chance of success.
you can also combine both
Make someone who's capable of putting on a terrifying presence, but has a sense of humor.
I wonder how well just doing Bowser but as a woman would work.
Not gonna work. It'll only make her appear cruel and won't make anybody laugh. Just like in your example.
you can have a villain be a charismatic character that twists some of the things the characters or other npcs say just in order to gain cheap laughs too.
you can literally have a female groucho marx be the villain so i don't quite understand why you would pick the boring route.
So much this.
Yeah. This is his 'real' series, though.
The implication is that he is not looking at her tits because he is a gay.
This is the one he gets paid for. It's basically the same concept, except there are other characters and they are also very cute.
Lord Hater was better written and funnier.
You could even just genderswap him and he'd be exactly the same
Because it's the efficient route.
Mocking the characters might be funny from an outside perspective (like when you're watching a Nightmare on Elm Street film) but the players most likely won't find it funny cause they might perceive it as a personal offense.
Players can totally have a sense of self-derision but it's better not to force it onto them with in-character banter.
I think unreasonableness is a great way for villains to be funny; have them expect the most ridiculous stuff of their minions.
>What do you mean the paladin turned your undead? Just like put on some sunglasses or something, gawd!
Pomp is also a great way to set scenes involving the villain as humorous, make it so she has someone announce her or throw petals at her feet when she enters a room and then again when she enters the next room and the next and so on, then if she or the bugler or whoever makes a mistake (and obviously she is going to make a mistake) have her drop her whole dramatic, OTT persona/performance and be like
>No, wait wait, we rehearsed this, we're getting it right
and then soft-reset her entrance.
Watch to around 52 seconds for something similar.
The love-struck female villain is a bit cliche and your players may not like being the subject of her affections >imfuckingplying, but if you think you can get away with it or have an NPC to take the heat instead, it can still work. In fact, maybe you have a Prince or someone who wants the party to deal with his comically ineffective stalker, who hides inside suits of armour outside his bedroom or curses his other suitors to have big warty noses or tiny tits (or big tits if the prince is a connoisseur)
Pic related a shit, but maybe she can give you some inspiration.
That one time the retarded CG space """"hero"""" met the CE villain and was surprised.
The missile is between her tits because all the F-22's missiles are hidden inside the body, duh
Wander was pretty damn brilliant, it's a shame it has so many dud episodes
good ideas overall
Write a funny villain, then make them female
Make him a woman
Nah that's not the efficient route, it's the boring "play it safe" route, "mocking" the players literally makes them feel that the villain IS a villain and chances are a verbal comeback in character from them will ensue, what you are doing here is assuming your players are boring shmucks not willing to roleplay outside a cookie cutter sheet.
If the players don't find it funny is because the jape wasn't funny, which means YOU are not funny.
in resume: if you want a funny villain you must know how to be funny first.
>if you want a funny villain you must know how to be funny first.
or know how to come up with funny characters, which you call the easy route
Like what says. You can choose to make her knowledgeable, powerful, but largely incompetent.
OR, you can choose to make her knowledgeable, powerful, and also deadly in a comedic sense.
Someone already mentioned Paper Mario, but this opening was a good scene here:
If you can learn how to make a character who is deadly, but in a sense where her strategic planning and cunning is combined with her general silliness, who knows. Maybe you can make it work.
>or know how to come up with funny characters, which you call the easy route
Are you daft? if you want to build a funny character you DO need to know how to be funny.
>cursing folks with big tits
a m a n o f w e a l t h a n d t a s t e
if you're against her then she is sure as shit a villain, the damn thing is called "The Saga of Tanya the Evil"
Tanya is fucking hilarious.
being evil is not mutually aligned with being a villain, being a evil/ruthless main character means being exactly that, an evil or ruthless main character. In order for Tanya to be a villain she would have to be the nemesis in the story.
>cute and terrifying
as it should be, as it should be
maybe, but if you put your party up against her then she'd be a phenomenal villain.
I find when normally super serious characters say or do silly things it is made more amusing because of their seriousness, so I would go with that. It shows the character is a goof without making them seem incompetent.
>It shows the character is a goof
>Goofy is the main villain of the campaign
>He doesn't even try to be the villain he stumbled his way into it
>He is so powerful by accident the whole country is after him
I'd play it. hell I'd play a campaign around him donald and Donald's nephews just fucking shit up wherever they go through incompetence (Goofy) anger management issues (Donald) and just being little assholes (Donald's nephews) and it's our job stop things from getting bad enough that all of them get lynched. We're hired by McDuck to keep them out of trouble, or at least get them back to him in one piece.
The original Japanese title has no implications of evil though, the literal translation is just "Little Girl's War History"
Scrooge is crazy strong, but Donald is the real monster.
apparently the plot is body swap isekai Black Adder of all fucking things?
If Ian Samson's "Bowser Bliss'd" comics are any indication, pretty dang good.
Asshole atheist Japanese Sariman diues, meets God, tells him to fuck off, gets punished by putting him into a little girl's head.
He immediately turns her into Magic Hitler.
I don't know how I feel about that humanlike look, I think Bowser's "huge, spiky teddy bear" aesthetic is part of his charm, but that might be worth looking into anyway.
That sounds incredibly stupid. But I can see why people would wank to it.
Brutally efficient Japanese sarariman gets truck'd(train) and a g(G?)od moans about how there is no faith. Sarariman tells him to fuck off, so the deity puts him in pre-WWI Germany but with magic and makes dude a minor messiah. Dude says "Fuck that noise" and decides to use his(now her) magic power to fast track him(her)self to an officer job in the rear (plus becoming nobility). Misunderstandings keep her constantly on the front line and now little girl is now the most feared soldier in the world because both fuck-off huge magic ability plus making war 'modern'(acceptable casualties) and efficient.
But, hey! Don't worry! Now there's a worthy antagonist for our heroine! Three miracles were given to Man to stimulate Man's faith and [see pic attached, spoilers for latest(?) chapter]
>Antagonist is literally called Mary Sue
The ending is gonna be so fucking disappointing.
Holy shit, it's like the opposite of quality. Are they hoping it horseshoe-effect's its way into being good?
God I can't wait for tanya to kill her
Well, in this case the original premise was "What if the guy from Darkstalkers used Midnight Bliss on Bowser", so it makes sense that he only vaguely resembles his normal self.
Ms. Lint from THE TICK!
She's intimidating but constantly flustered by the side effects of her powers
>from my point of view the Empire is evil
You are lost.
Make her over-the-top, but delivered in complete deadpan. If she sets out to do something ridiculous, make sure she does it.
Never make it apparent how "funny" she's supposed to be. Never pause after something that you think is funny.
Consider giving her a "straight man" underling. Do not make this character snarky, do not give them excessive commentary, they are just a normal person trying to survive working for this woman. People do not mock or back-sass their bosses in real life, unless they want to not be employed anymore. Perhaps they question their boss about something actually being possible, but nothing more than that, and only use something that intense sparingly.
Avoid directly taking the piss out of her yourself.
Avoid "Random". Irrational, yes, but things should generally follow some train of logic, even if it isn't exactly good logic.
Remember, she's funny, but not a clown.
Your best friends are a schizophrenic combination of too much, and not enough detail. Some shit she just does, no question, no argument, other stuff she does in an over-elaborate fashion, with little middle ground.
Your second best friend is intensity. Remember, she's completely dead serious about the ridiculous shit she does. Making her overreact to minor details can help drive this home, but exercise restraint.
Another key element, that shouldn't be too difficult to emulate, given that you post here. Occasionally blur the line between her being properly self-aware, and her being completely genuine. Never, ever make it clear that she's aware of what a jackass she is, but occasionally pepper it in. Keep your players uncertain.
You need to balance the sheer level of in-your-face she has with subtlety. Never "be" funny. If something happens to turn out that way, so be it.
>Remember, she's funny, but not a clown.
>Remember, she's funny, but not a clown, unless she is actually a literal clown
Underrated post
He WAS a woman first.
It's not very creative or original but I'd do a talkative idiot. Skillfull and possibly very deadly but unlucky as hell. The punching bag of the universe. I found out that silly overreacting gives players a chuckle so add that.
Now put the girl to work. Give her elaborate plan that explode in her face the moment the pcs look at her.
And once she's out of options, make her go "oh right, I could use brute force" and push players' shit in.
Then comes an afterfall of whatever she was doing before, the girl disappears in a blast or gets arrested. PCs get mad rewards, recognition.
Actually add to that friendly rival / hateful nemesis points depending on PCs approach.
Four sessions later, the party witness a ruckus about a crazy evildoer stealing the church bells for reasons unknown.
The bitch starts waving at them.
No. They were just both named after the same song.
I can see her as a warlock with Jack as he patron
sauce on that pic?
Make her an arrogant dumbass that gets bullied a lot after her plans fall through.
Make a character that is not as much evil as mischievous and the party just happens to suffer the consequences of that.
Not evil or actively trying to kill them so any party who immediately jumps onto the murder plan is a group of thatguys and then the question needs asking, "why would you pitch something so light hearted at a group of useless munchkin players?"
Give her giant boobs
This is where this thread should have ended
hi r9k
>Baker Street starts playing in the background
Funny is how you get shit like Critical Role and Heroes and Halfwits.
post a wojak next, soy or brainlet
Bards tend to perform well as amusing villains. Also have her commit comically evil acts rather than just plain evil ones, instead of murdering everyone in a village she inflicts a curse of fatness upon them.