Post your stories, decks, cards, whatever! Just keep it legacy related.
MtG Legacy
Other urls found in this thread:
>Thinking about investing in a legacy deck
>Looking to play Zoo
Pretty decent deck right?
No. Play eldrazi stompy if you wanna stompy
What wrong with Zoo?
Recently bought miracles ready to drive 14 hours to SCG Worchester and go 0-4 drop
When was the last time it put up a result? Why play a turn 1 3/3 when you can play a 3/2 with flying? Or a shit ton of endless ones and mimics
Combo decks are the fast decks in legacy. You MUST be playing stuff like Thorn of Amethyst/Chalice of the Void or you will just lose to Storm/Reanimator/Elves.
That's the best plan I've ever heard, friend. Do it and report back to us about how it went. You never know, you might go 1-4!
Will do user. Just make another general This weekend so I have somewhere to post. Played it in a challenge in Indy and went 3-1 but I played against garbage stoneforge mystic players in the rounds I won so I got no relevant testing done
I don't know how you lose with this deck. I've only beaten it with tin fins or really silly sideboard cards like choke.
>Be me
>Local store makes lots of modern and standard events
>Don't care about standard that much, but dig modern a lot and have 3 decks for the format
>Pretty much go each week to the modern event
>Suddenly, owner of the shop starts running weekly legacy events
>Know the format is full of insane turn 1-2 combo and blue Force of will + Daze deck so ignore it for a while
>Have a burn deck with goblin guides, eidolons and fetches for modern
>Just need a playset of three/four cards to make it legacy
>Upgrading costs 40$
>Test the deck
>Can kill turn 3 about 30% of the times, but usually close games turn 4.
>Bring the deck to the event
>About 10 people here
>Talk with a couple people about shit and stuff.
>Aside from one noob and me, all players have full-fledged thousand dollars tier 1-2 legacy deck
>Couple of close games, but do pretty well, especially for a first time
>Most people have poor or no sideboard at all against burn
>Finish 3-0 with only one game lost out of seven.
>Pretty happy, win 60$ in store credit
>MFW I won the event with a deck that costs less than one dual land.
What are some shitbrews you have made or want to make but don't think they will actually be good. I've thinking about making some kind of Temur/WURG midrange toolbox thing
I have a brew that shits on basically every combo deck and does decently against most other decks, and PoP is one of the scariest cards to see. It's just so good.
I know, this card is fantastic. All "good" decks run nonbasics almost exclusively so I often hit for 6-8 damage.
At the very worst, I'm facing a mono-colored and/or budget deck and side them out for game two for better stuff. I still run a playset main to this day
I made a UR deck (which apparently some other people decided was good too) that's basically just PoP and some other cards. I've won games just by casting eot price then snapcaster price.
>Snapcaster on Price of Progress
Shit, now I want to play blue.
>Volcanic Island is 400$+
Of course...
On the plus side you only need 2-3. You generally want 1 VI and then just basic islands maybe 1 mountain.
I just really like the creatures you play in zoo is all
Not looking for a tier 1 deck, just looking for a fun tiered deck that still wins games
finally a legacy thread.Feelsgoodman to be at home.
Long time Turbo depths, D&T and esper deathblade owner here btw. Currently brewing my long time wanted WGU enchantress (need a 4th serra's sanctum.. theses fuckers aren't cheap, wonder if i will simply fit in a crop rotation instead as a cheap alternative since i run karakas too).
If someone is interested in sexy RL qts, i'll take pics and post the ones i've recently acquired to bump the thread.
cheers lads
Is affinity still good in legacy or is there too much artifact hate?
For a second I thought you meant you were going to post lewd pics, but obviously you meant reserved list cards.
IT'S FUNNY THAT YOU MENTION THAT. A few months ago I made an "affinity" brew that has been doing VERY well for me online. See
I sort of wrote an article about it on reddit, but I've made a few changes to the list since then.
That said, you will randomly run into shitlords playing main deck fiery confluence, but you just tell them to fuck off and never see them again since it's like 1% of the meta.
>main deck fiery confluence
man Dragon stompy have been so much improved since this card have been printed, it really became a tiers1 deck (i speak for the 4x bridge main versions with chandra ToD + koth as finisher).
i want to build the deck since the print of the card but it's so boring to play with/against... legacy players love interactions and doing stuff (hopefully).
>but obviously you meant reserved list cards
yes haha,sorry to crush your hopes, is pic related considered lewd in today's standards?
Burn is a serious deck man and people forget that legacy burn is actually cheaper than modern burn.
I'm still trying to find a good The Cure build. The white version is a lot smoother, but I really feel like it needs Beserk.
>starting running 3 big poxes
>winrate increases
how much is burn? IIrc no one in my lgs plays it but then again I don't go to my lgs very often anymore. fuckin one dnd group can't play at home and have to shout all the fuckin time.
The burn deck that took 5th place at SCG classic Columbus was $731, while the modern burn deck that got top 16 in GP Lyon costs $826.
The big thing is the mana base, legacy being mono red means you just need ten fetches or so to optimize it, but modern plays fetches and shocks.
Most people prefer just all mountains, actually. You can run fetches to make searing blaze and lavamancer better, but you are not required to play fetches.
>play deadguyale
>start wishing I could ponder every turn
playing a blue deck in EDH has gotten me addicted to cantrips
>rip in peace top
You can get a top tier burn deck for under $500 user. Don't be a tard and use scalding tarns when there's three other red fetches.
Also forgot to add the dude had three ensnaring bridges in his sideboard. which isn't at all a sideboard staple of Modern burn.
I want to eventually play Mud Stax, what cheaper deck shares the most pieces with it? I'm looking at mono-red prison.
$100-$200 unless you meme with fetches.
>Volcanic Island
Doing 2-4 damage to yourself does not matter when you are literally killing the opponent in the process.
Yeah ive tested it against dnt and storm and both seem unlosable once I'm able to sideboard. Tested against my homie who's and invitational legacy finalist. Delver seems easy they can't beat snap swords or terminus. Sneak and show rough I havent tested other mus but I have a sideboard guide from the miracles discord I'm hoping to carry me
hi i'm death & taxes guy, and this is JACKASS
Burn can never beat storm sneak and show or a resolved cb. But if your local meta is deathrite shaman your fucking winning
still have my foil playset who worth nothing now.
I feel bad when I'm playing reanimator and run into burn. They have NO CHANCE.
>MFW I won the event with a deck that costs less than one dual land.
Are most duals really $300+ now?
Leylines :^)
>sneak and show
Ashen Rider :^))))))))))))))))
Leyline of the Void ;^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Cast Show and Tell. Put down Griselbrand.
This. Modern burn decks that are over $500 cost that much because of Scalding Tarn and Ensnaring Bridge if it's in the sideboard. 4 Wooded Foothills, 4 Bloodstained Mire, and 2 Arid Mesa works perfectly fine and top 8s a lot.
also never lost a single match to burn with turbo depths, feelsgoodman
I know that guy from the scg circuit. He got the bridge idea from Arya Roohi. Guy has many top 16 and 32s with burn he can't catch a top 8 break. Good guy
Wow dude deck with no results outside of locals sounds unstoppable go with Worchester with it bud
How unlosable is the delver mu with depths? Thinking about picking it up as a second deck down the line. Had a 50 person local legacy tourney. Like 40% of people at the shop play deathrite.dec and we had 3 depths and a lands in the top 8 due to this
depends if the delver in question run stifle or not, if no, it's 95% unlosable. if yes... well it's a lil bit harder, around 60% for canadian threshold
i play the deck since thespian's stage have been spoiled, tried all versions possible (i'm the guy who pushed hard for safekeeper while everyone tried to meme not of this world), and desu the winrate is about 85% (the other 15% is storm, the matchup is almost unwinnable unless you decide to put 15sb card dedicated to it) globally if you know how to play it right, this deck is simply the best in legacy rn. (and i play 4drs in it :3)
bridge is legacy tech, bro. it's been around for years.
>playing "tin fins" against show and tell
>game 2 my opponent brings in grafdigger's cage
>did not expect this at all
>well, I'll just get him with his own show and tell
>make sure to therapy all of his omnisciences
>nobody is drawing anything
>burning wish for show and tell
>know he has 2 griselbrands and emrakul in hand
>hardcast griselbrand next turn
>he casts show and tell
>draw 7
>we both put down emrakul
[karakas intensifies]
1 Sylvan Library
3 Abrupt Decay
4 Bayou
1 Bojuka Bog
4 Crop Rotation
4 Dark Depths
4 Deathrite Shaman
2 Expedition Map
1 Ghost Quarter
2 Inquisition of Kozilek
1 Maze of Ith
2 Pithing Needle
1 Duress
1 Sejiri Steppe
1 Snow-Covered Forest
3 Sylvan Safekeeper
4 Sylvan Scrying
4 Thespian's Stage
4 Thoughtseize
3 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
4 Vampire Hexmage
4 Verdant Catacombs
2 Wooded Foothills
SB: 2 Golgari Charm
SB: 1 Abrupt Decay
SB: 2 Mindbreak Trap
SB: 1 Dread of Night
SB: 1 Karakas
SB: 1 Pernicious Deed
SB: 2 Pithing Needle
SB: 1 Duress
SB: 3 Surgical Extraction
SB: 1 Swamp
my list since the SDT ban for reference (before i was playing a transformational sb with x1 cabal coffer, x1 eye of ugin and x1 rakul, it was a lot of keks to beat miracle going for uncounterable infinite turns thanks to karakas)
*safekeeper, crop into quarter and pithing blocking your path*
not so fast mister D&T
What does deathrite add? What have you cut to make room?
>against reanimator
>sideboard in silent gravestone
>he has reanimate in his opening hand
>draws into exhume
>cast entomb in response
>he quits
it add everything, it's DRS bro
i cutted the petal/SSE package
and by everything i mean everything, it hold lackey all day long, protect you vs rea if you are otp, perfect vs lands, win you the mirror when you both have lage out, it's grind you wins alone, and the worst thing who could happen to the deck is waste on depths > surgical, so it add a layer of protection by exiling your own depths
Have you tested normal vs your version? Like how have mus changed. Just curious. Also I'm new to legacy what would you say top 5 decks in power and meta appearance are rn?
Whos going to go seattle? Ant player here, thinking about running grixis delver because i just dont think storm is that good enough of a deck in the meta anymore, which is discouraging. That said ant is my pet deck and im several magnitude better with the deck then with delver, so idk. Im also building d&t.
I guess lands normally would be awful and they board out p fire. But you like psych nigga exile loam. Also who the hell even plays lackey is not 2005
>don't know if I should play DnT
>or give in and play blue
lands is one of the best matchup possible actually
you lose a little bit of speed (which doesnt matter, i don't hesitate to take the control player seat, to be 100% sure i can go off safely) for a better late game and more options against fringes stuff who can go wrong (maindecking 3 decay help a LOT for this)
DnT is a lot of fun and is the best teacher to become a good player because you have to adapt your strategy to everydeck you face, but the mirror is the definition of cancer
So what are depths bad mus? And what would you say top 5 decks are rn?
needle on the stack, i activate aether vial on 3
and losing time doesnt matter mostly because you are alrdy too slow compared to others combos decks, and faster than any midrange, whichever version you pick.
bad matchups:
Dragon stompy
d&t can be tricky if you aren't 100% used to face it
top 5 decks rn :
turbo depths ( :^) )
RB rea
4x bridges dragon stompy
special guest : 4c opposition (but none play it)
*sac my vampire hexmage to reset the counters while the vial is on the stack*
would you recommend playing the mono-W version? It looks more consistent and is cheaper, but I really want to play with a Magus of the Moon
>4 gaea's cradles
I would but I'd rather not put that much into magic at the moment
Cant afford cradles? Play d&t. MonoW has a more stable manabase and is still the more popular and successful version. Play rw when youve got experience playing monoW or when youre bored
I mean if you want to build rw taxes, youre gonna have to build to monoW taxes anyways.
So while we're talking about Christmas land, I'm just curious either of you play 3 card blind?
both versions are very gud, if you like this much magus and you alrdy have your plateaux, then go for it buddy, just be careful of vs which deck you land it, can be a pain in the ass to lose karakas in many matchups.
just took this pic, my d&t is taking the dust since too many years (the sfm playset got flashed hard, sorry for my photographic inexistant skills)
resolves. your go.
(ps: your turn to post your d&t babyru)
hexmage resolves, aether vial on 0 resolves, pithing needle resolves, you have priority.
(i'll take a non-potato pic of my deck in a minute)
here u go breh
i also have the stuff for moon tax ready to go but i don't really like that list right now. stock list is solid and reliable.
I just finished BUG lands, well mostly finished down 2 lotv's but its currently the greatest list i've ever played
Play pauper then.
Don't waste your money in zoo.
>Be me
>Play dredge
>Smell store has forgotten
>Blitzkrieg them 16-0
>Friend tells me everyone now brings 2-6 hate pieces
Never forget your grave hate, we can smell you.
Anyone else high tide here? I know its not the best deck but i like the way it plays
pls respond
What're some of the weirdest decks you've played against?
>When was the last time it put up a result?
*looks at tournament results*
...February 8, 2018? I mean... you could always look things up instead of spouting off your opinions like a retard. It's not hard. You do have the Internet available to you.
Any non-eldrazi Stompy, getting your shit pushed in by someone's Craw Wurm-tier pet card is fun.
You're right user I'm sorry I'm sure it's S Tier go ahead buy that deck and take it to an open or GP and win
Just found out Cockatrice can export to a few websites, so here's the legacy deck I play
The general strategy is to get the Dreadnought out quick and then protecting it.
It relies quite a bit on phasing both to get the creatures out (to get around their EtB drawbacks if i don't have a torpor orb) or to protect them from basically anything that gets thrown at them, which I doubt many people will expect. Torpor Orb can also really mess with the strategies of other people's decks.
I'm too poor to buy underground seas, but I'm getting a playset of the UB shockland soon and I'll replace the duals that are in there right now with checklands.
Any ideas for improvement?
Also needs a sideboard. The current one is just cards like Ovinomancer that I've thrown out of the maindeck
Post is a meme, but eats miracles alive.
I played post in a local tourney and lost to miracles in 3 it involved me not drawing threats and him having forces to protect jace. But yeah rough for miracles
That is rough. Which version of post do you play?
Does Vision Charm/Reality Ripple trick work with Eater of Days? I thought it wouldn't because you don't get the choice of "do this or the creature is destroyed"
No it doesn't, the creature still comes into play so the effect triggers.
One of those cards that give another card morph would though.
Whats a good starting build for Legacy Eldrazi?
Also I dont want to play FAg spirit guide