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>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
How does one make a proper WoD thread?
>New Geist preview
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>General Creation Kit
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
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Why is there no General from like 2am to 5pm?
Anyone have the version of OP's pic without the WoD writing?
Thread died, nobody bothered to make another one.
Reverse image search is a thing you know.
can anyone share the Tremere and Lasomba Clan Novel trilogies pretty please? I'll suck yo dick...
Yeah, but just wondering if there is a reason it is like that every day.
I guess we know this thread is mostly Americans, since it takes until like midnight britbong time before the thread is made.
Today's Geist 2e preview
I think its just the old person who normally makes these threads gave up on account of how raw dogshit things have been as of late. See also the OP asking how to make a proper thread, implying this is someone new
I am sitting in my office drinking nineteen year old scotch
this is what I do all day
It's ruining my life
You can start making them if no one else's made it already!
The threads lately have been particularly shit. You guys know why, it doesn't need to be said out loud to start it all up all over again.
Why are oWOD spirits so supreme and godly?
It's gonna be a long day today
tomorrow isn't going to be much better
I can hope for positive change, but I know I'll be disappointed.
I get the government check and get high
Last thread I asked you niggers if anyone wanted to talk Hunter.
You niggers ended up having a mage argument.
Can this general do any topic without it turning out like that?
I would talk about it, but I never played a Hunter.
Honestly I'd just like to see discussions that don't involve Mage, Vampire and Demon wanking.
I'm 42 years old and I fucked up every relationship I've ever had
Vampire is kind of the core game
The reason why the current state of /wodg/ is so overwhelmingly "shitty" rests solely on the one or two Masquerade fanboys throwing daily tantrums and/or bait purely out of spite for the Mage fags. It was brought up previously, but yeah, it's easily noticeable at this point -- some few new visitors arrived and immediately thereafter the shitboat took off. Clearly they weren't expecting any of this backlash and have been acting out accordingly.
I've long thrown out any inkling of hope, satisfaction and patience for this place. As long as there are obnoxious insecure Vamp spergs and bait devouring Mage fags there will be no curing rain. Making new threads certainly doesn't help the situation.
Hasn't /wodg/ been shitty for a year and half now?
Have you ever asked yourself "Why am I such a piece of shit?" ?
can I at least get Tremere and Lasombra Clan Novel trilogies before I'm driven off?
Yes, only now it has progressed into absolute diarrhea. For some reason nobody has bothered to flush this stinking pile of fecal matter. The survival of the general exists purely on the fact that these pointless power debates are technically still on topic.
we are so cucked
I have a question. Why is it in classic WoD that only Werewolves don't have a "negative" masquerade penalty? Vampires, you get hunters and eventually your own people coming after you. Mage, you've got paradox, hunters, your own people, the tech boys, and evil mages coming after you. Wolf? It's a Neuralyzer that serves as a virtual automatic win button against ordinary humans. You actually benefit by being loud with your powers.
better to write furfags out of existence entirely
Because werewolves are built to be entirely for combat. You've got vampire for social, mage for mental, and werewolf for physical. If werewolves didn't make humans stupid when they looked at them every werewolf would be dead in under a year. Everyone knows to shoot the shape shifting animal with silver.
We talked about Hunter for most of the thread though. That was fun.
Then they could just not be weak to silver.
I thought this shitty company was going to get it's shit together and start releaseing material more often than just one or two books every century.
Speaking of which, can somebody break down the Hunter factions for me? I've never read any of its supplements or lore.
Its because only werewolves attempted to genocide all of humanity, where as Mages generally want control over swaths of it and Vampires need them to eat. And the others never did anything of note.
The Garou still abide by the Litany, one of its tenants is that "The Veil Shall Not Be Lifted", breaking it will have you be prosecuted by a Philodox, if you fucked up greatly other than heavy loss of Honour you'll likely suffer additional drawbacks; there's also the Pentex, which is at least as influential as Technocracy, if werewolves fuck up publicly they'll ping Pentex's radar and be easy preys.
Vigil or the older one?
Either one.
Hunter is fun, user. You should give it a try.
It's got punching out of your weight class, encouraging the PCs to get creative, and being a WoD game that heavily encourages the PCs working together.
Just don't have Hunters fighting (and defeating) mages because Magefags will get offended and triggered, for them it's an inconceivable idea that a mage is a flawed human being and can lose
I'd play one, but my DMs never ran a game of it.
Witches work better for virtually every other gameline, not just Hunter. Mage is absolutely not designed for crossover.
I've had real fun fighting Witches, they're weirdly balanced compared to other monsters (being human and fragile but with a ton of powers). Plus they can be pretty strong if you build them right. I remember having to face down a Witch with all 5 dots in their time mystery, as well as 5/5 armor from her magic shield. Narrowly beat her down with a hand axe and grit, I was able to close the distance into melee before she could cast any of her real deadly magic.
It's figure skating, that sport couldn't be more gay if they were blowing each other on the ice
Maybe float the idea to them? Idk, every so often when I bring up Hunter here, I get someone who says they haven't played Hunter but is interested.
Am I crazy for thinking of getting together a Hunter game for the WoD veterans who haven't played it?
I hope they make a second edition of Beast, not that anyone else really likes it
Think my current DM options are just holding out for Hunter 2e.
Oh yeah, to the one other trinity user here, the preview tomorrow might come a bit later. I might wait till after classes to just make a thread for it separate since we know have the main meat of the system so I can shill
Here's hoping it's good. Mortal Remains gives me hope, but the recent direction of the devs...
Who's on the Hunter team again?
Have you seen the recent playtest? I don't know how I feel about their change to endowments. They are pretty much set up like conditions, but instead of being a negative it is a power/buff/positive. With the 'resolution' being the answer to when it turns off, or whatever. It is pretty strange, and I don't know if it is exactly necessary.
Anyone replying to this post is a troll.
Sounds like another CofD game that will be released incomplete and require a ton of development work from the st or player to use properly.
Monica Valentinelli, someone distant recent dev drama I believe. Could be pretty good, both Hunter and Geist have some pretty hopeful and drama-free developers writing it. Maybe Mummy 2e will be able to continue the trend?
Beast probably needs a 2nd edition more than Geist did at this point. It has all the worst aspects of the previous gamelines.
>Mage is absolutely not designed for crossover.
Might be not designed for crossover but it still doesn't mean there isn't even a single mage that's going to get his ass handed to him because of hunters or other supernaturals, you can use mages in crossovers, they're as flawed as everyone else, perhaps moreso in a way.
Does that make you a troll? What's wrong with that post?
You need to see a shrink if you don't think there are just as many fragile insecure mage fags who will take any chance they can get to rub it in everyone elses face how amazing mages are. The reactions to the nerfs in M20 are ample proof of this
Kinda pointless though, 9/10 chances are you're just baiting to keep it going as well
No doubt there are, a lot of the fights in these threads recently seem to be started by a small handful of vampire people. Though I don't necessarily see a reason to believe they aren't taking both sides trying to draw others in.
>The reactions to the nerfs in M20 are ample proof of this
omg mages were nerfed in M20, this is absolutely unacceptable! how could goatboy dare endager mage supremacy! so so dumb, fuck it, M20 is not even relevant am I right guys? #notmyedition
>taking both sides trying to draw others in
Wouldn't have been that bad if it hadn't worked all too often.
Our only hope is that some passage in contagion chronicle is somehow so well written on the topic of crossover in general that it makes everyone realize how dumb these arguments are and give them up
In reality its just going to make the place worse though.
WoD20 nerfs were shit in general, no matter the splat. Salty, assblasted, whiny players and thoushantfun ST(d)s need to die.
That's the beauty of Hunter. In Vigil at least (because that's the one I've played) there are a lot of factions, and three levels of play.
Tier 1
No factions. At this level your characters are just a bunch of people who figured out there are monsters, and are trying their hardest to not get killed and hopefully kill something in return. This is the tier where you are googling if garlic really hurts vampires and stuff.
Personally this is my favorite level of play, because it allows actual Horror gameplay in world of darkness, which can kind of get rare.
And what did we learn about crowdfunding from this mistake?
Tier 2
This level is for small groups that have a little bit of information, but mostly have a reason to be organized, and some national/international structure.
The original Compacts are
Ashwood Abbey - A bunch of drunks and drug whores who use killing monsters as their personal high. They go around like some skull and bones society, inducting people in with hunts, and generally almost being too crazy to be counted as good guys.
Network Zero - A bunch of guys on /x/ and r/spookystories who try to get real footage of monsters and promptly get dead.
Long Night - A bunch of Christfags who try to pray the evil away.
Loyalists of Thule - Former Nazi organization trying to make up for formerly being Nazis by collecting information about monsters and saving people when they can.
The Union - Truckers and other rednecks who actually put their second amendment rights to good use and kill monsters messing with their small towns.
Null Mysteriis - People who try to science at monsters, collecting what data they can and stuff (were they really in the core?)
Either way, there are some other Tier 2 groups that have come in later books, many devoted to certain monsters.
Like The Bear Lodge, who try to go out and hunt bigfoots (and werewolves), and the Maiden's Blood Sisterhood who are a sorority out to protect women from Vampires.
That it's making a bet rather than a stable purchase, hopefully. Way too many people forget the 'You are putting money into something not finished yet' part and just assume it's going to come out exactly as they expected.
If every oWOD splat acknowledged spirits are rightly superior to anything else and bowed down to their new overlords just maybe /wodg/ could be salvaged, we'd enter a new age of peace and prosperity, all conflict solved because everyone else would know their place
I learned that Phil Brucato is a scam artist who lies about what hes responsible for to look better and who also can't handle criticism or critiques of his work, much like his other contemporaries at the Onyx Path.
Tier 3
These are massive organizations that are generally, probably on some level as bad as the monsters they hunt. They span nations or the globe, they have levels and levels of leadership, and mysterious benefactors and stuff. They also tend to have powers or equipment that make them more of a match for the monsters they hunt.
The Ascending Ones - They do alchemy and do drugs that give them strength.
The Cheiron Group - Is a massive drug company that secretly collects monster bits for products. They use some of the chopped up bits to outfit their hunters to collect more monsters. Stuff like, getting werewolf skin grafted onto you so you heal faster, or vampire eyes so you can see better.
Aegis Kai Doru - They protect magical amulets and artifacts from the monsters that would abuse them, and they get to use some in the defense of the rest.
Lucifuge - Literally people with demon blood. So imagine that one season of Supernatural, but as a faction.
Task Force Valkyrie - Government special ops group with specialized weaponry for killing monsters. Or sometimes just big guns, because who needs a specialized gun to kill a vampire if you just have a turret on the back of a jeep. They have stuff like UV rounds, silver bullets, sonic cannons, etc.
This can be a fun level to play if you just want to wreck stuff and actually fight more than one of a monster. Tier 3 Hunters could, with planning, superior numbers, some casualties, and a lot of fun, take down a group of some creep.
sounds to me like there might be a bunch of fucking niggers or something
HtR also best played that way.
So task force valkyrie is delta green?
I know Vigil; not some of the new Japanese stuff, but I can cover a lot. Let's start with the small-time groups who aren't armpit-deep in the supernatural:
-Ashwood Abbey: the most elite social club you could ever belong to, reserved for those who have cash to flash and want to push the limits of human experience. These are the guys who'll invite a vampire to a party and drink their blood for fun, screw a fairy, or try and snort powdered demon bone before hunting a possessed for sport. Hardcore hedonists living a life of occult debauchery.
-Barrett Commission: the occult IRS, they're a Congressional Commission that investigates "abnormal cases of corruption" AKA Vampires and the like manipulating the government. Mostly bureaucrats with some Fed backup, they have to move carefully in their line of work; busting government corruption can be dangerous enough when the perp DOESN'T suddenly turn into a nine-foot-tall wolfman that can smash a car like a soda can.
-The Bear Lodge: Humanity, as it turns out, isn't the most dangerous game. Cryptids, werewolves, vampires... if it's a freak of nature, chances are the Bear Lodge is going to try and put a bullet in it; regardless of whether or not it can plead for its life.
-Division Six: a top-secret "normalcy preservation" unit that hunts dangerous "reality deviants"; people who can alter reality with their thoughts. In truth, they're pawns of the Seers of the Throne, used as disposable pawns against the Pentacle.
-The Hunt Club: Not a lot to say about these guys beyond that they hunt people for fun. Membership is generally limited to Slashers: serial killers who have developed occult powers.
-The Illuminated Brotherhood: LSD is the gateway to higher realms of spiritual experience; most of the time, this is bullshit, but these guys have figured out how to use hallucinogenics to actually TALK to the spirit world.
This what you're looking for?
Not that either are really that original of an idea, but yeah why not.
>any year
It's basically mortal for people who want magic powaz anyway
>Magic powers
Only a couple of tier 3 conspiracies get those.
And mortals don't make it their life's work to hunt monsters.
> (You)
>>Magic powers
>Only a couple of tier 3 conspiracies get those.
>And mortals don't make it their life's work to hunt monsters.
So if I make a mortal whose life's work is hunting monsters, I made a Hunter? There's nothing more to it?
So do hunter's try to maintain any form of secrecy? If so why?
>The Bear Lodge
Literally everyone would assume you went to some kind of gay meet-up if you told them you'd "Got business at the Bear Lodge", did nobody say at the meeting to decide the name "Yep, everyone's going to think we're a gay bar".
If we're talking Vigil, not really. Hunters can risk willpower, use tactics, have a handful of Hunter only merits, and not ALL of them obsess over killing monsters. But all of them take proactive measures to stop the supernatural threat, usually for moral reasons.
It fleshes out the kind of mortals that learn of the supernatural, and decide to fight it.
Who says it can't be a gay meet-up and monster killing club?
I like the way you think.
That's pretty close to what you get for a tier 1 hunter yeah. Hunter the Vigil is one of those lines that really leaned into the nWoD/CofD toolbox setting deal so there is a wide range of options presented in the book for different types of monster hunters.
What's a good party comp for a first time HtR campaign?
I am your requisite "I haven't played Hunter and would be interested". Because I would be interested in playing Hunter of either variety.
Because the organizations especially realize that Monsters have a lot of power (or in the case of the conspiracies, they benefit some from their existence, and aren't prepared for the full scale war and chaos if they out them).
Imagine you are some Network Zero loser, and you go hard on trying to reveal Joe Smith as a vampire.
Cool, but you have no video evidence (because Vampires), and now you are being sued for defamation of character or something. Then two days later you get Ghouled/Killed/Blood Bonded, and are never heard from again.
Yeah, no, better to stay quiet. Only share with your fellow hunters, or those ready to take up the vigil. Honestly, don't even always share with them because Susie Q has been acting kind of Vampire-y lately and who knows if we can trust her anymore.
You can only sue for defamation based on 'true' statements, "Vampire" wouldn't really hold up, that said, the vampire probably has enough money to ruin you with frivolous lawsuits you are forced to defend against regardless of merit.
>based on 'true' statements
What does that mean? Statements that could be true? Because isn't the whole point of like, a libel suit, that they claimed something was true and it wasn't?
Unless your point is that calling someone a vampire is too fantastical to hold up in court as something intended to be true.
No like, statements of fact. Given that the public doesn't accept the existence of vampires, you can't 'factually' state that someone is one. Its the equivalent of calling someone an asshole. 100% protected speech. That doesn't mean they can't waste your time and (a lot) of your money forcing you to defend against it in court.
NObody has yet mentioned the malleus malificarum.
The hunters for the church. You’re basically Van Helsing, or a Belmont. You use holy prayers and church rituals to bring people back from the dead, consecrate weapons, protect yourself, etc.
Is there an equivalent for other religions? I'm sort of tired of the exorcist/inquisitor thing.
I want to be like a hindu priest or something different for a change.
Honestly, I always forget they exist.
It has never really drawn me in.
Though, does their fluff give any possible reasons for their powers actually working? Is it actually pure force of will? Possibly just hedge-magic stuff?
Because we have a lot of 'gods' around, but Yahweh is sort of not in the picture.
I always imagine it's some kind of willpower - you know, the usual "faith gives you power, not the thing you've got faith in".
But that's just because I'm willing to bend fluff like that so you can have people who are super devoted to other religions or even secular causes still be able to smite you because they have enough belief in the spirit of man to overcome evil or the such.
JUst flavor it, my man. Use “mantras” instead and whatnot.
I can’t remember about the fluff. But I know the abilities are hella strong. For instance, you bring a recently deceased person back to life at the cost of them gaining a derangement.
How do you fix imbued items in Mage 2e without making them ridiculously easy to abuse?
Person speaks the truth and calls beast garbage on the opp forum.
Fucking otherkin mod go apeshit.
Fucking cesspit.
I think the reason Daveb hasnt spoken about how shit the imbued item rules are is he doesnt know how to fix them himself.
I would take a leaf out of ars magica and give items bonus dice if they are made from certain things. Much like a yantra for normal spellcasting or maybe free spellfactors.
What did he actually say?
How many likes did that mod fuck receive?
>Saying something bad about the game is disrespectful to people who like it
JFC they all need to neck themselves over there at OPP.