Adventuring Gear

What's so standard equipment that every adventurer (fantasy or otherwise) should have?

-Ball bearings
-Iron spikes + pitons
-Steel Mirror

What else?

Ink, Parchment, Quill
Oil, Tinderbox/Matches

A whistle. Literally my first game I ever played I took a whistle and it saved my ass.






Thats actually a pretty good idea
What happened?


At least one piece of metal cookware is essential gear, be it an iron pot, cauldron, kettle, frying pan or wok.

I was playing a ranger, and as part of a side quest we were on, we came up to a fort where bandits were stationed. Being the only person on the party with any kind of stealth ability, I went in alone and snuck around to get a sense of the situation. Of course, as rolls are want to do, I failed a stealth check and bandits caught me. So, I had my character shoot one of the bandits out of a watch tower, climb up there, spill oil on the ladder, and then he pulled his whistle out and blew it, which alerted the rest of the party, who quickly showed up to lend a hand before he was overrun by bandits.

Extra Waterskins
-Grappling hook
-Bag of sand
-Hooded lantern
-Spare rags
-Hemp Sack

Grappling hook where you can. You'd be surprise how flexible that item is.


As a side note, always have bottles or flasks of oil, not only did I use it for that ladder move, but later on I smashed a bottle into a dwarf sorceror's bear and set it on fire.






Give a man 5 days of rations and he can eat for 5 days. Give him a fishing rod and a frying pan, and he can eat for life.


Dunno why I quoted your post.


Thats all

Particularly true if you then dump him in the middle of your setting's equivalent of the Australian Outback...

+ A rucksack. How're you gonna carry this shit, boof it?
+ A mess kit. At least one pot for the group and one bowl and one set of silverware per person. Carrying silverware around was normal in medieval. For modern, they sell camping sporks for

Modern adventurers never leave home without a coil of 550 cord and a lighter.

Ten foot pole, probe every step, poke every stone, touch every magical energy field, with your ten foot pole before anything. maybe the pole breaks or disintegrates, but that's one less thing that might have fucked a character over.

At least on your point man, with a backup carried by another frontliner.

>Deuteronomy 22:12-15
>Thou shalt make thee fringes upon the four quarters of thy vesture, wherewith thou coverest thyself.
>If any man take a wife, and go in unto her, and hate her,
>And give occassions of speech against her, and bring up an evil name upon her, and say, I took this woman, and when I came to her, I found her not a maid:
>Then shall the father of the damsel, and her mother, take and bring forth the tokens of the damsel's virginity unto the elders of the city in the gate:

Odd verse choice, homie. Did you mean Deuteronomy 23:12-14?

>And give occassions of speech against her, and bring up an evil name upon her, and say, I took this woman, and when I came to her, I found her not a maid
Then you bury that douchebag. Makes sense to me.

Something you can reasonably carry for long durations.