Anyone who cant into Crypto should get into the Canadian Weed while they still can

Anyone who cant into Crypto should get into the Canadian Weed while they still can.

the start of the canadian golden age is upon us

Already got in two years ago, made a profit, but wish I didn't sell last year. I just got back in this week and I haven't seen daily gains like this since 2016.

have a free bump, my friend.
I got in before last years crypto boom in spring and was left bagholding till autumn. Have a few 200%+ positions now, not bad of a payoff for stocks.
But isn't canadian weed overvalued in the short term? And what about all the other countries that are planning/rumored to do it?

Tell me about it f a m

Went 30k in with aurora back in november, shits more than tripled F A M

Canadian dude weed is a meme. TRTC nigger faggots. Its retracing today before the next leg up. DD and you will see the longer term potential in terra tech than cancuckian companies truedoh will fuck come july

20% gains everyday for the last 3 days

when do you think the peak is????
I keep thinking its time to sell, but then it just rises again

>Invested in Aurora at 2.92 now at 13.50

Got up to 14.88 today

its getting dumped as we speak tho. I dont think its gonna be like Friday tho

Good stuff my man, I'm in Aphiria and a few others myself but not by much. Wish I had your o.o to go in with 30k

So which ones still have potential? Aurora seems risky. Canopy seems decent

Why wouldnt you hold out for the long run?

I'm holding WEED, ACB, LEAF, APH
and also HMMJ with is an ETF

keep holding on, when it gets closer to july 1 either jump ship or stay the course

what about ERBB?

I know I should but i have bitch hands
I'm used to my 10% annual gains, this is the first time I've bought any small cap stocks, not really used to 10% daily swings lol

MGW has started moving a lot lately.

my dad told me about this over christmas

hmmh, dont think this can match crypto gains

Think of it like the pre internet stock boom. Those that had patience benefited in the end. It hasn't even been passed yet and these stocks are running up.

lol stay poor cuck


fuck i only know how to buy crypto, how does a pleb buy stocks? help! Do they need a selfie of me holding my id? I don't get it

Robinhood if you're in the US
probably Questrade is the cheapest if you're in Canada

Most banks have their own stock app

You walk in and they set it up for you

Im from Finland and somehow they dont allow to buy some cheap ones from USA markets :(

I got 85 Canopy Growths at 34 CAD or something. Will hold this for 6 mo+

this is the route i did