Why is this a thing.
Why is this a thing
I don't know either user there's already another thread.
cause le nerd games xD
Soylets love it since they don't have games of their own and live vicariously through these people.
There's often a soy thread on Veeky Forums even that talks about their soy levels and what soy products they'll consume on the current episode.
No joke.
Wizards marketed to the lowest common denominator and it worked, now there's other people making money off these dumb cows that moo when a natural 20 happens.
Stranger Things was a mistake.
The buzzword gets really old really fast if you use it 4 times in a 2 and a half sentences post.
To add to this D&D and if not most RPG's let you express yourself in totally wacky ways! to which these types of people love to do. I want to play a different system or at least and older edition of D&D like 3.5 but everybody I know only wants to play 5E. Only got one other guy who won't mind playing 3.5 and he is a long term gamer. Everybody I know at my table just got into RPG games and yes they are cringe as hell.
>dumb cows that moo when a natural 20 happens.
I don't really follow this show but I've watched a few episode and I don't get this meme at all. When someone rolls a natural 20 there's a collective "Hey, alright, good roll!" and they get on with things, just like any group invested in their game would do. I don't understand why people make it out like they flip their shit.
So your problem is that the DM does too much unbelievable exceptionalism with natural 20's? Honestly asking because I've never been able to sit through an entire "show" of other people playing D&D in any of its iterations.
It sounds like you are trying to make something that's just about an uninteresting show format into something about your immagined "hated rival, " if this were a decade ago, you'd find some way to make it about GiaOnline.
Matt mercer is an amazing DM and all of you who hate on critical role are just jealous that nobody else will ever care about your stupid setting.
Niglet you can stream fucking anything. Welcome to the modern era fuckers.
Because people will watch. Welcome to market economics.
Fun things are fun, Veeky Forums hates when something is popular. Look at all the kneejerk wankstains that will find each and every reason they could get to hate it.
>t. soy flavoured soylets
Because when things become popular the old guard is left behind to appease the new fans destroying the original spirit of what they once loved. Then the new fans leave for something else thats shiny and what is left behind is either dead or the old fans have to start rebuilding.
I didn't like last seasons critical role. I do like this one. I hate that those fuckers scream about natural 1 or natural 20 on skill checks though.
>cool attractive people like a thing I like
Found the new fan pretending to be an oldfag
Mostly for the guest characters.
Its nice seeing those celebrity types try acting out their characters and getting wrecked/pulling brilliant shit.
fucking hipster
Whenever anyone complains about celebrating nat 20s I'm just like wow I hope they never find out about bowling leagues because they'll have a fucking aneurysm at all the high fives.
>haven't lived long enough for something they love to be reinvented as shit.
I miss being a child.
>not GaiaOnline
Are you new?
>being mad that people enjoy watching spontaneous theater
Think, user. That's all this shit is. It's a theater play with no script and all the actors playing off each other reacting to events as they come. If you can't understand why people would enjoy watching that, that's on you.
How is "something you love being reinvented as shit" because some people are streaming a show online?
You're still a child, dude.
>you should be slobbering at the feet of these brave womyn who dare to approach your silly babby games
Nah fuck off. I am so sick of this meme, promoted by Veeky Forums faggots who think that the hobby will die if we don't actively recruit every normalnigger with a passing interest in RPGs because they saw Stranger Things and some nat20 memes on Facebook? (Most of which were created by Veeky Forums, so they share at least some of the blame for the normo invasion). Look, I've been DMing for 10 years now. I've been responsible for bringing at least a dozen people into the hobby. But you know what? I taught them right. I didn't do this "lol anything goes as long as someone is having FUN" bullshit (and by "someone" I mean the normofucks whose enjoyment is more important than ours for some reason. Oh wait I remember the reason. It's because they are Wizards of the Coast's new target demographic). You fuckers have drank so much Kool Aid there's not gonna be any left. You are literally serving as paid shills for the largest tabletop gaming company on the planet, and you viciously attack anyone who points out that the quality of the fanbase is degrading as the game is casualized to pander to morons and normalfucks who "just wanna party, bro!" Oh and I'm not talking about making the game more complicated, fuck off with that strawman. I'm talking about shit like Critical Roll where the dumb-ass players treat the whole thing like a contest to be as "epic" as possible or some shit. That episode with the girl jumping off the cliff and not realizing how retarded she was, was funniest. I bet she thought she would have lived if she had rolled a Natural 20™.
But you're like 16 dude.
do u need a nap, user.
also this is now a Skaven thread.
Usually, when something is popular and generates revenue, it continues to exist, regardless of quality or if a minority dislikes it. That's how consumerism and capitalism works.
>Look, I've been DMing for 10 years now. I've been responsible for bringing at least a dozen people into the hobby. But you know what? I taught them right.
Alright, so, if you think that's the case... keep doing that? If you really think new people getting into your hobby is somehow killing your enjoyment of it then I don't know what to tell you.
Reading that hurt cause thats exactly how my old DM played. All this crazy dumb ass out there bullshit would happen or let players do said bullshit if it was funny or out there. And here I am wanting to do something for flavor reasons or do something a bit different and my GM will say no cause its not funny or epic enough.
>wahhhhh how they could hate muh youtube personalities!? ;_;
>furry faggot
>enjoys faggot show
this checks out
How ironic that you decide to post skaven when the hobby is being invaded by people who will also rip it to shreds
>posts on tg
>cries to their waifu pillows
>probably think Age of Sigmar is good
this checks out
The hobby already sucks because I have to share it with closet furries like you. The only thing worse than a furry is a furry who doesn't admit it.
>cool attractive people like things I like
Been playing games for a few yearts now, invariably when a game becomes popular the company does its best to streamline it to the new casual audience which ends up ruining the game.
Wow and league are pretty good examples of this.
WoW was always for casuals. It was for people who thought EverQuest was too demanding. That's literally what it was marketed as.
>makes things up because he's actually really hurt that people don't love his youtube stars
GW is retard bait on par with wotc
It's ok man. We know you're just pretending to hate GW so they don't think you like them or anything.
you seem upset and incapable of dealing with reality.
>WoW was always casual
Only after Wrath.
you seem angry. maybe some nice elf pictures will calm you down.
>so intellectually bankrupt yo literally just repeat what I say.
That's cute.
Why do you have so much gay art saved?
greentext means you're winning. would you like some more skaven art? or should I go raid beckjann's gallery for some sexy elf babes.
I don't understand how people doing a game somewhere else affects me. If I want to have fun, I do whatever is fun. If I want to find good people to share that fun with, I don't usually need to look far. That must be luck on my part. But even if Johnny Jackass and Sharon Shitstain are doing stupid bullshit with that same kind of fun somewhere else in the world, how should that affect me? When I want to have fun, I do whatever I think is fun without suffering that stupid bullshit. I don't play with Johnny and Sharon, I play with my friends. End of story.
>get btfo'd
>immediately try a new tactic
kids these days
>being this upset at people livestreaming something
Holy shit, get a life. Who honestly cares, this is the Veeky Forums equivalent to being a bitter old lady returning a single piece of fruit to a supermarket and demanding a coupon.
That's because you're mature and understand that other people can enjoy things that you like.
I don't get this line of thinking. How does people you don't like playing a game you like affect you? Nobody is forcing you to play with them
you're still responding to me, so I think you might actually be The Kid here.
Anyway here's more art.
Not him, but you're legit acting like a child
>type something stupid
>get refuted and btfo'd like the dumb fag you are
>I'm winning an argument!
You never said why you saved so much faggy art either.
You've really disappointed your parents haven't you.
Judging from all the use of the word soy in this thread, it's hardly surprising.
what did you refute
why are you calling things faggy
when did i say i was winning an argument
why are you still responding
On a certain level it is ok. Its when the company starts pandering to them that its a problem and WoTC loves to pander. People talk about whatever popular e celebs are playing or doing and wizards will take that info as something all the fans want or to reel in noobies even if the old fans are strongly against implementing those new ideas..
lmao what a dumb fag
He's such an oldfag, he still uses the memes and phrases of the early days of Veeky Forums.
And we are truly blessed to be in his presence.
more elves and skaven then i guess
Also the fact when every group I join is full of those idiots cause the game is marketed to them, yet again I shouldn't be playing D&D
I can't be bothered by some mainstream cheap entertainment, but I agree that hate towards something marketable is stupid, and pretensions faggots in this thread are laughable sekrit klub wankers.
But who the fuck would defend streaming? It's like praising Kardashians or cooking shows.
Aye, BC made some things for casuals, but the progression was fairly brutal and merciless past that point. A ragecuck-led crew of casuals forced to play hardcore hours would be murdered by the second raid boss.
>confirmed stupid fag
There you go pal, keep doing what you're good at.
More or less. I don't keep up with faggy new kid shit because it's made for gays.
That's why I keep calling them kids.
No adult would type like that.
This whole goddamn thread is cancer.
but you're still responding.
So is this whole damned site.
I'll teach anyone reading this crap something about internet arguments since I have no dog in this fight: not replying means you're winning since you're busy doing something more important with your life. That's the only winning you'll get in this place.
>how dare they popularize something I think makes me unique and different from the rest of those SHEEP THAT WATCH FRIENDS ON NETFLIX
it's a bunch of people with a passion for the game having fun with eachother and recording their experience to bring more people into the game.
I'm sure people would criticize your group as well if they watched you play.
I can type and read really fast.
I'm replying to 6 difference threads on 3 different boards you god damn brainlet.
jfc kids these days
or you're waiting for the cooldown to finish between posts
It was more brutal compared to its newer updates. But compared to such atypical things like EVE, mind numbing korean grinders, or oldies like Ultima - even vanilla is nothing.
Blizzard never made hardcore games, their primary design concept is plagiarising then making more accessible.
>takes time to reply
literally seconds on the phone
you people are god damned morons
That post was obvious bait. Veeky Forums is really the worst board at not taking the bait.
This is pretty true. My only issue is I have met people who think that Mercer is some ideal perfection all other DMs and game groups need to be compared to. Those people need to suffer for their sinful existence.
vanilla WoW was casual compared to EQ, this is well known and attested by players of both games back in the days of RoK or even PoP
>it's a bunch of people with a passion for the game
Theres a difference in doing something cool and geeky at the time and truly having a passion for something after sticking with something for 7+ years. If they stick to it cool, if they don't well then they didn't really care about it. I'm not saying they should stream for 7 years but they need to play the game or at least have an interest in whats happening. So we will see.
>reduced to images due to lack of brain power to form arguments
the soycycle is unfortunately very real
I just corrected myself, you idiot.
So because of the typo you are deluded into believing you have a higher ground?
You are infantile clown yourself, get fucked.
I mean not at all. Don't respond to stupid shit on the internet if you value your time. I apparently don't since I'm responding to you.
Retards that get butthurt over stuff like critical role most likely don't even play Veeky Forums stuff.
I have the higher ground because I'm a superior human.
Your retarded typing is just icing on the cake.
Yeah I agree. A lot of people expect DM's now to be like Mercer, and are disappointed when they aren't. Usually though, that can sort of? help with bandwagoners, because people who are interested in the game itself should stick around for the unique experience.
you think they'll realize we're the same person pretending to argue to keep this thread up to bait more people in?
>pretending to me
maximum soy
No, Veeky Forums is normally pretty good. Not great, but it's better than /pol/shit and soyposting.
That's when you tell those people they're being unfair. Everyone who's suggested I need to DM more like Mercer have reconsidered their position when I point out he's a professional voice actor with years of experience. Talking to people reasonably tends to solve most issues.
Yeah. Maybe they've always played the game and wanted to stream it, just never found the right time.
Perhaps they are capitalizing on this resurgence of newfound interest to have fun, spread it to a wider audience, and make some money in the process.
Or they could be sell-outs. Like you said, time will tell.
>THIS WEEKS DnD sponsored by Pepsi. Are you THE #LAWFULNEUTRAL of the #pepsigeneration #paladinsforpepsi
>pretending to not be me