>yfw the cunt no one likes is the MVP of the campaign so far
There is no justice.
>yfw the cunt no one likes is the MVP of the campaign so far
There is no justice.
Other urls found in this thread:
Just like real life.
Why are talented people so often assholes?
> Why are talented people so often assholes?
1) Because they can afford being asshole.
2) Because confidence is related to both.
3) Because talent comes from intelligence, and intelligent people confronted with people of "lesser intelligence" often become jaded.
>Marisha being the MVP
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
She looks cute
I really don't get peoples problems with her.
How's President Retard working out for you?
Because they so often have to carry the rest of the deadbeats on their shoulders.
She's the wrong combination of attractive and socially awkward that makes autists see her as an awful bitch.
You can see her get really hyped up during the show and say or do something dumb while riding the high, and then when she gets subtly called out or corrected she gets overly embarrassed and kind of shuts down for a minute or so. It's a kind of behavior people into RPGs might recognize from excitable players without a ton of self-confidence, but those players don't tend to be successful and attractive redheaded women so she doesn't get the same amount of slack.
While perfectly fine in her own right, she is almost objectively the least likable out of a group of talented and very charismatic people on a show Veeky Forums loves to hate, so she inevitably gets painted as worse than Hitler.
So she acts like a normal fucking human being but because she has tits that makes her somehow unlikable? 'Kay.
It's funny because she's still in the top percentile of D&D players I've ever seen or interacted with. A little awkward would be a blessing for most D&D grognards.
Fuck her and fuck you for defending her. DnD is a boy's club. We don't need that cunt sperging out at her bias-as-fuck husband and making the whole hobby look bad.
The big problem is people hate Keyleth.
Personally I'm OK with Keyleth. I didn't mind her trying to use spells that worked in Pathfinder in 5e and getting screwed, and the "we are Gods" leading to dying on the rocks at the bottom of a cliff was amazing.
Hey so I don't follow this show at all, but I saw art of a blue girl with a muscle back, anyone got that?
Not The Brave is the MVP of the show
>D&D is a boy's club
She kills babies though.
Reminder that if you hate Marisha you're a sexist pig
She almost got Nott killed by being retarded. Fuck that MVP shit.
Keyleth was awful as a character. She was self-righteous as fuck, saw herself as the leader and loved to give these rambling speeches that everyone was clearly too nice to say were nonsense.
Beau is much more Marisha's speed so far so I don't have near as much of a problem with her.
user, he probably plays online, or is unerageb&d, or he's been playing with the same group of guys for years, or, most likely, he's not a college student.
College RPG groups are a completely different ballgame. Sure, the majority of players are male, but I've always managed to recruit 1 female player no matter what. In fact the most current one joined today along with another guy from my Folklore class.
She cute, in that shy, nerdy, tomboyish way that isn't cancerous unless she's into anime and wants to play a Kemono race, despite the fact that we're essentially playing B/X.
>defending Marisha
We're reaching contrarian levels that shouldn't even be possible.
He's baiting.
No one baits on here. People always mean what they say on Veeky Forums and should be taken utterly seriously. The only difference is how retarded they sound when they say things they know are wrong, and thus need to be replied to and corrected.
Assuming otherwise would be non-autistic and make the board a better place, especially if everyone did it.
I do not, however the character in question goes by the name of Jester. She's a Tiefling Cleric that was described as, "a cute little blue tiefling," but has 15 STR, above average CON, and a positive CHA score.
I'm a eurofag and the idea of College gaming groups is utterly alien to me. OTOH I never had issues in finding female gamers. The number is still smaller than men, but there's been at least one girl in all my groups since high school (and that was a while ago).
College gaming is interesting to say the least.
It's incredibly easy to start a group. All you have to do is anounce you're looking for players for a D&D game and people hop on board. Hell, I managed to find 5 players for an ACKS campaign in two weeks. I could have made it two days if I was playing 5e though.
I'm out of the loop here, can someone give me a quick rundown of who Marisha is and what she does to be so hated? I've got a brief understanding thanks to , but it really just paints her as being a bit over excited, if a tad ditzy and not much else. Given the horror stories I've read in That Guy threads this Marisha chick seems pretty benign in comparison.
From what I understand she has that problem that on of the 3 Stereotypical Female Gamers have where she derails the campaign with her own story/ego/LOLrandumb bullshit.
It's a combination of "DM's girlfriend/wife" combined with a large disconnect between how Marisha is as a person compared to who she played in the first campaign. She's done a lot of dumb things with a character who had a 20 WIS score and should instinctively know not to do said things.
In the current campaign she is starting to improve, at least from a mechanical standpoint. The roleplay is still hit or miss, but I think she's starting to find a bit of a groove with her character (the female Monk in OP's pic).
>she acts like a normal human being
>thinking having no self-confidence and being so socially incapable that you just blurt shit out you can't actually do just to impress people in group situations is normal
That's called being socially autistic, user. Most people grow out of that before they hit puberty.
I'm an eurofag and our club is a sausagefest. I've played with women quite a lot and there one in my main group, but without counting her it's way, way far from "at least one women in all my groups".
>Euro user
>Plays in a club
We should stop importing the worst ideas from murrica.
In all seriousness though, I think the community here went to shit the moment we bought into the whole neckbeard geek culture from the US. RPGs have always been a niche thing, but when I was a kid the hobby wasn't filled with brony-tier social retards.
>Why are talented people so often assholes?
It's also possible you simply percieve them as assholes because you realize they're superior to you
Is there a way to watch the newest CR episode without subscribing to their twitch channel? Any archives or reposts?
>she has guys
Confirmed for never watching the show
Nott until Monday
>All the other players are talking about big voiceover projects they've currently working on together
>Marisha just has her head down and looks kind of sad the whole time until the game starts
That's the thing, Marisha is incredibly benign, and better than the vast majority of players people might actually encounter in their own games, but within the group she is the worst member. She has a tendency to get nervous and isn't that great at thinking of things on the spot compared to the others. There's nothing really that bad about her but she looks bad in comparison.
And since to a lot of Veeky Forums Critical Role is clearly the worst thing ever invented and is totally ruining D&D and RPGs in general, that makes her the most awful person in the world, just by virtue of being the easiest to find any fault with.
I got you senpai
Hey thanks a lot man, much appreciated.
>Marisha "still playing low Charisma on an averagely charismatic character" Ray
Fjord has been significantly more useful in every combat, AND his improv has saved the party a couple times.
Besides Jester is bester
Do you save every episode? How could I do what you do in case you're not around?
"tits," not "guys"
Why the fuck is mudblood in the pic and why should I care?
Oh wait, another shitical role thread.
No. Just no.
The only time they bring up her being """socially awkward""" is when it's relevant to her character. In the first campaign her character was supposed to be shy, except she would loudly berate complete strangers whenever she was in the mood to give a lecture on morality, and then at other times she'd put on this fake "adorkable" act. It was cringe as all hell. She fucked up multiple social encounters for the party. She distrusted a Paladin, but trusted a Mind Flayer. She tried to back stab a green dragon that was helping them because it wanted vengeance on the BBEG. She also fucked up a deal with the thieves guild to get access to their tunnels to fight the BBEG more easily, just because "but da thieves guild are bad u guize! xD"
And all of this because she wants to be the center of attention, it is the very core of her being. Like when she "swan dived" off a 1000ft cliff, cast a cantrip, wild shaped into a goldfish (instead of something that can fucking fly) then complained when she died from the fall. Similarly she set some poor gnome's house on fire by casting a high level spell without thinking.
Following on from that point she never fucking reads her spells. At least once an episode she has to ask what one of her spells does, or she argues with the DM (her husband) about it. The number of fucking times he had to say "Gust is only a cantrip, it can't do that" is ridiculous.
On the topic of being the DMs gf she has a bad fucking attitude, aside from arguing with him, she's also flipped him off when he's not looking as well as just generally been an unlikeable cunt. She may also have show up to live recorded sessions high/drunk too.
In the new campaign she's been mostly the same. She tried to "free" some little girl from some guards even though she was fine being arrested and didn't want to run. And she's pretending to be socially awkward with NPCs, and she still tries to be wise and intelligent when she's dumb as a sack of bricks
Not to fucking mention something she's done in both campaigns now, where she asks someone a question, they give her an honest answer, she insight checks them, confirms they're being honest, then still asks "but whats the REAL answer?"
She's just a profoundly stupid and annoying person. She should probably just play a Barbarian and stop getting in the way. That way she doesn't have to talk bullshit for 10mins trying to make herself sound smart. Like she did just a couple episodes into the new campaign where she was trying to say the towns guard were in on some conspiracy to frame the circus for a murder. She tried to sound aloof and knowing, and then when pressured by the party to actually explain why she thinks that she immediately just reverted to "shit man idk"
So maybe you people should send Geek and Sundry a letter, or send the person in question a e-mail saying that they're a cunt.
lel she cries harassment when people call her out on shit. Even when it's just said in chat so she had no way of seeing it at the time
This is why women should be banned and go work in the kitchen.
kewl bait
>The only time they bring up her being """socially awkward""" is when it's relevant to her character.
What? I was talking about her as a person, not her character(s).
She gets nervous, overthinks things and performs poorly under pressure. She makes many minor RPG or social faux pas that are somewhat grating but would be completely forgivable from anyone's own players, but they make people looking for something to hate paint her as some awful bitch.
>On the topic of being the DMs gf she has a bad fucking attitude, aside from arguing with him, she's also flipped him off when he's not looking as well
That just seems playful to me. Honestly Mercer does the same kind of stuff, he is fond of that sort of "Try that shit, I dare you, I'll sick a dragon on you" GM banter.
>She may also have show up to live recorded sessions high/drunk too.
Honestly I wish she would toke a little bit before the show, it would probably mellow her out a bit.
>What? I was talking about her as a person, not her character(s).
Exactly. You said she's attractive and socially awkward which makes people see her as a bitch. This is objectively wrong, she is not remotely socially awkward.
>She gets nervous, overthinks things and performs poorly under pressure.
It's not nerves, she's just that stupid. She makes plenty of dumb decisions even when she has a week between sessions to think about it.
>That just seems playful to me
Go rewatch the Kraken episode and try to call that playful.
>Honestly I wish she would toke a little bit before the show, it would probably mellow her out a bit.
You wish. I only spoke in vague terms because I didn't have a source, but I am still confident Matt mentioned on social media somewhere that yes she had shown up high/drunk and yes it was a problem he'd spoken to her about.
The audience consensus is she got wasted on something during the break of the Kraken episode as it happens.
She literally took a feat and they others thought the rambling speeches were funny, that’s why they continuously put her up to it.
Ranking worst to best:
>Most of the guests
>This is objectively wrong, she is not remotely socially awkward.
Could've fooled me, then, because she certainly acts it.
I can't imagine what your standards for your own groups must be like, because I know plenty of people with the same problems as Marisha and they make for perfectly tolerable players.
>he thinks she rambled because of the feat
Kek dude you know when she took the feat because they started getting buffs from it. She took that feat because her whole "arc" was about becoming a leader and taking that feat was as much effort as she was willing to put into that. You can see the look on Travis's face all through the Kraghammer arc every time she opens her dumb mouth to lecture the party on morality, then goes back to her "killing is fun xD' normal self
I want to help you user. The thing about beta orbiters like yourself is they never get thanks for the white knighting they do
I mean, you can make it about "muh females" if you want to, but you've got to admit the fact that Veeky Forums goes out of its way to hate on the cast member whose personality most resembles the average Veeky Forums user is pretty ironic.
>but you've got to admit
There was a thread about this a few weeks ago and someone nailed a really good reason to me why Marisha draws some ire, which is that she doesn't really roll with the situation as much as the rest of the cast does. She'll try to redact things or compromise with Matt instead of taking things at face value.
Sure, she may mess up spells from time to time, but Sam is guilty of it as well, like often slight general spoiler forgetting how invisibility works. Yet, he receives little to no hate. Particularly because he accepts the mistake and moves on. Marisha more often than naught asks for an explanation or tries to reason with Matt, explaining what she intended as opposed to what occured, which often breaks the pace of the game.
Does it slightly annoy me when she's argumentative with Matt? Sure. Do I hate Marisha? No, not at all. I think she's a lovely and down-to-earth human being.
That said, she has also prevented Matt from making mistakes by speaking up, which is one thing the other players don't really challenge. So it's nice to have some balance in that regard. But still, it's just one thing I don't absolutely love when it occurs.
But of course, this in no way encourages sending death threats.
>But of course, this in no way encourages sending death threats.
No, boredom, autism, and the need to take your frustration out on someone because you have lost control of your own life is what necessitates that.
If you wanted to improve the show by removing any player it would be unequivocally her, so of course she gets the most hate.
>Sure, she may mess up spells from time to time, but Sam is guilty of it as well, like often slight general spoiler forgetting how invisibility works.
But Sam is funny, doesn't try to steal the spot light out of turn, doesn't get aggressive when he's corrected on something, doesn't act without thinking, doesn't have to be told whats happening because he wasn't paying attention, doesn't try to morally grandstand for a moment before returning to being an amoral murder hobo, doesn't waste time talking bullshit because he wants to sound smart or wise...I could go on.
I honestly hate when people like you try to downplay all the shit Marisha does by omitting all the other shit she's guilty of and pretending like whatever one flaw you picked isn't that bad
I really hope she plays a confident warrior next campaign, so people can see how badass I think she can be. It's difficult to manage all the spells and abilities druids have ate their disposal, specially in front of a large audience that has their (small) share of assholes
>That said, she has also prevented Matt from making mistakes by speaking up, which is one thing the other players don't really challenge. So it's nice to have some balance in that regard
Every group should honestly have someone willing to argue with the GM and to rules lawyer a bit without going over the line (though where "the line" is at is a matter of personal opinion.)
And if it's the GM's spouse, all the better, because they are more willing to do so without hard feelings.
As a DM, if they get too cocky, I like to bring them down a notch to see how they react to it. If they throw a tantrum, they deserve it, if not, it shows their character.
>so people can see how badass I think she can be
TL;DR Because we have these type of discussions. It's a cancer that breeds itself. I'm not blaming you, anons. You were perplexed, but just wanted to say the comments section can end up feeding the problem when such questions are asked in fandoms. Please, if anyone else is reading this, maybe it's time we start answering to these posts with "It doesn't matter. Harassment and death threats are not okay, and discussing the why behind it will only give that hate a platform here."
The shorter version:
It's basic bullying strategy 001: pick on the target that will bring you the least amount of harm. Even better, pick on the person that other people already don't have a great opinion on and are less willing to defend. This way, you can get away with an incredible amount of shitty behaviour and come away almost without any repercussions.
The written out answer that I feel needs to be thrown down here:
Personally, I have absolutely no logical idea why Marisha and Keyleth gets so much hate either. And as much as I've read the reasons listed here, I still find it hard to understand, and also find it absurd how undefended they come. It's almost... strange how people easily say "well yeah, I understand where that hate is coming from too. I just don't take it to that level" and not realize that outwardly expressing that you get why these people are doing this stuff BOLSTERS them to do their shitty and stupid stuff because they now think "Hey, this here is probably one less person that'll defend Marisha if I bully her"?
I'll admit, maybe I'm just not the kind of person that gets annoyed easily, or I've handled too many "annoying people" to know proper gaming etiquette, or maybe I'm just touched in the head. And that's why I'm completely daft to the sentiment being shared. Still, why the ef am I getting so enraged just reading this thread and all the countless others because if we as a community think death threats are not okay why are these threads not filled with "ef whatever opinions I have about Marisha and/or what flaws I observe in her, we don't tolerate any forms of harassment of the cast members and I certainly ain't going to feed the fire by saying anything that'll give those assholes ammunition."?
I mean, I've read stuff ranging from "not as good of a roleplayer" to "here's an insightful digest on why an entire group of people can't stand said cast member" to "it's Keyleth I have a problem with". Very few of which include even a single sentence that denounce the harassers. We're allowed opinions, yes, but these are all bits of gunpowder we're throwing around on what is basically the public internet, Critters. Gunpowder that we haven't thoroughly soaked in water and deactivated as best we can (if they can be deactivated at all). And the trolls are eagerly filling their bullets with them. Whenever we share these opinions, we're actively strengthening the idea behind the opinion.
If we as a community actually want to support the cast members and keep these toxic elements of fandom away, can we maybe have some form of individual self-policing and restrain ourselves from making comments that'll only serve to make it worse? Can we answer any and every such posts in the future with a simple "It doesn't matter why. Those people are not welcome in the fandom"?
That's my rant over. I'm going to bed...
Edit: a paragraph where I shouldn't have made one.
She was also a giant idiot and tangled in the cringiest attempted romance I'd ever seen. You kill a kid once on accident, fine whatever. You almost kill your entire group twice out of nothing but stupidity, maybe you should rein it in a bit. You ACTUALLY kill yourself after jumping off a cliff and turning into a goldfish when you can turn into a fucking Roc or whatever and you just have to wonder what's going on in her head
Especially when said Druid has to handle the responsibilities of multiple spellcasters simultaneously since the party has so few. It's hard to be everything that everyone needs and not get things wrong now and again.
>he thinks he can out-smug me
>you just have to wonder what's going on in her head
Literally nothing
>Especially when said Druid has to handle the responsibilities of multiple spellcasters simultaneously since the party has so few.
The “standard” 4 character-party makeup is 1 tank, 1 stealth, 1 healer, and 1 spellcaster; in other words, a quarter of the party are spellcasters (this discounts healers as spellcasters). 2 out of 7 of VM were spellcasters, Scanlan and Keyleth, which keeps to the standard ratio. The group was actually heavy with spellcasters when they had Tiberius.
Sorry, did you say something important?
The healer is nearly always a spellcaster.
>She was also a giant idiot and tangled in the cringiest attempted romance I'd ever seen.
Are you talking about that farce of a romance between Keyleth and Vax? Or are you talking about that time Kashaw kissed her and Keyleth got super flustered.
Healers usually use spells, so technically, yes. But most players I know separate “healers” from “spellcasters”, with spellcasters being either support casters (who buff other characters), offensive casters (who use magic to directly attack the enemy), or a combination of both. They are separated because the “standard” group composition “requires” both a designated healer and a spellcaster that can utilize a combination of support and offensive magic. In 5e the classes that qualify as “spellcasters” are: Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock (although I argue against this one), and Wizard. This, of course, is the opinion of only a portion of the TTRPG community. Most older players, like myself, use this terminology. Younger players may not. I usually play with either older gamers, or with newbies who end up being influenced by my perspective.
Kashaw was likeable and charismatic enough to make the dynamic between him and socially inept Keyleth kind of cute. With Vax it was a socially retarded edgelord hitting on a socially retarded hippie. He'd wax poetic while she bitched. There was no chemistry in their romance and after Vex and Percy blew them out of the water literally there was no reason for it to exist
give in already, your just wasting your own oxygen
In one of the wrap-up Talks Machina literally everyone else in the party compared Vax and Keyleth to 2 weirdos who date in high school and their relationship is a trainwreck
>needing oxygen to shitpost
How quaint
It was definitely my least favorite part of the show because any time the two of them talked it was a guaranteed 20 minutes of Liam crying and Marisha being awkward. After a while both Keyleth and Vax just grated on me so much I stopped watching show until the end of the first season
They both had a bad case of "low voice means serious" syndrome.
So asking for a friend, where do I find fanart like this for the characters?
Tumblr or Reddit or Twitter. There are no good options
Pay me to make more of it
Keyleth and Vax felt like the players wanted a romance more than the characters. Vex seemed to get off on being the wife of a wealthy, brooding nobleman and Scanlan’s eternal quest to get Pike’s heart was amusing.
Vax and Keyleth got together because everyone else was getting together and those two were too socially retarded to seek out or pursue someone when they showed clear interest, like Gilmore and Vax or Keyleth and Kashaw.
Scanlan shat on a bed. he's trash.
Rats. Guess I'll just Google Fu for a while
I question whether she's actually a voice actor sometimes. The voices she puts on are mediocre at best; it's something I'd expect to here at a normal table.
You made me do this, it's your fault this got posted.
It got real bad for me when I realized I could not tell if Percy or Vax were talking because they both had the same accent. Percy was everything Vax was trying to be, which is extra tragic because Vax should have embraced being the spiteful runaway runt his backstory suggested. He left home at what, 10? He shouldn’t have been as composed and educated as he was portrayed.
She's clearly socially awkward, she's just not shy, so her buffoonery is put on clear display
>losing so hard you shad the bed
>m-muh waifu is sh and cute! :(
No she's obnoxious and abrasive. She only """acts""" socially awkward when she remembers she wrote that as a character trait, as a person she's nothing like that at all, you can go watch any hundreds of interviews with her