Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

DANK MEMES edition

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>WHTV tip of the day Blinky Peaches


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Failed their saves

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First for the Dark Kin.

Is there anyone more woke than Gabriel Seth?

thread claimed by the holiest of colors


Ork commissars are one of the most aesthetic things in 40k.

He tried to warn us.

> Muh Black Rage



Om average, how many razorbacks can a dedicated shooting army pop in 1 turn? I don't want a ton of them, but I want enough for SOME of them to be able to do shit.

My custom Nob with Waagh-banner. i'm quite proud of him

Kek, saved

The Night Lords are ten times better than the other legions

Super Custodes when?

40k needs a Noblebright'ning.

15th for unconventionally modeled guilliman stars


>the Chad Gravis
>the virg-
>wait... is that Magnus the Red?


Well, in a 2000 point game IG can field typically 60 infantry (if they arent spamming too hard), maybe a command squad and some HWS, so that's 10 heavy weapons, 6 or 7 or which are AT. They'd also take a russ or two, then maybe some deep striking scions and a couple of chimeras.

so 7 infantry-toted cannons will hit maybe 4 times and wound 3 times, all get through armor, dealing 10ish wounds.

Two russes would fire 14 battle cannon shots, hit 7 times, wound 5, 3 get through armor, for 6 more wounds.

The hws might hit 3 times, wound 2, 1 gets through armor for another 4ish wounds.

Everything else maybe two more. So that's 22ish wounds?

is dawn of war 3 at all any good? thinking about getting a new game next paycheck and its either that or the xcom 2 expansion from last year

>raped by tzeentch
>still virgin

I'd believe it.

Informative. So anything less than 3 razorbacks (without also having something more threatening to shoot at) would be a waste of points.

Xcom2 Expansion. Totally.
Get dow 3 only if has a 50% discount or higher

I fucking hate Guilliman.

100% of certainty that he's either plotting a order 66 or is being manipulated by xeno or chaos(perharps both) puppet masters.

I didn't like it. But I was able to put Space Marine 2 in all categories of the uninstall survey.

Reviews say mediocre. Grogs who are nostalgic for DoW I & II say it raped their childhood worse than polio. Probably okay if you're invested in the series. Also , buy it on Steam Sale.

Maybe. Keep in mind against IG you'd more than likely go first.

Would loot/10

Just watch the trailers and "cinematics." The cutscenes are cheap slideshows but the voices are at least quite cool.


The reveal trailer is also probably the most 40k thing every animated


Honestly that's most of the goodness of the game right there from a 40k perspective

I made a webm of the knights charging the wraithknight because I thought it was damn cool. Made me want to buy one.

Lost it when my hard drive died unfortunately otherwise I'd post it, loved watching filthy Eldar getting fed the D over and over.

Given that we have Bile antsy to get his hands on some Primaris, we're getting CSM Primaris sooner or later and some Chapters will be justified in their suspicions about Primaris in that they're... just as corruptible as regular Space Marines I guess.

Not sure what that would prove. All in all, Bile and Cawl need some time to form a rivalry of twisted admiration/professional disgust, as their own lines of work make them excellent candidates for a working rivalry.

Also CSM Primaris need some new unique guns and I nominate a psychic gun that uses psyker brains in jars as a psychic ammunition supply.

Does any one have a better quality version of this picture?

It's awful.

I didn't wanna buy the triumvirate box just for guilliman. although I'm thinking of getting him now so I can slap a custodian head, paint him gold, and have him lead my mono-stodes army. what are 40kg's thoughts?

worst story -- Its fucking BS how Angelo just let the Ghurgatz get away - after promising to murder him. In fact, the end with them just fucking off was stupid as shit

Unfortunately, nothing I can dig up on the web.

Although we had some Blanche love and hate last thread, so this thread might be a good one to start sharing Jes Goodwin. Get some good, high quality pics of his works up in this general.

oh... oh damn, thats distressing.
yeah, i remember when that initial trailer dropped i got super hyped for it, just purely based off of how 40k it was
War of the Chosen it is. now all that needs to happen is for someone to make a deathwatch reskin of the game...

No, the games just not a good game, even ignoring the people who cry"moba". It's optimized poorly and doesn't run half as well as a game with 2010 levels of graphics should, the single player is boring and you jump back and forth between the campaigns so the story is told in a very disjointed manner. It also has Gabriel Angelos doing acrobatic fucking backflips in terminator armor which I guess is worth a good kek. The balance is all kinds of shit in multiplayer and entire mechanics are gated behind a grindy currency system. The game modes are bland and uninteresting and 90% of matches are "who farmed up to their tier 7+ army deleting elites first". The game also uses culmulative health rather than model health so it's not even as squad based as previous titled which was part of what made them unique.

All in all it's extremely forgettable, only purchase if you have shit taste or just love sucking GW cock and buy anything with the license slapped on it.

DoW III is still in development so I assume you mean Retribution?

I saw him boxed separately at the Warhammer store the other day.

Hey lads, did some fluff writing for my admech, would appreciate if you could share your thoughts.
>date back to the Horus heresy and the now-hellforged world of Sarum
>before the crusade, the forgeworld had carefully built a veritable empire along the Golgothan sector
>but, stranded and besieged, they came to near destruction by the abhuman marauders of the brotherhood of ruin, pulled from the brink by the timely intervention of Angron and the ruthless might of his legion
>saved from death but with their empire toppled, the tech-lords of Sarum pledged themselves to serve the Emperor and the World Eaters, quickly dispatching its billions of skitarii to conquer the galaxy and reconnect with the long-forgotten Martian brethren
>Sarum strung its banners high for the great crusade, dispatching almost every available resource left and sending a massive total of seven full explorator fleets- all armed with terrible relics of the dark age- to retake lost land and technology for the Emperor
>Yet as the tragedy of the Horus Heresy unfolded, Sarum too would fall to the ruinous machinations of Chaos, enthralled by the allure of forbidden powers and service to the bloodthirsty alliance of Angron and his children
>The priests of Sarum fell hard, converting the once-beautiful forgeworld into a screaming realm of madness devoted to destroying the Imperium of Man
>Word of the fall quickly reached the crusade fleets, and as with the rest of the Imperium brother now turned against brother in bloody civil war, with a full four of the fleets turning with the growing tide of traitors
>the final count was devastating, but ultimately led to a loyalist victory; the relentless might of the 6th fleet, armed with horrifying nova-bloom missiles of the Ordo Reductor, bombarded the traitors and tore a hole in realspace that sent them to an unexpectedly quick meeting with their dark gods
>the decimated loyalists now turned their furious gaze to the only target that mattered; Sarum.

What are you anons doing tomorrow?

Gotta finish some little microscopic greenstuff bits and magnetise something. Then wait another 2 months before I can prime it.

Part 2, too OC or anything? Want to blend my HH and modern stuff well
>with unparalleled rage they descended upon the world, deeming it too far gone and declaring Exterminatus the only available solution
>the fleets thus bombed Sarum, timing a massive impact that world tear open the surface of the planet and destroy every heretecal soul left standing
>as the smoke cleared though, the crusaders were met with a discomforting sight; the planet was gone, pulled from the galaxy as if it had never been there at all
>unsure what had occurred, the priests continued their vengeance and sought the next logical target: the world eaters.
>though too late to fight at the siege of terra, the crusaders- renaming themselves Explorator fleet Ulyxes as a cruel joke of the Terran legends- sought to scour the broken world eaters from the galaxy, driving them fully from the ultima segmentum and into the eye of terror
>considering their revenge complete, fleet Ulyxes now turned to find a new home, the attack ships and soldiers of their fleet exhausted after years of relentless war

Do it. Giant 'stodes and mini 'stodes. I hope your have the retributor spray paint, because there's going to be a whole lot of painting gold.


>He doesn't know.

Buying a gun and killing myself in front of the local courthouse. Trying to finish up the last of my cuckstodes tonight so that I can say I at least finished 1 good thing before I died.

The Eversor Assassin who was sent to murder him.

Part 3, special smartypoints to whoever catches the reference I tied in (I think I’m clever)
>the priesthood finally found comfort on the world of Orion IV, for an allied knight world buried in the mists of the Tannhauser gate sought the mechanicus’ expertise to repair the ancestral knights of the noble house calchas
>settling on a large asteroid just off Orion’s shoulder, the priests quickly turned to converting it to a functioning forgeworld, reworking their damaged battleships into permanent temples and factorums capable of once again stroking the flames of the Omnissiah
>unbound and unrelenting, the forgeworld set to reforging the lost relics of their past, churning out the arcane conversion Beamers and devestating rad-weapons forgotten by so many others
>Together, the fleets of forgeworld Ulyxes and house Calchas seek to bring order to an Imperium at war, holding the terrors of the Siren’s Song at bay and recovering the mysterious technologies of an unforgiving galaxy
Anywho, how does it read? Good, bad, meh? I’m not a good writer, but I’d just like to make some solid and actually well backed fluff

>DoW III is still in development

Man orks kind of look like pugs

I just realised why they call them pugs

Seems alright. Doesn't seem too off or anything.

probably go up to the local geedubs for a game earlier in the day if anyone was going to want a match. unfortunatly fridays and saturdays are peak working hours for me, so i usually end up missing the bigger groups of dudes looking for games

Im sorry user... but custoades suck.

They gave all the imperium Triumvirate heroes separate releases alongside the new Custodes stuff.

Yeah but they look nice. Never planned on being here to play them anyway so their rules are entirely irrelevant, unless someone at the shop has a ouji board and summons my ass from beyond the grave.

Cool, glad to hear it. Anything you think I should change? I’m really open to it, this is little more than a first draft.


But I really hope you're just fucking with me, don't actually kill yourself.

oh hey its you again. when you posted your lore last time, in extended format, i assumed it was lore info for an established admech group you just pasted from the wiki or the admech dex. so if anything, it fits enough for a guy who doesnt play admech, but has a decent eye on how fluff and lore is written into the universe at large to not realize it's oc until you said anything about it. looks good though

I want to paint up some blood ravens for funzies
what color are their eyes? I've been using Moot Green for red helmet eyes forever, but I feel like i'm doing it wrong
also where can you get Blood Raven shoulder insignia's

I mean, if I pussy out again I'll let you know. Done it before, can't say I won't be a coward again.

Yellow or blue can work. Or white I guess.

Haha okay, seriously though don't kill yourself.

reading the rest of Cain books slowly.

Forgeworld used to make a Blood Raven transfer sheet. As far as I know, they haven't brought it back, but you can figure out how to make your own transfer sheets with special printer paper and free sheet layout images online.

Cool, that’s exactly what I was going for, happy to hear I’m not going too crazy or off the path. Thanks user

Here's a green lens tutorial from the Blood Angels book. You should be able to get shoulder pads from a few shops on Shapeways.

i usually use a red for my helmet lenses, but the couple times ive used a green, ive found that warpstone glow makes for a really nice contrast. but then again, those times ive used the green were on space wolves helmets, not red helms. i think it would still look nice though, if your trying to stay with a green lens color

Well I only own 3 of those colors, but I can do it!
Thanks user

Anyone else paint gems like this perfectly and you only see the paints and not the effect?

Have to look at it from a bit of a distance so the effect works

Their finished lenses look real even up close. I swear to god it's just magic or something.

I can do that. I have some of his doodlings.

I'll start now! I hope I can get through them all.


I guess now we know who's idea was the gimp in the admech dragoon. Look at those human-dog servitors!.

I don't think we need all 45 of your pics, just sort through and give us your top 10.


please dont start dumping all these pictures, it's just gonna dilute the thread

I'd love it if Dominus' could take cybernetic familiars.

Yeah ok. Fair point. 45's a bit much maybe.


It's actually ok. Reviews are generally positive and 40k grogs hated it because it was a new game and new games can't be nostalgic. It's probably the worst of the three but it was fine. If you can get it on a steam sale it'll be worth the money though you probably won't play it for as long as you might have the other games.

Xcom2 was ok. Way less flowcharty than 1 but the expansion doesnt actually bring that much new to the gameplay.

5/I promise I'll stop myself at 10.

I like how they managed to get 3 identical broodlords out of 1 sketch.


For pic dump, you could make a pic dump thread sometime and ask for everyone to contribute what they have of those old GW artists who helped define the setting's most notable aesthetics.

I'm debating about which Tzeentch army I should try to invest in. I like both T-sons and demons but I can't decide between which one I prefer. On the one hand I love Magnus and Rubric models but on the other I also love the LoC and the ability to switch back to AoS if I want.

Can I get some T-sons and Tzeentch demon players to give me their opinions?

What do you guys think are the better models?
Which one is more competitive in 8th?
Which one is more fun?
Is there any viable way to run both in a viable 2k list?

Yeah. I make my models pretty decent but nothing amazing. They look solid from a distance but my autism goes into overdrive because I know how flawed they are. I have to stop working on models and just accept them and move on.

Could Kharn kill him?

That's a good idea actually. I have enough of Goodwin's and Blanches art to get a thread rolling.

His chaplains concepts are awesome. Some proper inspiration here.


I think most TS player use daemons, marines, and beastmen together in their army

Aren’t those basically just Primarchs?

is there any good to what the Relictors were doing? i.e fighting chaos, using chaos.

I kinda like the idea, but it's too impossible.

Extreme deyhdration piss orange?

Field both?


I found a website called Shapeways that sells 3D Blood Raven insignias for shoulders and flat surfaces (though never bought anything so cant speak for the quality to expect). Search for 'Blood Crows'


That middle marine looks like the hes holding the shotgun bit from the rumor engine

Odds are good that he may actually be Omegon and he gave Cawl the raptor project to make the primaris.

I'm hoping people figure it out as soon as the maledictum arc ends, all the primarchs are back and we can focus on "Marine on Marine Heresy 2: Electric boogaloo"

I think they just copied this for a HH novel cover.


If chaos didn’t have massive godlike infinitely aware intelligences existing in it, sure.

But, it does, so Just as Planned