Is this how oldfags felt when they replaced the card frame? It looks generic af.
Is this how oldfags felt when they replaced the card frame? It looks generic af
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Looks like a work in progress or something. Very unfinished and generic, yeah.
Is this the new MTG logo? It looks like the opening animation for a generic pack-cracker Youtube channel.
On another note, I've always hated the planeswalker symbol, whoever decided to push that really burns my barn.
>But the 2015 refreshed logo wouldn't hold up for long. In a number of ways, it didn't zero in close enough to the brand's modern fantasy core. Magic's visuals draw inspiration from many cultures and wonders from our world, as well as from wild imagination, reaching well beyond the medieval high-fantasy aesthetic from which the original logo was drawn. Additionally, Magic was centering itself around ownable features like Planeswalkers and high-concept worlds—the building blocks of a brand that can see itself not only as a game, but as an entertainment property.
>A banner was needed that could fly proudly over all of Magic's worlds and themes, in the tabletop card game as well as in digital games, apps, narrative entertainment, fashion and lifestyle products, animated and live-action entertainment, and anything else that the future could hold. This would require a bolder step forward than another refresh of the original logo. With one eye on the original and the other on the future, we took that step . . .
i.e. We unironically want it to be as generic and unevocative as possible.
Also, just for you,
>We're excited about the powerful tools this new logo provides, the most prominent of which is the Planeswalker symbol. It has played a developing role for us since its inception, from secret handshake to deputy brand icon to its current official position in the branding family. You'll continue to see it featured as a standalone on products that need more stylish branding, like the San Diego Comic-Con exclusives and apparel. Most often you'll see it paired up with the logotype as seen above.
the day i saw the 8th ed. card frame i instantly knew kikewater was a jew, only a jew could ruin cool things this bad, it was my first redpill
What even is the planeswalker symbol? I know its on the chain veil, but otherwise...
My understanding is that the bottom point represents the planeswalker's starting plane, and the top ones represent planes they could walk to, like on the art for Omniscience.
>replace old iconic logo with all the history of the brand for 20 years for something 'more global and can represent a brand'
I mean if it aint broke no need to fix it, and considering there are a shit ton of things that need fixing, why was this necessary?
iirc maro talked that it can represents the whole "five coming together into one" which could be 5 colours or 5 PWs of the gatewatch.
shits pretty boring
>We unironically want it to be as generic and unevocative as possible
They've been doing the same thing with card art. Everything had to have the same homogenous, bland, computer-drawn look to fit the brand image. Gone are the days of unique and experimental art pieces that played with different styles.
What kind of retard bins the most iconic logo in card games?
Go to a museum if you want art, grandpa, I want strong cards
Yelp, that settles it, I'm not getting back into magic, shit is dead.
I've been keeping an eye on it for about 5 years but it's just been getting shittier and shittier.
>being this much of a tasteless faggot
Don't you want your strong cards to look nice?
You're a fucking fag if you like art, dude
I want your mom's ass to look nice I could care less about cards
I can't tell if you're trolling or if you're just a dumb cultureless fucking nigger.
>could care less
It's COULDN'T care less you fucking mongoloid.
>tfw have decks using just cards with art I like
>babby's first photoshop lens flare
I'd feel bad for magicfags except that their game was already ruined by commies and retards, so if they still play it they deserve to suffer
>not realizing that card strength is relative
>not realizing that power creep is the devil
You idiot. You absolute moron.
>Don't like something
>Call it "Generic"
I have yet to see even a single faggot describe why something is "generic" or "soulless". They've never used any word but a buzzword.
t. generic, soulless mind-drone
This makes me angry. Everything about this post.
Not much, since I stopped playing five or six years ago, but I still feel a pang of anger, like I'm watching my first car getting wrecked on stream by edgy teenagers for twitchbux.
M15 was the beggining of mtg's downward spiral.
Nah, that was Theros (circling the drain) or Alara (shit starting to get real bad real quick).
>This much butthurt
>Over a logo that's not even going to be on the actual cards
Y'all have gone full autist.
Get alot of Seattle over here.
I bet he's a faggot that enjoyed the m10- Avacyn restored power creep era.
As someone who misses the old style of cards, dear god this pisses me off.
Don't get me wrong, I understand keeping the brand fresh, but some things have a timeless quality after two god damned decades. While we're at it, why not just change the Disney castle to a skyscraper?
It's like WotC forgot there's a demographic of old fucks who bought Time Spiral Just to see old card art. I feel old as shit.
powerful cards are good cards.
That was the golden age for newcomers you fucking heretic.
or are you just salty because you missed out?
No i had to suffer through the absolute cancer that was that time in magic.
This is the worst time in Magic user.
Where did the eldrazi/hazoret/energy touch you user?
lol newfag
Communist here, we don't play this shit. The secondary market is unregulated nonsense, prices are insane due to junior wolf-of-wall-street idiots all trying to gouge their fellow players. The game is for stupid Capitalists and Homos, a perfect representation of America.
make a noose you fuck
Why, as a communist he's already starving to death.
The secondary card market is exhausting... I used to be able to go online and pick out a few cards I needed to complete a deck. But nowadays it's hard to find the cards I want at a reasonable price. I know that to some people the aspect of investing, trading, speculating, etc ... is fun. For me, it just drove me away.
I'm pretty thankful though ... I switched to wargaming as a result, and It's very comfy here. Feels good.
>immediately start thinking about food
Typical burger
MTG in the last decade has been WotC finding new ways to surprise me when I think they can't make it any worse
I dont give a fuck as long as they dont change the back of the cards.
I'm still salty as fuck about planes walkers being a thing.
>Took almost an hour to grasp low hanging fruit
It's cool comrade, we all know that communists hate joy so it's only natural you wouldn't be funny.
YASSS QUEEN YASSS looks so fucking modern and trendy
CGI art and powerful brave female POC characters are the future! fuck the old look
Oh no looks like Magic is ruined forever again for real this time.
>fuck the old look
Back to the cubicle wotc cuck
Maybe your wife will let you sleep in the bed instead of Tyrone tonight if you get 1st at fmn.
No, there was enough actually to the 8th Edition frames that I could form an opinion.
This? There's not enough to it that I can even bring myself to have an opinion on it one way or the other. It doesn't evoke any particular imagery, it doesn't reflect anything about the game, it has no intrinsic meaning. It might as well just not exist, and by tomorrow morning I probably wouldn't even be able to describe it to you.
Man, I’ll never get over how bland and meaningless that planeswalker symbol is.
I actually think the planeswalker symbol is quite good. One path opening up to many (in this case 5 which is also significant to magic) is pretty evocative of magic.
Nah, because it’s reflective of the overwhelming focus on planeswalkers and indeed specific characters that have poisoned the fluff for some dozen years now. Magic was not meant to be about one specific character or even one type of character, only relatively recently has marketing decided it should be.
Who cares, i never have to look at their shitty new logo.
Thankfully card backs are untouchable.
What kind of idiot thinks it's fine to make an article for that fans using that inane publicity speak though?
>evocative of magic
That actually is an old alchemical sigil. The imagery of horns towering over a broken Egypt was hard to miss too. Evil shit. This is what happens when you let them ban the pentagrammic wards on your magical card game full of magical imagery literally called magic.
That was not a serious post
What worries me are these two nuggets:
>"an endorsement mark that will accompany logos designed for new game and entertainment expressions"
>"Early 2018 also marks a turning point in Magic's 25th anniversary celebration, switching its focus from reflection on the highlights from our history to an introduction of the bold steps we will take into the future."
All the talk of "bold steps" and "entertainment expressions" is, quite simply, ominous when considered in the context of Magic's current story and creative direction.
Well the important thing is that you let us know.
The Jacestice league strikes again! Ineffective in lore but DEVASTATING to the game IRL!
Did you read the article posted above? They literally explained that they wanted the logo to evoke no particular feeling, genre, or culture so as to apply it to as many products as possible. If that's not generic, I don't know what is.
Theros was definitely where I felt it was going wrong.
I had fun with Alara. I had a lot of fun with Scars, and Innistrad. Fuck Zendikar, though.
Return to Ravnica was... okay. Not bad. Then I wasn't around much for Tarkir. But after that it was just a fucking trainwreck.
Not that user but he's right about Alara for one reason. Now mind you I too had lots of fun with Alara in limited and constructed play but i'm fairly sure with Alara it was the start of Mythic Rarity and responsible for the massive spikes in card pricing on the secondary market for so many cards. Baneslayer Angel would never have been a $60 card in that metagame if it was not a Mythic Rare.