Is it heresy, TG?

Is it heresy, TG?


Looks like a quest, senpai.

Oh, cool I found a specific arrangement of letters that gets censored into a different word when you post! Thanks niggers!

What? I thought only SA did that

I always wondered - how homosexuality is viewed in the Imperium? It is pretty bigoted and ll.

Sisters of Battle are encouraged to partake of the female form in order to arouse devotion to the Emperor in others.

Is it actual canon or are you joking?

there's a gay eldar dude (eldrad? i can't remember), but that doesn't answer your question.

pretty sure Fulgrim was bisexual though.

this is a joke

Don't sweat it kouhai

baka desu senpai

40k universe is more sexually repressed than the DC universe where no one masturbates, outside of no-limit indulgence by Slaneesh-ites

Other than that most space marine novels are ridiculously homo

First time on Veeky Forums?

They don't care as long as it doesn't get in the way of your job, and don't take it to such extremes as you fall to Slaanesh. If you are gay and on a Guard recruiting world though you may need to man up and properly procreate occasionally though to pump out more Guardmen.

I imagine it varies from planet to planet from discouraged to illegal or criminalized.
After all, you can't feed the glorious meat grinder if you're not making babies.. :/

No, hence why I'm so confused. I remember that there was a week where any post with the word "quest" in it got deleted.

>DC universe
The only DC I know are comics dudes. And I can't get it how their universe can be sexually repressed, since some series are borderline H.



>40k universe is more sexually repressed than the DC universe

You almost draw as good as me.

If I recall correctly, the IG don't care if the soldiers shag each other as long as it doesn't influence their performance. When it does it's probably a blamming, as there is no shortage of soldiers in IG.

Now it is.


While heresy, and rather crass not actual sexual harassment.

What's wrong with batman's back

Why doesn't his chest line up with his waistline

Is this just what spines do after being BANED?

>strict commissar ends up in charge of IG on a world with strange costume quirks
>serious and disruptive arguments can occur over things like amount of ruffles or buttons or patches
>one day he just says fuck it
>asks planetary governor which style of clothing is baseline shittiest you can wear around here
>from then on, all noncombat operations were carried out in unadorned strapless tops and short skirts: the defining costume for cheap prostitutes on Haloom IV

So long as you can hold a lasgun, the imperium doesn’t care.
There’s a few in the Cain series, for example.

You must be new around here.

I think Imperium is pretty tolerant when it comes to humans, although it mostly comes from it mostly not giving a shit rather than true tolerance

You can't say the "N" word here.

Sex without the purpose of procreation is Slaanesh worship, therefore heretic.

I've been here for like 3 years and have literally never tried to type desu or senpai in here before. Here goes.


Jigaboo is better.

>being here for any length of time
>not knowing about the dumb facebook speak wordfilters

user a dumb. When that first dropped it was glorious. You should’ve seen the butthurt on /v/.

Personally I like typing out d e s u and s e n p a i because it’s fun.

the proper term is Basketball American, you bigot.


moot weaver?

Jesus, the idiots on this thread. The Uplifting Primer is clear that, for Cadian regiments, to disobey ANY order from ANYONE ranking above you FOR ANY REASON is punishable by death and a whole array of other things.

Damn, I kinda liked that one.

I've been aware of it the whole time, I'm just not the sort of user who tries to write [ToBeHonest] or [Family] very often, so I never triggered the word-replacement myself.

>male IG end up looking terrible in new uniform
>governor grants permission to genetically modify male guardsmen to fill out uniform in flattering manner
>whole planet is guarded by curvy women and men who's sex are impossible to determine without looking under their skirt
>slaanesh's plan to conquer that world succeeds

desu senpai, you should try, it's fun

Wew. I don’t hate this. Except for maybe slaanesh winning that easily, takes a lot more than traps.

What would you do, as Slaanesh, after the trap gene is introduced?

Striking a member of the military, for no reason & not as a disciplinary action.

Yep, that's heresy

It’s clearly disciplinary

>ywn be a Commissar assigned to an all female Lolita world
>ywn never have to surpress your amusement as your rip away the expensive cords they spent so much time on
>ywn take sadistic pleasure forcing them to be tom boy grunts
the only reason to live at this point is to fantasize about that

Don’t ever give up on your dream user


As slaanesh? Fuck off to more important fights, probably try to corrupt girlyman like I corrupted draigo.

If I really wanted that world I guess I'd bless it with some sort of super-aphrodisiac drug. Concentrate it into sleezy places, create brothels/orgy houses there, let it evolve naturally.

Having human feelings is heresy.

Slaanesh welcomes all.

>that feel when the warp overtakes you

Guardswoman x Commisar fanfics when?

squad morale restored