/mgw/ - Monster Girl Worldbuilding

Fairies are Scary Edition

Previous thread: We talk about Monstergirls and build a setting for them. Though we can all post pics and images and art of Monster Girl Encyclopedia monster girls and take about them. But bear in mind this is not KCs MGE canon to the letter. Seriously lads a lot of people have their ideas and they aren't all the same, we can all agree to disagree. Just remember to have fun.

'Tis also the home of the as of yet un-named Veeky Forums Monstergirl RPG.
It's work-in-progress "rulebook" can be found here:

Warhammer Fantasy roleplay homebrew link:

Newer and Updated Monster Girl RPG handbook.

Dungeon World Monster Classes.

Wikis for popular Monstergirl settings:

Monster Mosume (Everyday Life with Monstergirls):

Monstergirl Encyclopedia:

Monstergirl Quest:

Other urls found in this thread:


Let her in. What could go wrong?

plenty, continuing from last thread
The Fair Folk. They are otherworldly, almost ethereal... a little TOO perfect. And where the Fair Folk call their homes, you should keep away from.
The concept of The Fair Folk looking flawless (a little unsettlingly flawless if you watch them dance) on the surface but being distinctly inhuman or monstrous underneath fits with Monsters quite well - either because they're your "steal a human away for murder or food or unknowable Otherworld things" kind or your "I am completely unfeeling as to your human endeavours" kind. The former is self explanatory, the latter are the kind that gives a barren woman a fae child when she asks for one - and the child never grows up: 'A child is what you wanted, a child is what you got.'

I don’t know.

I feel Fae-Folk should be considered Order aligned (like Demihumans) and work with humans providing what little magic and support they have, before they themselves get corrupted and just want a helping of mandick.

But if you want MY edgy take- Fae are descended from ancient Man and were attempts to seclude themselves from the wrathful gods, with their magic being remnants of the precursor civilization.

They know the gods true plans, but only the higher ups- hence Faeries actions seem generally friendly but ultimately screwy and weird, the Fae want to be on the side of mankind, but not on the side of the gods.

Here's A question I made for an OP once that got overshadowed/overlooked thanks to shitposting during a previous thread:

What would be the practical uses, utilities and benefits of plant girls such as Alraunes?


Also do plant-tentacle girls have practical applications too outside of lewds?


So would plant-type monster girls have any practical utilities and benefits outside of making love to thy husband? Peerless gardeners and supreme gardening services? Florists? Botanists?

I imagine they’d be familiar with botany. But their bodies may have several alchemical applications.

So we know that there were ancient civilizations that died out long before the current age. What if they were wiped out through war? With said civilization having Automatons perhaps it would have been an automated war fought with terrifying weapons both lethal and nonlethal. One could also come to the conclusion that some ruins may be old military bases that could reactivate if messed with, causing automated systems to begin attacking predetermined places where civilian and military assets of the enemy were, like this. It would give Gremlins and humans a vested interest in exploring and disarming ruins either through corruption or dismantling.

I heard there were knights in this thread. Is this true? If it is, do you have any battle hymns?

It's not that edgy if you ask me, I actually like the sound of that
BTW if you're last night's poster then, reposting my earlier reply, but applying it to corrupted fairies
>Would pitch them as another faction either acting in concert or subservient to the Demon Lord, but with the purpose of staging a Coup, but being treated as a lesser power because fairies are seen as infantile because of their child-like attitude, but hiding a more terrible cruelness (this being on purpose or the fact that human society or mindset is alien to them, as much as theirs is to ours)
and also, fuck me if having the literal Erlkonig as the new Demon Lords isn't a scary prospect

If anyone is interested, suggestions are appreciated for the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay homebrew. Just go onto the doc and start typing.

where should these be placed?
If the idea is to make them hard to access, I'd place them in the Sea of Knights, or in abandoned Dwarven Ruins

yes and no, any suggestions?

Heaven brings forth innumerable things with which to nurture man.
Man has nothing good with which to recompense heaven.
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.


>Heaven brings forth innumerable things with which to nurture man.
Man has nothing good with which to recompense heaven.
That gives me an idea for the Mist Continent. Thanks palibro.

What steps could a Paladin take to try and stop a monster from tampering with their soul and reviving them from death, if they're slain in battle?
"Do not be taken alive" seems like a given for someone trying to stop the spread of monsters, but how do you stop necromancers from just sidestepping the issue of their death?

Perhaps something like a soulstone. At death their spirit is temporarily transferred into a relic like say an enchanted cross around his neck and can be recovered by his comrades. A priest would then be able to send his soul to the afterlife.

They gain a reputation for returning as angry revenants in case of their bodies being desacrated. The actual realities of said rumors are left to the author.

By not being noteworthy enough to bring back.

Congrats, you get to be chaff undead.

If you want to avoid being fuel for a necomantic army, you need to survive or somehow Rest In Peace.

You forgot to remove the discontinued WIP RPG. Respect the creator's wishes, asshole.

L5R, the Crab clan decapitate their dead so as to prevent them to come back as undead

That, but because demonic energy tm. The ai has to refigure complex battle maneuvers around sex. And this frustrates it.
The new thread can’t up just before I could get in on that conversation. I think that can work for the corrupted faeries, with the regular ones still trying to play both sides for the best result (they want the gods taken down, but are antsy about the monsters).
Why not just everywhere?
Why wouldn’t an intrepid monstergirl not take the soulstome and hook it into a fuckbot?

>Why not just everywhere?
because most agreed the setting to be an early gunpowder/sail age kind of setting, I mean sure, forgotten ruins could be found anywhere, but if we throw golems and automatons as "ez pc do it yourself" constructs found anywhere, it kinda downplays on the tech level

I think it should be Golems are a relatively common tech, but is the lowest form of tech for something like an automaton.

The precursor ruins are everywhere but are super hard to get to, maybe with their usually being a whole mother dungeon to get through first.

Some sort of holy magic that sets your body ablaze in white fire after your death or something that would completely destroy your body

Creamation, mae it so that you can't be a paladin unless you agree to a burial via creamation.

What about ghost pussy?

>What about ghost pussy?
Hope I die and ascend quick enough not to have my soul immediately corrupted

Probably nothing because realistically it isn't a tangible fear. Liches are rare and in the setting we haven't decided if even summoning someone who doesn't want to be undead and who sure as fuck doesn't want to obey you can be rezzed as a zombie. Having your body desecrated before burial is far more likely to make you end up a ghost than the extremely rare chance a necromancer, an incredibly specialized magic caster, happens to summon your specific corpse.

or, it could be limited to people that jinxed themselves in "I would give anything for x" or sold their souls to the demons

Now I'm just reminded of that afterlife greentext a while back. The one with the desert prince waiting for his sister to show up and finding out she turned?

Ah, but then that begs the question- what do the gods do with souls?

A system I’ve been knocking around the noggin, is that souls are being used to power themselves up, or fuel their powers. Souls that get ‘bad ends’ however can get turned into soul-shards, which can be used for various shenigans- like sowing them together into homunculi.

>after years of searching, you finally track down a precursor ruin
>most of the real constructs are beyond repair, but one does wake up when you approach
>she tells you that she has no ammunition

I just realized that shipgorls would not be hard to add to the setting.

I also imagine there are armies of terra-cotta golems in the Mist Comtinent.

got a link for that?

Man I don't even remember which thread it was. Sorry 'bout that.

Isn't there one where half a pre-succ DL pharaoh has half his soul somewhere else while the other half is 'just' a mummy?

Just to add some fun (and mines. Mines are fun), the shipgirls were made and involved in the terrible war that made the precursors kick the bucket. They act as any shipgirl does, but when they see their eternal enemy, they react just as any allied wwII veteran would react if they saw hitler walking on the street.

The funny part is, none of the modern inhabitants can ever recognize which shipgirls was (is) on which side, right until they do.

Talk about ackward.

I thought it was half his soul was roaming the desert as a ghost and every time he tells it to stop doing succughost things it tries to drag him back down to make itself whole.

Also apparently the guy who married his sister also got what used to be his brothers?

Do we want to hash out factions?

Also in my version- I’d have the precursors be wiped out by the Gods. Maybe they did it by instigating a Great War? Like the Trojan War with WW1/2?

>Do we want to hash out factions?

I don't wanna. The precursors must be extinct, and mysterious, and have a legacy consisting purely on ruined ruins (you know, the non-lootable kind) and some shipgirls in varying states of deactivation (not disrepair, just low on energy, ammunitions and with locked functionality).

There was a war of course, and several sides, and the gods were involved. But did the gods wipe entire cities from the face of the world? Or were they actually being push back? Did the war last a single night, or a thousand years?

There should be evidence of all of the above, but never clarity. There should be factions and scrambled memories, but nothing clear beyond the colors of a flag, or different poems being random shipgirl triggers.

For that end, and to avoid purple prose without de-mistifying the precursors, what about giving the faction names and little else?

Maybe 5-7 basic "sides" should be enough, and a shipgirl being from any given band could mean she's more likely to have some skillset (nothing too flagrant, and exceptions abound. This is more of a guideline).

Maybe it was that? Not sure which it was.

For names how about generic ones that might hint at geography and ideology?

Imma spitball some.

The Maritime Coalition
The League of Liberated States
The All-Unions Pact
The Red Star Coaliton
The Freedom League
The Iron Guard Battalions
The Pact of Steel
The Imperial Band
The United Crowns Defense League.
The United Liberation Front.

I think the War would span a century, nuke-level weapons ended it, blasting mankind to the stone age, with the Gods followup plan being dragon dinosaurs.

They basically already are in.

Even those generic ones are too modern to be generic, how about these ones?


Avalonian shipgirls could have affinity for firepower, while laurentian shipgirls could be more likely to self-repair.

reposting old setting ideas
>the Order mainland is split into a northern Slavic/gothic styled region, where the demon Lord has her base, and a southern classical/Southern European styled region, where the Order has its capital.
>the sea of Knights seperate the two halves, and is the dark edge sea with chaos cultists, ghost ships, goth mermaids (aind kaiju girls?)
>the southern sea seperates the Order mainland from the desert continent, the land of exotic pelts filled with Brown monstergirls lies on the western coastline
>the southern sea includes two rival merchant state factions, an order aligned ship city, a pirate republic based out of a shipwreck island, a temple on the edge of the deep layer of chaos cultists sea witches, and a series of tropical islands.
>in the southern sea is also Miscaea a monster state trying to rebuild a fallen empire, rivaled by an order aligned Amazon city that wields influence over neighboring city-states.
>the Great North is a subcontinent if Scandinavian/Northern European styled states, with Viking monstergirls.
>the far west is home to dragon (feathered serpent) worshipping states and can be accessed by a massive land route or a northern passage.
>Desert Continent has wealthy city-stares, (order aligned?) nomadic sand elves, Pharoah states trying to rebuild fallen empire (Pharoah knights?) and apophis states.

Because if we are doing shipgirls, the precursors WOULD have been modern. It’s akways heartwarming to see my lore being reposted.

Modern yes, but they must also be precursors, to they should be a blend of post-post-post-modern and, like, mega-classical.

How about this (stealing some from the first list):

Red star
The Unity
The batallions
Orichalcum fields


I was mostly thinking of a Bravely Default style.

To make sure we are on the same page I’m envisioning a post-scarcity society.

How about this as a compromise- something like the Unity is shorthand for All-Unions League of States?

I was thinking more on some names that go well with "I'm the last of the X", or "by the power of Y". That's why I don't like names too generic, like "people's union of northern democratic allied leagues" (well, that and PUNDAL is a terrible acronym)

With the shipgirls (and the precursors) I'm trying to aim for a far-future post-scarcity, mixed with ante-diluvian and atlantis-like style.

Also, the names themselves even hint at what bonus can a shipgirl posess, like eutenor being masters of choreography, while orichalcum have the best defenses and the batallions the best offense.

All of that because I still find interesting that no living person can really predict if 2 shipgirls will start pummeling each other if they see face-to-face, but suspecting sides based on abilities can make for interesting scenarios.

Maybe compact can be the same pact of steel, with the biggest shipgirls on average.

Ante-Diluvian is Cthulhu right? Cause I think the chaos cultists should be seperate. That said, eldritch WW2 is something to put a pin in.

I think the compromise still works- we just have to find good (I forget there actual names so i’ll just say ways to shorten names) for the factions.

Maybe for instance the United Coalition of Free States would have the shorthand of Freedom Riders or such.

I think them getting various buffs is an interesting idea.

reposting ideas from older threads
>corruption isn't as rapid; over time it fades away if there isn't enough exposure and hasn't reached a threshold
>corruption can be resisted through wards, alchemy, special materials, and willpower
>a fully monsterized/incubized person's inhibitions and "learned personality" are weakened, but not gone; their true selves may come out, but they can still moderate themselves
>monsterized women can change back to their human shape just like symbiotic men (it also makes it easier for infiltration and gives the setting more paranoia)
>the setting is a white-and-grey setting where there are compelling arguments for preserving humans and their humanity, as there are advantages to having inhibitions and self-control; the demon lord just wants to stop bloodshed and hatred and bring about eternal love and bliss, but considers the humans becoming extinct via population absorption to be an acceptable outcome
>monster girls are drawn to men with spirit energy signatures that has similarities with their demonic energy signatures, both of which express personality of the person in question, so most assaults that do happen will end up consensual; this explains the subtle effects of demonic energy ensuring that people will end up with their preferred waifu

Oder Automatons when?

>over time it fades away

Eh, I don't personally like this. Everyone seems to want to take the teeth out of corruption in these threads.

Demonic lust radiation poisoning should mean something, damn it.

>>monsterized women can change back to their human shape just like symbiotic men (it also makes it easier for infiltration and gives the setting more paranoia)

I think only certain monster should be able to do this.

I'm just reposting it as-is, personally I'd treat corruption like L5R Taint as a cumulative, the only diference is that you can either:
stave off it's effects with jade petal tea, but will never remove them
transfer the degenerative effects onto others, which is perfect for pro corruption characters/antagonists

also agree, most likely slimes like roper or other parasitic monsters, succubi, possibly demons and witches using ilusion spells and undead using A LOT of makeup and perfume

None and never. Anything relating to monster girls and the demons is heresy. If ever someone speaks positively of ANY monster girl, they'll be punished and branded as heretics. They're family and children shall be killed and pruged, but if feeling merciful, Order Men shall forcefully purify such heretic's daughters.

Call it rape if you will, but being fornicated by a pure human is better than being corrupted by monster girls.

Hail God for God wills this!

>They're family and children shall be killed and pruged, but if feeling merciful, Order Men shall forcefully purify such heretic's daughters.
>Call it rape if you will, but being fornicated by a pure human is better than being corrupted by monster girls.


Trying to turn into the demons themselves whiles using God as a cover slate is maximum heresy.

continuing on old postan
>If this settings narrative weren't biased to assume sex and good are the same thing, I could see the plot being compelling, after years of a cruel cycle of population control involving countless wars between humans and various monsters, a monster lord decides to end it in the best way she knows how, beING a succubus in love she tries to share her and her husbands brand of happyness with the wold but she's far from rational, her deigns for long term plans are vague and feel more like justifications for not slowing down in the long term and while a welcome repreive from the slaughter risk breaking the world entirely, her only opposition is a fresh and naive chief god stepping in as replacement for her deposed predecessor.

>All of that is official lore, the issue comes from the fact that the setting refuses to treat the main villain, as the villain, the author seems to think a land trapped in animalistic debauchery is the good end and I chalk this up to the fact that they aren't allowed to have much in the way of personal lives where he comes from.

>Instead of the new chief god wanting to revert it all back to the old system (in the process erasing the intelligence of most uplifted monsters and resulting in them likely all murdering their own husbands as their first act) she should be interested in seeking a new and better way, but the new monster lord prevents it because she's too narrow minded and assumes the chief wants to just turn it back. Emphasize that the heroes can fight back and even gain ground, hell maybe even have monsters that turn against the monster lord. Be they cruel entities that wish to return to killing or kind ones who just want to stop the new war of rape and corruptions.

You're edgy by Red standards. I'm impressed.

>I wonder what would become of sociopaths. Actually, I know. Bullshit macguffin magic gives them feelings and eliminates any and all struggles within the plot.

>Actually they get ignored by monster girls and die a lonely death. Unless he is willing to give his all to not be an asshole. Monster girls have preferences and standards even if they are small in most cases. Being sociopath or a psychopath puts most, if not all, of them off.

I like this as an avoidance of magical realm, just because MGs look for husbands doesn't mean they jump on any men they come across

>shapeshifters and experts of disguise, anthropomorphosis
>very intelligent
>are merchants and business women
>they use the power of money, smooth talking, and schemes. They usurp control of human territories and merchant families. They buy out entire impoverished families at once, seizing not just the man himself, but all related properties, social ranks, etc.
>Though their deeds may seem quite atrocious, it’s not all in the name of self-profit, or for the sake of bringing about the ruin of humanity. They are monsters, and their husbands are human, so the reason they seek to seize control over human society is to remake it so that it will be easier for them to spend lascivious days together. Their objective is to make it so that they and other human-monster couples can live in happiness. For example, if they take over a territory, it develops into a monster-friendly territory. If they take over a merchant family, business grows due to their performance.
>They bring wealth to all poor families they buy out, and as wives they end up giving back even more wealth and love to the men who offered their bodies to pay off their debts. Since they bring wealth and prosperity to men and families they set their eyes on, many people treat them as “symbols of economic fortune
perfect for those Merchant Republics, either as quest givers or antagonists

>Instead of the new chief god wanting to revert it all back to the old system (in the process erasing the intelligence of most uplifted monsters and resulting in them likely all murdering their own husbands as their first act) she should be interested in seeking a new and better way, but the new monster lord prevents it because she's too narrow minded and assumes the chief wants to just turn it back. Emphasize that the heroes can fight back and even gain ground, hell maybe even have monsters that turn against the monster lord. Be they cruel entities that wish to return to killing or kind ones who just want to stop the new war of rape and corruptions.

I like this idea, corruptionfags get what they want and Paladin bros get what we want.

So you just want a JRPG plot?

Well I’m a corruptionfag. But I’m weird in that I want corruption to result in happy ends.
I agree monstergirl transformations should be permanent. Maybe there is illusion magic for when you visit the in laws.
Maybe a few have been salvaged and maintained by scholars. But where is the best place to use them? They may be damaged or lost on the frontlines.
Why does the Chief God need to be good though? I like the interpretation that the Demon Lord is doing a flawed approach to achieve a good goal (light grey) but I still find rape at its worst to be preferable to genocide at its best.
I prefer the term asshole, as psychopaths and sociopaths can still be good people (think Sherlock Holmes). And of course the red orders deal is that they are a knightly order of serial killers to avoid any seduction by monsters.

Samurai Merchant Republics?
Question- I get the Paladins enjoy the irony the good-coded guys are the bad guys. But why is it necessary to make the Chief God stop being the antagonist? Just because her guys get the plate armor and fancy cathedrals?

I'm just reposting older ideas for discussion, never said they were mine or that they should be set in stone, just wanted to get the ball rolling on worldbuild since most of the ideas posted in these threads are drowned on arguing and shitposting

or samurai merchants trying to bypass the island's blockade on foreign goods or being the first to actually try

I know, just wanted to state my objections.

Anyway- would Zipangu need to be isolationist though? They’d sit between the Order Mainland, and the Mist Continent, with a tidy profit to be made in the southern sea.

>Demonic lust radiation poisoning should mean something, damn it.
I've thought about this, but an oddly good paralell to corruption as we see here would be in Princess Mononoke. Similar traits of "a touch will get you" with incurability and a degree of inevatibility, spreading when one succumbs to the temptations of the darkness it represents and offering powers to that end, so those who don't resist fall faster even if those who resist well still have their card marked. Mononoke corruption is on Hate and Rage while MGE is on Lust.

well, I understood that Zipangu was essentially still in the warring states Era, with some Lords being Pro Cohabitation and others being Anti Monster, so a blockade isn't out of the realm of possibilities, maybe Zipangu should also be a point of focus for developing I think

Eh. It’s not as sexy if there’s no chance to ward it off.

I think a slight nicking you can ward off. Not necessarilly easily, and I think purification should be an unpleasant process, but it should be possible.

>Question- I get the Paladins enjoy the irony the good-coded guys are the bad guys. But why is it necessary to make the Chief God stop being the antagonist? Just because her guys get the plate armor and fancy cathedrals?

I don't enjoy the irony at all, and why should the DL be the good guy? There being a new Chief God gives way to have change for if things would have been the same then the original CG would not have stepped down and besides it turns things more gray instead and brings it closer to the "let's agree to disagree" arrangement since no one wanted their side to be the bad guy and allowed ideas already formed like uncorrupted or Order aligned MG along with rogue MG like vampires and Damphirs that want revenge whiles still having the DL be her old same self that corruptionfags seem to enjoy. Also it's easy just to play by the other side if you are a corruptionfag by simply switching around to the DL point of view like normal.

>angry sex with an angel

Or are we doing purification some other way

>Or are we doing purification some other way

Some other way

That hasn’t been established yet, but let’s hash that out.

I think it works better if the Daimyo aren’t in open war- they have large armies, move them around, there are occasional skirmishes, border wars, maybe a few are in open warfare, but most clans are generally at peace, and are trying to get a leg up on their competition- a lot of them importing foriegn weapons, troops or monsters.

So you have a lot of intrigue but without the hassle of open warfare.

And to the original point, enough reasons a blockade or embargo would have formed to justify Danuki smugglers.

>why should the DL be the good guy

Paladinfags want murder and violence. DL doesn't ant to kill anyone. At this rate chief god will support the DL over her own paladins.

I was being sarcastic.

I think playing both sides can work if the Chief God is the antagonist, since the Order doesn’t have a good reason to think the Gods are lying to them.
I would think that would just tempt the angel.

>Paladinfags want murder and violence. DL doesn't ant to kill anyone. At this rate chief god will support the DL over her own paladins.


I want to smite the corrupt and evil and stop corruption. If a human was trying to kill another person for no reason then he is getting the sword the same as any demon.

I say we keep it on the table at least

In L5R you CAN remove the Taint, but the cost is your life or shortening your lifespan depending on: how tainted you are, and the method

>I think it works better if the Daimyo aren’t in open war- they have large armies, move them around, there are occasional skirmishes, border wars, maybe a few are in open warfare, but most clans are generally at peace, and are trying to get a leg up on their competition- a lot of them importing foriegn weapons, troops or monsters.
>So you have a lot of intrigue but without the hassle of open warfare.
so basically, playing only as Scorpion, Lion, Mantis or Crane clans, you disgust me
jk, I like the idea, leaves space for players to shake things up

What if we just rebranded corruption though so it comes across less evil? Like try replacing each use of the word corruption with viagra and see how you feel.

I also really like the idea of samurai land importing western knights and exporting samurai as mercenaries.

>I also really like the idea of samurai land importing western knights and exporting samurai as mercenaries.
now you're talking my language

I still wouldn't like it very much user

>I say we keep it on the table at least

I'm sure your Valkyrie waifu would be waiting for you user and if you had permission from the heavens you could marry her whiles still alive and then I'm sure their light could purge the corruption from you as long as it isn't too much to be considered over whelming.

Because then its the stock "Slay the Wicked BBEG" that MGE was a sorta parody of.

I don't think you understood my post user, I was basicly saying let the players decide who was right and wrong if each side was gray. You don't have to play as an Order Knight just as how you don't have to be corrupted.

Okay, but what if-

Men are all from a race of demons.

A diverse band of all-female races must ‘purify’ the demons with their bodies, freeing them from a repressive and zealous state into a prosperous and advancing culture, that is content not with wealth or power, but with life’s simple pleasures?

I find true-grey vs. true grey to be boring though.


Not when the entire purpose of all the rewrites posted here is to remove anything negative about the order.

>The ai has to refigure complex battle maneuvers around sex. And this frustrates it.
The AI becoming frustrated at a lack of communication with command and the assault on its mainframe could create a maddened bombing run on random targets, human or monster. An automated bomber with some kind of dirty bomb which eliminates spirit energy in a wide radius for example could reroute itself to the closest source of concentrated energy in an attempt to neutralize it. Perhaps the shipgirls which were discussed about previously would also activate coastal underground air bases if they came into proximity. A confused relic of an ancient era desperately trying to carry out its orders makes for an interesting antagonist.

The mercenary knights d'Tortuga are alien to Zipangan peoples, especially after seeing so many men in plate.
Instead the knights wear only mail, hauberks, spears, and long bows.
Their rescue mission track record is unblemished and more than one lord of the east owes them a debt of gratitude for saving their son from an ushi-oni or other such monsters.

>I find true-grey vs. true grey to be boring though.

Then it seems we are back at an impasse and back to the start of the "Lets's agree to disagree" arrangement since neither side wants to be evil and considers the other worse. Anyway lets try to move on for now and back to world building, yes?

Order knights or mercs from the desert brought over for their excellent tracking and hunting skills

Personally I like the appeal of an enormous zealous corrupt church, that is still ultimately well meaning and with its limits. A lot of good aesthetics, a lot of good plot potential.
The initial era of monsterdom makes for a lot of funny shenigans.
>USS Indominitable, this is Central Command. Report what is your status.
>USS Indominitable, I repeat, this is Central Command. Report what is your status?
>Central Command, this is the USS Indominitable. What is the tactical utility of a Vagina?

That's what the canon is. But you've got plenty of Paladins who get upset over the church not being the full-on good guy.

I love that image- that should be Order Knights of the Land if Exotic Pelts.

I still find it weird. It’s gotta be more than people are just misreading who are supposed to be good guys, or roleplaying.

Does the church have to be corrupt?
In canon they had to save the world from hordes of people-eating monsters for possibly over a thousand years and those traditions and grudges and tales are not gonna go away in a few mere centuries. I see them as a product of their time, more misguided than evil.

Anything by Sabaton:

Just change the lyrics to be about slaying them Monstersluts.

That's what I was thinking when I saved the image