This comic is offensive............................................................there arent that many chicks playing dnd or other tabletop games
This comic is offensive...
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You want offensive? Here's offensive: your writing style is a fucking abomination.
Sorry im a phonefag
What do you expect? Jack Chick never does any research into the things he writes about. Reading anything other than the bible is a sin in his mind.
And according to him the hierarchy of hell looks like a bunch of Saturday morning cartoon villains
Try taking a shower sometimes and stop being a creep.
What does this have to do with this thread
I named the first thief I played Blackleaf because of this comic.
No one got the reference.
Did she forget how to reroll?
>No women in RPGs thread
>Op is not a smelly neckbeard creep
Pick one
I take two showers a day and why the hell did you call me a creep
you are angry, immature, and probably fat.
>never been in a party without at least one woman
>personally gming for an exclusively female group
Sounds like you don't play in the right groups OP.
My D&D group has more women in it than men (including my girlfriend who I met through tabletop RPGs).
Sounds like you are just a bit of a shut in.
Girls don't have cooties you know
>here arent that many chicks playing dnd or other tabletop games
Because they all kill themselves when their characters are killed, didn't you pay attention to the tract?
Since Elfstar is a level 8 cleric could't she just revive Black Leaf
>your character dies
>group kicks you out forever
Yeah I can see this happening in some groups.
The girl was retarded enough to kill herself because her character died
It's literally a witches' coven masquerading as a roleplay group.
>If you die in the game, you die for real
Marcie is fucking hardcore, everyone on this board is a casual pleb compared to her.
She could have, but clearly Elfstar just wanted all the sweet treasure and EXP for herself.
This is the reason our group has a firm rule: You die in real life, you die in the game.
Was Debbie that guy?
What is this the Matrix
The original
What if Jack Chick wrote a comic claiming that 40k is satanic
Actually in my experience girls tend to play in girl groups. So those could be five out of a total of eight female players in the whole town, but it looks like a lot because they're all together.
the internet would explode in neckbeard rage because muh lore and muh ruinous powers
>our group at its biggest had 4 dudes and 5 chicks
>after all forms of natural selection thats down to 2 each
they exist they just dont wanna play w/ you
Instead she was busy casting a *mind bondage* spell on her friend instead of resurrecting her friend
Oops i mean father
He might claim the Emperor is the Antichrist
What's with all that shit about "you don't see them because you a virgin/smelly/autist"? I never had a problem with women, they just don't come to our games club and it's not like playing pretend with adults is for everyone so I'm not inviting girls left and right. The fact is that women are less social about this hobby and prefer a more secluded approach even if they have reasons for that. This means both that there will always be less women than men in the hobby, and that they will be less visible, since men are less afraid of joining groups of outsiders. It's normal and to a certain degree correct to believe that women are not common in Veeky Forums stuff.
Then again I'm not american or pseudo-american like the 90% of this board so maybe it's different here.
Debbie is a Slaanesh worshipper confirmed
In my experience the US RPG community is about 1/3 female. A minority, but definitely not some mythical beast. You don't see them at LGSs because of the smelly virgin autists
>women are less social about this hobby
they're fucking everywhere, but I live in canuckistan so that's pretty much any hobby
I already said that it may be different in the USA (and Canada is literally the USA) where D&D is casual enough to be in cartoons like Dexter.
Half the town's female player base wiped out in a wave of suicides after one unfortunate TPK.
It keeps happening!
Did some female players convert into Christianity
I'd hazard a guess that the "smelly virgin autist" comments were more inspired by the attitude implied by OP than by the idea that only someone with those traits could end up in a situation where they'd never played with a woman.
Clearly Jack Chick was a prophet trying to warn us of the dire peril of caster supremacy. Clericwizards get to learn satanic occult majicks, theifs die to no save death traps and kill themselves, and fighters probably get handed a knife and told to go have fun.
Really though, how does getting "the real power" work if you're anything but a caster?
I take five showers a day to get all the pussy juice out of my bulging muscles.
>choosing anything but a caster
We Satanists have a thing called "natural selection". Google it.
>Gaming clubs
No wonder Girls don't come in your smelly nerd caves. I only play at home and never had any issue in getting girls on the team.
t. Eurofag
>You die in real life, you die in the game.
Well, that's decent. It would be weird to take over a PC after the player dies.
I live in a shower, and have adapted to my new semi-aquatic lifestyle through intensive surgical procedures.
>He doesn't honor his fallen comrades by keeping their PCs alive in game
Interestingly, when I was fat, pimply and unemployed my gaming groups were all entirely male. When I lost weight, got a job and started taking care of myself suddenly the group was around half women every time.
Makes u think
>not basing your setting's pantheon on Saturday morning cartoons
Why would celestials and fiends be nuanced?
You should be sorry
There is apparently a movie based on that comic
Gaming clubs are the only way to know people who plays this games once all your friends "grow" out of it.