Let's get a thread rolling about the Basic Role playing game, one of the earliest rpg after DnD than has maintained his base system for a bit more than 40 years.
It's been used for a bit of everything, from Historical to Super Heroes, and has been the introduction to RPG to a good deal of gamers around the world (specially in Europe) where lots of the earliest natives games borrowed or directly used it like the Spanish Aquelarre.
Of late it has had a minor resurgence with the introduction of new systems like Mythras, than could be considered an improved and modernized runequest.
Also lots of beloved setting has used this system, than let's itself to gritty and high mortality games, from Call of Cthulu, Glorantha, Stormbringer, Farfhard and the Grey mouser... And lots of people have, extra officially, adapted it to setting than had they own rpg games from the LotR to Star wars.
Also feel free to post images of the settings using this system or than fit the feeling of the system.
What do you guys think it's the cause it isn't talked more there? When I started playing I got the bases of the system in the go, and making characters isn't that difficult.
BRP and d100 based gamesThread
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh shit, as you guys can tell from all the glaring orthographic and grammatical mistakes, I'm not a native speaker, feel free to correct me if your autism twitch. Also thinking about starting a OP or even a little trove if the thread survives long enough to be worthwhile to make it again.
>What do you guys think it's the cause it isn't talked more there?
There's no a lot to talk about. The system doesn't have much in the glaring mechanical flaws-department to sperg out about. The system, along with its settings, encourage GMs to treat everything as suggestions instead of canon that can be argued about. There are no character builds, and it isn't going to be shy about breaking power fantasies into ittybitty pieces.
So why do you think it isn't that popular? At least compared to other, a lot more convulated systems like WoD or DnD?
I'd say it's pretty popular. It's just not popular on the internet or compared to D&D,
BRP has always been a lot of different games using d100 instead of a d100-game with a lot of different settings.
Chaosium's failure in being a functional company for the last decade and then some didn't help, but there's no denying the popularity of CoC. RQ6/Mythras remains an option for the reenactors. people still play Stormbringer. Offshoots like OpenQuest, Legend, Renaissance, RD100, Aquelarre, Järn etc still do their things.
BRP could have been a contender in the generic system pool had Chaosium managed to sell it as such, but they didn't.
I'm not that put in the history of Chaosium, why have they fucked up so bad of late?
Chaosium wavered between bankrupt and shoestring from late 90's to just recently, and their product line suffered because of it. At one point they barely managed to keep CoC alive, and while they tried to branch out, they just didn't have the resources to put in or the customers to cater to.
I guess rpg aren't very profitable, a bit sad to see an ancient one wavering tough.
Anyone has tried to run a monster hunter like game using BRP?
How do you guys portray shamans?
Are there more suplements for the Green?
Last thread another another posted two more and I got hooked. More or less the kind of game I wanted to make (tribals, dinosaurs, gun powder).
>What do you guys think it's the cause it isn't talked more there?
Cause it's boring, and there are better d100 games out there.
like warhammer?
For example? If you say Zweihander mate...
The core Green-monograph is still available through Chaosium, I think.
It's pretty neat.
I have it already, I speed read it a long time ago, and wasn't that interested, but after reading it again it has some little gems here and there.
My major grip with the green sups is only the art. Some of it doesn't quite fit, but I know is nit picking a bit. The rest is quite solid to good.
What is the green?
Zweihander is shit and overrated.
Monograph from Chaosium, that's it, a fan work than it sold be Chaosium, kinda of official.
It's a setting about a not-Amazone zone, with its own magic systems, tribes and monsters. Dinos, Gunpowder and metal weapons from the more advanced outsiders, lots of crafting... Quite interesting.
Ok, anons, if you're really going to make /BRPG/ work, you've got to get an OP Pastebin going. Make it easy to make this thread.
Go to Da Archive, get everything BRP related and put that in a pastebin, then create a Pastebin with your generic "welcome to BRP General OP."
Make it stupidly easy to make this thread, and you'll be surprised at how often you'll hit bump limit, and not just die.
I'm putting a mega with my collection, once I have everything more or less well placed I will start fishing Da archive. The OP part I'm a bit shy to put it up tough, my english level is crap.
Wh not make it /d100g/ instead of solely focussing on BRP?
Works for me, but we will have to hunt down the PDF. I for example I have a good deal of Aquelarre PDF (In Spanish), I could post them in a carpet outside the main BRP stuff, the same with other games d100 based.
I only heard bad things about that one, a monster of 700 pg without a setting? What the fuck.
Prefered Adventuring race mates?
Pic related for me.
>What do you guys think it's the cause it isn't talked more there?
It is. We regularly have threads about Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green and Runequest. We don't have threads about the generic BRP system for the same reason we have D&D and PF threads but not generic D20 threads.
But we have genesys and GURPS threads, also there are lots of minor BRP/d100 than can't maintain a thread alive but would be interesting to talk about.
What do you guys think it's the BRP major weakness?
Well lads, I will go to sleep, here the first draft of the trove at the moment mega.nz
d100 systems sounds just like d20 systems with extra steps.
d20 systems just sounds like d10 systems with extra steps
I am looking at the book and this game has classes?
I assumed this was a generic system
d10 systems just sound like d6 systems with extra steps
>there are lots of minor BRP/d100 than can't maintain a thread alive but would be interesting to talk about.
Exactly this.
I have yet to be sold on this system as a good one, it seems a bit fiddly without much payoff and seems to be set on some random character creation aspects.
That said, I'm sold on Glorantha and would be willing to give it a go if given a chance, so maybe that will sell me on it. Of course, no one seems to run it sadly.
Some variations have classes (classic fantasy) but the majory of them have jobs and culture, than are a glorified way to get pre-designed skills and equipment. Most times you will only advance skills than you use, but it depends heavily about the way the GM runs it, most of them have fiddled with BRP to suit they tastes in that regard.
Well, nothing stops you from using a character point system be it in the attributes or the skills. BRP core is a tool kit for your games after all.
The basics are simple enough for anyone to start, then you can add or even substract stuff, like maneuvers (for example, every -10 malus you take for sharpshooting a body part, you can fiddle one step in damage location in my table), some versions like mythras add a more cinematic combat with extra effects for extra steps in sucess, Passions and Focus is a tool for PC to behave like characters with the carrot in the stick of bonus or malus if they do/don't do so etc. Unlike other games the creators encourage you to fiddle with the game to suit your taste, and if you dislike that there are plenty of games with more fixated rules. It isn't hard with a few changes to go from a very cinematic combat killing mobs of minions to a ruthless CoC game, I think that is one of the beauties of the sistem.
Well, it is more of the character creation seemed a bit fiddly rather than gameplay, as I never played.
I guess I feel if you're going to have complicated stats, let me really craft a character with them, like GURPS. Otherwise I'd prefer just a simpler system. So I'm a bit skeptical of BRP.
That said, I'm still open to giving it a go, as opposed to other games I've given up on completely. My interest in Glorantha is a fair part of that too though.
Complicated stats? It must be I started before the minimalist games than now are so in vogue (started at about ten years old with RPGs, more than 25 know) but it never seemed to be that complicated for a character, you could downsize the characterist?
Sure, but I never felt any stat needed to be pruned for good (perhaps APP but for social characters is nice, and some players want to be the handsomest/most beautiful being in a room...),dunno there are brp games than have more options if its your thing, boons and banes and that kind of shit but they are a bit more cosmetic than anything (nothing a raise in a skill doesn't do or a magic spell), BRP tend to be more grounded in reality (while being a game that's it)than, lets say, a Pathfinder game where high level characters survive the equivalent of magical nukes or can destroy armies of low levels be themselves. A high level Rune lord could do that, and end stabed in the back die if he is surprised tough.
But if having so many stats isn't your thing, Heroquest lets you play Glorantha with a more narrativist sytem for example. Fell free to ask about glorantha tough, I love that setting.
BRPs chargen is on the fiddly side. But after that you don't need to fiddle no more.
It's a solid and mallable set of mechanics that can be used and abused without breaking down.
Maybe I'm mis-remembering, it has been a while since I looked at the character creation. I should find time to look at it again while we have the thread if I have questions. Though I think part of the problem is there are so many editions, I think I have RuneQuest6 and HeroQuest, no idea how up to date those are.
As for Glorantha, I have a million questions, but never know where to begin. It seems so much to take in, it is a bit intimidating.
Just ask user we can help
Runequest 6 is fairly new, heroquest a bit more old.
About Glorantha, is a bit overwhelming if you throw yourself at it head one. I wager you have started with King of Dragon pass? After that is more about what parts of the setting interest you more, for example I love praxians but I really didn't get immersed with them, lots of parts I simply took or changed them right away and even made pastiche animal tribes (like the Hippo tribe). I think even Greg Stafford had said multiple times than Glorantha is a setting to be fiddled with to adapt at your needs, don't go at it with the dread of a student than has to give a paper, but as an inspiration for your games.
Reading RuneQuest6, there is a lot of these random tables I don't care for. I see you can do point buy for stats, but there is no real equivalent for the social class or background tables? Just pick what you like in spite of some of them being vastly different in capability?
If you dont want to roll thats what id do
On second reading now, the stats and skills make more sense, you just clearly kind of have to go through the process so to speak as you need to adjust them at each stage.
I'll never like random rolling for background stuff though. That said it isn't a deal killer either.
>animal tribes
This sounds good, going to have to look these up.
I'll also say that as an animist/shaman lover, that it is built in to the basic rules pleases me.
Pretty much the random table in that 400 page book is an optional background event table in chargen.
RQ6, and BRP in general, spits on the concept of game balance. I think they went with "life isn't fair, so why should a game be?" If that's an issue, you're going to struggle with the game.
RQ6 is still the version that at least tries to make an effort in that regard.
>only random table
I guess it's a matter of I tend to like to make my own character as opposed to the dice make it for me. If that makes sense.
The rest of the stuff looks pretty reasonable, definitely would be willing to give it a go to see how it works.
As for Glorantha, the Praxians are nomad-types I take it? What are good cultures to read about who have animist traditions?
The Orlanthi are theist I take it? Though I seem to recall ancestor worship being a thing as well.
Also, what is this Solar/Lunar divide? It seems important but I'm missing the explanation it seems.
Orlanthi are worshippers of Orlanth and his pantheon.
Praxians are nomadic animal tribes. Hsunchen are animal worshipping hunter gatherers. Theres also balazarings
The red moon godess is a new god. And her empire rules the solar hearthland. The sun god Yelm is one of the oldest gods.
> d20 systems just sounds like d10 systems with extra steps
> d10 systems just sound like d6 systems with extra steps
Not exactly. It depends much on how many dices the system use per roll. Let me go deeper into the topic:
I'm assuming d100 systems (which I'm personally not familiar with any, therefore I might be wrong) rely mostly on a single 1d100 roll, similar to how DnD and other d20 systems rely on a single 1d20 roll for most stuff (yeah, damage use other dices but you get the idea). In that sense, yes, rolling 1d100 is just like rolling 1d20 with extra steps. d10 and d6 systems, on the other hand, often rely on rolling multiple dices at once, which is a whole another thing. But back to the 1-dice-roll systems, there's other two facts to consider:
> granularity
d100 has a higher granularity, which gives the system more freedom to play with values. While on a d20 system, each +1 is "worth" +5%, d100 can do anything from +1% to +5%. That is 5x more granularity. The same way, a d20 system has 2x more granularity than a d10 system.
> complexity
Players are dumb. That might not be the case for you and me particularly, but a lot of players find it hard to smooth do math during gameplay. The higher the granularity, the worse this get. Players are mostly OK to do 17+6+2=?, but they will find 82+27+9=? a lot more troublesome to do.
Now, when coming to pick between d100 and d20, you should consider both things. I've done that, and I've come to the conclusion d20 is better in the Granularity vs Complexity balance. Yes, it loses granularity, but it also has reduced complexity which makes it easier to play. This is not my conclusion as a d20 fan player, this is my conslusion as a game designer that has been trying to make my own system for a few years. I started off with d100 because it sounded a great idea, but quickly moved back to d20. And again, my analysis is considering 1-dice-roll systems.
Yeah, the Animal tribes from Prax are nomads, tought they bully the setled towns for goods and stuff. They are shamanistic but they also have they own sacred sites (the paps and the big Law rock than I never remember the name) and pantheon, and the Storm Bull cult is quite big. There are Five big animal tribes (Llama, Bison, Impala, Sabre and Morokanth) plus the Independent tribes, some are nomads and others totally different. Basmoli or Lion men,Bolo Lizard Folk, Cannibal Cult, Men-and-a-Half, Newtlings, Ostrich Clan, Pavis Survivors, Rhinocerous Riders, Unicorn Women, Pol Joni and the Zebra Tribe, plus the Lost and Hidden tribe than we only know the name like The Bellow-Beast Tribe, The Claw-Foot tribe, The Long-Nose Tribe, The Nose-Horn Tribe,The Plains-Elk Tribe, and whatever you add. My prefered part of glorantha.
Orlanthy follow the Storm pantheon, but they also have a Shamanistic tradition, Shamans tend to be tricksters than can help or scam you, some times in the same deal.
The Hsunchen are interesting in that they are hunter gatherer, totemic poeple, the Telmori or wolf men are perhaps the most well know.
>d100 systems (which I'm personally not familiar with
>as a game designer that has been trying to make my own system for a few years. I started off with d100 because it sounded a great idea, but quickly moved back to d20
I'm sure your game is going to make you roll in hookers and blow, user.
Can't be familiar with everything. Also, I'm not trying to make the perfect system, just one that most fit my DM style.
But I actually think my d100 vs. d20 analysis is relevant. Unless I'm missing some big point. If that is the case, please feel free to enlighten me.
I'm not being sarcastic or anything, if there's a better generic d100 system out there I'll probably use it instead
No, it has templates which are just suggestions for certain "Roles", similar to GURPS
Unless your GM is forcing you to use it for some reason, you can ignore them
Hey, look at that, someone else besides me actually made a thread! Hallelujah.
Seriously though user, If you want this general you have to make a couple of changes
>Change it from BRP general to D100 general. If you say BRP, people will only talk about the base system and not its constituents.
>Get a pastebin going. Have some suggestions of where to start and a link to megas of the game (I don't know where, but I'm pretty sure there's a generic BRP mega somewhere)
>nazi hippo
my god
As I said my english is crap,I would love to use a pastabin than makes some sense to a native speaker, my english is very funcky. I'm making a mega with my collection than is a bit up in this same thread, I have a fairly good deal of Runequest/glorantha stuff, I an entire aquelarre folder in Spanish, BRP etc. After I finish to upload the Runequest stuff I will process with the Legend and Mythras, dunno if to add them to the BRP folder or they own little ones tough.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder mate.
>"For the reenactors"
Meaning what?
The GM advice WRT social class is that if you don't want to roll for it then you as Game Master ought to choose one for them, because it gets real hard real fast to have serfs hanging out with kings on the regular.
(Further, you probably should do that.)
But you don't use additive math in most d100 systems, user.
You typically use d100 roll-under in d% systems, and modify your stats multiplicatively. If you're worried, you can even add a space on your sheet to mark half, fifth, and double your skill.
Hmmm. Care to explain in a bit more details? Perhaps with numbers? I'm not here to bash what others like, I really just wanna understand how it works.
If your Hang head out of window-skill (a genuine skill from CoC) is 70%, you have a 70% chance of (70 or less on d100) of successfully hanging your head out of the window. Seeing as this particular skill was exclusive to a dog "NPC", I'd say it was a 70% chance of hanging your head and looking cute while doing it.
If the act was deemed difficult, it would come with a negative modifier to the base value, like -20, -40 or halved skill, depending on circumstance and specific game. If it was easier, it would be a positive modifier.
Either way, you end up with rolling against your skill instead of a floating target number. And with different levels of success (hitting within 1/20, 1/10, 1/5 or 1/2 of your modified skill, depending on specific game), indicating a better than usual windowhanging. Or catching a fly in the eye if failing with a high enough roll.
Pg 15-16 in the Mythras Imperative rules will get you what you need.
Suppose for example that you have an Insight skill of 54. Someone lies to you, any old person. You roll d100, and try to roll 54 or lower.
But say that they're drunk, or high, and therefor easy to read. That's Easy, or half-again your skill. 1.5*58=87. When you roll, you're trying to roll 87 or lower.
Conversely, say that they're a professional con-artist and they're very good liars. In that case you'd roll against half of your skill. 58/2=29. So you're trying to roll a 29 or lower.
Now, multiplicative math is slow, at least as slow as adding double-digits. But you can write all that down on your sheet:
Insight 58 (12/29/39/87/116)
Then you don't do literally any math at the table.
(And, as per the Simplified rules, you could also just do a -40/-20/+0/+20/+40 which would be pretty easy)
Mythras' bloody thirds still give me headaches. And I love that game.
I'm inclined to agree. I was surprised when I read it more carefully and saw 2/3 as an entry. I really only have experience with CoC, and have been reading Mythras because I want to run it in the future. But my head still thinks in CoC lol
First of all
>But you can write all that down on your sheet:
>Then you don't do literally any math at the table.
That is indeed a good approach, if done in a reasonable way.
> You roll d100, and try to roll 54 or lower.
I'm also not much familiar with roll under systems, but it does help with complexity.
But I do feel like saying that, from everything you guys said, this could be achieved with a d20 as well:
>is 70%, you have a 70% chance of (70 or less on d100)
70% is basically 14 or less on a d20
>-20, -40 or halved skill
-4, -8, division works the same way
>Suppose for example that you have an Insight skill of 54. Someone lies to you, any old person. You roll d100, and try to roll 54 or lower.
Insight skill of 54/100 is almost 11/20, then you roll the d20 and try to get 11 or lower
So, at this very moment, my opinion is that unless you will write down everything on your character sheet (your score and how it looks with different modifiers), I would still prefer a d20 system. Though I do agree that is not really much a problem to have 4 or 5 modifiers written down on your character sheet, and even if the math is a bit messy to calculate it, you only do it once and it doesn't bother the gameplay. But also, d100 seems only worth it if the systems uses very well the additional granularity it provides.
All this could be achieved with a d4 instead of a d20.
There is more to it than static, unopposed rolls. Compare Pendragon or Drakar och Demonar (both d20-versions of BRP) to its parent, specially the way combat plays out. Bigger increments - bigger effects. More pass/fail than gradient results. Not that it needs to be bad, it's just that thing about opionions and assholes again.
>All this could be achieved with a d4 instead of a d20.
Yes. But like I said on my other post, we need to find a balance between granularity and complexity. d4 clearly don't have enough granularity, or at least not enough for what most people expect from systems. d100 has a lot, but unless it is using all that potential, might as well stick with d20. It has a decent enough granularity and smaller numbers.
My main concern when I was creating a system using d100 was that the math was getting too complicate for, well, less math-inclined people. Some anons mentioned that some d100 systems write down not only the scores but also the score under the effects of positive/negative modifiers, and I do think that is a honest way to tackle the problem, because it takes the hard math out of the gameplay. But I do see a lot of (usually new) game designer making the mistake of going (unnecessarily) too big on complexity because they think the game will be better that way, which is not true more often than not.
I don't think its that much of a matter of personal opinion. Personal opinion is overrated now a days anyway. I think its a lot more about what the system is trying to achieve. I'm inclined to prefer the d20 approach in general, but in some cases I would probably think d100 is a good approach. Again, if a d100 system is using really well the additional granularity it gains from the d100 choice, and dealing properly with the complexity problem, it might end up really well.
G-g-guys do we have a CoC trove already? Because I have more than 10 gb of content uploaded at the moment.
Yes we do
Good, should we mix them or simply have them in separated Links?
Also first time using mega to share, still lots of gaps in the games. What should I add next?
There's like 3 CoC troves already floating around
Share the user and pass so other anons can start uploading / sorting
The user is mail is [email protected].
Name Archy Vist.
I will trawl my archives, I think I had some more mytrhas/rq6 stuff.
Are you guys fucking high? How is BRP complicated? It’s one of the simplest systems. There are like 7 stats. You roll the stats or distribute points. Hit points are usually equal to (CON + SIZE)/2. Magic points are determined in a similar fashion but with other stats. Then you distribute a certain amount of points between some skills and that’s about it.
And that’s a typical BRP-game character sheet. Doesn’t look very complex to me.
I don't think anyone has said BRP is complicated. Chargen includes juggling chunks of skill points which is fiddly if you compare it with, say OD&D. If you compare it with something like the new Conan, it's practically not even a game.
Have you had a look at the Sigil system? It's simple as fuck since there's barely anything to it.
So what is this Sigil-system, and what sets it apart?
Distributing 300% on 8 skills or so isn’t exactly rocket science. Sometimes I doubt the intellectual level of the average fa/tg/uy.
Learn what words mean, user. It will improve your life.
I found it after watching a youtube tabletop game series. Since I like d100 but my players think it's too complicated, I've been looking for a simple one so it won't break their brainlet heads. That's why I like Sigil. Shit's easy, yo. You have like 20 skills and that's it. It's very lethal though but I do like its chargen. It's almost like Traveller's chargen.
>Chargen is on the fiddly side
Chargen is already so simple, it shouldn’t challenge you at all.
where can I read more about this chargen system?
The fucking state of modern rolplayers.
I prefer rugged waifus, thank you.
It isn't a challenge as much as doing skills takes 3-4 different passes and then there are several tables to roll on to work out other bits. Reading it looks like a many step process where later ones can influence early ones and so on.
I don't think anyone is saying it's difficult, just that it can be daunting for a new player to grasp and sort through.
It's a free game m8. Google the fucker.
The other thing to realize is that people understand percentages intuitively. Twentieths, on the other hand...
It's nothing like the d20 system.
Well, anyone has added anything/sorted to the trove?