Renaissance > Middle Ages
Renaissance > Middle Ages
On principal, I agree.
Antiquity > anything else
Classical and Bronze Age>Middle Ages>Renaissence.
I don't think saying something true will get you many replies OP.
Colonial Age>>>>>>All
Middle earth > Hogwart > Warhammer Fantasy >> Narnia > Westeros > Randland
Middle earth > Hogwart > Warhammer Fantasy >> Narnia > Westeros >Everything else >>>>>>>>>>>>> Randland
Bullshit. The renaissancewas a disaster and it would be probably the 3rd thing i would prevent if i had a time machine.
>shitting on Randland
>unironically saying Warhammer: OW THE EDGE is good
>unironically saying Narna: Christ Is Coming is good
>unironically saying aSoIaF: OW THE EDGE electric boogaloo is good
The absolute state of Veeky Forums everyone. You deserve /pol/ raids.
My colonial age>>>>your colonial age
t. godless stemfaggot
Māori > Native Americans
DnD is set in a renaissance setting
checkmate atheists
Actually, it's Middle Ages > Renaissance > Early Modern Period.
Can I still have knights?
How different are the three states in the renaissance and early modern compared to the middle ages?
Damn straight.
I like the Byzantine aesthetic more than the renaissance one. Big ol' domes are better than the little cathedral ones.
How can one man be so wrong?
Early Modern > Renaissance >>> A bunch of retarded faggots doing retarded pleb stuff (the Medieval period)
Depends on the country, user
That explains your lack of historical understanding. In what way is the Renaissance possibly a "mistake"? Are you retarded? Or are you perhaps a self-hating STEMfag who doesn't like science and would prefer to set it back by hundreds of years in Western Europe?
The third state steadily grows more powerful while the lower ranks of the second state become mercenaries.
Antiquity > Dark Ages > Colonial Era > Middle Ages > Renaissance > Modern Day
You have the birth of the middle class, throwing the established system out of whack.
The Nobles have almost completely transitioned from ‘martial class of knights’ to ‘wealthy landowners who lounge around the king’.
Priests have lost a ton of power- the Catholic Church has fallen from grace in half of the continent, and in the other half the king is the one appointing the priests.
It still sucks to be a peasant but after the Black Death everyone has a pair of shoes, and has some bargaining power, including in some cases a wage.
So very different.
Bronze Age > Modern Times > Enlightenment > Classical > Renaissance > Middle Ages > Prehistory > Industrial Revolution >>>>>>>> World Wars
>It still sucks to be a peasant but after the Black Death everyone has a pair of shoes, and has some bargaining power, including in some cases a wage.
I think the nobles then made laws against the shoes.