A Fatal Bitcoin Vulnerability

>After Bitcoin fork on 1 August it became obvious that Bitcoin the protocol did have an inherent vulnerability. This was that if the chain loses mining power it will have to wait a full 2016 blocks before the difficulty can be adjusted to bring the block time back to the normal 10 minutes. This vulnerability was never considered or analysed because until now the miners had no choice but to keep mining on the Bitcoin chain. After the fork however, the whole landscape has changed. Miners have a choice and power to influence the fate of the chain they are mining on.
>A Chain Death Spiral occurs when the block time increases leading to some miners switching chain. As more miners leave the problem gets worse and a feedback loop results in the dreaded Chain Death Spiral.
>Bitcoin (BTC) mempool been increasing since after the fork on 1st August. It is currently 52MB which means it will take 52 blocks to clear without any additional transactions. The record was in May 2017 when it reached 120MB. The whole community was in an uproar resulting in a move towards other competing coins for transacting.
>What is certain is that the current price of BTC is not justified with this inherent vulnerability, risk of the dreaded Chain Death Spiral. Have investors totally abandoned any thought of immutable economic security and due diligence? It is incredible how we lose sight of the risks when we bamboozled with riches, hype and misinformation through censorship.
>It is other peoples' hard earned money and other peoples' investments. Even the possibility that this "black swan event" can happen must be addressed. It should never be censored speech.
Is BTC currently the least safe coin to hold? The Chinks could kill it at the flip of a switch.

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nope that prize belongs to bazingo coin

This theory has been debunked hundreds of times

Miners follow money. Currently bitcoin pays miners the most it doesn’t look like that is changing

Bitcoin is a shitcoin.
It should be replaced.

BCH will eventually Flip BTC, In maybe like another three or four Dragonslayer moves.

So disappointed I didn't drop 30k into bch when it was around 180-220. talked about it bro said it was a complete failure... Still a no-coiner. Ill Livestream when I kms for you guys, im going to junp off the golden gate bridge but I'm not going to land in the water fuck drowning in cold water with broken ribs and torn organs, I'm going to jump on the foundation of the tallest pillar i can see.

>What Kind of Smartphone should I get to do this though?

yes convert to ETH

Flippening would confirm the suspected Ponzi nature of Crypto and turn away investors.

>uspected Ponzi nature of Crypto and turn away investors.
well shit I thought you all were onto this just want to be the ones who cash out enough not to kys before that happens. The way i see it now is the tech is being advanced by the private sector to the point of being a usable product for "Government" down the line, am I correct in my presumption?

Also What phone do I need?

The only way this "nightmare" scenario ever happens is if everyone on the entire earth wakes up one day and says "welp, I don't need to make money anymore"

this will never happen. There will always be miners for BTC.

Never thought someone would make a picture absolutely about me,

And in response to the post. Fuck Core. I abandoned it with Segwit.

At this point even dogecoin is more deserving to replace that shitcoin.


Why do you don't like SW? It increased the capacity by 40%!

Guys wtf? What's the meaning of this?
Transfered my btc from multibit HD to Electrum on 15 dec, still unconfirmed

What kind of a moron doesn't store BTC on an exchange?!
Also poorfag.

dude, you need higher fees. like way higher.

It got dropped from the mempool.

this. It's really so true


The transaction failed, try again with a higher fee.

but how?
My multibit hd wallet shows zero btc

Can you link the sending address? I can have a look. Otherwise try reloading your wallet, or import into another wallet.

CDS would be bad for bitcoin and bitcoin cash and all of crypto for that matter.

If people are totally locked out of their value, faith in crypto is destroyed. Core actually needs to implement difficulty adjustments like Cash has. While I think Core is fucked long term, do to its inability to transact "muh store of value" excuse, they should still do this to protect investors.

Probably hasn't dropped yet. I've had BTC transactions in limbo for weeks on end. That was after Segwit. If you don't pay enough you won't be picked up by the miners.

On BCH this is different because BCH RBF (replace by fee). Basically pay more to get your transaction through faster. This was added to bitcoin later and was never in the original whitepaper or roadmap. Also why double spending is possible on Segwit.

repairing wallet

When miners abandon btc other miners jump in to grab the opportunities for making money. There are farms with older equipment doing nothing but waiting to take the slack. Waiting doesn't cost electricity, you can look at the graphs and see how when large farms move from btc or have downtime other farms jump in.

>they should still do this to protect investors.
BTC was taken over by the banks, they're a trojan whores.

>The Bilderberg Group funded Blockstream. On February 3rd, 2016, AXA invested $55 million in Blockstream. At the time of that investment, Henri de Castries was the head of both AXA and Bilderberg Group.

>MasterCard funded Digital Currency Group, which funded Blockstream. Note: Glenn Hutchins serves as a board director for both the Digital Currency Group and the Federal Reserve Bank.
dcg.co/who-we-are/ (Archive: archive.is/6BLgo )
dcg.co/portfolio/#b (Archive: archive.is/u9e3n )
>Blockstream crippled Bitcoin BTC, to push people towards the Lightning Network:
>The Truth About Lightning Network:
>Larry Summers, the man who started the "war on cash" also serves as "special adviser" to the DCG board.

Yeah I know, its pretty obvious when literally the only thing you need to do to relieve congestion is to increase block size. Even if they didn't see it as a long term solution, they could have at least kept people content. Instead they allowed the issue to boil over causing people to leave Core.

>le 36% dominance face

>Even if they didn't see it as a long term solution
Or... they could've just let the MINERS CHOOSE IT, as Ethereum does!

Could I get a quick rundown on BIPs. Basically its anyone with a node can vote despite any hashpower backing the node, right? Originally only miners could vote if I'm not mistaken.

Fuck me, same shit happened in America. Only property owning white males could vote. Now every welfare urban sheboon can.

It's pretty obvious to me now that BCH is the real bitcoin.