A 1000-strong space marine chapter drops into modern day Earth without its battle barge or any space support. Can they subdue Earth by themselves?
A 1000-strong space marine chapter drops into modern day Earth without its battle barge or any space support...
maybe not
yes, or at least make it into post apoc
if by "drops" you mean deep strikes to strategic positions then yes
If by "drops" you mean, awakens in the middle of Siberia then probably yes
>space marine killing humans on Holy Terra
I think you should have a word with your local Inquisitor, citizen.
Probably not. They'd tear through normal infantry but they probably won't fare so well against tanks, air strikes and artillery.
Even if they start by assassinating important politics, most countries would go full martial law and that'd only further ruin their chances.
They'd make a big mess though, that's guaranteed. Eventually, however, they'd run out of bolter shells, and then they're just big guys in big armour. Shoot them with a rocket launcher a few times and they're dead.
>they probably won't fare so well against tanks, air strikes and artillery.
well, they fare okay against SPESS tanks, air strikes and artillery
In the lore at least, they have superhuman speed, and their standard issue weapons are machine-gun rocket launchers. I think they can handle a tank.
>Lore marines
Depends on the writer, but on average they would at least burn whole countries and even continents. Subduing might be more difficult.
>Tabletop marines
ha no
Big E will have to pull some major warp shittery in order to get them back to their own time.
yeah, but only because they have their own tanks, artillery and air craft.
OP specified that they have no battle barge or space support, so we'd just need to zerg them with our own stuff until either
A) They run out of ammo
B) We manage to destroy whatever armour dropped with them
Yeah, how many rounds can their machine-gun rocket launchers carry? Do they have enough to destroy every single armoured vehicle on the planet?
Are they faster than a fighter jet?
Are they fast enough to dodge artillery strikes?
Would their power armour survive a direct hit from a modern day main battle tank?
I'm pretty sure they wouldn't survive being ran over by 60 tons of M1 Abrams, so there's that as well.
Not unless a world superpower assists them.
they can manufacture more shells im pretty sure, at least for certain weapons
>can they take a hit from a battle tank
almost undoubtedly
>can they survive getting rammed by a tank
see above
>do they have enough to destroy every vehicle
dont need that many, they are more than capable of destroying a tank in melee
>dont need that many, they are more than capable of destroying a tank in melee
they literally are
one could easily rip the hatch off at the very least
you have no idea what a tank is
you have no idea what a space marine is
The question isn't whether they could win a land battle against the world's superpowers. It would be whether the marines could effectively destabilize a nuclear power and take control of their arsenal before the world caught on. I'd give this to the space marines.
Yes they are.
Especially since a full chapter will include terminators, who have power fists and thunder hammers, both of which easily rip through tank armor
>without its battle barge or any space support
So you're taking a huge part of how marines operate away from them?
How about other support - their tanks and artillery, serfs, supply drops, tactical information?
Also, when you say "drops", are you excluding or including drop pods there?
A marine chapter operating as a marine chapter will roll modern earth very quickly.
A marine chapter as just 1000 men will fight one hell of a guerrilla war, and would probably struggle with some hardened elements, but would cause destruction on an incredible scale
Yes, but not by martial force. The have Librarians with magic on their side and Chaplains who could convince the world's popoulation that the Emperor is the One and True God.
Whether they'll be any more of a threat than ISIS depends entirely on the amount of vehicles they have. Unsurprisingly, Space Marines can only do so much when you take away the "space." Don't underestimate the amount of firepower Earth has to bear.
>Are they fast enough to dodge artillery strikes?
Yes. And enough stamina to keep sprinting straight towards the crew.
>Would their power armour survive a direct hit from a modern day main battle tank?
Probably but they wouldn't need to. The main gun on a tank is horribly inefficient at killing infantry currently and now you're throwing monsters who can sprint at the speed of a car cruising near indefinitely who are still relatively human sized
>I'm pretty sure they wouldn't survive being ran over by 60 tons of M1 Abrams, so there's that as well.
That's implying so much dumbshit i'm not even going into it.
Holy shit you're actually retarded. A space marine could rip the fuck tracks off and probably just start punching his way through the fucking armor, let alone just punch through the hatch and start ripping people out.
You're a retard. OP stated it was an entire chapter, who only lack their battle barge or any space support. A full chapter includes devastators armed with multimeltas, missile launchers, plasma launchers and lascannons, terminators, land raiders, predators, dreadnoughts and vanguard veterans, all of which could easily destroy tanks.
>Don't underestimate the amount of firepower Earth has to bear.
compared to a military planet in 40k? fucking nothing
When have marines ever been able to dodge arty fire in fluff? They are fast for guys in power armour but they are not exactly as fast as a tank.
Not very likely. They could sure fuck it up though.
We're not comparing it to a military planet.
eh fair point.
they probably could do that pretty easily
>Holy shit you're actually retarded. A space marine could rip the fuck tracks off and probably just start punching his way through the fucking armor, let alone just punch through the hatch and start ripping people out.
They can't. Which author wrote it like that?
>They are fast for guys in power armour but they are not exactly as fast as a tank.
Yes they are. Their fast enough to dodge bullets, which means their easily faster than a tank, since most tanks maximum speed is less than 100km/h
No, they immediately collapse and die because of the lack of writer bullshittery that makes their existence possible.
None, but stop hating on my smurfs.
space marines are a force designed to deal with threats that can destroy said military planets
a chapter of space marines is usually overkill even in 40k
>Yes they are. Their fast enough to dodge bullets
I think you might have mistaken 'Eldar' with 'Marines'. Eldar are the superhumanly fast guys who can dodge bullets, heck even among Eldar it's a specific sort of bullshit fast guys called Harlequins that can evade bullets.
Marines are faster than humans but not that fast. They've lost, even in melee, to humans before.
Not seeing how thats relevant to the question at all.
Not that user, but iirc there was a story in one of the SM codices that was about a tactical trooper having the reaction time to jump on an artillery shell in the instant between when it fell to the ground and exploded, protecting his squad. Definitely not the same as actively dodging artillery, but they are pretty damn quick.
Yeah but they've also lost a chainsword fight to a human or been slow enough to eat a meltagun because the human was quicker on the draw than they were.
a space marine chapter > all but the most fortified of 40k planets (think cadia)
a military 40k planet>earth
a space marine chapter>earth
Mind you, that's 'A space marine chapter with a battle barge' in that first case. Having orbital support, including bombardment capabilites and the ability to use drop pods or get filers (since the battle barge is the carrier for those) is a massive advantage.
its almost like 40k is a setting which operates on plot-force and rule of cool
>Marines are faster than humans but not that fast
Yes they are. Calgar's described as doing just that. Now, you could easily argue that that's because calgar is a chapter master, and fair enough, but to assert that marines are slower than tanks, most of which can't even reach 60mph is ridiculous
True, I guess it depends if Earth is written by someone like Dan Abnett or if the SM are written by someone ala Matt Ward. Plot armour is best armour
true, in a straight up ground war they are less effective
I wonder if they keep their stormravens/flyers
Yeah. It sorta makes these arguments kinda pointless as who wins is basicly 100% dependent on if this is a space marine book or an 'ooh rah' marine book. If the latter, you'll start seeing all those sergeants getting their helmetless heads blown up by Super Elite Snipers with .50 cal sniper rifles or such.
So how much faster are eldar then if 'Dodge bullets' if within space marine capabilities? Since melee eldar tend to go through space marines like a hot knife through butter.
I'm not sure. I'd imagine not without the battle barge because they don't really have a launching platform but it's a bit uncertain. Space Marine Logistics isn't really a heavily covered area.
Very fast. But not as fast as genestealers.
Just use tabletop stats.
Genestealers have lost melee fights to medieval knights and an elderly man with a shotgun. I'm starting to think 40k might be a bit inconsistent.
>because they don't really have a launching platform but it's a bit uncertain.
They could have have thunder hawks, which are what is used to transport their vehicles and are capable of space flight.
well, dark eldar are so fast that some CSM veterans have trouble even seeing them properly- having to resort to fighting by prediction, and regular imperial tech cant even register them (through that was mandrakes)
>implying a mighty paladin clad in the purest armour and wielding the mightiest of holy swords could ever lose to a filthy naked, quadruped alien
That's more or less exactly how it went. The imperial priest turned up, saw the multi-limbed creature on a flag and went 'Fuck, genestealers' so he organised a group of knights and crossbowmen to hunt the creatures down and kill them.
While it looks like we've hit bedrock about rule of cool being the real answer, I just thought of another quote. It runs something like Rogal Dorn said to give him 100 SM or failing that, 1000 other troops. So if 1 SM ~= 10 guardsmen, and say even that a guardsman is worth ~2 modern soldiers due to lasguns, flak / carapace and their supporting weapons and infrastructure, that would put the ratio at somewhere like 1000 SM = 20,000 modern troops with full support. Say with SM command units and special weapons (or if a guardsman is worth more than 2 modern soldiers), it was even 10 times that, that would mean roughly the top 10 odd militaries in the world should be able to beat a chapter of SM.
Yeah, if you look at the numbers, bolters really shouldn't do much at all against tanks.
Space maines excell at wrecking organized military forces, decapitation strikes, seizure of destruction of specific war assets, etc. They arent for holding down, or even properly capturing, in most cases, massively populated planets. It just isnt their job.
And one chapter by itself in no way shape or form>>>a fortress world.
Their vehicles are pretty much straight up worse than ours even if their infantry are great. Even if they can tank standard dogfighting missiles they have manned turrets that need visual range to shoot at stuff, so every minute they spend flying around is another chance to take a missile to the reactor and lose multiple percentage points of their force to the explosion and fall. Guard missile launchers aren't really better than our handhelds RPGs, and I'm fairly sure those have killed Marine vehicles in 40k books. In Gaunts Ghosts an AT missile to the chest = dead Marine, so you might see some special hunter-killer squads of a few hundred guys with heavy weapons trying to corral single Space Marine squads. If they deploy in anything larger than single-squad units they aren't controlling shit.
>Their vehicles are pretty much straight up worse than ours
which is why they can fight vehicles that fire antimatter cannons or the terminators pimp-mobile right?
Don't you love it when someone doesn't source his stuff? As if he is totally making it up.
What, are they going to conquer a planet by walking across the whole thing? There's no way they could do it without air-transport.
>Their vehicles are pretty much straight up worse than ours even if their infantry are great.
Land raiders would be a problem - we ain't doing shit to land raiders without some serious shenanigans.
Something like a Rhino, yeah, that's probably on a par with some of the better APCs, and all other marine tanks are based on that chassis - usually with much heavier armour on one or more facings, but a Land Raider is basically indestructible by anything we have that could hit it
>Don't you love it when someone doesn't source his stuff? As if he is totally making it up.
That's the fluff for Uriah Jacobus. SOB special character.
You mean the shittiest plane ever designed?
Page 62, Codex Sisters of Battle.
ragnar does, IIRC, rip open a hatch from a tank with his own hands. IIRC it was also ragnar or an ultramarine who was able to run at and stop a big limousine or tank with their hands while it was moving.
They have what, a dozen Land Raiders? We can happily assign an aircraft carrier to each of those and keep shelling them until the end of time. Just NATO alone can probably assign one or two aircraft and a tank per Marine, the scale is just too silly.
The biggest problem would probably be teleporting Terminators, and IIRC they need a biggish ship with teleport bays for that.
I assume they would try to take over a country first, then expand with the help of their new army. What would be the best country for them to start out on?
>implying any regular modern day human would serve a fucking space marne
dude, morals here and in 40k are waaay too different
Most people would regard them as genetic abominations, some would think of them as victims, but prettty much nobody would be awed by "the emperors angels" as they are in 40k
So they got heavy causalities during the battle and got lucky by killing the Broodfather which left the cult in a state of confusion and dismay.
Don't you like it when people omit information?
Yes? They still won against them, which is what was said. Even marines suffer heavy casualties against gene stealers, that's kinda the point of the space hulk game.
That's such a boring question, the real question is what country would the space marines landing on create the most memes?
>Ukrainian gopniks molotov cocktailing a marine on vk
>HD clip of ISIS beheading a captured space marine after getting a lucky RPG hit on liveleak
>Drunk Strayans in Bali ram a marine off scooter
>HD clip of ISIS beheading a captured space marine
the sword would fucking break
Lucky? It has Uriah using tactics to expose the heart of the cult and kill it. It's not like it was a random shot that killed them.
What chapter also
>Blood Ravens land in Europe
please do more than read 1d4chan
spess merns can't 1v1 tanks in lore or on the tabletop
How large is a Space Hulk marine force assuming they are not Blood Angels? From the vidya game it cannot be more than 12?
How many humans died fighting those genestealers?
Which legion?
Alpha Legion could utterly wreck any civilization who don't know what a space marine is
World Eaters would get killed by the air force in a day or less
maybe it's just that mighty knight with strong beliefs, faith and conviction is just that much better than some brainwashed man child ?
Maybe a strong sword arm anchored by faith is better than being a genetic monstrosity that can only barely be considered human?
>From the vidya game it cannot be more than 12?
And a marine has a 83% chance to not win against a genestealer in melee going by the rules of space hulk. The vidya really, really turned up space marine survival.
The only marine with decent odds against a genestealer in space hulk is the thunderhammer/storm shield one and even then only if he's not engaged from the sides/back. With that + front attack he's got just over 50% chance of winning.
>but prettty much nobody would be awed by "the emperors angels" as they are in 40k
Except that happens to like 70% of people that meet them. That or pants-shitting terror.
Why wouldn't it happen here?
>Why wouldn't it happen here?
No pro-marine propaganda. You'd probably be pretty awed if Gary Gygax showed up. Someone who has never heard of D&D, not so much.
Do you shit your pants when someone tall talks to you?
In 40k they're known as living breathing demi-gods, created by the Emperor himself.
What would achieve the same effect in our society is if literal angels(y'know, with wings and halos and shit) came down from the heavens.
Astartes look nothing like that and we don't know who the fuck they are or what their intentions could be.
There'd be no awe. They'd come, start fucking shit up with their, get confused with aliens and then we'd go to war against them.
Most people wouldn't even see them as proper humans.
Pants-shitting terror is more plausible for someone getting attacked by them alone or for a group of soldiers getting surrounded by them.
But then again, that already happens to normal people being surrounded by other normal humans.
marines just push it a little bit further
>marines land in Japan
>accept the emperor is alive and actually a little 5'8 asian man
>Japan uses its repainted kawaii marine force to invade China
how fucking new are you?
Then why did it happen during the crusade?
Why is fighting alongside them (not against them, as their allies) scare the piss out of them?
They're not known as the "Angels of Death" for propaganda reasons - they're known as that because they are scary powerful motherfuckers, and they usually "earn" that awe by their first couple of strikes.
- most of your points are exactly why they cause awe - just in a "shock and awe" sense. They are terrible to behold in all their inhuman fury -this is said again and again. Tell me you wouldn't find an armour-clad behemoth who can punch out a tank (aka a power-fist sergeant) terrifying to fight, even if you outnumbered the marine force 100 to 1
they'd be a horrible sight to behold, but you need to consider that during the great crusade, most worlds didn't have the means to actually put up any sort of fight against them
The astartes legions numbered in the hundreds of thousands of space marines, a chapter has, at most, a thousand.
They'd be terrifying in the same way an angry bear is.
It can fuck you up and both of you know it.
It's faster, stronger and, in the case of a space marine, just as smart, maybe more.
maybe their allies are scared of them because every now and then they decide to murder innocents for no reason? Maybe it's because many astartes think themselves superior to all other humans, despite their entire existance being that of a weapon?
Like I said, I don't think anyone would look at them and say "ooh wow so amazing!".
But not like they say in the fluff, where entire planets surrender and give up their cultures because some tall dudes in armor showed up.
That's just nuts.
I'd be terrified of the prospect of facing them in battle as I would be to fight a fucking tiger or a gorilla, but I wouldn't see them as gods or angels.
No, because the Emperor would interrupt them and ask what they are doing here so soon.
Nukes fall, all of them die.
>they probably won't fare so well against tanks, air strikes and artillery.
They're basically resistant to tank fire and regular artillery outside of something awful like Koksans. Only reliable and accurat eway we'd have would be bunker buster cruise missiles or maybe massed Smerch/MLRS stuff.
Space Hulk sounds spooky
I should really play it one of these days
>Implying it isn't their time
>Implying they haven't come to liberate us
>Do they have enough to destroy every single armoured vehicle on the planet?
They don't need to. They could probably use light autocannons off IFV's instead.
>Are they faster than a fighter jet?
>Are they fast enough to dodge artillery strikes?
>Would their power armour survive a direct hit from a modern day main battle tank?
>I'm pretty sure they wouldn't survive being ran over by 60 tons of M1 Abrams, so there's that as well.
Given the lore bullshittery, they'll live.
Lore marines? Yes
Tabletop marines? Hell no
>If the latter, you'll start seeing all those sergeants getting their helmetless heads blown up by Super Elite Snipers with .50 cal sniper rifles or such.
Aren't their heads bulletproof up to small arms such as .50?
Live, maybe
Get up and keep on fighting?
fuck no
They'd be dreadnought material at best
It's 60 fucking tons.
5 kgs hitting you hard enough can easily kill, but getting ran over by SIXTY FUCKING TONS of metal ? yeah good luck walking after that.
And even if they can steal our weapons, they'd lose their biggest advantage: superior equipment
A bolter could maybe fuck up a tank badly enough that some power fisted asshole can rip it open, but a fucking machinegun can't hope to do that.
And then we just throw people with grenade launchers at them until they all die or wait for them starve or something
holy shit
>earth isn't actually holy Terra
>instead, humans from light years away come to liberate us
I hope to the Emperor this is true.